Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 23, 1911, Image 5

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A MAIL CARRIER'S LOAD. Seems heavier when he has a weak hack and kidney trouble. Fred Dueh- ran. Mall Carrier at Atchison, Kas.. says: "I have been bothered with kidney and bladder trouble and had a severe pain across my back. When ever I carried a load, my kidney trou ble Increased. Seme tlnje ago, X start- ed taking Foley Kidney Pills and sin--- taking them I have gotten ehtli tfV rid of all my kidney trouble'and an) a* sound now as ever." Gera Phirwsc;. Frerli meats, eggs and chicken: Parker, phone ISS. by all who attended. After the beau tiful progranfglven by the little fofks and offerings for the poarhsd mi been made, |t was announced that old Santa Claus had arrived and to the'delight and amacehvcnt of the little peopie fie came through a little window In the top of the Tabernacle ahd sllded Eight down In their midst. AtVer holding a re Cepilon which lasted some minutes he began to give out the pretty bags of good things which had been placed on the treo. The little folks had a most glorious time and left loving dear old Santa Claus better than ever. A large quantity of groceries and fruit were contributed which will ph placed where It is needed. v.'t'ti.Iter'permitting.the Trinity Meth od;,.:: congregation will hold their Xmas exercises In their-big Taberna cle. There trill be a short program and Xmas tree, and a supper. Turkeys Turkeys Turkeys Seud us your or- 1 der. Can sell you Turkeys every day r om now until Xmas. Better See Us Miss Juanita Bennett has strived from college to spend the holidays at home. 'Rev. J. £., Summer, the new pastor of the Deenwood Methodist Church paid the Herald a pleasant visit this morning. Prof. Otis Miller has on exhibit at the Bon Ton millinery store n magnifi cent liny of oil and paste:.kntlngi. Stop In and eee them. 6 tf 15 POUNDS 8UGAR *1.00 THIS WEEK AT J, W. 8. HARDY’S, PHONE <2 OR 30t. ‘ 20 3t OLD SANTA CLAUS AT THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH TONIGHT. All the children of the Presbyterian Sunday school are requested to be at the church tonight at 7:30 o'clock v ■ee Santa Claus and to receive the nice presents he will have for them. Children, bring your mamma'e and papas'. Big lot cour' at J. W. S. !.. i The Fp:ration Amy of Waycrou, Teorf;, Is preparing tx give a Free hr'*::nae Dinner to throe hundred r-r;hy poor of tfit* city. Will yon vlp us with liberal donation to make ■his effort a success? ' Tours to help save the lost poor, Capt and Mrs. Gossett, Offlcore In charge. Phone 518, P. 0. Box 5!3. i Groeery Company W. M. Wilson, Mgr. h one 128, Wilson Block count A quick hock prepared in • minute. Tike no substitute. AskferHORUCK’S. Not In Any Milk Trust PATINT kAWVIRS, [S03 Seventh St, Washington, D.C.. Dr. C. A. Downey, of Waycross was made a member of the finance commie tee of the Georgia state Veterinarlana' Association at Its annual meeting Just held In Atlanta. T. H. Blizzard Black-Sight Shoes for all the family. J It The Standard Shoe CO. UVCT RTWICWC Through a writable oversight the reputation of this old, roll*- ■ names of the Singleton Furniture Co., S^dlSir'SSSKftato: I wvcr0 “ HoC *‘ Co ' Mr - RoO- bii-.htd. It does not imitate I ding were not mentioned In the card I ° f P-O'^ed in the local new, Hvtr Imwder, with a larger I papers last Tuesday by the Catholic F2 I T »* >«><•* -«.hy wish ,0 maite U S> for that unintentional omle- - ' slon and express their sincere appro- hlcola Oysters and fresh fish elation of the kindness shown to them 18*. . . 7 4 by the above named partita. One thousand pounds nuts for sale at J. W. S. Harly’s. Best quality. 20 2t ADVERTISE IN THE WAYCROSS HERALD WAYCROSg EVI For standard ahoea go to SO 4t The Standard Shoe Co. For fresh eggs, chickens, and meats ra ( p3j*pajkJttads' ilet W. J. Parker ISrve / yon;- Phone 188. 212i For shoes tqst satisfy, go to 20 ft The] Standard Shoe Co. 2 cans tomatoes 16 cents at J. W. S. Hardy's. 20 3t Let us fill your order for Oysters and fresh fish. Phone 189. 7 tf CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. Till Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Get the habit, smoke "O. O. O." Cigars. Clear Havana. ( IT tf ■ For Appalachlcola Oysters end fresh fish,-phone 189. 7 tf MRS ETHEL BERRY DRESS MAKING AND PLAIN SEW- ING. TERMS REASONABLE. No. 32 Jane SL Waycross, Go. CHRISTMAS.8UNDAY AT FIR8T METHODIST-CHURCH. Morning. Voluntary. Anthem, ‘‘Long Tear’s O'er Botbl> hem's Plain", Handel. Hymn, “Joy To The World.” Apostle's Creed. Prayer. Anthem, “Bethlehem's Plain.' 