Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 18, 1911, Image 5

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CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Nib Kind You Han Always Bought Bear* the y/JEZZZT what he eaw In Ware county and was Bony that he had to return home, but he promised to return within two years to make this section his future homo. His fatbSP is a large truck farmer In the old country. Choice all fine trimmed pat,tqrn bats, 33 1-3 off. Humphreys & Williamson. we wish you’d stop a minute and take a look at Big Ben. He’s the finest sleepme- ter made—the best looking —the best built—the best running. You needn’t take our word for it, we keep him in the window; you can see for yourself. One lot of ladies lint tailored suits, re3Utor. 316—now $9.99. Humphreys * Williamson. On Friday evening Jho 29th an en tertainment for the young people will he given at Central Baptist Taberns cle. There will be something nice for all who come. There will also be a basket to receive offerings for the poor. Groceries, clothing, money or wood will be gladly received. The pastor, Rev. W. H. Scruggs, has a list of homes where any or all of tbeae thlnga will be gladly received and where they are greatly needed. The Salvation Army of Wayeross. Georgia, la preparing t) give a Free Christmas Dinner to throe hundred Tjotttjff rjoofief.tfils city. Will you help us with liberal donation to make this effort a success? Yours to help save the teat poor, pfc^yt. cud Mrs. Gossett, Officers In charge. Kcr.0 SIS. P. 0. Box 923. ADVERTISE IN TOE WAYCROSS HERALD Let ns fill your order {for Oysters and fresh fish. Phone U9. 7 tf Xmas Coming Turkeys Turkeys Turkeys Seud us your or der. Can sell you Turkeys every day r om now until Xmas. Better See Us PERSONAL AND LOCAL A football, gio?e, mlt or-.baseball will delight the boys for Xmas, H 3t P. X. Harley Hdw. Co. Large congitega’tlons attended the churches yesterday. What are we golnp to do with tile fellow who didn’t vote as we told him to do? Wilson Grocery Company W. M. Wilson, Mgr. ti one 128, Wilson Block PATENTS Very Serious It is a very serious matter to ask r,oae medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this ! reason wo urge you in buying to be careful to get the genuine— BUck-&HT Liver Mf-iUrfe* I The reputation of this old, relia ble medicine, for constipation ' digestion and liver trouble, is I ly established. It does not Imitate other medicines. It is better than others, or It would not be the b* write liver powder, with a larger : [ sale than all others combined. BOW IN TOWS .We invite you to have hot coffee and biscuit with us any day this week. Cooking demonstration of the 8ou\b Bend Malleable Range. 12 2t P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. , Apphlacbicola Oysters and fresh fish ■—ohone 189. 7 tf NOTICE* The tax books will positively close next Wednesday, December 20. Cad early and avoid the rush. I can bo found In my office in Court House. J. T. Strickland, Tax Collector Ware Count/. The Christian Endeavor Society of the United Brethren In Christ at Oil* Christ Park held an Interesting debate last evening on the question of Ml** slons. Rev. W. 6. Pumphrey and wife took the stand for foreign mis* slons; Rev. J. C. Pumphrey and Mr. Rucker for home missions, the judges decided in favor of home missions. AT COLERAINE On account of the illness of the mad ager of the Engllsh*Oper& Company, who were to appear here tonight at Central School, the date has been postponed. Prof. Pound sfates that he hopes to make arrangements for the company to be heafa here later In the season. This company Is said to be very fine. The following menu has been an ‘ nouncod for the entertainment at Coleraine Wednesday. December .20, to be given.by. Judge John T. Myers, Mr. \Y. J. Sanders and Mr. J. B. Lewis In honor of Governor J. M. Slaton and otner visitors to the 'Georgia Drainage'Congress, which begins a two /days session In Wayeross tomor row: Oysters, Greek Indian' Style. Oysters, a la Heap Big Seminole. Fish, served from St. Mary's river, all styles. Squirrel, fry and stew, a la Lloyd, with dressing. # Wild Turkey, baked with cranberry eaucc. *• Barbecued wild pig, with apple sauce. Barbecued lamb, a la Sanders. Indian yams, a la Lewis. Brunswick stew, a la Myfrs. River Quail on toast, p*'’ CLOSES TOMORROW FOR THE 081IBAY Olives, pickles, A'meficun and for eign cheese. ’ i , Buy a gentleman Gillette Satetv razor for Xmas.. 14 3t P. N. Harley Hdw. CO. Hon. J. R. Hobson will be present at tbo Drainage Convention tomorrow as tbe official representative of the Chamber of Commerce of Atlanta. VIRDIE STABLES. , PHONE 63, THE VIRDIE 8TABLE. FOR YOUR TURN-OUT. YOUR OR DER WILL BE PROMPTLY FILLED. 