Newspaper Page Text
£g •
At tlu last named paint connexion
trill be made with the Missouri, Kan-
■aa and Texaa road, also controlled
| by the Hawley latereata, which will
'afford through aerrlce to the Oulf.
Special To The Herald,
Springfield, 111., Dec. It.—The III!
note State Swine Breeder* Associa
tion began Ite annual meeting In thla
city, with Freeldcot G. C. Stone of
Peoria preaiding.
Thla afternoon the member* paid
• rlalt of lnapectlon to the State bio
logical laborotory. •
The aeaalona will continue over to
morrow and will conclude In tba even
lag with a banquet.
Get the habit, amoke "O. o.
Cigar*. Clear Havana.
Toronto, Dec; 18.—A moat remarka-
tfble prank of nature la to be aeen at
tlio preaent moment in the SIck CMI-
drofl'e hoapltal. A tiny baby girl, two
daya old Ilea Iti a little cot with Ite
hoart beating like an ordinary child,
but with the difference that the heart
la outalde of the thorax Inatead of
Inalde. There la neither akin nor
bone lo protect the vital organ, which
la hanging out on the cheat wall. ~
By the aid of an ingenloua mechan-
lam the baby'a heart beat waa regia-.
17 altered. A glaaa ball waa placed ovey
I the heart and connected by a rubber
jlhbo to a lever which graphical# re-
For Appalacblcola Oyatera and freah'cordc. v. \t.ol:ed paper even t#e
, phone lit.
7 tf
Special To The Herald.
Iflnneapolla, Minn., Pec. IS.—Stock-
hold era of the Mlnneapolla and St.
Loula Railroad mot here todny to
approve the new financial plan by
Which the Mlnneapolla and-St.* Loula
aad the Iowa <&lral roada are to be
combined. The/fowa Central atbck
holder* are called to meet in Chicago
tomorrow for the aame purpose.
, Tho combining of the Mlnneapolla
and St. Loufi and tho Towa Central REN0 HASTENS DIVORCES
Uae* I* a part of tho plana of thoj FOR "CHRISTMAS CHEER.'
Bawley Interests which aim to havoi Hello, New, Dec IS—Kaatern women
a through system from tho Canadian j thc d | V „ r ce colony here, anxious
border to the Oull of Mexico to bo In 1 10 got home for the Christmas Roll-
operation by the time tho Panama I days, have urged their attorneys to
canal la completed. At preaent the j hasten their cases, and as a result- the
northern terminus of tho Iowa Central i divorce court dockets aro crowded as
most minute movement* of the organ.
It la beatlnb about one hundred times
a minute, and quite strongly, tu6.
Through tho thin akin Ine can see the
blood rush Into the chambers and
watch them till up. Then, when the
licart contracts, the blood Is forced
Into tho arteries to be distributed
through the body. The child appear*
quite healthy.
Special To The jferald.
Jacksonville, Fla., Dec. 19.—Jack-
vllle la preparing an elaborate- pro
gramme of entertainment for the mem
bera of ih'e American Aasoeteiton of
Passenger Agents, who are to hold
their animal contention In this city
next week.
Advices received by the local com
mittee Indicate that the gstbe^fg
will be attended by representative* of
neaily all -the prominent roada jof
the United States, Canada and Mexl-
The Overland 30 fully equipped and
delivered to yonifor 31,000.00 Four
dew ones |p stock.
14 St eod. Kelley's Garage.
Kansas City, Mo., Dec. 18.—Keeping
loaded pistol in a bureau drawer
with her false hair proved to be a
fatal mistake last night for Mrs. Celia
Maalan of this city. The weapon be
came entangled with her twitch,'slid
While trying to disengage the revolver
It was discharged. She was shot
the bead and almost Inatanly killed.
Get the habit, smoke
Clear Havana.
•T. B. 8."
37 tl
la ATuert, Minn., and the southern
terminus Albla, Iowa. It Is planned
lo extend tho Minneapolis nnd St.
latuls to the Canadian line and to
build another llH-mllo road from the
southern terminus at Albla Into St.
they never have been before. Techni
calities wlflcli drdlnarlly would be
used to get n delay while new witness
es are sumlboned are overlooked by
counsel and the Judges allow no long
drawn out arguments.
