Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 23, 1911, Image 4
ersonal j 2 Ml»» CarrI* Parham Social Editor £ PACKAGE8 TOASTED CORN FLAKES 3 PACKAGES CORN 8TARCH 3 PKC's. TAPIOCA C Ibt. LOOSE BUCK WHEAT ...... .... CORN MEAL GROUND FRE8H EVERY DAY FROM HOME GROWN CORN. ALL FRESH coods. KRESODIPNi.I • wfll doth* vorfc. ^ DEPENDABLE SURE INEXPENSIVE V TO VU FOR-RENT—Six room twc-atory (treat Hot and bouse on Frsncls cold water bath. Twenty dollars per month. Apply, 8. F. Miller, Millwood Ga. IS Ct LOST—A young female dog, witn black and white spots on bis back. Answers to the name of "Sale". Any one returning to H. S. Rpddlng, c<^fe4 McDonald and Isabella or store, will receive a liberal revTO^M jfl of three years was count, DIx to one Tear, eleven twenty day*. Hue Oysters SO cents. Cowart's ( 58. It St Extraordinary Annuoncmeent Slssplng Car Ssrvlca Bstwstn Way* cross and Atlanta, v|ai A B. <& A. R. R. Effective wklh Ant car leaving Way- arose 1:00 p. m., Monday September 4 th. Tbs A. B. A A. bare secured to rtbla ear vice elegantly appolntsd •Isctrto-llgbtsd slssplng ears, equip- pad with all modern conveniences One Big Advantage Ton may .secure your slssplng car diagrams art kept contlnuosuly open apses St tha tlckat office, Union Sta tion, it nny time prior to your trlfc TbeA. B. * A. Railroad represents the -Standard of Excellence in Service.' Schedule of Sleeping Car Line. * Leave Waycrosa 8:25 p. m. Arrive Atlanta, 0:40 a.m. ' Leave Atlanta 10:16 p.m. Arrive Weycro.* t:is e. m, TRAVEL "THE RIOHT WAY." W. H. Leahy, O. P. A, Atlanta, Os. A. D. Daniel, T. P. A., Atlanta, Os R. E. Camp, T. A., Wsycross, Os. Ton have to ba on yout guard 11/ you ar eca tight napping, It lofllkt. dlrsater. , , WAVCROSS BUSINESS CO^LESt QRADUATCS ARE NEVER, SLEEPY HE ASS, f They era aoosbt altar by mbn of affairs. Tou End them In (lading real Hon. of trust. Our DIPLOMA Is as open spasms to position and prsfarmant Our specialty Is to flt you for business, to make tha pay-roll larger; to to ■sass tha salary of tha "big man." Enter At Any Time. Wsycross Business College STaycrosa. Oa. R. P. Zetglar, Pree SmOke! “Oran Chico’s”, “Yer Best Smokers”, and ‘Pitman’s Best Smok ers.” Clear Havana Filled Cigars,] Msnufecivtd In Waycross, Oa, Sp FIRMAN CIGAR CO. / Dig reduction on doll carta, Thun der. Friday and Saturday. Walker- Hood Pnrnltore Company. It 2i Big reduction on doll carts, Thura- day, Friday an# Saturday. Walker Hood Furniture Company. IS St Onyx Silk Hoae, 20 4t Tha Standard Shoe Co. Mr. Allen Caldwell It tt bon from Atlanta (dr tbs holidays. Tbs Christmas tree of Once church Sunday school will be at tbs Recory rext Thursday afternoon at S o’clock. The friends of Mr. H. U. Johnson will regret to learn that he la atm quite III at bis home on Brunei atreet. Mr. R. F. Newman left laat night for Wilmington, N. C. Mr. Newman was In a very happy frame of mind when be left, and remarked that ho would give full particular! of bla mission to the "Ter Heel" State upon hla return Waycross. I. II. Scabrook left this morning to epend Christmas lathes. end Mr*. J. M. Spence, of Alll- itor, Fie., passed through Wpycross Inst night enroute to South Carolina to spend Christmas with rellstlves. The Chrlatmae celebration for the chtldron it Grace Church Sunday uchool which wee to hnv* taken place Saturday evening December 23, Is post As deep as the canyons. Ah deep ns the sea, £0 deep am I running i In debt over thoe. —Judge. Lot good Tennessee mutes worth the "dough". M. Downey, . 19 if \ Notwithstanding the inclemenl weather the Weferose shopper* ere very much In evidence today. Our atore Is filled with gift goods of the practical, useful, acceptable kind. 20 3t Watt Hardware Company. That waa a gnat lubllee the kids bed at Cenim! Baptist Tabernacle lest night. There is still n right smart of ex citement and hustle In and around the express building v Just received big shipment Pioneer Express Wagons, all sixes for the children. SI St P. N. Harley Hdw. Co. Mr. J., M. Woodard . Is bare from Wilmington, N. C.. on n Visit to rela- tlves and friends. N Two splendid business lots in Mc Donald street can bs bought at a bar gain If taken quick. See me. 22 If. W. F. Haybon. Mrs. Jobn T. Green, of Knoxville, le In the city tbe guest of Mr. and Mro. L. Sf. Stewart. Sir. W. S. Henly left last night for Richmond, ,Va., where be will spend several days. Sir. and Sirs. H. L. Barfield and little Miss Emily BarBeld are gueata or Dr. and Sira. Daniel for the boll- days. Miss Fay SIcGee la spending the holldaya at hope with her parent*, Mr. and Mrs. John McGee. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cowan, of Macon, arrived today and are gue|ts of Mn. A. Brown on'HIcke street. poned until Thursday morning, Decamp _ ber 2Sth, when It will be held. Mr. and Sfra. Edwin SfcGee and Maater Edwin, are In tbe city guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Miller for the Mr. A. 1. Sugg* wee out on the streets this morning after an extended eelge of typhoid fever. Sir. John SI. Bell bat returned from Baaley where be has been at tbe bed side of hie brother, Sir. J A. Bell, who '.s quite e(ck. Rev. O, Tom West, a well known faiinst'minister of Wllljtcoochee, wee a guest of the Phoenix Hotel last night. Sir. Slose Spence, who moved to St. Joe. Fla., some time ago from Wares- boro, has bad quite a serious time Tbe kids will not- be allowed to shoot any Brccrackera tomorrow. Tbe preach era will attend to that part of the,peg. forraance. And Santa Clana la almoat hero and ho I* a Jolly good fellow, which nojiodr can deny. Don't give him the cold boulder when ht homes. * Secretary of the Y. SI. C. A., J. V. Reed, of Atlanta, apent yesterday In the city attending the supper last night at the Y. SI. C. A. building. The moat beautiful oranges on the market are being handled by E. V. with one of bla legs, and for a time It Jonea Produce Company. In feet was feared he would die. He It much better now, however, though It feared that the Injured limb will give him trouble the balance of his lift. No package with onr name on It yet Oh, (hut has it been from childhoods hour, we're sure our fondest hope* decay, etc., etc. everything tbe company bandlaa la ".rat data. Their Indian River oran ges are the beat of all. Christmas lla CUT PRICE Sale Of all Tailored Saits and Fine Trimmed Hats 33 1-3 Per Cent Oil IgLot Loadies’ Fine Tailored Suits, Regular $15 Now $9.99 1 Lot Ladies’ Fine Tailored Suits, Regular $20 Now $14.99 1 Lot Ladies' Fine Tailored Suits, Regular $22 Now$17.50 " 1 1 Lot Special Fine Tailored Suits, Reg. $30 & $35 Now $22.50 Special prices on all Ladles and Childrens Cloaks Big Lot Ladies and Childrens Sweaters, Special Clearance Price Choice all fine Trimmed Pattern Hats,33 1-3 per cent Off Hnmphreys& Williamson MELONS COTTON Irish Potatoes SEND FOR FREE BOOKS ON MELONS, COTTON AND IRISH POTATOES. THEY GIVE COMPLETE INFORMATION ON THESE SUBJECTS FROM SELECTION OF SOIL TO SHIP- PINO, INCLUDING ECONOMICAL CONTROL OP INSECT ^ND DISEASE TROUBLES. THEY ARE IMPORTANT HELP8 TO SUCCESS. WE SELL CHOICE SEED IRISH POTATOES WRITE FOR PRICES. WILSON 8 TOONIER FERTILIZER COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF IDEAL FERTILIZERS JACKSONVILLE, FLA. CLASSIFIED WANT IDS ; FOUND—In LaGrande elevator on Jane street, cuff button with, the Init ial “F.” Owner can have” same by- calling at Herald omce and paying for thla ad. 19 It FOR RENT—One furnished room; i I ! short walk from post cOce. Apply | | Herald office. 