Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 22, 1911, Image 7
fS>rirZ , 'K.w,^o« T u! 1 of p«r«nt Information. ff&jwsuusr SWIFT ft CO. PATBNT LAWYERS, )3 Seventh St., Washington, P. C. IS 13 a very serious matter to ask for esa medicine and have tho wronj esc c* vsa Y 00 * yor ***** reason wo ur^s you In buying lb be carefci to get tbs genuine— BLacr-IbIIigHT abtehed. It doe. not imitata • ir.cdidnca. It Is better then *, cr it would not be the fit* ■v» powder, with • luges Eaa tu others combined. I SOLD a TOWN F2 -"••col* oysters end Xmas Turkeys Turkeys Turkeys Seud us your or der. Can sell you 'urkeys every day Jom now until j Xmas. Better See Us \ /iison Grocery Company . M. Wilson, Mgr. tone 128, Wilson Block br standard shoes go to The Standard Shoe T?o. ^sh eggs, chickens, and meats all kinds let W# J. Parker frerve bu. Phone 28S. * 21 2t br shoes that satisfy, go to The Standard Shoe Co. nns tomatoes 15 cents at J- W. 3. ' 20 3t et us All your order for pysters !resh fish. Phone ISO. 7 tf /CASTOR IA 1 Par Iu&nts and Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of ( Get tho habit, smoke ”0. O. O.” Cigars. Clear Havana. 17 tf For Appalachlcola Oysters and fresh fish, phone 1S9. 7 tf MRS ETHEL BERRY dress making and plain sew ing. TERMS REASONABLE. No. 82 Jane 3t. Waycros., Qa. PERSONAL and local 15 POUNDS SUGAR $1.00 THIS WEEK AT J. W. 8. HARDY'S, SHONE 62 CR 501. 20 31 Fresh meats, egg? and chickens. W. J. Parker, phone 2SS. 21 2t M. kNIGHT ANNOUNCES FOR ORDINARY. Circumstances force me to get info the "game” this early and announce myself as a candidate for Ordinary .t the next Democratic primary elec- liin.-Should any eue else ocer for this place I trust that he will be as One a man as my good friend B. H. Thomas, whldh would insure a clean race. If elected I will see that the office la kept open all day. I solicit my share of the votes. A. M. Knight FOR ORDINARY. To the Voters of Ware county: I hereby announce that 1 am a can- lldute for the office of Ordinary of Ware county, subject to the Demo cratic primary to be held later, elected I promise to give my entire time to the duties of the office and solicit the support of my friends. Respectfully, . E. S. Henderson. Sausage We have Installed an electric sau sage mill, and will make a specialty of "GRANDMA* 8AU8AGE. We have an up-to-date market and propose to head*the procession. Try us and be convinced. We have Installed a HOBART ELECTRIC BONE GRINDER, and will make a specialty of furnishing our customers with this valuable eg? producer at a very small cost. We urge you to try a small lot and see the increase in your egg supply. Then it will pay you to arrange for a regular weekly supply so that you will not be disappointed. T. H. Blizzard Phone 242. FOR ORDINARY. To the Citizens of Ware County: Heretofore I have stated that 1 would not be a candidate to succeed myself as Ordinary of Ware County, but since giving the matter more ma ture consideration, and the people having elected me to that position for «ne term, which has better fitted me to fill that position for n succeeding term, I have decided t* yield to tb< solicitation? of my many friend^ who have importuned me to stand for re- election and hereby make this my announcement for Ordinary-of Ware County, subject to the Democratic primary to he called by tho Democrat ic Executive Committee of Ware coun ty. Yours respectfully, B. H. Thomas. FOR ORDINARY, r hereby announce that I will be a candidate for the office of Ordinary of Ware county, subject to the Dem ocratic primary to be held later. II elected, I ;promise to give my atten tion to the office and keep It open. It will be no side line with me. This early announcement Is made neces sary by the fact that other candidates have already announced for this of fice. Soliciting tbe support of my friends, I am, yours to serve, G. P. FOLKS. FOR ORDINARY. This Is to notify my friends that I am In the race for the office of Or dinary of Ware county, subject # to the Democratic primary. If successful I will not only keep the office open for tbe convenience of the public, but sill stay in It myself. Yours truly, M. J. Carswell. BOWDEN IN SENATORIAL RACE. The Herald is authorized and re quested to announce that Hon. J. E. T. Bowden will he a ;andldate for tbe State senator from tho Waycross die trict tn the primary to he called later and that a plain statement will sp pear some time b ter 18 6t Don’t freeze. We have blankets and comforts that will keep yon warm. Cash or easy payments. Home Furniture dmpany, *7 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. Blomsdale Pearl, (tre best onion yet). Winter Lawn Grata seeds at Seals Pharmacy. 18 tf WAYCROSS LODGE No. SOS. F. & A. M. REGULAR COMMUNICATIONS ON IECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAY EVENING AT 7l30 P. M. All Masons Invited to Attend A M. BELL* W. M. Vjt W, A CLARK, SEC. WIREGRA88 LODGE NO. 153 INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CARWORKER8. Meets every second and fourth Tuesday night In each month. J. W. Vllllnerwee, President. W. J. Lansy, Recording Secty. 8TART8 MUCH TROUBLE. If all people knew thot neglect of constipation would result in severe in digestion, yellow jaundice or virulent liver trouble they would soon take Dr. King’s New Life PUIb, and end it. Its the only safe way. Dest for bll- llotisness, headache, dyspepsia, chills and debility. 25c at All Druggists Seems heavier when he has a weak back and kidney trouble. Fred Dueh- ren, Mall Carrier at Atchison, Kas., aays: “I have been .bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and had severe pailn across my back. When ever I carried a load, my kidney trou ble Increased. Some time ago, I start ed taking Foley Kidney Pills and sin?e taking them. I have gotten entirely rid of all my kidney trouble and am sound now as eves.” Gem Pharmacy, T. 8. Paine. Prof. Otis Miller has on exhibit at the Bon Ton millinery storo a magnifi cent lino of oil and pastel paintings. Stop in and see them. C tf ' V ‘.. We tit the foot and suit the purse. 20 4t > The Standard oTtoe Co. Big lot country eg?s, fresh and fine, at’J. W. S. Hardy’s. 20 3t Tho Salvation Army of Waycross, Georgia, is preparing ta give a tree hristmas Dinner to throe hundred worthy poor of this city. Will, help us with lib9rr.l donation to make this effort a success? Ycurs to help save the lost poor, Capt. and Mrs. Gossett, Officers In charge. Phone 51S, P. O. Box 523. Fresh cranberries, just arrived, 15 cents a quart. J. W. S. Hardy. 20 3t Before You Reach me i-imlt of physical endurance and while youi condition Is still curable, take Folej Kidney Pills. Their quick action and positive results will delight you. Fc* backache, nervousness, rbeumatls{ and all kidney, bladder and urinarj troubles. Gem Pharmacy; T. 8 Paino. jfce Have your autoim^e and buggy top work done at J. T. McGee’s by a first-class trimmer., 21 Albany ave nue. , 12 SOt A FATHER’S VENGEANCE Would have fallen on any one who at tacked the son of Peter Bondy, of South Rockwood, M1Ch„ but he was powerless before attacks of Kidney trouble, "Doctors cbuld not help him” he wrote, “so at last we gave him Electric Bitters and ho improvel rap idly and wonderfully from taking six bottles. Its the best Kidney medicine I ever say.’* Backache, Tired feelln*, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, warn of kidney trouble that may end In dropsy, diabetes or Bright’s disease. Beware: Take Electric Bitters nnd be safe. Every bottle guaranteed. 60c at All Druggists. Buy of us and savo money. Satis- faction in goods, price and terms, or vour money back. Home Furniture Company, 17 tf Plant and Albany Avenue. A DREADFUL 8IGHT To H. J. Barnum, of FreevIIle, N Y., was tho fever-sore that bad plagued his life for years in spite of many remedies he tried. At last he used Bunklen’s Arnica Salve and wrote* It has entirely healed with scare]? o scar left” Heals b*irns, Boils, Ec- *-ma, Cuts, Bruises, Swellings, Cjrna iTd Piles like magic. On.y 25: at U1 Druggists. Shoes for all the family. 20 4t The Standard Shoe Cd. Big lot extra I Hardy's, phone nt J. W. S. '20 3t For coughing, dryness and tickling of the throat, hoarseness and all coughs and colds, take Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound. Contains no ipl- ates. Gem Pharmacy, T. S. Paine. Office 410-21 LaGrande Building. DR. E. B. MITCHELL, OSTEOPATH, and Phyalclan and Surgeon. Hours: 0 to 12 nnd 2 to G p. m Office Phone 321. Residence C7 Folks St. Phono 4.74. Calls Answered 'Promptly. The Road to Independence la not the spenders route. Deposit your salary with us, wo Issue you a pass-book and check book; pay ad you/ bills up by check, thus avoiding the necessity and*worry of making your money stretch to next payday. You know how it is, money In your pocket never lasts. * * YOUR SINK ACCOUNT Will stop the leuks, and, If it la your desire to get ahead, will eventually make you Independent. Start an ac count with ps today; a large amount not necessary; Just your week's -or month's salary. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WAYCROSSS RESOURCES $800,000.00 CAPITAL $200,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS $40,000.00 Backache, Headache, Nervousness I 30 cents per quart. Ring 388. 10 3t And rheumatism, both In mon nnd wo men, menn kidney trouble. Do not allow It to progress beyond the reach of medicine but stop it promptly with Foley Kiluey Pills. They regulate the action of the urinary organs. T»,lno In action, quick results. Gem Pharma cy, T. S. Paine. The olection is 'over, we all have the same governor und tho same mayor, and we can all save some of our hard earned money by trading; at 16 Ct Rod Cross Pharmacy. Cowart’s Oysters, 388, 30 cents per quart; $1.20 per gallon. 10 2t GOODS That are good and will give years of Service and Pleasure A Few Timely Suggestions Get the habit, emoko ”Y, Clear Havana. One tbouannd pounds nute for rale at J. tv. 8. Harljr'a. Beat quality. 20 2t Ring up SIS and get a demon.t.*n- tlon.. If the car does not Sell Itself lt» our fault 14 St ecd. Kelley’s Gangs. ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD FOR LADIES FOR MEN Pearl Brooches Watches Pearl Beads Chains Hat Pins Charms Locket & Chains Watch Fobs La Valiers Signet Rings Shirt Waist Pins Set Rings Cameo Rings bmbrellas Set Rings Canes Neck Chains Scarf Pins Toilet Sets Cuff Buttons » Manicure Sets Tie Clasps Cut Glass, Etc Military Brushes — ——— ■ — 9 -L— Moderate Prices Little & Odom