Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 19, 1911, Image 2
THE EVENING HERALD HAVE THEY GOT THE ROBBER*? Published By HERALD PUBLISHING CO. q , 1( , A. P. Perham, Sr. A. P. Perham, Jr. that they tu Editors and Proprietor!. tJ( , ran |j Mlsa Carrie Perham, personal, Society and Local. innoli rTewa.) c Inspectora feel *u the men who robbed do the Atlantic Co cevllle a few day* o tVayefOM Hirnld toimded Ini The Dally Hernld founded la | havo 192 by A. 1\ Perham, Sr. Bins li.i: ppcars to be probable tl: Telephone* Bealnus Ofllee 2j) Kdltorlil Offle 2f. K' oldence 208. fyery Afteenoon Except Sunday. Plnter-d at (he Wnycroae, Oa., Po«t* •(fee a* second dan mall matter. Office No. 8 Jane Street. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. „ ..V,,ur» , 1 * .45 I Months ( Months j*-"® t year *5.00 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subacrlhers to The Herald that do Tot receive the pnper promptly and •early will plcaao rlns-up the Circular Hob Monnser nnd report the trouble *• him, aa this Is the only means that *• can aasurs you prompt and early ■•livery. SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, curds of thanks, (•solutions and notice* of entertain*. Bents, where charges are made, will ha charged at advertlalng raids ot 6 •eats a line, , Oflcinl Organ of the United States Court ot the Southern District of Georgia. WAYCROSS, OA„ DEC. 19, 1*11. Tho average statesman considers bimsclf to be the male Issue. f l’lorp Morzan has been decorated ngoln—but not In stripes. ,|. Corporation lawyers do not seem to have anything on labor lawyers IS, tho matter of high fees. * If they bad had woman's suffrage In old Bible days what would have been Solomon'* chtncos? , ■ If *11 the things Detective Burna tnd Samuel Compere soy ablut each other are true tbey'ra two mighty bad men. Republleana hopq the Stanley-Little* ton eontroveray will tpllt the Demo cratle party. No'danger. The party I* trigger than two men. * “A traveler who has been In China says Dr. Wu Ting-fan* la not an able man, but simply a triumph at Ameri can Joumallam." Yellow journalism w» Infer, ■[. "Anbotly can make moneyl accord ing to Mr. Carnegie." No doubt If he baa an Interest In which the govern- tlenf protecta him In putting his hando In other peoplo's pockets. That New York thontrlcal manager who declared that “a play nowadays must aland on It* own lega" doubtless referred especially to musical come dies. + Wa look In valu for iho name of Gaby Deelys In a list of twenty of,the world's gnstsst women. And yet wssn't Oeby the real founder of Ih# I'ortuguese republic? The per capita-circulation of money In the United Slatea Is now *34.54. With Christmas shopping to b« done, w^at w# would .Uke to know is who has our *34. pretty strong and, it • tho Inspectors haven't given I public all the evident* they, him The fact that Aho accused men re fuse' to make ktalambnts, but a tan pat, as It worj, Is against them, they were honest ipen and were em ployed lit legitimate work at Hardee- vlllo It would seem as If they would be prompt In giving an' explanation that would be satisfactory to every body. Their silence la against them While tfiai isn't enough to convict them of the crime with whlctt they are charged It Is evidence that IS cal culated to create public sentiineht against them. And the fact . that while they were staying;In this city they< made 3 trips to Hardsevllle In search of a boarding' place, showing that they were preparing to cany out a scheme of some sort that required a residence Ih that place. Is agalnsf them. j But why did they remain at Hardee- rille after the robbery, assuming that they are the guilty parties? It would seem as' If it would have been an easy matter for them to go to New York or some other oae of the large cities sad been swallowed up In the crowd, unless they were suspected and knew that they were. In that event they could hardly bare left without excit ing suspicion and Inquiry. The time to have left Hardoevllle was Immedi ately after the robbery, before the detectives and Inspectors got on their trail. Both Ihe postodlco and the rmilryad authorities should spare neither ef forts nor money' to find And Convict the robbers. Train robbing Is rather uncommon In the Souttr, but If there should be two or three ouccessful rob beries they would become os common probably as In the west, slnco there are many lonely places along the lines of the railroads which offer excellent opportunities for holding up Inins. A quick convlotlon In the Hardoevllle case would have a* discouraging effect on train robbing In this sept-ton. Every smart young man who has sot the idea into hie' head that the boas can't possibly gat along without him should pause and reflect upon the dropping ot John D.' Rockefeller by the Standard Oil Company. • *h~ - The New York Tribune prints a facsimile of the seal of the Chtnsee republic. Its a flue piece of grill work In pitchfork, fishing worm, nsh hook design, * and strikingly nigges- Uve of tho general mlxup and unintel ligible conditions In the Flowery Kingdom. ■+-- The new tiato of Arizona algnaUzta her entry Into tho galaxy of common wealth* by a swooping Democratic victory. Both United State* Senators, the congressmen, governor and entire State ticket were elected by the Dem ocrau. Arizona la making a pretty good start la statehood. STATE OF GEORGIA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ATLANTA. The First Nstlontl Bank located In tho city of IVaycross, having been ep pointed i State Depository, and har ms executed and tiled In this offles a bond In the sum of FIFTY THOUS AND DOLLARS, conditioned for tho (althtul discharge' of Its dutlea, whl-ut has been accepted and approved by tho Governor, It Is therefore ordered: That the Tax Collector of the Countv of War* be and Is hereby Instructol to pay over U said tank all moneys collected by him for and tt» account of State taxes, except such as may be paid directly Into the 8tate Treasure and that notice of this ordor be glre.1 by publication in some uoaapaper ot general circulation published In thv city where said tank la located. This 34th day of November, 19IL JOHN M. SLATON, President of Senate and Acting Gov ernor. 