Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 20, 1911, Image 6
A DREADFUL SIGHT To H. J. Bertram, ol FreevMe, N T, vil tlie fever-sore that beg plagued hi* lit* for rear* In apt’* of many. A. M. KNIGHT ANNOUNCES FOR ORDINARY. Circumstance* fore* me to sat InU tha "same" thla early'and announce aujaelf as a candidate tor Ordinary ^ the next Democratic primary eleo- Kin. Should any one else acer tor this place I trust that he will be a* Gao a "*«" as my good friend B. H. nomas, which would Insure a clean non. ff elected I will see Ulkt'ttd •Me* Is kept open all day. I solicit my share of the rotes. A. U. Knight remedies he tried. Ar last he used Surklen’s Arnica Salt* and wrote- 'It has entirely healed with scar>«lr Heal? burnt, Bolls, Ko oooooooooooo O H LESTER MARVIL ^ O Formerly Lott, Fain A Co O > FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND O O EMBALMERS. O O Telephone BOO Day or NfU O O’ Private Chapel and Horgu* O 0 ooooooooo^> * i scar left' vine, Cuts, Bruises, Swellings, Coma >»d Files like magic. On.y 25 s at tU Druggists. I Never Saw a Married Woman who Had Any Sense BUT WHAT KNEW SOMETHING ABOUT THE ARRANGEMENT FOR HOUSE INTERIORS. I HAVE SEV ERAL HUNDRED SETS OF PLANS IN THE OFFICE THAT I HAVE HELPED THESE WOMEN WORK OUT IN A PRACTICAL SHAPE AND WOULD LIKE TO HELP YOU. D. S. SCHUREMAN Architect 425-427 LaGrande Building WAYCROSS, Ga. Office Phone 177 House Phone 467 Atlantic Coast Line E. M. NORTH, A. a P. A, R. E. CAMP, TICKET AQT. SAVANNAH, OA. WAYCROSS, OA. Shop In Savannah Easel & Vinson Company •“* (THE GARMENT STORE) Refunds Your Railroad Fare Write Us For Particulars See Us When in Savannah. FOR ORDINARY, flfe tilt Voters of Were county: I hereby announce that I am a can- for the office of Ordinary of Ware county, subject to the Deiro- italic primary to be held later, gttrltd I promiee to giro my entire time to the dntfee of the office and gollclt the support of Jny friends. Respectfully, B. 8. Henderson. FOR ORDINARY. To the Citizens of Ware County: Heretofore I have stated that 1 would not bo a candidate to auccoed myeolf av Ordinary of *\Vare County, but alnce giving the matter more ma ture consideration, and tho people bavin" elected mo (o that position for MW term, which has hotter fltted me to fill that position for e succeeding term, I have decided t* y'eld to tho ffoUcllatlona of my many frlendn who bare Importuned me to stand for re flection and horoby make this my announcement for Ordinary of Ware County, subject to tho Democrat!? primary to be called by tho Democrat- fto Esecutfvo Committee of Ware coun ts Tours respectfully, D. II. Thomas. FOR ORDINARY, f hereby announce that I will be o candidate for*tho office of Ordinary of Ware county, subjoct to the Detu ocratlc primary to be held later. If fleeted, I ;promise to give my atten tion to tho offico and keep It open, li will be no side lino with me. This fatly announcement Is mndo neces sary by tho fact that other candidates bave already announced for this of fice. Soliciting tho support of my friends, I nm. yours to sorve, O. P. FOLKS. c* oooooooooo o O WL HINSON & CO ° O UNDERTAKERS O O AND . o O EMBALMERS. O C Phone 91 end 155. O »OOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO O WILSON o o P P NNETT . o «• & uAMBDIN o O Attorneys A Counselor* At Law O 0 OOOOOOOOOO 0 OOOOOOOOOOO O A FLEMING M D ° O Office over Gem Pharmacy O O In Southern Building. {» OOOOOOOOOO J. E. KNIGHT, M. D. Office 220-228 Southern Building. Office Hours: 9 to 11 a* m; 2:30 tc 4 p. m.; 7 to 8 