Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 19, 1911, Image 5
6 We Invito you to h»ve hot coffee and biscuit with us any day this week. Cooking demonstration ot the Sou*h Bend Malleable Range. * 12 2t P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. ( Choice all fine trimmed pattqrn hats, 22 1-2 off. Humphreys & Williamson. One lot of ladles fint tailored sutts. regular. 212—now |9.99. Humphreys ft Williamson. the Salvation Army of Waycross, Is preparing ty give a Free 'Christmas Dinner to three hundred worthy poor of this city. Will you help us with liberal donation to. make tfP effort a succoesT ' Ycuri to help save the tost poor. Capt. end Mrs. Gossett, Officers In chugs. Phone ?. *\ Bo* M2., . < * Office 419-21 LaOrande Building. DR. E. B. MITCHELL, OSTEOPATH, Physician and Surgeon. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to S p. m Office Phone 321. Residence <7 Folks St. Phone 4& Calls Answered Promptly. A dispatch says Madero laughs as . Mexico Is shaken by ah earthquake! History repeats Itself. Hero fiddled j while Rome was burning.. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD 5*=S Xmas Coming Turkeys 1 Turkeys Turkeys Seud us your or der. Can sell you Turkeys every day tom now until Xmas. Better See Us Wilson Grocery Company W. M. Wilson, Mgr. h one 128, Wilson Block PATENTS I aM^SS,'ffis£S?'K. , tRS5^ p Id. swift a co. I . PATENT LAWYERS, M303 Seventh St., Washington, D. C.^ PERSONAL AND LOCAL CARO OP THANKS. The Altar Society of the Catholic Crurch held an enthusiastic meeting yesterday at the Pre.’Cftory. After I the returns from the Bazhar, heltflHt week, had been made re was found to f the delight of all concerned that the net proceeds far exceded their ban- gulne expectation!. The amount real ized so tar Is 1222.26. The ladles wish to express their thanks to the Ware Count/ Light & Power Company, the Byck Electric Supply Company, the Watt Hardware Company, the Cable Piano Company, the Y. M. C. A., and Mrs. H. K. Rob- •fnzon for tbe courtesies and help which they kindly extended to them. They also wish to thank The Journal and Herald for the use of their col umns. The new officers elected at the meeting are. Mrs. W.. A. Csson, Pres- ldent; Mrs. H. S. Dullose, Vice Presi dent; Mrs. B. J. Grady, Secretary and Treasurer; Mrs. A. B. Laroche and W. F. Cler, sacristans. While crossing Ms bed room Sun day night, Judge H. P. BreVWer was very suddenly attracked Ey dizziness and fell, striking Ms hdtfB'on the wash stand cutting'his mffuth severe ly. A physician was called and found that several stitches had to be lakes Judge Brewer Is resting very well to day, bat has not recovered from the terrible shock. Very Serious . It Is every serious matter to ask [ for one medicine and have the* wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you In buying to fM cartful to get the genuine— BLack-SgHT Liver Medicine I The reputation cf this old, rella- I ble medicine, for constipation, In digestion and liver trouble, is firm ly established. It does not imitate other medicine .It Is better then others, or it would not be the fa vorite liver powder, with a larger Bale than ell others combined. SOLD Df TOWN Appalaohtcola Oysters and fresh fish —phone 129. 7 tf CASTOR IA For Infants end Children. Ids Kind You Hava Always Bought Bears the Signature ot “JumISay” HORLICK’S * * If Muni Original and Genuine MALTED MILK The Food-drink for JUTAgot. More healthful then Tea or Coffee. ■ Agrees with the weakest digestion. Dchcious, invigorating and nutritious. Rich milk, malted grain, powder form. A quick lunch prepared in a minute. Tike no substitute. AskforHORLICK’S. •C Other* arts imitation*. AUTOMOBILE HITS BUGGY. Mr. 0. H. Lowther's automobile, driven by a negro, hit the buggy of the Singleton Furniture Company at the railroad crosalng on Plant avenue tbla morning. The driver of the bug- Mr.' E. J. Hendricks, was thrown out and slightly injured and the hone had one ot tta legs broken. Notwithstanding the Injurjr, the horse broke loose and ran down Plant ave nue until (topped near Wilson block. Dr. C. A. Downey, the veterinary aur- geo-j, was called and advlaed that the animal be shot, which waa done. NOTES FROM TriE LABOR WORLB .Street car conductors In Seoul, Ja pan, rake 35 cents a day. Chltaso Electrical Workers'.Union has'a building fund'ot $22,000. Slxiy per "cent of ‘the laborers’ la Kansas mines are Europeans. Forty-lavo stater have set“ maximum hour* for a working week for chll- tfteri. . . , - ' ■ A 1 , branch of the -VhHonor Consum ers’ League had b’eenTormed In Was;: ingtoa, D. C. The Chinese cooks In New York City threaten to strike If better wages and shorter hours ar5 hot granted them. Railway systems, with a mileage aggregating 47.500, have increased the wages ot employee during tbe last year 4.87 per cent orer 1210. Thejifesent rate of mortality of the brass foundrymen Is 2 1-2 times that of the farmer. Respiratory diseases, particularly consumption, account for the difference. Records of the Wisconsin 8tate In dustrial commission show that' 223 claims for accident or death-benefits have been filled since the workmen’s compensation act went Into effect September 1. Almost' a quarter of the memberihlp of labor unions in New York were Idle during the first six months of the present year, according to the last quarterlly bulletin of the State De partment of labor. The new scale of the San Francisco Bricklayers’ Union, dfilch Is to remain In force until August 1, 1915, fixes the pay at 87 1-2 cents an hour and eight hours a day for five days, with four hours on