Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 18, 1911, Image 2
thst be doesn't? "Sank llornlinnlt indignantly dc- 1 nios tkat eko li to lid married again.” | But If Bko wants to marry again Nat Goodwin la dlacnjntgod at the present. ONION JEWELRY STORE Watchmakers and Engravers. All Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 105 Plant Ave, Waycross, Qa. WAKEFIELD LOOSE, NO. *y knights op pytm.a*. I \ klet-is er ttoeda; > At 1:00 la I >■$$ H C “ tu 1,1,1 * in I tyt'Z&jd-j Itabw SW requeued I ' ■' Knights are most ta* dlaliy tattled to meet with as. J. L CRAWLET, a a T. H. Miller. K-etatS-fclLorF. Doubtlees the McNamaras hare too many troubles of their own to permit these to he properly Impressed by the tears they caused us to shed. Buy a Malleable Range this tre.Vt and get a set ot cooking utensils worth R.M, tree, list P. N. Harley HcJsr. Co. The Colonel says he tent running fur the, presidency, and the Boston Globe says ho Isn't running away from It. And ke needn't run away from IL for It’s pretty certain It's not going Is try to catch him. * For Appal&chtcola Oysters and fresh fish, phone 139. V 7 tf “Somebody has raised a question I v. hot her there was such a boat as the Mayiower.” Maybe for the reason (Ui additional proof has been discov ered’that In her latter days she was a slayer' j Children Cry for Fletcher’s Published By HERALD PUBLISHING A. P. Perham, 8r. A. P. Perham, Jr, Editors and Proprietors. Miss Carrje Perham, Personal, Society and Locals Since Mr. Rockefeller ■ denied all those Merrlt charges years ago'under oath, as he says, why shouldn't ho be willing to deny theta all under oath The Waycross H'rald founded In 4885. The Dally Herald founded In 1892 by A. P. rerham, Sr. Telephones Business Office 25 Editorial OJlie 26 Residence - 2C8. Every Afternoon Except 8unday. Roosevelt'.spys ho Is not going to endorse Taft or anybody else next year, and that h«r doesn’t want It himself. L6dks as if *b* Republicans might Just as well disband. Entered at the Waycross, Ga., Post* •if re ftp second class mall matter. Office No. 8 Jane Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. . Month f 1 Months f • ‘Months $ t Tear I . A contributor to J-be- Roanoke, Va., Leader wrote a half column poem on the killing of a pig- Really there Is something almost poetic about a full smokehouse this winter. NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do lot recelvo the paper promptly and early will please ring-up the Circula tion Manager and report the trouble, la him, as this Is the only means that we can assure you prompt and early delivery. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, cards of thanks, resolutions and notices of entertain ments, where charges gre made, will he charged at advertising rates of S tents a lint. THE EVENING HERALD THE HERALD IE THE Official Organ of Gin United butts Court of the Fonthorn District' of Georgia. WAYCROSS, OA„ DEC. 18. 1911. A cheerful liar la more enlcrtnlnlng than a glyomo truth teller. * A woman doesn't admire her pho tograph unlors It. flatters her—or n man, eltlo.t, tor that matter. CABINET WORK, l am (till at tka aamo oil stand, 29 Brewer (treat, mod prepared to do alL Unde of cabinet work, ulhplsterlng, trank repelling, etc. Haring ddne four work for the past six years think I know bow to Ur* you tbo Ind of work you -srahL When you need any repairing done, remember J. X. WAITE, The old reliable Cabinet-Maker, Brewer afreet, phone 2P4. 22 tt Get the habit, smoke Cigars. Clear Havana. Almost anybody would pick Oyetor liny ns the scene of the neat big disturbance. - President Taft'will .litre to adopt the block system to keep bis messa ges from running Into each other. "7-1" A campaign barrel does not nlwayo prevent a boom from going to tthe wuale baekeL : * Mr, Edison seems able to keep on Inventing things even when he Is making extenilve tours. + Morrnlly speaking, the person usual ly alluded to as the man higher up la In reality the one lower down. + in putting Shakespeare In the Hit of the world*! greateit men. Steel Truit Carengle arrayed himself ■qunrely against tho Bacon Trust. —*—~ This may bo the merriest session of Uncle Joo Cannon's life, he has so much more time on hla hands thnn he used to have. —-f.— At this '‘tiiuo of year Congress Is tempted to devote Itself inrgely to pleanam anticipations of the holiday recess. h In the Merrlt case lire’r Itockefel ler reversed tho record of magnate witnesses by saying he did “remem ber.** —— . If Theodor© Roosevelt doesn't want to run for president, why does he - each jQonth. Masonic Hall. PLANT TREES. Don’t put It off too long. Tho wi ter has a lot of pretty Sycnmorea ?• enlc, which he will guarantee If he superintends the setting out of same. Leave orders at Redding’s Drug Store, Chaa. H. Roddtng. 'O. o. O.