Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 23, 1911, Image 8
AT THE MAJESTIC. , Tho vaudevlUo will consist*. of | “Smith and Brown", alnflng and dnnc-. {Ins. The management peraonaly guar antcea this act to pleaae every one preaent. APTIST | Service* at both porntng and even- CHURCH LAST NIGHT. lng hour, tho pastor will preach at tho iptlat Church loot night a 11 o'clock The Standard Shoe Co. Preaching oeg(na In the evening at 7:15. Sunday School, 3 o'clock, E. D. Carcwull, Superintendent. A cordial Invitation la extended to tho public, especially to strangers within our gates. The late shopper Wades through mud. With skirt held up high Above the flood, Special To The Herald. Jackson, Miss., Dec. 22.—The taking ef depositions In the case of the 8tate of Mississippi against ex-Governor James K. Vardanian was begun* today. The purpose -of the suit Is to compel Mr. Vardaman to account do the State for varioue funds he'ls alleged to Gave misused or misapplied during his The funds involved Corner Remshart and Elisabeth Sta. W. P. Prloo, Pastor. Sunday School, B:45 a. m. Preaching. 11 a. m. Preaching, T:00 p. m. Special, music at both services by tho choir. ’ '• V DEENWOOD METHODIST CHURCH. 8nnday, December 24th, Rev. J. E. Stunner will preach at Deenwood Methodist Church, 11 a. m., and 7:30- p. m. Public cordially welcomed. Shakes, the wet Prom her bonnet. Slips .In the mud and Says "Jag-gon' It I" Kinds that stocks f , . . Jtavo been picked o'er And clerks are surely . Olttta and "sore.” Velocipedes,. Toy Wheelbarrows and Sulkies for the children. -\,*- »tt P.. N. Hhrley Hdw. Co. ' TRINITY MdTti68N^B|^RCrf. > Jorner of Brewsr aud Church Streets. Rev. J. D. Thrasher, rotor. Love Feast for everybody at 10 a. term as governor, are the executive contingent fund, amounting to over $20,000 during* the four year tenure, the* Meridian cyclone relief fund which Is alleged to be short about $1,000, the whltecap pros ecution fund, the Spanish-Amerlcan .war fund and an alleged unlawful collection of Interest on bacFSated bonds. It was this suit which Occasioned the recent speech In the UnitedHtates senate of Senator Percy of Mississip pi. After, the primaries last fall. In which Mr. Vardaman won the contest to succeed Mr. Percy In the Senate, the latter announced that, thougG'hls term still has two years to *tUE, he would resign to give immediate force hid recent ONE OP THE BEST COMPANIONS ANY MAN CAN HAVE 18 A GOOD RAZOR. IT ADDS TO HIS APPEARANCE, SELF-RESPECT, TIME, MON EY AND GOOD DISPOSITION. BRIBW*** IT I8NT NECE8SARY TO ARGUE THE PACT BECAU8E YOU KNOW Outside the stores Are mud and slush, Within are temper, Jam and crash. Preaching by the pastor at 11 a. m, and 1:30 p. m. Rev. J. II. Thraaher will preach at 11 A m., using as hla subject "The Divine Babe.” The singing by the choir, Anthem by Qulnnette, and alto by Mrs. Boyd will be Sited to this Chrismaa Sabbath Day. Tha evening service will conelsi of good singing and a abort evangelistic Sermon by the pasor. Sunday School, 3 p. m. J. P. Lid*, Superintendent. Christum* tree Monday evening at 1 o'clock. Epworth League, 7:30 ». m, Tuan- day. ’ Mid-weak Prayer Meeting. 7 p. to, Wednesday. The members ot tha church are urged to ha present. fRrangdrt to. the <hty are cordially ,tnvnNl and visitors will warmly welcomed. We are $ble to (ell It to yon far I GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Mary and Pendleton Streets. Tha Rev. Wm. Hirst Hatgham, Rector Fourth Sunday In Advent, Decern- Many a man who reads this advertisement It using a razor fifty year* behind tba times - and enjoys none or the advantages the , mldera one bring*.- Think thle over and remember that you can not threat tha tame amount In any other way that will mean so much to yon. In onr store la just the rator yon want One that will suit your fancy ona that Will shavWany beard. It will pay you tio inspect our stock now. Holy Eucharist, 7:10 a m. Morning Prayer, 11 a m. Sunday School, 3:10 p. m. Evening Prayer, 7:30 p. ns. P. N. Harley Hardware Co. 144 PLANT AVENUE doe* wading home Through clinging slop— She took her own Sweet time to $hop! to the popular choice, epeech, however, Mr. PeKy announced that, rather than assume the respon sibility for admitting to thedfehkie a man so notoriously unworthy as Ur. ' Utlon as to whsther the new attorney 1 general, Ross A. Collins, who la a close pereonal and political friend of Mr. Vardaman, will push the cate. The royal children, It has been ranged, will hajh thelr Yule ! celebration witfi Queen Mother .; andra at Sandringham, the skit many happy family gatherings in] mer years. I Tuesday, Feast of* Saint Stephen, Holy Eucharist, 7:30 A a. Wednesday. Feast fo Saint John, Help Eucharist, 7:30 a m. Thursday, Holy Innocents Day, Holy* Eucharist, 10:30 a m. Friday, Litany and Meditation, 4:30 A m Mra. Hack, of Wilmington, N. C„ Is In tha city the gueqt Of her parents, Mr. and Mra. a JtCen. Al customary there Christmas tree for the yo-xes ben of the royal family, and > change of gifts amnog the older, the membera ot the household at drinzham and Ihs villagers set celebrations will be held at tha C Buy a pair of 8tacy-Adarou shoes. They are of a quality that gives the moat wear and bear aaUsfacttoA E . The Standard Shoe Co. Gifts That AreFiirciy OrnameitalCanNtvcr be so Satisfactory as ffee one Combining Beaut/ with Service A Charter Oak Range A Gift that all the fam ily would Appreciate for many, many years CHINA CLOSETS For Wife or Mother A WORTH WHILE GIFT 30 Patterns all styles $16.50 To $50.01. A Marris Chair would mean to him many long evenings of pleasure and comfort. We have one in solid Oak at $6.50. Others up to $20.00. LADIES b 3KS make much r.;nreciated gifts. Ours are ta Golden Oak, Weathered Oak, Circassion WaKiut,Early English and Fumed Oak at $5.25 to $20.00. Buffets & Sideboards A truly beautiful line. 60 patterns. A -kind and price to suit every purse or requirement. a $15.00 to $60.00- Rockers 50 styles 50c to $4 Rockers SPECIAL Extra Strong. 60 c Sulkies A good one at $1.75 A better one at $2.40 Velocipedes The strong, well- made kind. Built for use. $1.75, up For the Children Go-Carts Large line Spec-, ial folding Cartat 75c Others up to $3:50 Little Red Chairs and Rockers 25c each A few Folding Tables at 55q v Red Wagons Several Sizes Special prices This Week If your home or the home of your friend ie-made warm and bright with the Christmas spir it and the holiday tokensoffered by this store, THA T home will remain cheery and comfortable through all the days of 1912. REMEMBER, the best gift is the gilt that serves. You can combine the lasting beneli t ot SERVICE, with the beauty your gift should have. Book Cases Sedtional, Libra ry or combina tion styles. $7.25 to $30.00 Dinner Sets Special 53 pieces, beau tiful patterns $6. OOcomplet 6 Pictures An elegant as sortment frem 60c to $6 Chiffoniers Dressers in many woods, styles, finishes and prices. For the Grown Folks ParlorSuits Many elegant patterns at small prices. Brass Beds Satin or Polish finish $18.00 to $50.00 Library Tables Just received the handsomest line ever shown in this city. $6.50. to $25.00 Rugs A great line from 50c to $35 ail sizes , Electric Portable Lamps and Domes A few left. A serviceable ift and very handsome $6.00 to $10.00 CHIFF0R0BES An ideal gift for husband, brother or father, a place to keep his clothes all to gether $16.00 to $50.00 You couldn't think of a gift for Mother or wife that would be more appreciated than a Kttchen Cabinet We have a great line at from $12.75 to $30.00 ROCKERS 'In .almost endless variety all finishes and styles. 50 patterns in Rattan, 15 patterns in Mahogany, 50 patterns in Oak, large line of elegant Turkish Rockers $16.50 to $35.00 Mahogany Parlor Cabinets Three Beauties! One at $8.00 One at $10.00 One at $19*00 Buy Baby a New Carriage We. have 50 rftyles from $2.50 to $30.00 “The Store of Great Values Where Your Credit Is Good” . Walker-Hood Furniture Co. PHONE 499 Davenports and Couches 15 patterns from $16.50 to $50.00 At First Baptl.t pUurch In.t nlgbl n dellghiru! Xma* program wae render ed alter which free will olferidgi were nude of groceries, frutu and money The money offerings will be sent to Iho Hepevtlle Orphan's Home, groceries and fruit will bo dtetrlbuted her*. Delightful refreehm'enta wore aerv- ed all who attended. The claude ere etlll coming from tho direction ot tho Okoftnokee Swamp. Thla doe* not , prognosticate fair weather. TABERNACLE BAPTIST CHURCH. |k»lre* « «*r. W. H. Scrag**, Pealor. :o 3t Watt Hardware Company.