13 3t Arteolan water from the famous Coleraihe wells, coffee, otc., etc. Those Effing to Coleraine are expec ted to'assemble at the union station In Wayeross—'Wednesday morning promptly at six o'clock. Tbe return trip will bo so scheduled as to Uring the party to Wayeross at six o'clock In the evening. Tbe people at Folks- ton have arragned to convey all whd zo to and from Folkston and Cole raine. The entertainment- is one of tbo features of tbe season and those who want a real good time are InvTfed to make their plans accordingly. The Board of Trade members and visitors to the Georgia Drainage Congress are especially Invited Jo attend. Bund-Boll Institute will close tomor row night for the holidays. The In-1 stltute Is enjoying the most prosper ous term In Its history, which is vory gratifying to its friends. The school opens again on Jan. 2. Most of the teachers will leave Wednes day, some tor their homes, and others to spond Christmas with friends, aa follows: Miss Calhoun goes to FlorN Miss Costello to her home at Georgetown, Ga.; Misses Clements to Florida; Prof. 'Noles to his home at Eastman; Mrs. E. L. Ray and children at Macon with her mother. Prof. Ray goes to Alco, Ga., to spend Christmas with his son, Lucian Ray, who Is un dor treatment there at the sanitarium. Rev. and Mrs. M. O. Carpenter will visit relalves at Blacksbear. Miss Rugglea, who has resigned, will leave Wednesday for hbr home In Boston, Mass. The place left vacant by Miss Ruggle*' resignation will be filled later. | > > , ' For the best In fresh meats, W. J. Parker can please you. Prompt J*. liveries. Phone 388. 13 ,'t Mr. N. L. Stafford has purchased the Pavo Progress and has assumed charge of same. Mr. Stafford is an erperienced newspaper man, and will no doubt succeed with the Progress. He Is spending the day in the city, and expects to more his family to Pavo In the'near future. AT THE MAJESTIC. Tonight- we will offer one of the best vaudeville attractions ever shown at tho Majestic, “The Trlscoe Trio," comedy and harmony ringing. This attraction Is one of the most expen sive and wo bqllevo one of'th best acta wo havo over booked. Everyone who enjoys good singing Mould see this net. We feel safe In guaranteeing satisfaction to all. Tho usual two reels will also bo run. Take ouq word for It and come out and see this show. 1J |t Backache, Headache, Nervousness And rheumatism, both in men and wo men, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow It to progress beyond the reach fit medicine but etop It promptly with Foley KUney Pills. They regulate the action of tbe urinary organs. Trine In action, quick results. Gem Pharma cy, T. S. Paine. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD Office 419-31 LaGrande Building. DR. E. B. MITCHELL, Mr. B. J. Allbrcs, who Has been visiting his cousin, Mr. Max Hubenet, prosperous Dccnwood farmer near Waresboro, left Saturday morning for his home near Amsterdam, Holland. He will safi froth New York tomorrow, Mr. Allbres was much pleased with I OSTEOPATH, and Physician and 8urfi*on. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to 5 p. m Office Phone 321, Residence G7 Folks St. Phono 454. Calls Answered Promptly. TAFT TO SPEAK IN BROOKLYN. Special To Tho Herald. New York, Dec. 18.—The Young Republican Club of New York City, which was organized recently to gather Into its membership as many of tho younger Republicans of the city as poselbie for active wort for tho party along non-factlonal lines, has completed arrangements for Its Initial dinner, which will be given In Brooklyn tomorrow night with Pres ident Taft as the guest of honor and principal speaker. J. E. Parker, 2021 No. 10th SL, Ft. Smith, Ark., aaya that he had taken many kinds of kidney medicine, but he did not get better until he took Foley Kidney Pills. No matter how long you havo had kidney trouble, you will find quick and permanent benefit by the uae of Foley Kidney Pllla. Start taking them now. Gem Pharma cy, T. B. Paine. RING 174 FOR WOOD. 28 tf no. n. NAYCROSS COUNCIL Jr. O. U. A. M. • Meets every Monday ereniag In Red dee's Hall, Lott-HIteb building at I t>. m. Visiting brothers cordially hotted to meet with sa Bberod Coffins, L. Carl Collins Rec-Secty Councilor Advertise In The Wayeroe* Evening Herald. = The Road to Independence Is not the spenders route. Deposit your salary with us, we Issue you a pass-book and check book; pay nil your bills up by check, thus avoiding i tbe necessity and worry of making your money stretch to next payday. You know how It It, money In your pocket never lasts. YOUR SINK ACCOUNT Wilt stop tbe leaks, and, it it ts you? desfre to get ahead, will eventually make you Independent. Start an ac count with ua today; a large amount not necessary; Just your week's or month's salary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYCROSSS RESOURCES 980h.000.00 CAPITAL 1200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFIT8 WILLIAMS' BLACKSMITH Shop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPPOSITE WILLIAMS STREET. . WHEELRIGHT AND REPAIRING, HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY, RUBBER TIRES PUT ON WHILE me you the store, 'd stop a ike a look ffyoulxiy fe Will Give)bu\ CboMnjT Ware J 7hh WeeA FREE Ha 2Sr2ZSfc ** c*VQ center and Viter* ***** hear? will which supply t b 0 stamped atew pot Tha pUee which set* eliminate all tha objee* din* Pan, with holes around tha top for lions of inferior method*, ateainlnr. when it is used in that cap*. city. This vessel U equipped wit K a A As heavy Un "New Kink” Pot Cover. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 44 PLANT AVE. innHiHWHi