1 THE WOODMEN OF ,WORLD. CAMP It* UvK< first and third Thursday u each month. Masonic HalL Rlchird I. Singleton, a Cl D. P. Wenllsy, mark. Children Cry for Fletcher’s The Kind You Have Always Bought, and -which lias heen in liso foi* over 30 yanks, lias bornu tlio signature of , i and Itna been made under'bis per- nonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive youin tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations end “Just-ns-good” are bat Experiments that trifle tilth nnd endanger tho health of Infants mid Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR!A CnstorLvls a harmless snlistltute lov Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Sootbfjig Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morplflno nor other Xnreotlc - substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys 'Worms nnd nUays 'Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It rcllovos Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates tho - .Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tho Children’s Panacea—Tho Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Ton Hare Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years TMKCttrrimteoMMirr.TriiimrmvOTwzgr. wtwvo«Kcmr. Atlantic Coast Line Schedule. . DEPARTURES. For Jssnp and Savannah ARRIVALS AT WAY CROSS. From Savannah •rain 18* I: SO am Train IS* 13:50 pm min 11 6:65 pm fraln 57 10:10 pm 'rim Montgomery Crain 53 5:16 am 'rain 110 0:40 pm From Bslnbrldgo * Thomnavlllo Train 11* .10:05 am svoin Alban/ Trait* 83 : • 4:51 am mm u ...0:55 am Train 87 .. ..6:00 om From Chicago tnd Nortwast - . C. Special (vis Albany)....4:55 an> Dixit Flyer (vis Tltton)....5:30 am louth Atlantic Limited 6:85 am IYota Brunswick Cralu 96 ...7:40 am . 6:00 pm Prom Jacksonville Train 11 ...5:65 pm Train It .10:15 pm T^fn M ss.ioo*. •■••••• 10:15 pm fraln «> ..10:45 pm Train 61 .........sill Train 183 10:35 Train 7:J0 yn Train » '.. MO pn For Montgomery Train M0 Train 67...... ..10:36 pa For Balnbridge and Thomas villa. Train 186 1:00 IF For Albany Train 82 ...10:60 pu Train 80 7:64 an Train 90 0:10 pa Kor Chicago and Northwest I. C. Special (via Albany).- 10:00 yn Dixie Flyer (via Tttton) ....10:10 *» South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:30 p» For Brunswick Train 91 14:10 an Train 97 6:10 pa For JacksonvUle Train 95 (Dlxl» Flyer l:<o am (Train 93 5:00 aa Train IS .....9:14 an rain tl 5:14 P» For Tampa, High-Springs Train 41 >C0t u From Tampa, High Springs vis Do port Crain 43 7:15 pm For through Schedule* Pullman reservations, etc. Call On B. M. North. A. Q. P. A. Camp, Ttckot Afsnt Havana*1 ,QV Waycroiz advertise In the HtRNUK UNION JEWELRY STORE Watchmaker* and Engravers. All Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 108 Plant Ave. Waycroxs, Oa. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. V KNIGHTS OF FYTrirA*. Mean evury Moada> evening at 1:00 in |»|Caatl« Hal Ttaat art Mam bars e~ requsstsc la attaad. and vtaltiag Kalgkta era moat om Many tavttad 4* matt with aa. J. L. CRAWLET, C. C. T. H. Millar, lSkl*IKHr, (T We Can and We Will Aid You In Your CHRISTMAS BUYING! YOU WILL FIND THIS 87 ORE A WONDERFUL AID IN EVERY • WAY. What sort of gifts do you yourself like—the useful soyt, don’t you? Of course you do—then to do others—others to whom you would give. Than why not choose beta? Choose from our splendidly complete Hardware stock—where your ovary choice ts auerly a satisfying one nnd whora prices will enable the Christmas dollars to do greatest duty. JUST \ FEW SUGGESTIONS—PERHAPS WE MAY HELP YOU. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS 1 DURHAM DUPLEX SAFETY RAZORS CHAFING DISHES * BAKING DISHES CHINA AND CUT GLASS - CARVING SETS, ETC. Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSS, GA. What Shall I Give tor Christmas? THIS PROBLEM 18 ARISING IN, EVERY HOME IN THE LAND AND IS BEING SOLVED UNIVERSALLY BY THE PUR- CASE OF ELECTRIC COOKING AND HEATING APPLIANCE* AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD DEVICE8. ADDED TO THE CHARM OF THEIR APPEARANCE IS THE FACT,THAT THEY ARE EX CEEDINGLY USEFUL AND THEIR CON8TANT USE- IN THE HOMES OF THEIR P083EsSdR8 IS AN EVER PRESENT RE MINDER 6fTHEIR DONOftS. THI8 COMPANY HAS A NUMBER OF THE M08T POPULAR DEVICES ON 8ALE AT LA GRANDS PHARMACY. OEVICES VARY IN COST FROM’TWO DOLLARS FOR A HANDY IMMERSION LIGUID HEATER 7 0 FIFTEEN DOLLARS FOR A SEWING MACHINE MOTOR, if WOULD IN TEREST YOU 70 EXAMINE THEM. Ware County light and Power Company. Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE 8TREET8 OR NOT,' YOUR FRONT YARD IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. Pittsburg Lawn IS THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM, KEEP8 THEM IN OR OUT, BE8IDE8, IT ADDS TO THE L00K8 AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO GET IT IS R. J. ANTHOm Hardware Go. OS-100' PLANT AVENUE. When Yqu Stroll STROLL TO I La Grande Pharmacy Allth elate dVHOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RUB BERGOODSand DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES ■