Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 21, 1911, Image 2
(Ion between China anil the Untied I Watchmaker* and Engraver*. All Kind ‘I 1 > Of Jewelry Repairing. And now the Oaark land congrees , 1®* Waycroea, Ga. will turn loose on tho unoffending-/ ’ public a whole lot more speech**. It ■ WAKERI1LO LOOSE, NO. *7 la a sweet and consoling thought. KNIOHTg or PVT-tiAS. however, that no one will be compel!- • -~~ M to read them. “**" * TJT U ' , * d ‘ l •»•“*“* M <:00 In ‘l l *V jog yi| Caatl* Har ?lant nr* • It la * good and aato rule to sojourn W^jrX>£-J Member* are requested In every place aa If you meant to / to attend, aad rlelttng apm'j your life there, never omitting Knight* are moat ewe an opportunity of doing a kindness, or (tally melted to meet with oa. speaking n true word, or making a t. U.CRAWLET, C. & friend.—John Ruakln. T, & Millet. K-0iat3.ftll.0t*. IRWIN COUNTY OATS. Children Cry for Fletcher’s For years niter the war the plan- ierr. of Dougherty and Mitchell cour.- ! tier sent their teams to Irwin county Tor sea<J oats. Therp grew In Irwin | county a rust proof oat that waa very rheaty, far superior to tho Texas oat that superseded it. ^ It was the beet rust-proof dht thnt tins ever, sold in this atat'e. . Mow that “something else" ,1s need ed (n talco the piece of to much cotton why should Irwin county not go back to raising that famous oat? ' Tho lands ot Irwin produces tho Boost oats. Indeed the soli, setftis specially adapted to them. It (rwln would make a special Industry of oats of that heavy bearded rust-proof va riety she could build up a vast trade. They would soil all over the south; ,ror these oajs bare no rlrsl, that Is no equal.-titiacoO'Telegraph. ’ Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias been In use for over 30 years, has homo the signature of - and has been made under his per- ss' j-jfZS/rf-tonal eupo'rvislon since Its Infancy. AJIowno one to deceive yon In this. All Connterfelts, imitations and “Jnst-ns-good” are but Experiments that trlflo with and endanger tho health of Infants nnfl Children—Experience against pxperlmcnt. HEATING APPLIANCES What is CASTORIA New York’s theater for negroes only win feature plays presenting tho dark elds ot life. ‘ ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD The Overland (0 fully equipped and delivered to you for 11,000.00 Four now ones In stock. 14 6t eod. Kelley's Oarage, In U*e For Over 30 Years THK CKNTAUR COMSANY. TT WUmAT THttT. WKW TO«« CITY. ■ , v -fcr.p.1.^ ay—i— •%„ t HSKALD PUBLISHING CO. 7 A. P. PertMHjig ff. / A*. P. Pertfunv 3r. Critters and Proprietors. Miu Carrie Perham, Personal, Society and Local. The WtycrtiHs Herald founded la tfIS. Thu tyally Herald founded In MOT by A. P. Perharu, Sr. Telephone* Buslntjs Office 2D Kdltorial Offie 2& K< ilrience 268. Fvery Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered nt the Waycroia, Ca„ Poet- •tree as second class mall matter. - Vfflee No. 8 Jane Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. . w Meert '• ■ Month ?}•« ■ Month* JS’JO NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do Jot receive tho paper prompUy end Early will please rlo*-np the Circuit. Bon Manager and report tho trouble Is him. as this It the only means that are can assure yon prompt end aarl/ SPECIAL NOT.CE All obituary notice*, card* of thanks, resolutions end notices of entertain- menu, where chargee are made, win Ee charged at advertising rates ot 5 •enta a line. ■ . THE HERALO IS THE Official Organ of the United falates Court of the Southern District of Georgia, WAYCROSS, OA, DEC. 21, 1»11. ‘ - • How many tlmaa have you adver tised in the Herald the feet about t|>at property yon want to eell? Good nature reigns supreme In the shops, and all eoems to be preparing for on unusually merry Chrletma*. The North Carolina editor who ear* be "lives Ilk* a king" on $26 a month assuredly has no Qftby* hanging around. * A town In Jackson county te called "Two Egg*," hut we don't know wbother It Is scrambled, pouched or hard-boiled, * Classes in courtship nnd marriage •re features of the las Angeles high schools and, It Is sold each of Ihom te taught by an old maid, Oet up curly to do your morning ahopplng nnd spare the willing sales people thnt tired reeling for Chflsi- All kinds of quacks are propoelng legislation which they wish congress to enact without taking time to con sider. + A few more days In which we can all show that charily can get n little way from homo without gulling loet hopelessly. * Acting Gorernor Blalun Is manag ing the sute'a affairs In n way that cauacs the boliof that he would rank’: a good "iho' nuff" governor. -4" Secretary MacVcagh aska tor a quirk reform ot our currency eyttem at It a 'quick reform would not need reform ing worse than the system now In force. A man plunged Into the East river to rescue a drowning dog. Thus time and tide brings Its rorenges; hereto fore the dog has been expected to rescue the man. j. J. E. Parker, 2021 No. 10th 8L, Ft Smith, Ark, says that he bad taken many kinds ot kidney medicine, but ho did not got bettor until be took Foley Kidney Pills. No matter bow long you have bad kidney trouble, you will And quick and permanent benellt by the use of Foley Kidney Pills. Start taking them now. Gem Pharma cy, T. 8. Paine. Keen arory Monday tvanlag In Red den’s Hall, Lott-HItch building at t Visiting brothers cordially lr»txs« to meet rlth oa Hhcrod Cotllns, L. Carl Colllsa Roc-Sectv Councilor Advertise In Tho Waycros* Evening Herald. STATE OF GEORGIA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT,. ATLANTA. The First Xatlontl Bank located In tho city of Wnycross, having been ap pointed a State Depositary, and bar ing executod and Hied In this ofllco a bond In the sum of FIFTY THOUS AND DOLLARS, conditioned for Iho faithful discharge of Its duties, whim has been accepted and approved by the Governor, It le therefore ordered: That tho Tax Collector of the County of Ware he. and In hereby Instructed to pay over *j said bank nil mone7S collected by him for and ci> account of state taxes, except such aa may he paid directly Into the State Treaeurv and that notice of thle ordor be given by publication In aome newspaper in general circulation publlehed In the oily where said bnnk la located. This 24th day of November, 191L JOHN M. SI.ATJN, Prealdcnt of Senate and Acting Gov ernor. THE Blihop !Jills want* the passport question between Russia and the Uni tod States submitted to arbitration and how about the Immigration ques- WOODMEN OF WORLD. CAMP IU first and third Thursday ‘a each jjonth. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton, C. C. D. P. Woolley, Clerk. Atlantic Coast ARRIVALS AT WAYCROSS. from Savannah Tain 182 8:80 am Train 188 18:60 pm Train II 6:68 pm [Tain 67 10:10 pm .'run Montgomery rraln 88 6:18 am .Tain 180 8:46 pm From Balnbrldge ft Thomasvllle Train 182 10:06 am From Albany Train 93 0:66 am fraln 01 »:86 am Train 07 6:00 pm From .Chicago aad Nortwoet’ ’. C. Special (via Albany)....4:66 am Dial* Flyer (via Tlfton)....6:36 am louth Atlantic Limited 6:36 am rrom Brunswick Tralu 96 7:40 am Train 00 0:00 pm From Jacksonville Train 32 8:66 pm Train 32 .10:16 pm Train 94 10:28 pm ITaln 08 10:46 pm From Temps, High Springs via Dn pont 'rain 42 7:26 pm For through Schedules "ullmaa E. M. North. A. O. P. A. Bavanaal ,Ok Line Schedule. DEPARTURES. For Jesup aid Savannah Train 'e:66 Train 182 10'** »» Train 180 1:3d pn Train 0:10 pn For Montgomery Train 189 6:10 an. Train 67 10:26 *n For Balnbrldge and ThomasvWa. Train 186' 1:00 »w For Albany Train 02 10:60 pi. Train 06 7:60 Train 90 «:10 P» For Chicago and Northwest I. C. Special (via Albany).- 10:60 pn Dixie Flyer (via Tilton) ....10:80 »» South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:20 pn For Brunswick Train 01 10:10 an Train 97 6:10 pn For Jacksonville Train 96 (Dixie Flyer 1:40 Train 93 6:00 an Train S3 «:<6 rain 21 *:lb For Tampa. High Spring* fraln *:®0 < reservations, etc, Cell On R. E. Camp, Ticket Agent. Ware rose. Ga. THIS PROBLEM 10 ARISING IN* J-VERY HOM^ IN THE LAND AND IS BEING SOLVED UNIV -rsaLLY BY THE PUR- CASE OP ELECTRIC COOKING AND AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD DEVICE g. ADDED TO THE CHARM OF THEIR APPEARANCE IS THE Ft C T THAT THEY ARE EX- CEEDINGLY USEFUL AND THEIR CtL NSTANT USE IN THE HOMES OF THEIR POSSESSORS lsj A N EVER PRESENT RE- MINDER OF THEIR DONORS. THIS (joMF ANY HAS A NUMBER OF THE MOST POPULAR DEVICESjON SALE AT LA GRANDE PHARMACY. DEVldES VARY IN CClST FROM TWO DOLLARS FOR A HANDY IMMERSION LIQUID HEATER 70 FIFTEEN DOLLARS FOR A SEWING MACHIN’e MOTOR. IT WOULD IN. TERE8T YOU 70 EXAMINE THEM. 1 Ware County Light and Power Conn Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE ST^fs 0 R NOT, YOUR FRONT YARD 18 NOT THE PLACE FOR THE M .' Pittsburg Lawn fence IS THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM: KEEP8 THEM IN OR O0T, BESIDES, IT ADDS TO THE LOOKS ANidvALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO OET IT IS Advertise In 1 he HERALD! R. J. AIST Hardware Co. 90-100 PLANT AVENUE. When STROLL LaGr Phar Allthel atetft HOT ARS, High Class CLES, RUBBG We Can and We Will Aid You In Your CHRISTMAS BUYINO! YOU WILL FIND THIS 87 ORE A WONDERFUL AID IN EVERY WAY. What sort of gifts do you yourealf like—the useful »ort, don't Of course you do—then to do other*—otheri to whom you would give. Then why not choose here? Chooae from our tplendidly complete Hardware etock—where your every choice te euerly a satisfying one and where prices will enable the Chrlstmae dollars to do greatest duty. JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS—PERHAPS WE MAY HELP YOU. QILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS DURHAM DUPLEX SAFETY RAZORS CHAFING DI8H£S BAKING D48Hft* ‘VuT CHINA AND CUT BLABS CARVING SET*, ETC. ^ Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSS, Sft.