Special To The Herald.
New York, Dec. 19.—Hundreds
applications have been received for
places at the twelfth annual banquet
of the Automobile Club of America,
which Is to be held tomorrow night
In the grand ball room of tho Waldorf
Astoria Hotel.
President Taft will be the guest of
honor, while nearly all the members
of his cabinet are expected to be on
FIBhts Scheduled For Tonight.
Packey McFarland vs. Yonng Mick
ey. 10 rounds, at New York.
Tony Ross vs. Jack (Twin! Bulllvan,
12 rounds, at Cleveland. —-
That are good and will give years of
Service and Pleasure
/I Few Timely Suggestions
Pearl Brooches
Pearl Beads
• Chains
Hat Pins
Locket & Chains
Watch Fobs
La Valiers .
Signet Rings
Shirt Waist Pins
Set Rings
Cameo Rings
Set Rings
Neck Chains
Scarf Pins
Toilet Sets
Cuff Buttons
Manicure Sets
Tie Clasps
Cut Glass, Etc
Military Brushes
M odor a to
Little & Odom
House Of Christmas
Tie buying of Gifts appropriate
to the person for whom the Gift is
intended is sometimes a difficult
matfer. You want beauty, you
would like to include serviceability.
7 he Gift that is purely ornamental can never be so
satisfactory as the one that combines
beauty with service
Your Christmas selections from this dtore HAVE THESE TW O
QUALITIES, and the result of a purchase mdde here is to endow your
gift with ail that a gift should have! It will not be cadt aside and
forgotten in a few weeks or months, but will give years of useful
service, adding pleasure and comfort to the home where it goes. Such
a gift is worthy of your consideration, and the codt is no more. Our
large dtore is filled with hundreds of articles from which you can selecft
a suitable gift for any friend or member of the family, and if it is
more convenient for you to pay AFTER Christmas you can arrange
the terms to suit, either in 30, 60 or 90 days at SPOT GASH PRICES,
or on small monthly payments. '
Elegant Assortment of Rockers
We are showing 200 styles at prices to
fit any purse, the newest styles and patterns
in Rattan are here with Settees and tables
to match. We have a large assortment in
Oak and Mahogany, alio a number of great
values in Turkish Rockers, some upholstered
in bed quality chase leather and others in
genuine leather with the famous guaranteed
Seng springs.
A Great Display of Dining Room Furniture
The largest line ever bhown in this city. Thirty pa
terns of China Cabinets from the leading factories of the
country at prices from $16 10 to $50.60. Fifty patterns of
high class Sideboards at from $16,00to $75.60. Thirty five
styles of Buffets from $19.00 to $50.00. A large line of
Pedestal Extension Tables from $11.50 to $50 00. Seventy-
five patterns of Chairs from 80c up to $11,50 each.
If your house or the he use of your fikndismtdt vaim er,d brig It
with the Christmas spirit and the holiday tolirs offeied by this dorr,
THAT house will remain cherry and comfortable through all the days
of 1912. Remember the best gift is the gift that serves.
Davenports and Couches
either in genuine leather or in best guaranteed
chase leather. Our line is extensive, compris
ing about thirty styles at a wide range of prices.
The Davenports are from $28.00 to $50.00, the
Couches from $16.00 to 50.00
Morris Cliairs
The ideal gift for father, husband or broth
er. We have fifty different patterns, including
the famous Royal Push Button kind, the auto
matic and the rod style, in all the popular finishes
and upholsterings. They are Priced from
$10.00 TO $20.00
We are showing a beautiful line of Pidurcs. Ladies' Writing
Desks, Library Cases, Parlor Cabinet!, Parlor and Library Tables, Sec
tional Book Cases, Rugs, all sizes and prices, Dinner Sets from V|J'.00
to $18,00, Brass Beds, Chifferobes, Wardrobes. Chiffoniers, /Ladies*'
Toilet Tables; Stoves and Ranges for coal or ucod, the famous “Char
ter Oak” Line. (
“The Store of Great Values Where Your Credit Is Good” ^ ^
Walker-Hood Furniture Co.