Newspaper Page Text
Special To Tlie Herald.
Jersey City, N. J, Dec. 14.—Stephen
E. Egan, county collector ot Hudsoo
Sounty, wss placed on trial today on-
dor an Indictment charging him with
the embezzlement of public funds.
The buying ot Gifts appropriate
to the person for whom the Gift is
intended is. sometimes a difficult
Indianapolis, Ind., Dec. 14.—No fed
eral grand Jury that hear mist In this
city nttraqted ihe amount of public,
attention that is displayed In the bode
that begun Its session today. Tho
McNamara conspiracy Is to be probed
to tbo bottom by the grand Jury. .
Sped Seal ly the Federal Inquiry is
as to whether or not die statute gov
erning Interstate transportation of dy
namite has been violated, but it Is Un
general belief that United States Dis
trict Attorney Miller will Introduce
evidence tending to show the conn*.!-
tlon of many persona iii the dynamit
ing operations of the McNamaras.
Rumors are freely circulated today
that this evidence, gathered under the
dlredlon of Deteotlve William J.
Barns, Is of a most startling charac
ter. No attempt Is being made by
the authorities to conceal their pur-
"higher up"
You want beautyj. you
would like to include serviceability.
The Gift that is purely ornamental can never be so
satisfactory as the one that combines.
beauty with service
Your Christmas selections from this rflore HAVE THESE TWO
QUALITIES, and the result of a purchase made here is to endow your
gift with all that a gilt should have. It will not be carft aside and
forgotten in a few weeks or months, but will give years pf useful
service, adding pleasure and comfort to the home where it goes. Such
a gilt is worthy of your consideration, and the co’rft is no more. Our
large ftore is filled with hundreds of articles from which you can seledt
a suitable gift for any friend or member of the family, and if it is
more convenient for you to pay AFTER Chri&mas you can arrange
the term9 to suit, either in 30, 60 or 90 days rft SPOT CASH PRICES,
or on small monthly payments. •
; Special To Tho Herald.
Vancouver, B. C., Dec. 15.—With Iho
Anal completion today of the new
Vancouver Arena, this city la able to
boaat ot the Iargeat Ice rink In Cana,
da. The building aeata over 10,Odd
The arrangement of aeata la aucb
that every spectator will have a pen
feet view of the arena.
The ice surface measures 210 feet
The arena will be devot-
Tot:. I »168,812.27
Capital stock paid In $76,000.00
Surplus Fund ...» 4,600.00
Undivided Prodts, less Current
Expenses, Interest and Taxes
Paid 2,21118
Individual Deposits Subject to
Check .* • 68,22.7.65
Savings Deposits 8,191.63
Certified Checks 245.92
Cashier's Checks 385.1.3
Notes and Bills Redlsconntod 20,000.0V
DOfe to bring the men
than the McNamara brother* to ."at
tic* by revealing the existence of
syndicate of dynamiters nation-wide In
by 86 feet,
el principally to hockey contests.
One woman who know, how neces
sary it Is to stay well Is Mrs. Herman
of North Birmingham, (Ala.) Her
daughter, Miss Nona, says In a letter.
"We hare used Vinol In our family
Whenever my mother
Total $168,812.27
State of Georgia, County ol Ware.
H. McRae,
Elegant Assortment of Rockers
We are showing 200 styles at prices to
fit any purse, the newest styles and [patterns
in Rattan are here with Settees and tables
to match,. We have a large assortment in
Oak and Mahogany, alto a number of great
values In Turkish Rockers, some upholstered
in be& quality chase leather and others in
genuine leather with the famous guaranteed
Seng springs,
Before me came
Cashier of The Exchange Bank,'who,
being duly sworn, says that the above
and foregoing statement Is a Irue
condition of said Bank as shown by
the* books on Ale In said Bank.
W. H. McRae.
8worn to and subscribed before me I
this 16th day of December, 1911.
Hal Lambdln,
Notary Public, Ware Co. Oa.
for four year*,
gets a bad cold or feels weak aul
run-down she always urea Vino] and,
It makes her well again. She says
Vinol gives her strength and duIUs
her up."
Special To The Herald.
Columbus, O.. Dec. 14.—The etas#
pardon board at Its meeting tomorrow
2s expected to consider and act upon
an application for the parole of Charl
es L. Warrlner, who waa sentenced (o
six years In the penitentiary following
Us confession to having misappropria
ted $643,ooo of the fund* of the Big
Hour Railroad.
Warrlner was for many years local
treasurer or the Big Four at Clncln u-
tl His arretl and trial, In which e.l-
Hence was Introduced to show that
Warrlner had given alleged 'limit
money" In large amounts to Mrs.
Jennelto Stewart Ford, attracted corn
try-wide attention.
With the usual allowance for tlind
off for good behavior Warrlner won! 1
complete his sentence In three yeira
ttlne months and 18 days. He has bent
In the penitentiary two j ears. During
the whole or that time he has occupied
on* qf the best delicti positions In
the main office of >H* orison.
SHOULD WOMEN VOTE. promise to give back your money
No one keeps posted on the great vinol does not satisfy you. Try VI
work being done by women In pro- The Seals Pharmacy,
fesslonal and business life, and, most ,
'Important ot all. la (he American ,. ' ■
home, can for a moment doubt the/ EGOS TOO HIQH7 WELL, T
would vote wisely. AUNT PATSV’S DRY MASH A
If they would only guard their own SEE IF YOU DON’T RUN T
health as carefully as they do their' PRICE DOWN AT YOUR HOME,
children's they could accomplish even 14 3t C- 6. HARDY A SON.
A Great Display of Dining Room Furniture
The largest line ever shown in this city. Thirty pat
terns of China Cabinets from the leading factories of the
country at prices from $16,00 to 350.00. Fifty patterns of
high class Sideboards at from $16,00 to 375.60. Thirty five
dtyles of Buffets from $19.00 to $50.00. A large line of
Pede&al Extension Tables from $11,50 to . $50.00. Seventy-
five patterns of Chairs from 80c up to $11,50 each.
If your house or the bouse of your friend is mtde waim end bxij ht
with the Christmas spirit and ibe holiday tokens offered by this dlore,
THAT house will remain cherry and comfortable through all the days
of 1912. Remember the best gift is the gift that serves.
Waycrosa Savings and Trudt Co
We take pleasure' In announcing
tkat any of our readers can uocure a
pretty vest pocket note book and cal
endar by aeadlng 4 ono-cent atampa
to D. 8wift 4k Co., Patent Lawyer*,
Waablngton, D. C. Id addition to the
4' blank page* for memoranda. It con
tain! calendar* for 191! and 1913, the
population of the 600 largeet cttlee,
20 In each atale, according to th*
cenau* ot mo. th* population* and
area ot each state, the number ot
slsctorsl vole* each presidential can
didate received from each state In
1908, th* number ot Democrats and
Republicans elected to Congress by
sack state In 1908 ind 1910, n chap-
tar ot-useful information, and a chap-
tar ot qteful law potnta tor every day
nse. This kook would coat 26 cent*
at a book store. 12 6 tt
1 Davenports and Couches
either in genuine leather or in best guaranteed
chase leather. Our line is exttusive, compris
ing about thirty styles at a wide range of prices.
The Davenports are from $78.00 to $50.00, the
Couches from $16.00 to 50.00
Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extract-id
when you can have it done for 50c and witho
pain All other wor k done at very reasonnb
charges. Everything guaranteed
The Dentist,
The ideal gift for father, husband or broth
er. We have fifty different patterns, including
the famous Royal Push Button kind, the auto
matic and the rod style, in all the popular finishes
and upholsterings. They are Priced from
$10.00 TO $20.00
Folks' Block
I ct as All your order tor Oyster*
sd trash Ash. Phone ISt! T tt
guaranteed to satisfy CUSTOMERS
Backache, Headache, Nervousness
And rheumatism, both In men and we
aken. mean kidney trouble. Do not
allow II to progress beyond (he roach
vt medicine but atop It promptly with
FWey Kllney Pills. They regulate the
action ot t v artnary organa. Tslaa
ta avion, quick result*. Gem Pharma
cy. T. a. Pain*.
We are shewing a beautiful line of Pictures, Ladies' Writing,
Desks, Library Cases, Parlor Cabinets, Parlor and Library Tables, Sec-4
tionai Book Cases, Rugs, all sizes and prices, Dinner Sets from $6.00
to $18,00, Brass Beds,. Chifferobes, Wardrobes, Chiffoniers, Ladies’
Toilet Tables; Stoves £nd Ranges for coal or wood, the famous “Char
ter Oak” Line. '
“The Store of Great VaIues|Where YourQCredit Is Good’’
Walker-Hood Furniture Co.
-0 EatabNahed 18««. Paid In Capital track *30,000.00
mv tw am rmtrway fuwi tn w Now hAT*oT^»»tw«- n tr u. «»irfs
wet*. Wr hgvsroqrsMMsolJut* cskhigs $-1—tgtfcgn all other pan—«4e de *•
naillatS. WHV> tevaapp our punt* u»i plrw» or »w send Twor *><*** berk. Ord
time *-> —i thp«a i-iaau ta rwM«W(ri nu» earty cabUcw anattty ara U
If the'a ii hay. it the ctf*
Is nudwelstr than Schlitx?
Would (E. H.) Southern Select Old*