p. m. OOOOOOOOOOo ■ JOHN S WALKER <> * Attorney and Counselor At O Law. O Office upstairs Southern O Hotel. O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. OOOOOOOOOO A FATHER'S VENGEANCE Ii*F — Would have fallen on any one who at tacked the eon of Peter Bondy, bt South Rockwood, Mich., but 'he was powerless before attacks of Kidney trouble. “Doctors could not help him" he wrote, “so at last we gave him Electric Bitters and he Improvel rap idly and wonderfully from taking six bottles. *It§ the best Kidney medicine 1 ever say." Backache, Tired feelln* Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, warn of kidney trouble that may end in dropsy, diabetes or Bright’s disease. Beware: Take Electric Bitters and be safe. Every bottle guaranteed. 50c at All Druggists. A MAIL CARRIER'S LOAD. Seems heavier when he has a weak back and kidney trouble. Fred Dueh- ron,. Mall Carrier at Atchison, Kas., says: ‘T havq been _ bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and had a severe pain across my back. When ever I carried a load, my kidney trou ble increased. Some timo ago, 1 start ed taking Foley Kidney Pills and since nklng them I have gotten entlroly rid of all my kidney trouble and am as sound now as over.” Gem Pharmacy, S. Paine. FOR ORDINARY. Thla Is to notify mv friends ttaut 1 im In the race for tho offico of Or dinary of Ware county, subjoct to the Democratic primary. If successful 1 will not only keep the offico opon for the convenience of the public, but will stay In It myself. Yours truly, M. J. Carswell. BOWDEN in senatorial race. Tha Herald la authorized and re quested to announce that Hon. J. E. T. Bowden will he n :andldat* tor the State eenstor from tho Waycroee die Wet tn the primary to hr celled Inter sad ihat a plain atatement will ap sear soma tlmo li ter 15 Ct OOOOOOOOOOO J B BAGLEY M D PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Office n Southern Building OFFICE HOURS. O 9-11 A. M. 5-4 P. M. 708 P. M. OOOOOOOOOO0 » OOOOOOOOOO 7 O ANDREW B ESTES « O ATTORNEY AT LAVA O O Room 27, Southern Hntel OMg. ^ O WsyerrM. On c o. ooooor, oooo < Don't freeze. TVe hsro Manhole and comforts that will keep you warm. Cash or easy payments. Home Furniture Okmpuny, IT tt Plant and Alhnny Avenue. [ale Peerl, (Ire beet onion yet). Winter lawn Grass seeds at Baals Pharmacy. 18 tf Han your automobile and buggy top work done at J. T. McGee's bjr • first-class trimmer, 51 Albany it. ana , 15 Set WAYCROSS LODGE No. 80S. F. «c A. M. * , REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 7:50 P. M. AH Masons Invitee to Attend J. M. BELL. W. M. W. 5. CLARK. SEC. OOOOOOOOOOO0 O Bon). O. Porks. Hnrry r>. Reod O o PARKS & REED <> O ATTORNEYS AT LAW. O O Southern Hotel Building. O O WAYCROSS. — GEORGIA. O OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO© o DR LEWIS o * JONATHAN BURCH o O PRACTICE LIMITED TO O O Eye, Ear, Note, Throat and O O Chronic Dlee.t'**. O O Residence 168 Plant Ave* O Office Redding Building. O O Office Hours: ’from 9 to 13: ^ O and from 2 'till 4 and by ap- O O polntmcnt OOOOOOOOOO6 Prof. Otis Miller has on exhibit at tho Bon Ton millinery store a magnifi cent line of oil and pastel paintings. Stop In and see them. 6 tf For coughing, dryness and tickling of tho throat, hoarseness and all coughs nnd colds, take Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. Contains nQ ipl- ates. Gom Pharmacy, T. S. Paliie. oooooooooooo O FIRE INSURANCE and BONDS O LOTT PEABODY ° INSURANCE ^ AGENCY O Phono 135. 5st. 1884. 