Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 21, 1911, Image 4
% Mis* Carrl* Parham Social Editor' mowwooooooooooow* Mr. Yf. W. Sharpe spent today to Brunswick. 3 PACKAGES TOASTED CORN FLAKES ...... 23c 3 PACKAGES CORN STARCH ........ 23c Lot good Tennessee mules worth the “dough". M. Downey. • 19 it Mr. Robert Hereford, ot Alabama: win spend the holidays hero wi lt tils brot tier, sir F. D. Serefor.1. 6lbs. LOOSE OAT MEAL 2Sc « lbs. LOOSE BUCK WHEAT Big reduction on doll carts, Thurs day, Friday and Saturday. Walker- Hood Furniture Company, 20 3t CORN MEAL GROUND FRESH EVERY DAY FROM HOME GROWN CORN. ALL FRESH GOODS. ALICE STREET, FOR RENT—Three connecting rooms Apply NL 10 Francis street. 19 3t DOLLS! DOLLS! We now have on display some nice Dolls, Let us show you. ’ The Seals Phatmacy “The Rsxall Store" LOST—A young female dog, with black and white spots on bis back. Answers to the name of “Sale". Any , one returning to H. S. Redding, cornpq. McDonald and Isabella or Reddlngh store, will recelre a liberal reward. 20 3t ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD DR. NANNEY, EYE, EAAR AND NOSE. EYES TESTED FOR GLASS ES. REDDING BUILDING. 11 tf Keep up-keep down, nuy an Over land SO. Cheaper to keep up than a horse and buggy. 14 6t rod. Kelley’s Oarage. Extraordinary Annuoncmeent ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD Sleeping Cer Service Between Way- crees and Atlanta, via: Big supply ot card board, all coV 5 — 5HC npr Ring up Cl6 and get a dcmonat/a- (Ion. If tbe car does not tell Itself ItB our fault. 14 Ct cod. Kelley's Oarage. ^ g g yqp lira. Just received at Herald. Effective with first car leaving Way* croae 8:00 p. m.. Monday September 4th. The A. B. A A. have secured fo rtbia service elegantly appointed electric-lighted sleeping cats, equip ped with all modern conveniences One Big: Advantage Ton may aecurs your sleeping car diagrams are kept contlnuoeuly open. ■pace at tbe ticket olllce, Union Sta tion, at any time prior to your trip, TbeA. B. A A. Railroad represents the ■Standard of Excellence In 8arvica. n Schedule of Sleeping Gar Line. Leave Wtycrosa 8:25 p. ra. Arrive Atlanta, 3:40 e.m. Leave Amenta 10:15 p.m. Arrive Waycrosi 8:15 a. m. TRAVEL “TR* RIGHT WAY.” W. H. Leahy, Q. P. A.. Atlanta, Os. A. D. Dental, T. P. A., Atlanta, On. R. E. Camp, T. A., Waycroaa, On. Tho election Is over, we all have tho »nmo governor and tho same mayor, and wo can all snvo come of our hard earned money by trading at IC Ct Rod Cross Pharmacy. Cowart’s Oystere, 388, 30 centa per quart; |1.20 per gallon. 19 3t A GOOD CHRISTMAS TURKEY. PHONE 02 OR 301. J. W. 8. HARDY. 18 2t Miss Esther Deen will arrive tomor row night from' Wesleyan College to spend tho holidays. , Mias Ammona wifi remain In tbe city tbe guest of Mrs. George Deen for tbe holidays. Mr. DeWltt Deen will arrive tomor row to spend the Xftaa holidays at home. A line line of scissors and pocket knives at 20 ?t Watt Hardware Company. Letters from the Waycroaa kids to Santa Claus will appears In our Issue of tomorrow. Santa will get them in ample time for Monday. Mr. Jesse Strickland, after q sue- ccssful trip writing Insurance, has re turned to Wayoross to remain until after the holidays. Mrs. Bernard McRec and child left this morning for Waycroaa, to spend tho holidays with relatives there.