Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 18, 1911, Image 1
WAYCROSS.GA., MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, I9ll NUMBER 22' VOLUME XIX ON HIS RECENT RULING BY THE SOUTHERN RY THE YEAR 1912 Gives One Thousand Dol lars To Briceville . Sufferers In Regard To The Prac- Meeting Held At Court House Saturday-Cowart Lecturer tice of Making Christmas Gifts portion of bl* Ufa, Ha not onljr weathered every panic, but bli finan cial liability aupported many of tbo larfaat mercantile enterprlaea In the country. NEW HAMPSHIRE » ORANGE MEETING. I, Special To The Herald. Manchester, N. H., Dec, 18.—Progrea ( elve farmer* from all aectlon* ot the I State arrived In Mancheeter today to , take part In the thirty-eighth annual : meeting of the New) Hampshire State : Orange. . The regular bualnen of the meeting will be-taken up tomorrow morning and will conclude wfth the Inatallallon of officer* next Thunday. "Reclamation of North Carolina’* Wet Land*", by Dr. Joaeph Hyde Pratt, Oeologtat of North Carolina. "The Wet and Overflowed Land* of Odotgla," (Illustrated . lecture) by Prof. 8. W. McCallie, Geologist of Georgia. . "The Reclamation of Georgia'* Wet and Overflowed Land'*," by J. O. Phillip*, United State* Drainage mu tineer. Dtacugilon of the Drainage question, by Congressman William O. Brantley, and moat enduring gift you oouid make. You can do ao'If yon are in earnest. Come and wo'U-poInt out the way. Don't fee) that you have not cash enough. You don't need much. A.M.Knight & Son Phone 266 LaGrande Bldg. POST OFFICE ROBBED ISSUE FOR POWER CO, WILL PAY EXPENSES The Georgia Railway And | Of The Second Convention Power Company’s Re- i If it Will Meet In quest Granted i “Windy City” Early This Morning—Was Evidently Work of • Professionals The po*C office at Fitzgerald wa» broken Into and robbed this morning about 2 o'clock. The safe waa blown open with dynamite, and a number of registered packages, which were blown over the room wore ovelrooked by tbo robber* and left lying on the floor. The amount the robber* secured ' could not be learned. From the Infor mation obtained It seems that the dy namiter* were professional* and well versed In safe blowing. YOUNG MAN KILLED. Arcble A. McKinnon, a young wblte man, aged 16 years, was accidental killed Saturday at the Hebard “Cypress Company'* mill. The deceased was a son of Mr. John McKinnon, who lives out on KettlS Creek. The funeral and Interment occurred at Oakland Cemetery yea terday. The cervices were conducted by Rev. R. A. Brown. GUNS AND PI8T0L8 AT AUCTION. I will sell at auction to tho highest bidder, before the Court House door ot 10 o’clock, Saturday, December 23, a number of guns and platola to pay charges for repairs made at my shop. .Winchester, pump guns, breechload era, rifles, etc. l«„$t J. T. McGee. Atlanta, Oa., Dec. 18.—The Georgia Railroad Commission Saturday proved a (47.000,000 stock and bond issue of the Georgia Railway and Power Company, a consolidation of numerous north Georgia water power concerns financed largely by New York, Boston and Canadian Interests. The company asked permission to capitalize at (27,000,000 and Issue (30,000,000 bonds. The former, was cut to (17,000,000, while the latter waa approved. Whether this compro mise' will be accepted will be decided by the company officials In New York this week. Matters concerning approval of leases, which involved the Tallulah Falls controversy, were dismissed, the commission deciding that It did not possess the necessary Jurisdiction. Chicago, III., Dec. 18.—V^th one national pellUoal convention coming to Chicago in 1812, citizens hpre liave pledged themselvee to pay-all oxpens ee of tbo second If it shouldjbe voted here at the meeting of Its natldnsl committee la Washington, January 8. Fred W. Upturn, who was mado chairman of a committee to guarantee tho expensos of the Republean gath ering in June, today also accepted the Chairmanship of a non-partisan ohm mlt Teewhlch will undertake to guar antee the expenses of tl)e Democratic national meeting. The Democratic committee brought together by Mayor Carter H. Harrison was merged with the Republican cbm mlttoe to. procure the necessary funds, which will approach (200,000. JOHN R. WALSH WILL PROBATED Special To The Herald. Chicago, ill., Dec. ISA—The will of John R. Walsh, the former Chicago banker who died early In November following his release from the Leav enworth penitentiary, was admlttsd to probate today. Mr. Walsb left an estate of (808,000 The will named his wld.ow, Mr*. Mary L. Walsh, ps the sole heir. PROF. 3. W. McCALLIE, STATE GEOLOGIST IN THE CITY. Prof. S. W. McCallie has arrived in the city and says that Prof. B. M. Hall, of Atlanta, formerly chief of the U. S. Reclamation work in Porto Rico and an International engineer will be In attendance at the Drainage Con gress on tomorrow and will talk on _ . , .. , >■», Special To The Herald, drainage and Irrigation. • , —c*-’ Hon. Walter McElreath, of. Atlanta, will speak on Drainage Legislation. Governor John M. Slaton will also be In attendance. Knoxville, Dec. 18.