'Scripture- Lessons. • Gloria. Offyrtory, “Shout Hosannah," Ash ford. Hymn, “Hark The Herald Ange's Sing."' Sermon by the pastor. Rev. Osgood F. Cook, “Good Tidings of Great Joy", Luke 11: 10-11. Solo, “The Christmas Star." Doxology and benediction. Evening. Voluntary. Hymn, “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear.” Paryer. Anthem, “While Shepherd's Watch; ed", Herbert. Scripture Lesson. Offertory, "Tha Wise Men," Jack- son. Hymn, “Holy Night, Silent Night'." Sermon by the pastor, "The Incar nation," John 1:14. Hymn, "Christmas Song." Prayer and benediction. The morning service will begin at 11 o'clock and the evening service 7:30. The Sunday school will meet at 3 p. m. The public cordially lavlted. fit tin Original and flanuina HORLICK’S MALTED MILK Tha Food-drink far dll dgaif For Infants, InvaBds, and Growing children. PureNutritkm,up bidding the whoiebody. Big lot extra-fine turkeys at J. W. 8. Hardy's, phono 62 or 301. 20 3t For coughing, dryness and tickling of the throat, hoarsoneas and all coughs and colds, take Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Contains no lpl- ates. Gem Pharmacy. T. S. Paine. Mr. S. C. Scratton, of Sprngfleld, Ill., la among the latest arrivals on Deen wood Tarns. At present he Is guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. CouJh of near Waresboro. Mr. Frank Weldon, a prominent cit izen of Atlanta Is calling on his Way- cross friends today. He has been trav cling in the South and Is en route to Atlanta. Seven families with six carloads of household goods will arrive In Way- cross during January. They are Deen Land Deenwood Farm buyers. Master Royal Dunn of 67 Reed street while trying to explode a brass cartridge yesterday at noon did so, but not In the manner he expected. It ex ploded and a local physician spent an hour or two picking out pieces of, brass from Royal’s chest. If blood poisoning does not set In Master Royal will be ready on Monday to experi ment on other explosives. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Stelnhelmcr loft this morning for Brooks, Ga., where they will be the guests of Mr. Stelnhetmer’s father over Christmas. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Regular lervlces at the First Bap tist Church Sunday at 11 a. m„ and 7 p, m., conducted by the pastor, Rev. W. P. Price. Sunday school 'at 0:45 A cordial Invitation to those who do not worship elsewhere Is given for you to worship with us tomorrow. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Regular services at the Presbyter ian Church tomorrow a. m., at 11:00 o'clock, and evening at 7:30. Sunday School at 0:45. Westminister League at 6:30 p. m. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all who have no church engagement! visitors and strangers. Everyone of tha little folks who took part (n the Xmas exercises at Central Baptist Tabsruacle last night' are requested to be at the Tabernacle Sunday ntght at the program will ho repeated. “Grandma” Sausage We hovo Installed an- electric sau sage mill, and will make, a specialty of “GRANDMA* SAUSAGE. We have an up-to-dato market and propose to head the procession. Try us and bo convinced, We N have Installed a HOBART ELECTRIC BONE GRINDER, and will make a specialty of furnishing our customers with this valuable egg Office 419-21 LaOrande Building. DR. E. B. MITCHELL, OSTEOPATH, and Physician and 8urgeon. Hours: 9 to 12 and 2 to S p. m Office Phone 321. Residence 67 Folks St. Phono 454. Calls Answered Promptly. The parent who presents bis boy with a bank: book .encourages thrift and economy, thereby promoting his welfare and happiness : The value 0 fmoaey and Its necessity's oessentla! n a successful career choud be early Installed In a child's mind. A splendid object lesson would he a Christmas present of a bank no count .with a reward for saving tf cer tain amount by next Christmas. ' Call today and 1st us furnish the book; 81.00 or more win start the no- First National Bank OF WAYCROSS Backache, Headache, Nervouanees And rheumatism, both In men and wo men, mean kidney trouble/ Do not allow It to progreaa beyond the reach of medicine but etop It promptly with Foley Kllney Pitta. They regulate the action of the urinary organa. Ttlns In action, quick reaulta. Gem Pharma cy, T. S. Paine. 30 cente per quart. Ring 388. 19 at® The election Is over, we all hav# the came governor and the sama mayor; and we can all tare somo of our hard earned money by trading at 16 Ct Red Crete Pharmacy. ' Cowart'e Oyetere, 388, 30 cents per quart; |1.20 per gallon. 19 St producer at a very amall cost. We urge you to try a amall lot and aee the Increase In your egg aupply Then It will pay you to arrange for a regular weekly aupply ao that you will not be disappointed. GIFT GOODS That are good and will give years of Service and Pleasure A Few Timely Suggestions FOR LADIES FOR MEN > Pearl Brooches Watches Pearl Beads Chains Hat Pins Charms Locket & Chains Watch Fobs La Valiers Signet Rings Shirt Waist Pins Set Rings Cameo Rings Lmbrellas Set Rings Canes Neck Chains Scarf Pins Toilet Sets Cuff Buttons / Manicure Sets Tie Clasps Cut Glass, Etc Military Brushes Moderate Prices Little & Odom Jewelers