Newspaper Page Text
>erond eartlily aid. 'V ’
Tip cbnit la Mona's’ condition
oai had It* effect* on Mn. Mono, who
- • .confined to her bod todar aa a r»-
nit, and for the IIrat "time since her
irrlral In Atlanta baa heed unable to
dalt‘the poet.
Before Death Overtakes
The Ex-Banker In a
Convict’s Garb
MBMSL—*. mt
Atlanta, Cla., Dec. 18.—Growing
-little weaker daj> bp day, Charles W
Mono, convicted banker, now an In
mate of the poet hoapltal at Fort* He
Pberpon, la cheered ay the hope that
be will receive from President Taft a
pardon as a Christmas gift.
Aa a step In that direction tie long
expected report fronv MaJ. Baker, In
charge of the post hospital, telling of
the exact condition of the prlaoner,
at last baa been forwarded to Wash
Ington. it has been delayed .by offi
cial red tape, aa the result of the un
usual altuatlon, by which two govern,
meat departments are In a way reepon
plble for one prlaoner.
* The order for the report came from
the Department of Justlco. It had to
go through the usual route and then
be sent to the Department of War,
since Horae In now conbned on
government army reservation. Now
Haf. Baker's reply has gone to tha
War Department at Washington and
must be transferred again to the De
partment of Juatlce.
The statement was wanted by tbe
10th. because It la understood that the
attorney general goes to Panama after
that date. He will pass on It, and
then It will go to President Taft for
action. >
Although the report has been guard
ad with the utmost secrecy and only
MsJ.\Haker know, sexactly what It
.^plains, It Is understood that the
President will be Informed that If he
Is desirous of doing anything for Mr.
Horse be had better do It quickly, or Jslana Experiment Station, Dr. C
here will be no need of doing any I Brough of the-University of Arkansas
king for him. Horse will then be President J. W. Waters of the Kansas
Btaft Agricultural Collego/and T. W.
The first White six-cylinder "80”
delivered to any owner, made a par
cel score in the Georgia "round the
state” tour lust finished. .
The tour is an annual event In
Georgia, and Ita -purpose, like that of
most automobile touts. Is to engender
a wide Interest In tbe establishment
of good roads.
This year, the tour covered a route
000 miles long and was designed to
Include those Mehwers of the state
which wc.. ... .. _..-d of Improve
Larkin; secretary of tbe Chamber o(
Commerce of Beaumont, Texas.
Special To The Herald.
Carllnvllle, III., Dec. 18.—-Henry
Smith, accused of"Stusing tbe death
of his wife, was placed on trial today
In the Macoupin County circuit court
The Overland 80 fully equipped aad
delivered to you for 81,000.00 Four
new ones In stock.
14 6t cod. -Kelley’s Garage.
Special To Tbs Herald.
Springfield, £to., Dec. 18.—The sec
ond annual Oxark tend Congress,
which convenes In this city tomorrow
for a four days’ session, will bring
together a host of nofed agricultural
experts, public officials and represen
tatives of commercial and Industrial
Governor Hadley Is scheduled as the
chief speaker at the Initial session
tomorrow morning.
Among the speakers to bo heard at
the subsequent sessions will be Prof.
W. Fox of the Mississippi Agrlcul-
I will offer In exchange for good
city property or for sale for the next
twenty days my .celebrated Saints
Rest Farm, near the city and direct!
on the SatUla River. New six room
bouse, also a four room cottage, large
new barn, two other bnfns and othe.
out bouses. Fifty pecan trees, most
of them bearing, the finest nevet
failing spring of water In the county
In front of house, .twelve or fourteen
head of cattle^ four or five cows hoe
In milk. The beat situation for stock,
poultry and truck raising In this sec
tion. My onfy Reason for offering
this property is' because I am too
busy to look after IL Ask anybed.
about Saints Rest Farm, and If you
want to trade come to see me.