— Valdosta Times. Mr. C. W. Mchurln, of Staunton, Va, Is a'new arrival In our city. He will go to work for the Atlantic Coast Line. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Ramsey will leave tonight for Snn Antonio. Texas, where they will spend n few days at Mr. Ramsey’s homo. AT THE'FRONT You have to ha on yout guard U ton ar tcaugbt napping, It Invltsa dlf aatcr. WAYCROSI BUSINESS COULEES GRADUATES ARB .NEVER SLEEPY HEADS. They ar* sought alter by mtn ot sTalri. You find them In leading toalttona of trust. Our DIPLOMA la an open I seams to position and preferment. Our ibsctalty Is to at you for butlnsss; In make the pay-roll larger; to IS- • •as# the salary of tbs "big man." Entar At Any Tima. Wtycross Business College R. F. Zetglar, Pres IWaycrota. Oa, SmOke! "Oran Chico’s", "Ycr Best Smokers”, and ’Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars.] 41 semi.s* In wayctess. Os, Bp PITTMAN CIGAR CO COLONEL CASEY TO RETIRE. Special To Tho Herald. Wnahlngton, D. C., Dec. 21.—The active career of one of the beet known and most efficient engineering officers cf the United States Army practically cloeed today, when Col. ThomirT*. Casey was relieved of his duty in charges of river and harbor works at Baltimore and ganted leave of ab sence until March 1. On the last named dato he is to be placed on the retired list on his own application, after more than 36 year’s service. Col. Casoy Is a son of the late Gen. Casey, chief of engineers, wh'o com pieted the Washington Monument and tho Congressional library. In addi tion to his regular military duties Col. Casey served with the expedition to observe the transit of Venus in 1882. He has been a member of many Im portant engineering boards In various parts of the country. DurTng the war with Spain lie was in charge of tim submarine defense of Hampton Roads. Prof, and Mrs. Knox Starling wTIT spend the holidays in Maryland with relatives. , Our store Is filled with gift goods of the practical, useful, acceptable kind. 20 3t Watt Hardware Company. One thousnnd pounds nuts for sale at J. \V. 8. Hariy's. Best quality. 20 2t It is said that the booze Is coming to Waycross in Immense quantities. So far we have not found any with the right name on it. Thw outing and barbecue at Cole raine yesterday was a complete suc cess. The dampness In the ot—r-. phere added zest to the occasion, " o wish Governor Slaton could : nv.* boen there. Of all Tailored Suits ' and Fine Trimmed Hats 33 1-3 Pep Cent Off sdies’ Fine Tailored Suits, Ragular $15 Now $9.99 1 Lot Ladies’ Fine Tailored Suits. Regular $20 Now $14.99 1 Lot Ladies’ Fine Tailored Suits, Regular $22 Now $17.50 f Lot Special Fine Tailored Suits, Reg. $30 & $35 Now $22.50 Special prices on all Ladies and Childrens Cloaks Big Lot Ladies and Childrens Sweaters, Special Clearance Price Choice all fine Trimmed Pattern Hats, 33 1-3 per cent Off Humphreys& Williamson Horses and Mules for Sale At Publi cAudlion CLASSIFIED WANT m _ Jane street, cuff button with the lnlt- ONE CARLOAD OF GOOD YOUNG HORSES AND MULES WILL BE „„„ ^ can by SOLD ON THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1911, AT THE COAST LINE RAIL-. cal)|ng >t HeraId offl( , anfl ROAD STOCK YARDS AT WAYCROSS, GA„ FOR CASH OR NOTES ON j for ft,, ad 19'it ' NINETY.DAY8 TIME THAT THE dANKS WILL ACCEPT. POSITIVELY j EVERY HORSE PUT UP WILL OE 80LD. NO “FAKE” 8ALE8 WILL' BE TOLERATED. STOCK CAN BE SEEN AT THE STOCK YARDS AT ANY TIME. SALE WILL COMMENCE AT 10 O’CLOCK A. M. J. F. WHITE. J, T. Strickland, Auctioneer MELONS COTTON Irish Potatoes Now is the time to buy coats and suits. The prices are greatly reduced. 