0-0 OOOOOOOOOO 00^^000000o C L REDDING o O ATTORNEY AT LAW. O O Upstair* Redding Block. O WAYCROSS, — GEORGIA. O OOOOOOOOOOOo WILLIAM R. THOMAS, M. D. Ollli'c. 3,9 and 331 LaGrande Building. Hour*: 9 to 11; 2 to 4. PARK MOR RAND CO. -NGINEERS AND CONTRACTORS. Lolt-Httch Building. RE-INFORCED COVCRE-E. O OOOOOOOOOO © O G R LOVELACE o O DENTIST O O one* In Redding Block. Over O O Star Clothing Store O OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOo w J GASSETT O O CONTRACTOR A BUILDER O O Reedene* 45 Margaret street O O Phone 105 Weycroe*. Os-.-O O OOOOOOOOOO o OR. J. T. DIXON, Phytlelan end Surgeon. Special attention to chronic of women and children, OBSTETRICS, CANCER AND DROPSY. Omen Third Floor LotVHitdh BMa Office boon: 9tolls.rn.4to5p.tn. Phone, offleo ttl ReaMemn 555. J T TURNER ARCHITECT. Office LaGrande Building. P. O. Box t Waycrose, Georgia. YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD REMOVAL SALE Not Necessary to have all the CASH Because $1.00 F>er Week PAYS YOUR BILL We are going to Move our Store to 72 Plant Ave., and thePublic mu&help move it. For an in ducement we are going to give 20% DISCOUNT on Everything in STYLISH And UP-TO-DATE Clothing, Shoes and fiats for Men, Women and Children YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD FIT-RITE CLOTHING CO. 1 4 PLANT AVE LaGRANDE Slp WIREGRASS LODGE NO. 153 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CARW0RKER8. Meets every second and fourth Tuesday night In each month. J. W. VilUnerwee, President. W. J. Lansy, Recording Secty. OOOOOOOOOOOo O DEEN& BURNETT « O ALL KINDS OF INSURANCE O O Room SOS La Grand* Bldg. © O Waycroea, Oa. O oooooooooooe HERBERT S HOPKINS ATTORNEY AT LAW. Room 555, LaGrande Building. & A. DOWNEY, M. a V. Veterinarian. 19 Albany Avenue. Waycroaa, Ga Day and Night Phone 595. ©OOOOOOOOOO© o BYCK ELECTRIC ° o SUPPLY CO o O All Kindt of Electrical Work O and Supplle*. O ALL WORK GUARANTEED. © O 20 Lott Street. Phono 599. O O 0.00 00 000 0 0 © oooooooooooo «■ J H BREWTON <> O DENTIST. O O 429-422 laOrwnd* Bunding O O Office Phone 551; Reeldeae* *45 O Wxycroa*. QiiwBM. O OOO 0.0 0 4» 0 0.0.0 0 "Grandma” Sausage We have Installed an electric sau sage mill, and will make a specialty of "GRANDMA'’ 8AU3AGE. We have an up-to-date market and propose to head the procession. Try us and be convinced. We have Installed a HOBART ELECTRIC BONE GRINDER, and will make a specialty of furnishing our customers with this valuable egg producer at a very small cosL We urge you to try a small lot and see the increaso In your egg supply. Then it will pay you to arrange for a regular weekly supply so that you will not be disappointed. T. H. Blizzard STARTS MUCH TROUBLE. If *11 people knew thot neglect of conellpatton would rweult in severe In digestion, yellow Jaundice or virulent liver trouble they would eoon take Dr. King'* New Lite Pill*. and end It. Its the only eafe way. Best for bll- llousness, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25c at All Druggist*. Before You Reach me Lwrtlt of physical endurance and while you, condition la etm curable, take Fblej Kidney Pills. Their quick eetioa and positive remits will delight you. IM end ell kidney, bladder and urinary Atlantic Coast Line THROUGH 8LEEPERS TO ATLANTA AND POINTS WEST. LEAVE WAYCR08S8 10:50 P. M„ ARRIVE ATLANTA 7:07 A. M. LEAVE ATLANTA 8:50 P. M. OR 10:20 P. M, ARRIVE WAYCROSS 5:55 A. M. OR «:55 A. M. J “ WAYCROSS 18 A8SI0NED AMPLE SPACE IN OUR ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMAN8. SAVE TIME BY TRAVELING OVER THE