Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 18, 1911, Image 3
Big lot of Christmas Toys of most every description for .all ages Of Children. cm Dolls! Dolls! Dolls! To delight the little Girls there are Dolls of all sizes 5c to $6.00 For the older folk We have sensible but up-to-dat t e presents put up in neat holly berry boxes j: See our Santa Claus Window, l Dolls Toys and Etc. No. 9 Pendleton Street DICKENS PROCLAMATION. Waycross & Southern r. r. co. Nature’s Hair Restorer * WHEREAS, The Honorable Hoke Smith did, on the 15th day November 1911, resisn the office of Governor of this State thereby creating a va cancy in laid office: THEREFORE, I, John M. Slaton, President of the Senate, exercising the executive powers of the govern ment ns provided by Par. 8, Section of the 5th. Article of the Constitution of this State and laws in pursuance thereof, do issue this my proclamation ordering a special election for Gov ernor to fill the vacancy so occasion ed for the unexpirod term, to bo held on the. lOtl* day of aJnuary, 1912, un der the laws of this State gov erning gcneeral elections. I also con voke the General Assembly of Gorgia in extra session, at the Capitol of this State, on tbo 24th day of January 1912, at 10 o’clock a. m., to receive the returns and declare the result of said Bpecial election or to elect a Governor in case no person shall, receive a majority of the whole number of vote3 at such spoclal eioction, as providod in the Constitution of this State. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed hereto, this 20th day of November, 1911. JOHN M. SLATON, President of Senate Exercising the Executive Powers of the Government. 11-23 tf. Change of 8ctyduie Effective Nov. 17, 1911. Notice: The arrivals and depar. Cures are given as information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No 1. Miles Station Hebardville Lv 9:00 a.m. 2 Wayx. Albany ave. Lv. . .9:05 r.m. j 8 Lavinia Lv 9:2(^a.m. j 10 Fredel Ar ........ .... 9:30 a.m.. Northbound Train No. 2. 10 Fredol Lv 1:00 p.m. 8 Lavinia Lv 1:05 p.m. 2 Wayx. Albany ave. Lv..9:05 a.m. 0 Hebardville Ar 1:30 p.tn,» •Trains Nos. 1 and 2 dally except \ Sunday. I John M. Hopkins, General Superintendent The Handy Heater heat Restores Gray Hair to 1 Natural Color Sulphur is a Natural Element of the Hair When there is not a sufficient amount of sulphur in the hair, it loses its life, color and strength, turns gray, and falls out. There are many forms of sulphur, but only one kind that is suitable for treatment of the hair and scalp, and that Is the kind used In preparing WYETH’S SAGE AND SULPHUR HAIR REMEDY. We Have the Secret, and We Give Yon the Benefit of It at an Exceedingly Low Price For two or three years my hair had been falling out and getting quite thin, until the top of my head was entirely bald. About four months ago I commenced using Sage and Sulphur. The first bottle seemed to do some good and I kept using it regularly, until now I have used four bottles.--The whole top of my head i is now fairly covered with hair, and it keeps coming in thicker. I shall keep on using it a while longer, as I notice a constant improvement. , STEPHEN BACON, Rochester, N. Y. 1 50c. and $1 Bottles, At All Druggists - WYETH CHEMICAL COMPANY „ 74 CORTLANDT ST„ NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. A Coke ol Wjr.Ul'. SulphurT.Il.lSo.prr.« 10.nmn. JL L w ho win tend u. thl. advertisement with 10c In .tamp, to com colt Itb ol wnpoini *nd!m.l!ln( the mu. CHEROKEE PHARMACY SPECIAL AOENT8. v —r-T—^ You often need j j in early Fall, when you have u not yet started the furnace. In whateverpart of the home you want it, you can get it belt and quickeit with a Perfection Smokeleti Oil Heater. The Perfection it the moil reliable heater on the market, and you can move it wherever you please. Start it fa bedroom or bathroom, sod you dram fa comfort on tbo coldest morning. Taka it to tha dining-room, and early .breakfast becomes s pi—sat, corny meal. A touch of a match at dusk, and all is snug for the evening. The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater is beautifully finished—so ornament anywhere. Drama of plain steel or enamelled fa bluet nickel trimmings. A special automatic device makes smoki— impossible. Burner body cannot become wedged. AU parts easily cleaned. Damper top. Cool handle. Dealers ampul— i ar write far dwtriptba drcalsr W any a—my ef the The prettiest and daintiest lot* of Xmns # handkerchiefs ever shown in the city at: Miss Eddie Parnell's Big shipment electric fans rocoiv ^ Byck Electric Supply Ce. 20 Lott Street For first-class rubber tire and wire wheel work at prices right, see J. T. McGee, 21 Albany avenue. 13 30t BALDNESS CUBED Get the habit smoke **Y. B. S." lear Havana. , 27 tf FOiEYvi ORINOlAX/JIVF > FROST PRPOF CABBAGE PLANTS < GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS - FROM THE ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GROWERS. ooth tjj Jr J! \ JL^J Why pay $1.00 to hove your tooth extractad When you can have It done for 50c and wJtho pain All other wor k done at very reasonab charges. Everything guaranteed OR. DANIEL The Dentist"] Folks’ Block «0<*00009000000000'XXXXXXKKXXXXXXX^I - 'OWN A HOME ipltal Stock *30,000.00 4^ ft Sow bar* over twenty thousand—Oafled INS —Kr aab—«*, and they a— (to co— 9dBW SUMO Way cross Savings and Trudt Co y OC-- - . - OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOv ADVERTISE! .' ■ ’V Hhhh