Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 15, 1911, Image 2
THE EVENING HERALD Published By the herald PUBLISHING CO. A. P, Perham, 8r. A. P. Per ham, Jr. Editor! and Proprietor*. Mi*t Carrie Perham,. Personal, Society and Local. Th* Waycross Herald founded la U85. Th* Dally Herald founded In 1192 >>y A. P. I’erliatn, Br. Telephone! BuslniJS Offlce 25 ’ ' Editorial 081a 25 Itceldence 208. Every Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycroaa, Oa., Poet- atf te aa second cleat mall matter. Office No. 8 Jana Street. RATES OF. SUBSCRIPTION. S Month! J2.E0 1 Tear NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBER* Subscriber! to Tba Harald that do Jot rectlre tba paper promptly and Stir Will pleaeo rlnf-up the Circuit. Hon Maneser end report the trouble lo Urn, aa tbla la tbo only meuni that era cun taanru yon psompt and early Solitary. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notice!* card! of thanks, , resolutions and notlcuu of entertain- manta, wbero ebursaa are made, will be charted at adrertlelng rate* of I ■ante a Una. THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of tbt United states Court of tbo Southern Dtatrlct of Georgia. WAYCROSS, OA., DEC. 18, 1011- Oeorgia baa a big crop of early bird candidate!. Moat of them will qot nipped In the bud. . * Let ue not bo unmindful of the fact that the, praaent oeeelon of Con greaa la made notable by the arrival of another Democratic Senator from Maine. + Senator Wetirore of Rhode Ieland and Senator Guggenheim ot Color At! > have announced their Intention to ro- tiro at the end of their prose* torma. * The Maaeachueetta Soclallata Juat. succeeded In getting at tbe November election the three .per cent that civ tltlaa them to be called a party and to have a place on the ofBclail ballot. 4 Clarence Darrow eaya he line taken hie laat cue, that he only took iho McNamara defence “under groat pf*t- euro.” About 150,000 worth of “fire*- euro," according lo the moat authen tic reports. United Statee Senator George P. Wetmore, or Rhode Islands, who la lt< retire neat year on account ot falling health, lota been a member of the senate since 1894, with the exception of one ytoi—1907—when hie aoat ,w»* vacant becauae of a deadlock In tie Legislature. ■ '*H The total production of cotton In the United States for the aeaaon of 1011-11 will amount to 7,121,711,00) pounds, (not Including llntera), or 14,885,000 bales of 500 pounds, groie weight, according to the drat official eaUmale of the also of the crop laauH at I p. m. Monday by the chop re porting board ot the Unlttd SUtoa Department or Agriculture and made up from reports of the correspondents I and agents of the bureau of statistics j throughout Ike cottou helL ' + TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR. I've come to lick the editor— By gobs! 1 want bis blood! < I want Ip club . Hla bead and rub His whiskers In the mud! I want to knock hla false teeth dowi Hla throat an' mash hlsmoae. An' break hla neck, ' 1 And troash hla speck, Tactos, and tear hla clothes! I’ve comr to lick Ihe editor,’' 'N I want hla printer* life! I’m mad clean through— An’ dad Is, Too; So likewise H my wife. We bad a big reunion To dur house yesterday An' all the Browns From forty towns Wu there fr*m miles away. A “Gatherin' of the dans" It * An' so we writ It down, An' sent It to The News-Review— Tbe weekly of our town. Tre come to lick tbe editor— Newspaper men la hama! He fixed that head line so It read— “The Gathering of the Clams!" , —Toledo Blade. PLANT TREE8. Don’t put It oB too long. The wrl- ter haw a lot of pretty Sycamore* fm sale, which he will guarantee If he superintends the setting out of Arne. Leave orders at Redding's Drug 8tore. Chas. H. Redding. Get the babIL smoke Cigars. Clear Havana. ■O. O. O.' IT ti STATE OF-GEORGIA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ATLANTA. The First Natlontl Bank located In the city of Waycroaa, having been ap pointed a State Depository, and har ing executed and filed In tils offlce a bond In the sum of FIFTY THOUS AND DOLLARS, conditioned for tho faithful discharge of Its duties, whim baa been accepted and approved by the Governor, It te therefore ordered: That the Tax Collector of the Couoty of Ware be and Is hereby lnstructoi to pay over to said bank all monora collected by him for and cn account of State taxes, except such aa may he paid directly Into (ha State Treasury and that notice ot thla ordor be given by publication In soma -newspaper ot general circulation published In *1 city where said bank la Ibcgted. Thla 24th day of November. 191L JOHN M. SLATON, President of Senate and Acting Gov* ernor. For coughing, dryness and tickling of Ihe throat, hoarseness and coughs and colds, take Foley'a Honey and Tar Compound. Contains no lpl- ate*. Gem Pharmacy, T. 8. Paine. THE WOODMEN OF WORLD. CAMP ISA Map7e first and third Thuipday ( a each month. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton. C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. On December 12 of Iasi year Doro thy Arnold, daughter of a wealthy merchant ot New York city, disappear «d suddenly. She waa laat seen wait lug on Fifth avenue. She had ben making purchase* ln_a bookshop and In a grocery store. When she loft the storee and walked up Fifth avenuo she walked Into a profound myaterv that remains unsolved. Her relatives and friends have spared nelthr pa.ni nor expense to trace her. Th* moat expert detective* have worked on the case. Hut the mysterious disappear ance of Mias Dorothy Arnold la now precisely what It was from the begin nlng. Members of Iho fimlly, It u said, have now given her up for dead The Incident merely show*, as haa been shown Innumerable times before, how Bias!! aa atom la a human being. —Savannah News. j UNION JEWERRY STORE 1 Watchmaker* and Engraver*. Alt Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 10S Plant At* Waycroaa, aa. WAKEFIELD LOOSE, NO. 0 KNIGHTS OR PYTHIAS.’ Children Cry for Fletchers evening at 8:00 ta Castle Hal Tlaat are Members a<* requested to attend, tad vmittni Knights are moat 00 dlally Invited to meet with ns. J. L. CRAWLEY, CL-tl T. H. Millar. K. at& A & * M. ot *. Buy a Malleable Range thla weak and gat n set of cooking utensils worth 07.00, fra* 12 tt Pi N. Harley Ildw. Co. For Appalachlcoln Oysters and fresh fish, phone 1S9. , 7 tt Tho Kind Yon Have Always Bought, end which has beep In use for over 30 years, boa borne the signature of • ' — and has been mode tinder his per- /V sonnl supervision since its Infancy. ■ tfiafTy, AUow.no oho to deceiveyouln thin, AU Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorto U a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It U Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cares Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tbe Food, regulates tbe Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Be are the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Fop Over '30 Years * » TH« CIWTMII OOMMUr/w MUIIW ItlltW.lltWrOM OTTs Atlantic Coast Line Schedule. ARRIVALS AT WA1 CROSS. DEPARTURES. from Savannah ■train igg .....5:60 am For Jeanp aad Sarannah T f9*RA pm Train 68 .o:66 an ,, jflvpK pm Train 18S .10:15 aa Tnln TT t 1A«1Q pm Train 180 1.. .. .7:JU gs Frcm Montgomery Train 58 frffiln IRA Ts^lft ft-, ..6:10 gn 6:15 am B:4B om FffV Montgomery Train 189 - ..0:10 an, From Balnbrldg* A Thomasvllle Train 67 .10:16 gn Train 18Z 10:0S pm From Albany Train OS 0:01 am min 81 0:11 am Train 07 0:00 pm From Chicago and Nortwast C. Special (via Albany).,..4:55 am Dal* Flyer (via TUton)....S:S6 am loath Atlantic Limited 6:85 am From Brunswick Train 96..., .. .. 7:00 am Train 00 0:00 pm From Jacksonville Train IS 1:55 pm Train it 10:15 pm Train 50 10:15 pm min It 10:05 pm From Tampa, High Sprint via Du pent min Ot ....7:15 pm For Balnbrldg* and ThomaavlU* Train 1S5 1:00 pF For Albany Train Ft -10:60 pi> Train 00 .... ....7:50 aa Train 00 0:10 p* For Chicago and Northwest L C. Special (via Albany).- 10:00 pn Dixie Flyer (via Tlftorf) ....10:10 pa South Atlantlo Limited.. ..10:10 pa For Brunswick Train 01 10:10 an Train 07 0:10 pn For Jacksonville Train 05 (DM# Flyer 1:40 a« Train 03 5:00 an (Train It .... 0:40 an rain SI 0:10 pn For Tampa, High Springs Train el ....t:00 aa For through Schedule* Pullman reservation* ate. Call On E. M. North. A. G. P. A. H- «<** A *“ t Havana ah A.- Waycroaa. O*. Advertise In "the HERALD! r ^,jr L ttT^ 'A fl YOUR HUNTING OUTFIT IS WAITING HERE FOR YOU • GUNS, AMMUNITION, REVOLVERS—ALL NECES SARY HUNTING AQCOUTERMENTS—OOODS NEW AND MODERN. «• A SUCCESSFUL HUNTING TRIP NECESSARILY DEPENDS LARGELY ON YOUR GUN AND AMMUNI TION. WHEN YOU START GO PROPERLY PREPARED WITH ;Q0008 FROM OURWELL ASSORTED STOCKS' —TOUR'S ARE WAITING FOR YOU AND THEY ARE ' REASONABLY PRICED. Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSS, ’ GA What Stall I Give ior Cknstmas? THIS PROBLEM 10 ARISING IN EVERY HOME IN THE LAND AND IS BEING SOLVED UNIVERSALLY BY THE PUR- CASE OF ELECTRIC COOKING AND' HEATING APPLIANCES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD DEVICES. ADDED TO THE CHARM OF THEIR APPEARANCE IS THE FACT THAT THEY ARE EX CEEDINGLY USEFUL AND THEIR CON8TANT USE IN THE HOME8 OF THEIR POSSESSORS. IS AN EVER PRESENT RE MINDER OF THEIR DONORS. THIS COMPANY HAS A NUMBER OF THE MOST POPULAR DEVICES ON 8ALE AT LA ORANOS PHARMACY. DEVICES VARY'IN COST FROM TWO DOLLARS FOR A HANDY IMMERSION LIQUID HEATER 10 FIFTEEN DOLLAR8 FOR A SEWING MACHINE MOTOR. I C WOULD IN- TERE8T YOU TO EXAMINE THEM.' Ware County Light and Power Company. Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. Pittsburg Lawn Fence IS THE 80LUTION OF THE PROBLEM, KEEPS THEM .IN OR OUT, BESIDEB, IT AOD8 TO THE LOOKS AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY, THE PLACE TO GfiT IT 18 R: J. ANTROm Hardware Co. 98-100 PLANT AVENUE. When You Stroll STROLL TO La Grande Pharmacy AU thelafett HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Glass TOILET ARTI CLES, RUBBER GOODS and DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES >7 , ■