Saturday. The average number of wage earn ers empllyed In the boot nnd shoe Industry during the year was 198,297 In 1909 and 120,294 In 1904, an In crease of 38,003 or 24 per cent. Their wages Increased from 873,072,000 to 898,463,000, or 35 per cent. The Brotherhood of Railway Clerks has appointed a committee to aelect a suitable site near Cleveland for a large brotherhood fat-m, where the unemployed and the aged members of the brotherhood may have a home and at the same time earn their living by farm work. REMARKS OF SANTA CLAUS. (J. J. O'Connell In Judge.) I'm afraid the ladles will nootj jgei soured on me IF r don'q hhve a vote put In their stockings. The world la getting better, -'nnd now, with everything honestly stamp ed and labeled, I can hand out the presents without feeing that I’m afraid that Fm an old frtud. I’m glad i am faraway-and don’t hear what li said about me when the billa tor atl: these things come In at New Yyars. There doesn’t seem to be much 1)1 all this race-aulclde talk. I should get through early (Ms year, with a’ pack that Isn’t out of all pro- portions. It's a lucky tMng for me that women’s hats hre growing small er again. It gets me all twisted when-1 have to get these mannish presents In tbe New Woman’! stockings. I feel sorry for tbe hard luck fal lows when I have to band them some more lemons this year. No wonier 1 have such a lot of junk to deliver, tor the rich have no little, stockings to fill. I must get rid of all my drums, tin whistles, skates and bobsleds before they Inaugurate the safe and sane Christmas. ' There’s something wrong with the world. I don’t Rave many presents to give out where most of the kids are AT THE MAJESTIC. Tonight .we will offer one ot the best vaudeville attractions ever shown at the Majestic, "The Triscoe Trio," In comedy and harmony zinging. This attraction Is one ot the most expen sive and wo believe one of th best sets we havo ever booked. Everyone who enjoys good .singing should see this act. We feel safe in guaranteeing catlafactton to all. The usual two reels will also be run. Take ouq word for it and come out and tee this show. 18 21 Let us fill your order for Oysters and fresh fish. Phone 189. 7 tf Backache, Headache, Nervoucnecs And rheumatism, both In men ahft wo men, mean kidney trouble. Do not allow It to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop It promptly with Foley Kllney Pills. They regulate the action of tbe urinary organs. T.ine In action, quick rssults. Gsm Pharma cy, T. 8. Paine. A WONDER DRIVEWAY ON NIAGARA RIVER. Niagara Falls, OA, Dec. 19.—What promises to be the most beautiful driveway in the world Is tbe 12-mile long boulevard which tbe Ontario Government, and private enterprlaea, are constructing along the Niagara river. It Is sn undertaking of Inter national Importance, since tbe millions who come to see Niagara Fall* will reap the benefits of It. Beginning near tbe Horseshoe Falls In queen Victoria Park, the boulevard will follow the Niagara upitream along Its whirlpools and cascades and rapids on the Canadian side tc point opposite Buffalo. Already the driveway has been completed for a distance of three miles, from Niagara Falls to Chippewa. The new boulevard has a roadway 150 feet wide and brood walks pedestrians. For the entire sixteen miles green lawns slope dawn to the river. Fountains, grottoes and rlvu lets, tributarlch of the Niagara will he edged with rare trees and hardy perennials from India, Japan and other parts of the world. The project- is to line the Niagara River with a driveway park that will surpass any thing of the sort In the world. The building of the Niagara boule vard Is pointed dut ns a triumph of what may be accomplished by wise co-operation between a Government and private enterprise. Yearly the power companies contribute 1100,000, which Is used for enhancing the scen ic beauty of the surrouddtngs at the Falla. Out of this fund the boulevard Is being constructed under the super vision of the Park Commissioners to makq tbe Falla and the Niagara Rive; mere than ever the show place ol the New World. J. X Parker, 2021 No! 10th SL, Ft. Smith, Ark., says that he had taken many kinds of kidney medicine, but he did not get better until he took Foley Kidney Pills. No matter how lung you have bad kidney trouble, you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of Foley Kidney Pills. Start taking them now. Gem Pharma cy, f. 8. Paine. NAYCROBS COUNCIL NO. tl Jr. O; U. A. M. Meets ovary Monday evsnllg la Red dee’s Hell, Lott-HItch building at 8 la m. Visiting brothers cordially Melted to meet rtth us. Sbsrod Collins, L. Carl Collins. •toe-Becty Councilor. Advertise In Tbe Waycross Evening Herald. The Road to Independence Is not the spenders route. Deposit your salary with us, we Issue you a pass-book and check book; pay nil your bills- up by check, thus avoiding the necessity and worry of making your money stretch to-next payday. You know bow'It is, money -In your pocket never lasts. YOUR B INK ACCOUNT Will stop the leaks, and, tf.lt Is your desire to get ahead, will eventually make you Independent Start an ac-' count with ua today; a large amount not necessary; Juat your week’s or .month’s salary. - - FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYCROSSS RESOURCES 2800.000.00 CAPITAL »200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS , WILLIAMS’ BLACKSMITH Shop CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPPOSITE WILLIAMS STREET. WHEELRIGHT AND REPAIRING, HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY, RUBBER TIRES PUT ON WHILE Hardware Co.