Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 15, 1911, Image 5
nil A paieiuca raifca con* _ : . — care center and water* ®* ***ra hast/ r-“.^/ U n P . P ^i: The piece which eete E?iggXt mmSSmuS **»«•“ «*» fcw stamped Pad- eliminate all the objec* ding Pan, with holca around the top for Uona of Inferior method*, ataamlnr. whan It la need la that cape- •i—i dtp. Thia vaaaal la equipped with a A \ , haary tin "New Kink” Pot Coyer. It as. Copper Eaadeomaljr Nickel* pitted ftemi T«t The Salvation Army ot Waycrou. Georgia, It preparing tj give a Free Christmas Dinner to three hundred !.r^rthr poor of this city. Will you help ue with liberal donation to make thia effort a success? Ycijra to help tare the loit poor, Capt and Mrs. Gossett, Officers In charge. Phone 618, P. 0. Box 628. Lasts Patent Anti-Bern Drip Pan, 14 1.2"*20". ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD jyuail 1 J..' t; — Xmas s Coming Turkeys Turkeys Turkeys Seud.us your or der. Can sell you Turkeys every day rom now until X*RS. Better See Us Wilson Grocery Company W. M. Wilson, Mgr. h one 128, Wilson Block PATENTS PERSONAL AID LOCAL THE MERCHANT OF VENICE, On Tuesday evening, December V\ the jumior and senior basset of Bunn- Bell will present “The Morchant of Venice” as Shakespeare would have If he had lived in. the twentieth cen tury. The scene Is the Venice of old, but football has made lta way into the habits and speech of the Venetians and naturally the immortal passages j of the play have undergone a sligat change*- Antonio and hls # friends have been rejftvenaed into football herooa. Laucclot Gobbo has neon Americanized and that means that his role Is whole comedy In itself. The incorv grulty of American wit and humor in serted in the formal thought and speech of the Elizabethan era is first wholly amazing and then uproarously delightful. The play will be present ed at the Parker Theatre Tuesday, and the proceeds to go to the Boon-Bell athletic. Csste of Characters. Duke of Venice—Walter Radford. Antonio—Kontz Bennett. Bassanlo—George O'Quinn.. Gartlano—Ray Smith. Shylock—Will C. Parker. Launcelot Gobbo- -Hugh Celebris! The Profftssor and Photographer- John Spier. Policeman—Ben Well*. Portia—Jessie Caiwwell, Nerlssa—Leila Summtrall. , Jealca—Vida Moore. AT THE MAJESTIC. Film No. 1. “The Better Way. Showing how happiness Is brought to tin ex-convict through the love and kindness of a Salvation Army lassie A strong and highly satisfactory d$a ma with a moral, by the “Imp" Pic ture Company. t , ' Film No. 2. “Legend of the ^ag! A drama of Napoleon produced by Vue ‘Eclair” Picture Company. VIRDIE STABLES. PHONE 63, THE VIRDIE STABLE FOR YOUR TURN-OUT. YOUR OR- DER WILL BE PROMPTLY FILLED. 13 3t For the best in fresh'meats, W. J. Parker can'please you. Prompt d f . liveries. Phone 388. 13 „*t A football, glove, mlt or baseball will delight the boys for Xmas. 14 3t P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. The “Georgians” aro requested to meet promptly at three o’clock tomor row afternoon at the Y. M. C. A. par lor. Very Serious It la n very serious matter to tsk or one medicine and have the I wrong oso given you. -For this reason we urge you In buying to I be careful to got the genuine— BLAMWGHT Liver Medicine I The reputation cf this old, rails- j bla medicine, for constipation, in digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitato other medicines. It is better then others, or it would not bo the fa vorite liver powder, with a largo ■ala than all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN F3 We Invite you to hare hot coffee and biscuit with us any day thia week. Cooking demonstration of the Sou'h Bend Malleable Range. 12 2t {“. N. Harley Hdw. Co. Appalachlcoln Oysters and fresh Bah '—phone 189. 7 tl CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Tin Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature of ' Choice ell fine , trimmed . pattern feats, 88 1-3 off. Humphreys & Williamson. JOae lot ot ladles flnt tailored sutta, re3Ulnr $15—now $9.99. Humphreys & Williamson. A distinguished visitor to Waycross today la Mr. W. C. Woodall, of the Induatrial Index of Columbus, Ga The Industrial Index, under the able guidance of Mr. Woodall, Is one of the most Interesting and moat valua ble publications In the South. Mr Woodall was a pleasant caller at The Herald office. Buy a gentleman Gillette Safety razor tor Xmas. 14 3t P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. WE ArRE HEADQUARTERS FOR POULTRY PEED—YES WE ARE. 14 3t C. 8. HARDY A 80N. NOTICE'' “ The tax books will positively close next Wednesday, December 30. Call early and avoid the rush. I can be found In my office in Court Houee. J. T. Strickland, Tax Collector Ware County. For first-clan rubber tire and wire wheel work at prices right, at# J. T. McGee, 21 Albany avenue. 12 30t CAUSE8 MUCH DISEASE Advice About Stomach Troubles and How To Relieve Them. Do not neglect Indigestion which may lead to all aorta ot Ills and com- ptllcatlons. An eminent phyalda'i once aatd that ninety-five per cent at all the Ills of the human body have their origin In a disordered stomach Our experience with Rexall Dyspep sia Tablet! leads us to believe them to be among the most dependable ram edlee known for the relief of Indiges tion and chronic dyspepsia, Their in gredlenta are soothing and heallnz to the inflamed membranes of tho stomach. They are rich in pepsin, one of the greatest digestive aids known to medicine. The pellet they afford la very prompt. Their «« with persistency and regularity for a ahort.tlme tends to bring about a cessation of the pains caused by atom ach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets help to Insure healthy appetite, to old diges tion, and thus promote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith In Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets, we oak you to try them at our risk. If they do not gt 7 > yon entire satisfaction, we will re turn yon the money paid ns for them, without question or formality. Ther come In three else*, prices 26 cents, 60 cento, and $1.00. Remmber, you con obtain tbm only at our store—Tho SAVED MANY PROM DEATH. W. L. Mock, of Mock, Ark., believes he has saved many lives In his 26 years of experience In the drug busi ness. “What I always like to do,” he writes, “Is to recommend Dr. King's N'ew Discovery for weak, sore lungs, hard colds, hoarseness, obstlnat; nughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or other bronchlcsl affection, for I feel sure that a number ot my neighbors are alive and well today because they took my odvtce to use It I honestly believe Its the best throat and lung medicine that's made.” Easy to prove he's right Get a trial bottle free, or regular 60 cent or $1.00 bottle. Guar- anteed by All Druggists. HAIR HEALTH. If.' You Have Scalp Or Hair Trouble! Accept this Offer. When we promise your money back for (lie mere asking If Roxall "j 1' Hair Tonic does not do na we claim H will, you certainly have no reason for even hesitating to try It.' We do uoi nek you to obligate yourself in any We One lot ladles fine tailored suits, regular $20—now $14.99. Humphreys & Williamson. could not afford to So strongly endorse Rexall "93" Hair Tonic i'll' continue to sell It- as we do, If it did not do all we claim. Should our or. 1 Ihtulasm carry its away, and Rexall “93" Hair Tonic not give entire satis faction to the users, they would loose In us and our statemenets, and. In consequence our business prestige would suffer. Therefore, when we assure you that Rexall "93” Hair Tonic will promp'!/ eradicate dandruff, stimulate nair protvth and prevent premature bald ness. you nTay rest assured we know what we are talking pbout. We honestly believe that RSxnll "91" Hair Tonic will do more than any .Other human agency fcward restoring hair growth and hair health. It !• not greasy and wlH not gum tho •cap or hair or cause permanent statu. It is as pleasant te use as pure cold water. It comes in two sizes, prices 50 cents and $1.00. Remember, you can obtain It only at our store—The Rexall store. The Seals Pharmacy Shoes and hosiery—That's all. $ 3t The Standard Shoe Co. Special prices on all ladles childrens cloaks. Humphreys & Williamson. One lot ladles fine tailored suits, regular $32—now $17.60. Humphreys & Williamson, Christmas cut price salt of all tail- oral'suits and fltia. trimmed hats 33 1-3 per cent off. . w Humphreys & Williamson, The prettiest and dalntlsat lot- of Xmas handkerchiefs ever shown In the city at MIse Eddie Parnell’a Big shipment electric fans recelv ed. Byck Electric Supply Co. $0 Lott Street 18 tf Out lot special fine tailored suits, regular $30 and $35—now $22.50. Humphreys & Williamson. See notlco of public sale of horses at A. C. L. depot, coming next weok. F. B. MITCHELL, D. C. M. D. OSTEOPATH, and Phyaiclsn and Surgeon, Office 419-21 LaGrande Building. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 6 p. m Residence Phono 873. Office 321. RING 174 FOR WOOD. PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, The Honorable Hoke Smith did, on the 15th day Novembsr 1911, resign the office of Oovernor of this State thereby creating a va cancy In said office: THEREFORE, I, John M. Slaton, President of the Senate, exercising the executive powers of the govern ment as provided by Per. 8, Section of the 5th. Article of the Constitution of this State and laws In pursuance thereof, do Issue this my proclamation ordering a special election for Gov ernor to fill the vacancy so occasion ed for the unexpired term, to bo held on the loth day of aJnuary, 1J12, un der the Ian of this State gov. ernlng geneeral elections. I also con voke tho Qeneral Assembly ot Gorjla In extra session, at the Capitol of this State, on the 24th day of January 1912, at 19 o'clock a. m., to receive the returns and declare the result ot said special election or to elect a Governor In case no person shall receive majority of the whole number of votee such special election, ts provided the Conetltutlon ot this State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF 1 have hereunto set my band and caused tbs Great Seal of the Stats to be affixed hereto, this 10th day ot November, 191L JOHN M. SLATON, President of Senate Exercising tbs Executive Powers of the Government. 23 tt MAYCROSS COUNCIL NO. Jr. O. U. A. M. Meets every Monday svenlsg In Red Wen's Hall, Lott-HItcb building at I a m. Visiting brothers cordially Invited to meat rlth us. Bberod Collins, L. Carl Collins. Reo-Bectr. Councilor Advertise In The Waycross Evening Hamid. The Road to Independence If not tho spenders route. Deposit your salary with us, we issue you a pass-book and check book; pay ail your bills up by check, thus avoiding the necessity and worry of making your monoy stretch to next payday. You know how it is, money in your pocket never, lasts. /• * V0UR BiW ACCOUNT Will stop the leaks, snd, If It is your desire to get ahead, will eventually make you Independent. Start an ac count with us today; a large amount not neceisary; just your wask's or month’s salary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYCROSSS RE80URCE8 8800.000.00 CAPITAL $200,000.00 8URPLU8 AND PROFITS. WILLIAMS’ BLACKSMITH Shop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPPOSITE WILLIAMS STREET. WHEELRIOHT AND REPAIRINOL HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY, RUBBER TIRES PUT ON WHILE te Will Give)fou\ m . « ,Coddn?Ware/ 7hb FREE Two butt cIomU, with sanitary drop FIuee com* plot*)? our* roundod with aebsstoe In*il lation. Larta lower P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 PLANT AVE. .. viabM >- bul v ’ >