Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 21, 1911, Image 1

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By Drainage Congress At
Suspected of Being Con
nected With Fitzgerald
Post Office Robbery.
To The Effect That Russia
Has Ordered Army To
Persia For Purpose
Trial In Divorce Case—A
Pennsylvania Millionaire
In Divorce Suit
Declared By The Receivei
This Makes Fifty Per
I Cent. Paid So Far
Attended By The Georgia
Drainage Congress Mem
bers And Visitors
train. The meetinCLuted resolution*
»nd completed th» business or Ihd
congress beforo adjourning, to meet
next In annual aeulon In Savannah, f
The city, camera window will be
open on Sunday December 24 from 8
to 10 o'clock, a. m. Patron* who bare
their mall delivered by the dity car
rier*, can be served by calling at the
Po*t omce during the hour* named.
At the ume hour* on Sunday the
General Delivery, Stamp and Ragliter
window* will be open. Registered
mall will be recelled for dispatch and
On Monday, (Christmas Day) the
City Carrier* will make one full de
livery and collection or mail. Extra
camera have been employed and mall
will be dellevqrsd In all possible
haste. Also on Christmas Day from
8 to 10 a. m., the general delivery,
sump and register windows will be
open for general business.
The rural camera will make their
usual trips on Christmas Day.
81 St Postmaster,
Oet the habit, smoke "O. 0. O.
Cigars. Clear Havana. 17 t
Special To The Herald.
Cllumbla, 8. C., Dec. 21.—The edu
cational commission of the South
Carolina Baptist Convention met In
tblsdty today to consider the queteon
of beglning an active campaign^)
ralso funds for the Baptist colleges
for women at Greenville and Ander
At tho last meeting of the conven
tlon both institutions were reported in
need of Unsocial supporL
you wear. All New
of your Xmss tree may spread tho
ruin of yonr entire house. Of course
you do not expect to be so careless,
but protect yourself against all possi
ble catastrophes. We advise that you
take out a policy.
but it sometimes comae, and when It
does it seems to come In bunches.,
Protect yourself as far as you can
and then go serenely along four say
and do not crors any bridge* till yon
com* *n them.
Brunswick McRae, the negro convic
ted of assault with Intent to murder at
the recent term of Ware Superior
Court, and given a sentence of four
years, was corned to Wayne county
this morning to begin bis term. Spen
cer Lee, another negro, was earned
to Turner county to serve s term of
thK, iam for assault with Intent to
Bsrdww . ... . . . 5-; (j
I will sell at auction to the highest
bidder, before the Court House door
at 10 o'clock; Saturday, December 22,
a number of guns and pistols to pay
charge* for repairs made at my shop.
Winchester, pump guns, breechload
era, rifles, etc.
lfttwV J. T. McGee.
RhOM 266. L« Grand* ■uildfnf.
The receivers or the BanlT of WsV'
cross have declared another dividend
of ten per cent for depositors, san* e
to be paid on or before January 1.
This dividend will make fifty P®*
cent paid to depositors of the ban**
they previously having been paid W r *
ty per cent.
The prospects, «o The Herald le*ri ,,, »
are good for more *to come for t^e
depositors in the old Baffle of} wi**
* cross.
Friday evening at 6:30 o'clock, De
cember 22nd, special Christmas ,din*«r
for the Board of Directors andj Tt&»*
tees. Mr. J. V. Reed, of Atlanta* D*®
State secretary will be present. En
couraging reporta will be read.
Mrs. Hendricks will be assisted
Mrs. W. D. O'Quinn in arranging fh®
dinner. The Y. M. C. A. Quart***®
will render several selections.
Onyx Silk Hose,
20 4t The Standard Shoe Co. I
Buy him a Gillette Safety R^or,
Durham Duplex .Safety Razcr
jf Christmas. We have\ them-
^ - prices and styles.
Watt Hardware Compfnj
Pittsburg, Pa.. Dec. 20.—A remarka
ble and sensational court hearing oc
curred here today in connection with
the domestic troubles of Andrew W.
Mellon, multi-millionaire banker of
this city, and his wifo, Nora McMullen
Mellon, member of a prlminent fam
ily of Dublin, Ireland. The question
debated today was whether Mrs. Mel
lon is entitled to a Jury trial, open to
the ipublic, which her husband objects
to. Alfred George Curphey otLondon
an officer in the -British army, ie
named as co-respondent.
A law passed this year by the Penn
sylvania Legislature having a tenden
cy to become an issue In the case, was
mentioned In arguments today as to
Mrs. Mellon's right for jury trial.
Some months ago the case was
brought before the British Parliament
because, of the apparent inability of
Mrs. Mellon to secure a public trial.
According to counsel for Mellon a
public jury would be prejudicial to
public morals because of the testimo
ny to be heard.
Every possible effort has been em
ployed to keep developments in the
case a secret. Practically all the de
tails of the trouble up to this time
have been supplied by Mrs. Mellon.
Judge Evans reserved decision.
Pelham, Ga., Dec. 20.—'Three man,
strangers, had been seen around Flint,
Ga., during Monday, and It was report
ed to Sheriff Crow that tney had up
ward ot $3,000 in cash. Sheriff Crow
Immediately went to Flint to Investi
gate, but arriving there found
gone. Afterward'three merf fllllng the
description of thoso seen at Flint
walked Into the ticket office aftim-
ilia, bought tickets and boarded the
southbound train. The agent of the
Atlantic Coast Line was on the watch
out for these men and notified the
police at Pelham, and he also took the
train to bo able .to point them out.
When the train arrived here the sus
pects bolt-editor the street, the police
running one down and the other two
getting away.
The police at Meigs, five miles
south of here, were notified and caught
another this morning and brought him
back here. Both those men claim not
to know each other, but were identi
fied as two men boarding the train
together at Camilla. Officers hope to
havo two of these men connected with
the Fitzgerald robbery, and fcfiYe ask
ed that some one from Fitzgerald be
sent here in an effort to identify them.
Ladies, Misses and Children’s Slip
pers at ,
20 4t The Standard Shoe Co.
New Lot ot 0 loves
New Lot of Neckwear
Neu Lot ot Fancy Vests
\New Lot ot Muttlers and Reeters
New Lot of Woth Robes
Neu Lot of Sweater Coats
Lot of Soft Shirts
gla drainage law. Col. Lawton sent
thousands ot letter* and circulars to
parties along th. Central of Georgfff dlUlM ot tho offlce ' wer * «*™>
regarding the Waycroz, meeting end I credenco b * U > 8 8wte Department. In
the purpose of the drainage organise. 11119 of '“<* “*» ,rora
'Minister Russell.
The officials, however, admitted that
such a situation undoubtedly would
present! a difficult' problem In view of
ihe representations mado by the Unit
ed States some time ago that the right
of Minister Shuster as an American
citizen must be respected. They were
ct inclined to discuss whether such
a move on tho part of Russia could bo
aken as an act against the rights.
tlon. The resolution follows:
But for the extreme hospitality and
general good naturedness of one of
our distingushed visitors, we Tcs!tze
that the second annual meeting of the
Georgia Drainage Congress would not
havo been such a complete success,
and deleting to express to this distin
guished visitor our sincere thanks.
BE IT RESOLVED, That this meet-
ing tender a vo e of tTiankS to Mr. Al
exander R. Lawton of Savannah and
especially commend him as one of tho
organization’s strongest and most ao
tivd supporters.
this meeting extend its thanks to tho
Central of Georgia Railroad Company
its interest in all matters pertaining
developmen t work
throughout the South.
Duke of Coleraine.”
Thd following resolutions wero also
unanimously adopted at the Coleraine
WHEREAS, It haa been found that
one John T. Myers is going by a title
Special To The Herald.
Washington, D. C., Dec. 21.—pith
houses of Congress adjourned today
for the customary holiday recesa.
Somo of the members living in nearby
States will return home to spend
general * Xma8 ’ l,ut tho b,g raa J° rl *y ot 1110
I senator* and representatives wi!7 f6-
mrin In tho capital.
Of late years the holiday season has
become a period' of great social bril-
llanco Is Washington and as a conse
quence very few of those prominent-
public life, to say nothing of their
.. , , _ . . . ... wives and daughters, care to leave
entirely Insufficient for a man of his ^
the city at this time.
rank and capabilities.
BE IT RESOLVED, That^l moot
ing hereby tendon to him the title of
Duke of Coleraine, with nil right, and
privliges carried by said title.
the aforekald J. T. Myers be requested
to give duo notice to his many frlende
ot this new title so that dll may know I
the distinction we have thus given!
him. |
Thanks Hosts. i
Resolved tar: this meeting by rising
vote hereby tenders to Duke J. T. My
ers, Chief Cook W. J. Sanders and
Head Waiter J. B. Lewis Its most sin
cere thanks for their efegant and most
elaborate dinner sorvad this date at
Coleraine, recognized as the prettiest
place In the world.
Then, too, tho abolition of railroad
passes has been a pdTent Influence In
changing the old habit of the mem
bers of Congress In making frequont
trips to and from tholr homes.
Members of the Qeorgla Drainage
Congress and visitors were royally
entertained yesterday At' Coleraine,
guests of Messrs J. T, Myers, J. B.
Lewis and W. J. Sanders.
The party left Wsycross In the mom
Ing on the Dixie Flyer, returning In
the afternoon at six o'clock. Col. A.
R. Lawton carried his private car and
entertained the party going and com-
Ing ae only he can do the stunt.
At Coleraine the dinner was servsd
Indoors because of the heavy rain, but -
the weather did not mar the occasion
In the least As Col. Reed said going
to the dinner froBi Folklfoh: "This Is
very pleasant weather we are having.”
The remark was overhtrd by a fellow
whose wagon was having hard going
and the driver looked as If he would
like to say something sfflong.
The dinner was all that anyone
could want, and then some more to
make sure no ono folt slighted. The
feast was a record one- far that place
and will go down In hlatory as the
heat Charlton county has known. Quite
uumber of Folkston peopTiT were
present and they all laid no flatter
dinner could have been served. The
meats—turkey, quail, pork, mutton,
squirrel, chicken—were cooked as only
the hungry can appreciate. The bar-
becuo an prepared by. the most efficient
and ever Jovial W. J. Sandora was a
dandy. Judge Myers acted a* master
of ceremonies and he kept the crowd
moving at all times. The speaking
was conducted- from a sack of pota-
toes and corn and brought forth some
witty sayings from many mbmbers of
the party. The eating canteat was
settled by agreeing that Mr. L. J.
Cooper and Judgq R, . Hlcb tied. Ow
lag to the numerous calls made on hint'
Col. Walter MoElreath took the cake ,
for speech-rnnklng, official counter
Hobson stating that he had a record
of thirteen mado by the prominent
Atlanta attorney.
At Folkston the party met a warsf
reception from Mayor Cannon and'
other citizens and wero given a pleas
ant time while walwHSir the evening