* 17 tf STATE OF GEORGIA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ATLANTA. The First Xatlontl Bank located In the city of Waycross, having been ap pointed a State Depository, and bar ing executed and fl\od In this office a bond In the sum of FIFTY THOUS AND DOLLARS, conditioned for tho faithful discharge of Its duties, whhu has been accepted and approved by the Governor, it is thorefore ordered: That the Tax Collector ot ths County of Ware be and la hereby Instructod to pay over to said bank all moneys collected by him for and tit account of Stats taxes, except auch as may be paid directly into the State Treasury and that notice of this ordor be gtve.1 by publication In some uawapar»r ot general circulation published in the city where said bank Is located. This 24th day of November, 101L JOHN M. SLATJN, ' President of Senate and Acting Gov ernor. For coughing, dryness and tickling of tho thront, hoarseness and coughs and colds, take Foley'a Honey and Tar Compound. Contains no Ipl- stes. Gem Pharmacy, T. S. Paine. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 16i MkKa Aral tad third Thurada, ■» Richard L. Singleton, c. C. D. P. Wnnltrv (-I.rh Tho Kind Top Have Always Bought, and which has been J in nso for over 30 years, has homo'tho signature of i and Jus been made tmder hU per sonal supervision slncolts infancy. Allow no ono to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jnst-na-geod** arc but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Inianta and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR]A Castorla to a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrnps. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago Is Its gnnrnntoe. It destroys Worms and allays. Feverishness, fit mures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Tt assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—The Slather’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORlA ALWAYS (Bears the Signature of I rent Savannah Vain 189 6:50 am Train 189 12:80 pm rraln 21 8:65 pm rrato 57 10:10 pm .•'run Montgomery Train 58 5:16 am .'rain 180 5:45 pm From llalnbrldg* ft Thomasvllle rraln 182 10:08 am from Albany Train 93 - Atlantic Coast Line Schedule;. ARRIVALS AT WAYCROSS. i DEPARTURES. - Tor Joaup and Savannah Train 5S i:65 an Trait 182 10'tt t» Train 7:JU sc Train 22 6:10 pn For Montgomery Train 189 6:10 a> Train 57 ...10:25 pn For Balnhrldg. and Tkomaavllle. Train 185 1:00 p? - For Albany Train 02 .... 10:50 pn Train 96 7:60 SB Train 90 6:10 pn For Chicago and Northwest I. C. Special (via Albany)., 10:60 pn Dixie Flyer (vis Ttfton) ....10:10 South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:20 pn For Brnnawtck Train 91 10:10 Train 97 6:10 pn For Jacksonville Train 15 (Dixie Flyer 1:40 •• Train 93 5:00 an Train 33 an rain 31 6:1k pn For Tampa, High Spring* Train 43 M:00 as ..2:40 am ,. 6:00 pm .... 4:53 am Train 91 9:66 am Train 97 6:00 pm From Cbicatu and Nortwaat '. C. Special (via Albany)....4:56 am Dixie Flyer (via TUton)....5:35 am loutb Atlantic Limited From Brnnewlck Train 93 Train 90 From Jacksonville Train 33 5:65 pm Train 33 10:15 pm Train 04 10:35 pm Train 93 10:46 pm From Temps, High Springe vie Du pont Tram 43 2:36 pm For through Scheoutea Pullman raaarvatlona, etc. Call On E. U. North. A. G. P. A. *• B ' °* wt ‘ Tl< *‘ t SsTan**t ,GV Waycroaa Advertise In the HERALD! We Can and We Will Aid You In Your CHRISTMAS BUYINO! YOU WILL FIND THIS ST ORE A WONDERFUL AID IN EVERY e WAY. What eort ot gift* do you yourself like—tho useful sort, don’t you do—then so do others—others to whom chooae here? Choose from our aplendldly complete Hardware etock—where" your every choice la suerly a satisfying one and where prices will enable the Christmas dollars to do greatest duty. > JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS—PERHAPS WE MAY HELP YOU. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS DURHAM DUPLEX 8AFETY RAZORS CHAFING DISHIT8 BAKING DISHES CHINA AND CUT-GLASS CARVING SETS, ETC. Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSSp GA. What Shall I Give ior Cttistmas? THIS PROBLEM IS ARISING IN EVERY HOME IN THE LAND AND IS BEING SOLVED UNIVERSALLY BY THE PUR- CASE OF ELECTRIC COOK ING AND HEATING APPLIANCES AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD DEVICES. ADDED TO THE CHARM OF THEIR APPEARANCE IS THE FACT THAT THEY ARE EX- 'CEEDINOLY USEFUL AND THEIR CONSTANT USE IN THE HOMES OF TH£|R POSSESSORS 13 AN EVER PRESENT RE MINDER OF THEIR DONORS. THIS COMPANY HAS A NUMBER OF THE MOST POPULAR DEVICES ON SALE AT LA GRANDE PHARMACY. DEVICES VARY IN COST FROM TWO DOLLAR3 FOR A HANOY IMMERSION LiGUID HEATER TO FIFTEEN DOLLARS FOR A SEWING MACHINE MOTOR, if WOULD IN TEREST YOU 70 EXAMINE THEM. Ware County Light and Power Company. C®ws On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. Pittsburg Lawn Fence IS THE 80LUTION OF THE PROBLEM, KEEPS THEM IN OR OUT, BESIDES, IT ADD8 TQ THE LOOKS AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO GET IT 18 R. J. RNTHOm Hardware Co. 98-100 PLANT AVENUE. When You Stroll STROLL TO La Grande Pharmacy All tfaelatcift HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RUBBER GOODS and DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES