Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 22, 1911, Image 2
After hypocrites the greatest dupes Jure those who exhaust an unxlous exis tence in the disappointments and vex ations of business, and livo tolerably meanly, only to die raagultlcent and rich. President of Senate hnd Acting Got* ernor. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP t<l Mo;* first snd (bird Thursday »» each aionth. Masonic Hall. Richard L. Singleton, a C, a P. WooMsy. Clark. To thoao who ayni away Tor Ihelr j Chrlitmns presents and got stuck, at | usual, wo do not tender our sympathy. Trade at home—It’a better for all par tita concerned.— Brunswick News, See that no day paaiea in which you do not make youraelf a somewhat bet ter creature: and. In order to do that. Had out drat of all what you are uow. Try to get atrvngth of heart eaough to look youraelf fairly In the face la nilad a* well aa la body. UNION JEWELRY STORE Watchmakara and Engraven. All Kind Of Jewelry Repairing. 101 Plant Are VTaycroee, Ga. WAKEFIELD LOME, NO. Z> KNIOHTE OP PYT-.AS. While It'* a very little thing, a grain of duet In your eye It ■ very Impor tant thing while It It there. So It It with other little tiling*. The lota of » tenant—even a furntahed room ten ant—may not loom large among life's disappointments, hut It’s annoying at the moment. And la (lading another for you, the Herald font hd* render you real aerrlce. HERALD HERALD Wished By PUBLISHING CO. P. Parham, 'Sr. P. Perham, Jr. . . editors snd Prcpnetori. Mils Carrie Perham, • Personal, Society and Local. The Waycrore Herald founded In US6. The Dally Herald founded In 1191! hy A. I'- l'crham. Sr. Telephone* Busin, as Oidce 25 . Editorial OBI* 25 H'fldenc* 258. Pvery Afternoon Except Sunday. Entered at the Waycroee, Oa., Post- ulf to at second elate mall ipatter. titles No. t Jana Street RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION. V hi noth |,JJ | Teer * 8 - 0Q NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS Subscribers to The Herald that do Bot reeelre the paper promptly, end fairly will pleuee rlngnp the Clrcu.a- Manager and report the trouDie tehlm.ee this le the only mean*that mr tan atiuce you prompt ana «•”/ m '” 1 ' SPECIAL NOTICE All obituary notices, card* o( thanks, . yemlntlone and notice* of mentf, where eburget at* mede, will hw charged at advertising rate* of fi septa a line. 1 THE HERALD IS THE Official Organ of the United Bfsts* Court of the Southern District —' Georgia. WAYCROSS, OA„ DEC. 22, 1911. Old Santa Claue’ mall Is gelling un- Usually heavy. s * Did you ehop early or did you wait for the rainy apellf , 4- The belated ebopper* ere being given some very wet end disagreeable Whether, • -1- How often do you suppose ed read er* buy unadvertleed think*—proper ty or chaltela! 4- -The meat combine lender* nre now tdrmelly on trial' but the prlco ol porterhouse remains unaffected, * How do you expect ad readers lo know anything about what you have to sell unleet you advertise? + Hunting for a buyer lor that unuedd furniture Is the sort of quest to which h Herald claeelflod ad I* especially adapted. ,T. New York paper lies found nineteen resident a of that city who arc over Ido year* old. Moat Now Yorker* live 100 year* before they are fifty. 4. The grand Jury of Waro county Wants lo get rid of the board of coun ty commissioner* of that county. In Dearly every county In Georgia the grand Jury and the commissioner* fall to agree.—Valdosta Time*. Ope sentence of honest prslse bo- Mowed at the right time Is worth a Whole volume of scolding. Constant Scolding has about aa good effect bn children aa a hailstorm oa young .plants. i 4- HOW ^OPE-PIUS LOOKS. I wnttSied His Holiness as ho Pass- cd down this line greeting them. H? Was a man of fine physique, tall end broad-shouldered, with gihy hair al mndt white, ruddy complexion, ‘large kindly Italian eye*, a simple, gracious manner with ever *0 Might a font* of ennui, which later, 1 am aare. be ac quired at the aeme time that he was elevated to hi* preent dignity. For one felt In hi* presence that a etrenuoua life ont among hi* people, helping them In their etruggle* In the world, would more etrongiy appeal to him (ban an oxlstohee which required him to shut hlmsolf away, In apparent scholarly seclusion. He looked a man made for action, and deprived of IL hla spirit seemed ever steeped In nfe- laneholy, and the shadow of willing sacrifice darkening his day. Hla per sonality spoke a kindly sympathy for human nature, as If he would rather know each of those whom he so for mally received (bat day merely as a follow-worker standing on a common plane than meet them lurtounded by the pomp and form and ceremony of his life.—Harper* Basaer. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD —u-4, The Overland 30. fully equipped and delivered to you for 91,000.00 Pour new ones in stock. 14 Ct cod. Kelley's Garage, J. E, Parker, 2021 No. 10th St, Ft Smith, Ark,, says that he had taken many kinds of kidney medicine, but he did not get better until lie took Poley Kidney Pills. No matter how long you have had kidney trouble, you will And quick and permanent benefit by the use of Foley Kidney Pills. Start taking them now. Gem Pharma cy, T. S. Paine. WAYCROSS COUNCIL Jr, O, Us A* M. Meets every Monday evening is ReA Men’s Hall, LottHltch building af • u m. VUltlat brothers cordially h>*Usfl to meet rlth oa. tfherod Collins, L. Carl Colllsa Reo-Secty Couscllox Advertise In The Waycross Evening Herald. STATE Of GEORGIA, EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, ATLANTA, The First Natlontl Bank located In the city of Waycrots, having been ap pointed a State Depository, and hav ing executed and filed in this office a bond In the sum of FIFTY THOUS AND DOLLARS, conditioned for tho faithful discharge of its duties, whhn has been accepted and npproved by the Governor, it la therefore ordered That tho Tax Collector of the County of Ward he and Is hereby Instructed to pay over to said bank all monezs colloctod by him for and tv account of State taxes, except such ns may be paid directly Into the State Treasurv and that notico of this ordoy be given by publication In gome newspaper ot general circulation published in the city where said bank.Is located. • This 24th day of November, 191L JOHN M. SLATON, ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. UogtteSPKidBEdBS Promo iesDiiei tkfflOwttii- nessandlfcsftonlaliis nciar Ophiiit-Morphiae norHaml Not Narcotic. SetftcfMDcSSIVlITnam jEsilu?' /t&MA- | Mon, Sour Stotoaclt.Uiamm WornaffrvnfaionsJfwn^ nesa and LOSS OF SLEET- NEW YOBK. J=?2 CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always the Bears Signature Over For Exact Copy of Wrapper. Thirty Years CASTORIA Atlantic Coast Line Schedule. DEPAKTUJIES. ARRIVALS AT WAYCROSS. From Savannah ‘.-tin 189 6:60 am Train 185 12:50 pm Crain 21 ....6:55 pm Crain 67 10:10 pm Srtm Montgomery Train 68 ..' 6:15 am ■rain 180 6:45 pm From Balnbrldge & Thomasvllie Train 182 10:05 am From Albany Train 93 4:65 *m fraln 91 9:65 am Train 97 6:00 pm From Chlcagu and Noriweet C. Special (via Albany)....4:66 am Dale Flyer (via Tilton)....5:35 am loutb Atlantic Limited 6:35 am J-rotr Brunswick Train 96 ‘ 7:40 am Train 90 6:00 pro ■'mm Jackaouvlll* Train 23 pm Train 32 10:16 pm Train 94 10:25 pm Train 92 10:46 pm From Tampa, High Bprlnga vln Du pont am 42 7:25 pm For through Schennles, Pullman re, '™*^,° n '’ * lc- ' •E. M. North, A. O. P. A. ' ' ' ' ’ Bavannnt ,GV For Jesnp asd Savannah Train SS 1:66 Train ...10 M »» Train 180 7:3° »u Train pn i-’or Montgomery Train 189 6:10 no- Train 57 10:25 pu For Balnbridgv and Thomasrills. Train 185 1:00 »P For Albany Train 92 10:60 pn Train 96 7:80 u» Train 90 6:10 pa For Chicago snd Northwest I. C. Special (via Albany).- 10:60 pn Dixie Flyer (via Tlf(on) ....10:80 pa South Atlantic Limited.. ..10:20 pn For Brunswick Train 91 10:10 Ml Train 97 6:10 pn For Jacksonville Train 95 (Dixie Flyer 1:60 «• Train 93 6:00 aa Train 83 6:46 an rain 21 6:» pn For Tampa. High Springs , (Train 48 4:00 u» R. E. Camp, Ticket Agent Waycros*. Ga. Advertise In h he HtmLD! ' We Can and We Will Aid You In Your CHRISTMAS BUYINO! YOU WILL FINO THIS 81 ORE A WONDERFUL AID IN EVERY vtf^WAY. What sort of gifts do you yourself like—the useful sort, dont you? Of course you do—then so do others—others to a-bom you would give. Then why not choose here? Choose from our splendidly complete Hardware itock—where your every choice Is suorly a satisfying one and where prices will ennble the Christmas dollars lo do greatest duty. JUST A FEW SUGGESTIONS—PERHAPS WE MAY HELP YOU. -v^. GILLETTE SAFETY RAZORS DURHAM DUPLEX SAFETY RAZORS CHAFING DISHES BAKING DISHES CHINA AND OUT GLASS ' CARVING SETS, ETC. • Watt Hardware Company WAYCROSSp GA. ^VTiat Shall I Give ior Christmas? THIS BROBLEM IS AR!SING IN EVERY .HOME IN THE LAND'AND 16 BEINQ SOI.V ED UNIVERSALLY BY .THE PUR- CASE OF ELECTRIC COOK ING AND HEATING APPLIANCE3 AND OTHER HOUSEHOLD- OEVICES. ADDED TO THE CHARM OF THEIR APPEARANCE IS THE FACT THAT THEY ARE EX. CEEDINOLY USEFUL AND THEIR CONSTANT USE IN THE HOMES OF THEIR POSSESSORS IS AN EVER ^RESENT RE MINDER OF THEIR DONORS. THIS COMPANY HAS A NUMBER OF THE MOST POPULAR. DEVICES ON 8ALE AT LA GRANDS PHARMACY. DEVICES VARY IN COST FROM TWO DOLLARS FOR A HANDY IMMERSION LIQUID HEATER TO FIFTEEN DOLLARS FOR A SEWING MACHINE MOTOR, if WOULD IN TEREST YOU TO EXAMINE THEM. Ware County Light and Power Company. Cows On The Streets! WHETHER THEY BELONG ON THE STREETS OR NOT, YOUR FRONT * YARD IS NOT THE PLACE FOR THEM. Pittsburg Lawn Fence IS THE SOLUTION OF THE PROBLEM, KEEPS THEM IN OR OUT, BESIDES, IT ADDS TO THE LOOKS AND VALUE OF YOUR PROPERTY. THE PLACE TO GET IT IS ' If. J. ANTHONY Hardware Co. 98-100 PLANT AVENUE. When You Stroll STROLL TO 5La Grande , ; . Pharmacy Allthelatcft HOT DRINKS, CIG ARS, High Class TOILET ARTI CLES, RUBBERGOOD.S and DRUGGISTS* SUNDRIES