8 tjj i — I FOR SALE—At my grove i ■ try at Starke, Fla., S00 pecan trees, :l to 9 feet. Grafts from beat bearing trees, moat of theia Curtis. Will sell I at a reasonable price. Address me at ' Monroe, Ga. Dr. A. J. Boas. 9 lit Dear Santa Clana: Please bring me a cowboy suit, and bat and Artworks. Don't forget tho ether*. Tour little friend. Marvin Farris. DOLLS! DOLLS! We now have on display some nice Dolls. Let as show you. The Seals Pharmacy l“The Rsxall Store” STATE OF OHIO, CITY OF TOLEDO, LUCAS COUNTY. In my presence, thla 6th day of De cember A. D. 1894. (Seel) A. D. GLEASON, Notary Publlj. Frank J, Cheney makes oath that he a senior partner of tbe firm of F. J. Cbeoer 4b Co. doing business In the City eg «ri*do, County qnd 8tate afore said,'aria'feait *<rid (rfuj will pay tbe •urn of ora* HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and eveqr case of Catarrh, that cannot be ohrod by tbe nee of Hall’e Catarrh Cor*. FRANK J. CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed Hall's Catarrh Cure it taxen Intern ally, and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces If tbe eyrtem. 'Send for testimonials free. F„ J. CHENEY t CO., Toledo, O. SoM by nil Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti pation. Buy him a Gillette Safety Aazor, or Durham Duplex Safety Razor fa Christmas. We have them at all prices and atyle*. 20 3t Watt Hardware Company. BftLKEO AT COLD STEEL. “I. wouldn't let a doctor cut my foot off,” arid H. D. Ely, /Bantam, Ohio, "although n horrible nicer hod been the pSssue of my Ufa for four years, lutssada seed Buckten's Arnica Silva, and nr foot was soon completely cored." Herts Burns. Bolls, Boras, art Eczema, pimple*. Corns, Surest RU cure, 25 cants at All Draff gists. Get the habit, amoks ”0. O. O.” Cigars, dear Havana. 17 tt C W YOUNG CABINET AND REPAIR SHOP. 15 Albany Avenns'. Phone 70S. Taberettes and Hand-Mad* Mission Table*, also Kitchen Tables. FOR RENT—Farm, three miles from Waycross, containing 70 acres. Apply to Warren Lott 13 :f WANTED—An experienced mas, who can dean and press any kind of work. Apply 23 Tcbeau street. 13 'It SOME MOISTURE. On Saturday last tbe United States Weather Bureau ac Washington prom ised tbe people of Georgia and Florida a rainy week for shopping and we all know that the promise bat been full- lllled. The rain started Tuesday night WANTED—Boy who can ride whe»l and up to yesterday morning neu-ry ApplyOl Tabeaa *t«ee(, rf - 13 -;t three Inches of water bad fallen and last night's stor/n added anoilTcr (nob. and a half. _ 4 ! Tbe prospects ere not favorable for clear weather much before Christmas morning. It baa been one of the wet test and clondleat spells that Ware county has experienced In many year*. NOTICEl Office Clerk of Council. Tour water rent must be paid b/ December 25th or It w(U be cut off and ejponss added. J. W. Strickland, 14 lot Clerk of Council. Turkey*, )S.OO. Cowart's, 3SS. Chickens, 60 cent*; Oysters 30 cents.' Big supply of card board, nil col on, Just rscslvsd at Herald. tf