Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 20, 1911, Image 2
Watt Hardware Company ' WAYCROSS, GA. THE EVENING HERALD, BETTER CRY OF THEH EDITOR. Published By E HERALD PUBLISHING A. P. P«rham, 8% A. P. PerhBm, Jr. Editor! and Proprietor!. Miti Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. Tba Waycros* Herald founded In UBS. The Dally Herald founded In 1892 by A. P. Perbam, Sr. Telephonta Baalnus Office >8 , Editorial Offle 21 Reeldence 281. fvery Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Wayeroaa, Ga., Poet. •Eta aa aecond elaaa mall matter. Office No. I Jane Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. . »« I Mottha |J-*J S Montba JJ*® I Tear »®-®0 NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Snbteribere to Tba Herald that do Tot receive tba paper promptly and .early will pieaee rlng-up tba Clrcu.a. don Manager and report tbe trouble be h)m, aa tble le tbe only meana that are can aaaure you prompt and early ' SPECIAL NOTICE _ _ , All obituary notlcea, carde of thanks , All obituary noucee, caraa oi feaolutlona and notlcea of entertain. manta, where charges are made, win be charged at adrertlalng ratea of eenta a Uni. , THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of tbe United btatea Court of tbe Southern Dletrlct Georgia. . WAYCROSS, GA., DEC. 20, ,1*11. A riot at a peace meeting la merely one of tbe anomnllea of life In tbe lay metropolla. + Jnwn D. boa no dealre to go Into tbe Morritta of the caac before the Stanley committee. 4. Lorlmer la getting ao much probing that, by thla time there can't be any portion of hla anatomy undlaturbed. King 'Fonay'a auntie baa apologia- ed to him for writing a book—but the apology le probably rightly Cue the public. * The “shooting ahow girls" have been acquitted. They were not "shoot ing atara", however, but only mem bers of the chorus. 4. A specialist has Invented a liquid soup, a quart of which will waab a perron 2,540 times. They ■Tied' some of that in Mississippi politics. j. Allred Tennyson Dickens la writing remlnlaconclea of'hla father, Charles. The old man certainly left Alfred an llluerloua name, If nothing more. + Lillian ItuBMell any* *ho will hang tip her stocking this Christmas Just as she did when n child. It Is possl- hie that Lillian remembers tlm; far back? Teddy's tooth and IsaFollotte'a pom padour protrude prominently In pres ent day politics, and don't forgot that at least one part of Toft's "sticks out*' somo itself. —4.— If one man can piny a game of baieball on Mars unassisted. It A newspaper la a thing tbat every person la town know* how to run except the editor. It le .wbat should be an oven for roasts for everyone except yourself, members of your fam ily and a few of your particular friends for whom it should be a sweet-sented bouquet o{_pralse. It Is wbat you want the editor keep your name out of aa soon aa you bare settled with tbe po lice justice on tbe morning utter, and to get your name Into It as toon as tbe cards are lashed two weeks before. It la wbat la Just too horrid and In quisitive jbr anything, and please keep my name out,” when the reporter wishes to know about tbe bridge whist club, and which la the mean old sheet tbat never gets anything right when your name Is omitted from "among those present.” It la what one never forgets to condemn for Its mistakes, and never remembers to praise for the ;ood It accomplishes. It- le subsidized when ft falls to tell about the million aire’s wife running away with the coachman, and a libelous yellow rag when It reporla your police court trial for killing your neighbor's dog.—Ir ving (III.) Times. Oet the habit, amoks "Y. B. 8.’ Clear Havana. IT ft The Overland 30 fully equipped and delivered to you for $1,040.00 Four now ones In stock. It Ot cod. Keller's Oarage. Children Cry for Fletcher’s TI10 Kind Yon Haro AMays Bought, and which has been In use for over 30 Years, lias borne the signature of , and has been.made under his per sonal supervision since its Infancy. Allow no ono to deceive yea In tills. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Jnst-ns-good” arc but Experiment* that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants apd Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless substitute lor Castor OU, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Wormu and allays Feverishness. It aures Diarrhoea and Mind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving henlthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years 9 TMC CKWTAUW COI>»*MT. Tf MUMAW TWItT WKW TOM CITY. J. E. Parker. 2021 No. 10th St, Ft. Smith, Ark., says that he had taken many kinds of kidney medicine, but he did not get better until he took Foley Kidney Pills. No matter how long you have had kidney trouble, you will find quick and permanent benefit by the use of Foley Kidney Pill*. 8tart taking them now. Gem Pharma* cy, T. 8. Paine. «AY6R088 COUNCIL NO. tl Jr. O. U. A. M. Ifecta every Monday evenlag to Red Hen's Hall, Lott*Hltch building at I F m. Visiting brother* cordially lavttod to meet rlth oa. Sberod Coffin*, L. Carl Col Una «ec-8ecty Connolloi Advertise In The Wa/cros* Evening Herald. 