A. P. Perbam, Sr.
W. L. Hock, of Hock, Ark., believes
he has saved many lives In his 25
rs of experience In the drug busi
ness. "What I always like to do,” he
writes, "Is to recommend Dr. King’s
New Discovery for weak, sore lungs,
hard colds, hoarseness, obstinate
coughs, la grippe, croup, asthma or
other bronchlca! affection, for"T feel
sure that a number of my neighbors
aro alive and well today because they
tural College; W. J. Spillman] of the ■ took my odvlce to use It. I honestly
United States Department of Agrlcul- believe Its the best throat and lung
ture; Edward O. Wilde of New Or
leans; Col. R. E. Smith, of Sherman,
Toxas; John Fields, of Oklahoma
medicine that's made." Easy to prove
he’s right Get a trial bottle free, or
regular 50 cent or 81.00 bottle. Guar
City: l’rof. W. R. Dodson of tbe Lou-1 antoed by All Druggists.
That are good and will give years of
Service and Pleasure
A Few Timmly Suggestions
Pearl Brooches
Pearl Beads
Hat Pins
Locket & Chains
Watch Fobs
La Valiers
Signet Rings
Shirt Waist Pin^
Set Rings
Cameo Rings <
Set Rings
Neck Chains
Scarf Pins
Toilet Sets
Cuff Buttons
Manicure Sets
Tie Clasps -
Cut Glass, Etc
Military Brushes
Moderate Prices
i “V.
Little A Odom
The House )f Christmas
> 7%e buying of Gifts appropriate
to the person for whom the Gift is
intended is sometimes a difficult
matter. You want beauty, you
would like to include serviceability,
■ acms* • |
The Gift that is purely ornamental can never be so
satisfactory as the one that combines
beauty with service
Your Christmas selections from this dtore HAVE THESE TWO
QUALITIES, and the result of a purchase made here is to endow your
gift with all that a gift should have. It will not be cadi aside and
forgotten in a few weeks or months, but will give years of useful
service, adding pleasure and comfort to the home where it goes. Such
a giit is worthy of your consideration, and the codt is no more. Our
large rftore Is filled with hundreds of articles from which you can seledt,
a suitable gift for any friend or member of the family, and if it is'
more convenient for you to pay AFTER Chridtmas you can arrange
the terms to suit, either in 30, 60 or 90 days at SPOT CASH PRICES,
or on small monthly payments.
Elegant Assortment oi Rockers
We are showing 200 styles at prices to
fit any purse, the newedt styles and patterns
in Rattan are here with Settees and tables
to match. We have a large assortment in
Oak and Mahogany, alio a number of great
values in Turkish Rockers, some upholstered
in bedl quality chase leather and others in
genuine leather with the famous guaranteed
Seng springs.
' A Great Display oi Dining Room Fnrnitnre
The Idrgedt line ever shown in this city. Thirty pat
terns. of China Cabinets from the leading factories of thejl
country at prices from $16 (.A to $50.00. Fifty patterns of '
high class Sideboards at from $1S,00 to $75.00. Thirty five
dtylps of Buffets from $19.00 to $50.00. A large line ,of
Pededtal Extension Tables from $11.SO to $50.00. Seventy-
five patterns of Chairs from 80c up to $11,50 each.
If your house or the house of your ftk-nd is medt w aim crdfciifht
with the Christmas spirit and the holiday tokens ofieied by this dicre,
THAT house will remain cherry and comfortable through all the days
of 1913. Remember the best giff is the gift-that serves. E'Q
Davenports and Couches
either in genuine leather or in best guaranteed
chase leather. Our line is ext«nsive, compris
ing about thirty styles at a wide range of prices.
The Davenports are from $38.00 to $S0.00, the
Couches from $16.00 to 50.00
Morris Chairs *
The ideal gift for father, husband or broth
er. We have fifty different patterns; including
the famous Royal Push Button kind, the aute-
matic and the rod style, in all the popular finishes
and upholsterings. They are Priced from
$10.00 TO $20.00
We arej showing a beautiful line of Pidures. Ladies’ Writing
Desks, Library Cases, Parlor Cabinets, Parlor and Library Tables, Sec
tional Book Cases, Rugs, all silts and prices. Dinner Sets from $6.00
to $18,00, Brass Beds. Chifferobes, Wardrobes. Chiffoniers,;,Ladje*’
Toilet Tables; Stoves and Ranges for coal or wood, the famous “Ccft-
ter Oak” Line.
~ ?‘The~ Stored' Great Values|Whcrc Yonr'.Credit Is Good”
Walker-Hood Furniture Co.