—The Soutl(ern Railway company has donated (1,000 for the relief of the euSerera from the disaster at the Gross Mountain mine at Briceville. This is the largest contribution that has been received so fsr In Knoxville. President W. W. Flnfe; ot the Southern Railway Company, wired General Superlntneddnt G. R. Loyall, at Knoxville, aa follows: "Realizing the terrible nature of the mine disaster at Briceville, Tenn., and sympathizing deeply with the fam lllcs of the miners who have lost their lives, tho management of the Southern Railway Company will sub scribe'(1,000 for the relief of the apt- ferero from the disaster. "Please advise me In whose favor voucher should he made to insure tho disbursement of the money, .so that it will accomplish tho must good. New Lot of Gloves New Lot of Neckwear New Lot ot Fancy Vests New Lot of Mufflers and Reefers New Lot of Bath Rohes New Lot of Sweater Coats New Lot.of Soft Shirts Everything you wear. All New H. C, SEAMAN. New York, Dec. 18.—Dit Lyman Abbott, the noted clergyman, author and odltor, received many congratula tions today on hla seventy sizth birthday anniversary. Dr. ^Abbott waa born in Fosbury, Mas,?;'December 18, 1836. 'Savannah, Ga., Dec. 18.—President Charles H. Markham of the Central of Georgia, Illinois Central and Ocean Steamship Company, has written letter giving a clear cut exprusion of hta position In regard to the holtdxy gift making practice which by ezecu tivo order has. been stopped tin tbeae lines. Mr. Markham writes: "I think it should be plain to everyone that there la nyne of the spirit of Christmas giv ing attached to the gift from a rep rCsentntlve of a selling concern to an employe of the buyer, and the accep tance of presents from those to whom no logitlmate service hae been ren dered creates an obligation in the part of the recipient to which he should not permit himself to bo subjected." The custom ot representatlves'of railroad supply houses to give pres enis to officials of railroads, particu larly purchasing agents, has been In vogue a long time, but this year the management of moat of the big lines have ordered the practice Hopped. Aii order to this effect waa recently Issued by Vice President Wlnburn of the Central'of crefliilgr OVERLAND “30"—FOUR IN STOCK. It’s our business to give you s long ride In our new Overland*. If you don’t buy one Ifs our fault Call up Kollley’a Garage, 016. 14 6t cod DRAINAGE MEETING OPENS IN Tho annual convention o fthe Geor-■ Hon.'Charles a. Edwards, Senator gla Drainage Congress, an organize-J Hoke Smith, Hon. L. R. Aiken of | lion perfected in Way cross lost No--Brunswick, Hon. Walter McElreath ®®® The Ware County Farmers' Union met at the Court House Saturday, it being the regular monthly meeting. Officers for year 1912 were elected as follows: P. E. Wildes, President, D. L. Bennett, Vice President J. Staten Smith, Secretary and Treasurer. E. B. Aycock, Door Keeper, J. T. McGee; Conductor. • Jamfla Cowart, Lecturer. ' • IMPORTANT TO - LYCEUM PATRONS On aoeount of the fact that the manager of the English Opera Singers la suffering from a temporary ludlapo- siUon, the engagement announced for this -evening la postponed. The next amrfrr of the Lyceum course will be given on January 8th, when Brush and his magicians come. CENTENARY OF NOTEO MERCHANT Special To The Herald. • New York, Dec. 18.—The dry goods trado In the metropolis Joined today in a auitabld observance of the cente nary of the birth ot Horace B. Claflln one ot the greatest merchants Ameri ca ever produced. Mr. Claflln was born In Milford, Maas., December 18,1811, and engaged when a boy In the dry goods business. From s humble beginning his buslnsst grew to the largest in the country. The organization whlcti be perfect, ed la still one of tbo largest in ths world and Its sales In a single year have aggregated moro .than (76,000.- vembor, will convene In Waycrosc to-,end Governor John M. Slaton of At-■ I Mr. Claflln'a claim to tamo rests morrow morning at the court bonce at 9:30 o’clock, George W. Deen, president, presiding. All citizens are urged to attend the mcetlncc, which will be held morning and arternoon. Talks, of Interest will be made by soma of the moat promi nent men of the state, among them being Governor John M. Slaton. The convention adjourns tomorrow after noon to reconvene at Coleraine Wed nesday morning for a real Georgia barbecue and fish fry, the members of the convention going a* guests Messrs J. B. Lewis, W. J. Sanders and Judge John T. Myers. The party for Coleraine will -leave from the union station Wednesday morning promptly at slit o'clock. The program In detail follows; Morning Saaslon, Convention called to order at Court House at 9 a. m. Prayer, by Rev. W. H. Scruggs. Address of Welcome, ^rot. E. A. Pound. < largely upon hla shrewd financiering Afternoon Session. during the psnldf that disturbed the "The Relation of Dnlnmge to the bu,lne “ world < ,urin * Agricultural Development of the South,’’ by Hon. E. J. Watson, Com missioner of Agriculture, Commerce and Industries ot South Carolina. "Tro Value of Tile Drainage and Results In North Georgia," by Dr. Lon G. Hardman, of Jackson county, “The Railroad’s Interest In Drain age," by Cot. Alexander R. Lawton, vice president of the Central of Geor gia, of Sarsnnah, and Wade H. Leahy, General Passenger Agont of Ibe Ah lanta, Birmingham and Atlantic, of Atlanta. Oensral diacuaslon by member* and visitors. * Report of Loyiststlve Committee, by the Chairman', Judge J, L. Sweat, Adjournment to meet at Coleraine on St. Marya River, December 20tb. at 9 a. m., for a real Georgia barbecue and llch fry. PERMIT US TO POINT OUT The Greater contentment end enjoy ment Christmas brings to the happy Mmlty ocupylng Its own home. A CHRISTMAS PRESENT OF A REAL HOME To your wife would be the very finest