8TATE OF GEORGIA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ATLANTA. wouldn’t prtxvo a novelty to Ty Cobb, who, tho iwwt season, played a num ber of games all by hiiuself—thkt Is to say, he was tbe only man cm the team who did any playing, The First Natlontl Bank located In the city of Waycross, having been ap pointed a State Depository, and iiar* Ing executed and filed In this office a bond In the sum of FIFTY THOUS AND DOLLARS, conditioned for tho faithful discharge of Its duilcs, whhn has been accepted and approved by the Governor, It is therefore ordered: That the Tax Collector of the Countv of Ware be and Is heroby Instructed to pay over to said bank all moneys collected by him for and ci» account of State taxes, except such as may; be paid directly Into tho State Treasure and that notice of this ordor be give.i by publication In some uewupapor ot general circulation published In the city where said bank Is located. This 24th day of November, UHL JOHN M. SLATON, President of Senate and Acting Gov ernor. Atlantic Coast Line Schedule. DEPARTURES. The railroad commission has docld* ] ed that editors can exchange adver-' WOODMEN OF Using for transportation on the value j Wf\l> I r* for basis basis in future. It is strange fVUKLU. to us that a thing of this kind ever occasioned any seriotts question with the commission and the governor. 4- THE Renewed attention to one of the moat neglected of Industrial problems CAMP tex Hvga first end third Thureda, •» each south. Masonic HalL Richard I* Singleton, O. C. D. P. Went lev. Clerk. ARRIVALS AT WAYCROSS. from Savannah Vain 189 5:80 am Train 185 12:50 pm Train 21 5:65 pm [tain 67 10:10 pm .-'rim Montgomery Train 55 6:15 am Tain 180 5:45 pm From Balnbrldre & Tbomssvllle Train 188 10:05 am From Albany Train 83 6:55 am min >1 9:55 am Train 97 6:09 pm From Chicago ard Nortweat . C. Special (via Albany)....4:66 am Dill. Flyer (via Tlfton)....5:35 am loutb Atlantic Limited 6:85 am rroro Brunswick Train 96 7:40 am Train 90 6:00 pra From Jacksonville min 28 6:65 pm Train 33 10:16 pm Train 91 10:86 pm min 93 10:46 pm rrom Tampa, High Springs via Du pont Cram 48 ..7:26 pm For through Schedules, Fullmer E. M. North. A. a P. A. Savanest .Gl For Jesup and 8avannah Train i:56 Train 188 10'8( Train 180 7: Jo »n Train 6:10 po For Montgomery * Train 189 -«:10 at. Train 67 10:25 »n For Balnbrldge and ThomaivtUe. Train 185 1:00 » For Albany Train 92 ...10:60 p: Train 96 ...7:60 an Train 90 6:10 pa For Chicago and Northwest I. C. Special (via Albany).- 10:60 »n Dixie Flyer (via TUton) ....10:20 »a South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:20 ro For Brunswick Train 91 10:10 an Train 97 6:10 *n For Jacksonville Train 95 (Dixie Flyer 1:40 aa Train 93 6:00 an Train 33 6:46 an rain 31 6:15 »« For Tampa. High Sprtnxa Train 43 6:00 aa reservations, etc. Call On R. E. Camp, Ticket Agent. Waycross Ga Advertise In 1 he HERALD! ^Vhat Shall I Give lor Christmas? THIS PROBLEM 10 ARISING IN EVERY HOME IN THE LAND AND IS BEING SOLVED UNIVERSALLY BY THE PUR- CA8E OF ELECTRIC COOKING AND HEATING APPLIANCE* AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD DEVICES. ADDED TO THE CHARM OP THEIR APPEARANCE IS THE FACT THAT THEY ARE EX- CEEDINGLY USEFUL AND THEIR CONSTANT USE IN THE H0ME8 OF THEIR POSSESSORS IS AN EVER PRESENT RE MINDER OF THEIR DONORS. THIS COMPANY HAS A NUMBER OF THE MOST POPULAR DEVICES ON SALE AT LA GRANDS PHARMACY. DEVICES VARY IN COST FROM TWO DOLLARS FOR A HANDY IMMERSION LIQUID HEATER TO FIFTEEN D0LLAR8 FOR A 8EWIN3 MACHINE MOTOR, i r WOULD IN TEREST YOU TO EXAMINE THEM. Ware County Light and Power Company. UNION JEWELRY STORE la called by another fearful mine die- > Watchmakers and Engravers. All Kind aster—thla time In Tennessee—in , which 100 victims lost their lives. { Public Intelligence and expert opinion , are united In the belief that a large percentage of such disasters are pro- venable, yet the horrible record of slevaatatlon continues seemingly un- checker It la high time tbat an or- "salted and continuous national cam- "tlgn against unsafe conditions la ■naa should be encouragtSP^xnd 'Mad on. Oar record la the matter ’ inch disasters la a national dta- -ace. Of Jewelry Repairing. 10S Plant Ava Wayeroaa, Ga. WAKEFIELD LODGE, NO. 0 KNIGHTS OF PYTw.AS. Masts av-cv Monday evening at t:t* ta lCastle Hal. ?lut ava I Members a-* requested We Can and We Will Aid You In Your CHRISTMAS BUYIN0! YOU WILL FIND THIS ST ORE A WONDERFUL AID IN EVERY WAY. * What sort of glfte do you yourself like—the useful sort, don’t you? Of course you do—then *o do others—others to whom you would give. Then why not chooee here? Choose from our splendidly complete Hardware stock—where your ©very choice la auerly a satisfying on# and where price# will enable the Christmas dollars to do. greatest duty. JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS—PERHAPS WE MAY HELP YOU. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS DURHAM DUPLEX SAFETY RAZORS CHAFING DISHft BAKING DISHES CHINA AND CUT GLASS CARVING SETS, ETC. Cows On The Streets! ' WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE 8TREET8 OR NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD 18 NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. Vyf- Lawn Fence IS THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM, KEEP8 THEM IN OrJ OUT, BESIDES, IT ADDS TO THE LOOK8 AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO GET IT IS R. J. ANTHOI JY Hardware Co. 98-100 PLANT AVENUE. When You Stroll STROLL TO La Grande Pharmacy Allthel atett HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RU BB E R G O OD S an<| DRUGGISTS’ SUNDRIES j • . .. ? . . i 1