20 2t The Bon Ton. Buy a pair of Stacy-Adams shoes. They are of a quality that gives tho most wear and best- satisfaction. 20 4t The Standard Shoe Co. We are able to soil tt to you for Red Cross Pharmacy. Mr. I.eland Way who Is attending Davidson College, North Carolina, is expected home to spend the holidays, he will be accompanied by Mr. Wil burn Shackleford who will be his gdift. Mr. C. M. Layton and mother. Mrs. L. C. Layton, arrived yesterday from Clifton Forge, Va. Mr. Layton is a machinist and has accepted a position in the A. C. L. Shops. He Is also fine bass player and will play with the Waycross Band. SEND FOR FREE BOOKS ON MEL0N8, COTTON AND IRISH POTATOES. THEY GIVE COMPLETE INFORMATION ON THE8E 8UBJECT8 FROM SELECTION OF SOIL TO 8HIP- PING, INCLUDING ECONOMICAL CONTROL OF INSECT AND- DISEASE TROUBLE8. THEY ARE IMPORTANT HELP8 TO 8UCCES8. WE 8ELL CHOICE SEED IRISH POTATOES WRITE FOR PRICES. WILSON 8 LOONIER FERTILIZER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF IDEAL FERTILIZERS JACKSONVILLE, FLA. FOR RENT—One furnished room; short walk from post office. Apply Herald office. ft tf “7 n: FOR 8ALE—At my grove and nurs ery at Starke, Fla., 800 pecan trees, 3 to 9 feet. Grafts from best bearing trees, most of them Curtis. Will sell at a reasonable price. Address me at Monroe, Ga. Dr, A. J. Boss. 9 lit Fine Oystere 388. cents. Cowart'e 19 3t STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY. In my presence, this 6th day of De cember, A. D. 1896. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is lasen Intern- ally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surface* It the sysem. Send for teetlmonials free. F. J. CHENEY'* CO, Toledo. O. FOR RENT—Farm, three miles from Waycross, containing 70 acres. App'y lo Warren Lott. 18 '.t WANTED—An experienced man, who can clean and press any kind of work. Apply 23 Tebeau street 13 Ct WANTED—Boy who can ride wheel Apply 23 Tebeau street. 13 Ct FOR RENT—Six room two-story house on Francis street. Hot and cold water bath. Twenty dollars per month.' Apply, 8. F. Miller, Millwood 18 6t NOTICEI Olllce Clerk of Council. Your water rent must be paid by December 25th or It will be cut off end ejpenie added. , J._ W. Strickland. 14 lot Clerk of Council. (Seal) D. GLEASON, ’ Notary Publi:. Ftwnk I. Cheney makes oath that he tenter partner ot the firm ot F. 1. Cheney * Co, doing business In the City ot Totefio, County and State afore said,' tad Gad said Arm will pay tht sum at OCtB HUNDRED DOLLARS tor stch and assnr case of Catarrh that cannat he eared by the use ot Hall's Catarrh Ore. IH&NK J. CHENEY. Bold by all Drugglats, 75c. Take Hall'a Family Pills tor consti pation. BALKED AT COLD STEEL. Turkeys, $2.00. Cowart’,.. 388. Chicken,, 60 centa; Oysters 30 cents. 1 wouldn’t let a doctor cut my toot off,” said H. D. Ely, Bantam, Ohio, "although a horrible ulcer hod been the plague ot my life for fonr years, fntssad I used Bucklen’s Arnica Salve and my foot was soon completely txued." Reals Burns, Bolls, Sores, Bruises, Eczema, pimples. Corns Barest Pile can, 2f cents at All Drag