Waycross evening herald. (Waycross, Ga.) 189?-19??, December 30, 1911, Image 4

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ir's VEngea'ncI Company shall have the power to con- 2 tract and to be contracted with; to 1 borrow and lend money; to execute' i. Its promissory notes, bonds, or other j • evidences of debt for any debts or! I loans it may owe, and to.secure same ► by mortgages, pledges, deeds of trust, i security deeds, or other satisfactory f ccurlty; to receive in payment for its stock, cither common or preferred, or • for any hoods or other obllgalone 1 may issue, rlgbU or franchises or oth er consideration satisfactory to ft* stockholders or directors; to hold stock In other corporations; ai*> o 'ave an, and all other rights, power* and printeges necessary for carn.a, on the bualaMf of aald Company . above stated, and for accomplishing the purpose* of It* organization, and to hare all other rights; powers, prle llsgss gad Immunities common and incident to corporations generally mf der the law. , WHEREFORE, petitioner* pray to I bo Incorporated la- accordance with i the foregoing. , (Signed) , Wilson, Bennett * Lzmbdln, | ' Attorney* for Petitlohera Filed In olllce this December 22nd, | 1911. ( (Signed) E. J. Berry, Clerk. i A true copy. ] (Signed) E. J. Berry, Clerk. I | PROCLAMATION. ! WHEREAS, The Honorable Ho)te Srnlti did, on tho 15th day November ISillresIgn the office of Governor of tils State thereby creating a va- trunk repslring, etc. Having dona your work for the past six years 1 think I know how to give you the Ind of work you want. When you need any repairing done, remember J. I. WAITE, ! The ol<J> reliable Cabinet-Maker, 22 Brewer street, phone 2S>4. 22 U botUes. Its the best Kidney medicine I over say." Backache, Tired feeling Norroufneaa, Loss of Appetite, warn of kidney trouble that may end In dropsy, diabetes or Bright's disease. Bowsre: Take Electric Bitters and be Mts. Every bottle guaranteed. 50c At All Druggists. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. CAMP 16& Mute first and third Thursday •» sack month. Masonic Halt Richard L. Singleton, fi t, D. P. Woolley, dark. E. M, NORTH, AfiP.A, SAVANNAH, OA. " H. E. CAMP, TICKET AGT. WAYCROSS, GA. A FREE BOOK WITH 1912 CALENDAR FOR OUR READERS. We take pleasure In announcing that any of our readtra can secure a pretty vest pocket note book and cal endar by (ending 4 one-cent stamps to 0. Swift A Co., Pstent Lawyers, Washington, D. C. In addition to the 4’ blank pages for memoranda. It con tains calendars for >912 and 1912, tho population of the too largest cities, 20 In each stats, according to' the area of each state, the number of electoral votes each presidential can didate received from each atato In INS, tha number of Democrats and Republicans eloctod to Congress by aach auto In 1905 and 1910, a chap- tar of useful Information, and. a chap ter of useful .law points for ovary day ass. This book would cost 25 cants at a book store. llfitf A HOUSEHOLD MEDICINE. That stops coughs quickly and cures eoM* Is Foley's Honey end Tar Com pound. Mr*. Anna Pelzer, 2526 Jef ferson SI., So. Omaha, Neb., says: -1 can recommend Foley'a Honey and Tar Compound as a sure cure for oooghs and colds. It haa cured my daughter at o bad cold and my neigh bor, Mre. Benson, cured herself and her whole family with Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. Everyone In our JMdgbborbood apenke highly of if flora Pharmacy, T. 8. Paine. SPECIAL' DETECTIVE WORKI Rx-Oepnty Sheriff Jena P. Caeon win engage In .pedal detective work fT Waycrott and South Ooorgta. If poo need bla service# lolephone No ;t, court bouse i-lti Waycross & Southern R. R. CO. Chang# of Schedule Effective Nov. 17, 191 i. Notice: Tho arrifal* and dapar. (urea are given at Information and are not guaranteed. Southbound Tr»ln No 1. - Miles Station! Hebardvllle Lv. 9:00 a.m. 2 Ways. Albany no. Lv. . .9:05 r.m. 8 LavInlaLv J 9:20 a.m. 10 Frodel Ar * .... 9:30 u.m. Ensel & Vinson Company ♦ WILLIAM R. THOMAS, M. D. ♦ ♦ Offices 129 and 231 LaGrande ♦ ♦ Building. ♦ ♦ Hours: 9 to >1; 1 to t. ♦ (THE GARMENT STORE) Refunds Your Railroad Fare Write Us For Particulars See Us When in Savannah. It la u very serious matter to ask fbr one medicine and have thb wrong ese given you. For thle reason vre u.-;c you In buying to ho cartful ts git the ceauiao— ly established. It done not Imitate other medicines. It la tetter than others, or (t would not be the to- oorit* liver powder, with a larger sale then all others combined. SOLD IN TOWN Fa The prettleet and di Xmoa handkerchief* a tha city at Miss Eddie per ■ ootb Why pay $1.00 to have your tooth extrac when you can have It done for 50c and wj pain All other wor k done at very reiad charges. Everything guaxsafi^H UNION JEWELRY STORE Watchmakers and Engraver*. All Kind Of Jewelry Repairing, ME Plan Ava Waycroia, On. HAS MAOE HISTORY. MADE IN THE SOUTH BY MEN WHO KNOW HOW TO MAKE PAINT THAT WILL HOLD ITS COLOR ANO STAY ON IN OUR EXACT- (NO CLIMATE. CHEAPEST BECAUSE IT IS THE BEST. SEND FOR COLOR CARD ANO BOOKLET “SUGGESTIONS L The principal placa of but Me* of ■aid Company shall ba la Waycroea (a •aid County, bat petitioner* desire th* privilege of carrying on their business and establishing brancher and agen das of aam* elsewhere In' thle 8tate or any other slate. t Tha capital stock of said Com pany shall be t50.0pe.0fi, hot petition- > FROST FR00F CABBAGE PLANTS < GUARANTEED TO SATISFY CUSTOMERS _ FROM THE ORIGINAL CABBAGE PLANT GROWERS. Folks’ Block PAINTING” OWN WE LOAN YOU MONEY TO 1 YEAR*; MONTHLY PAYMENT WILL BELL YOU A LOT imon stuck, end ta give same sues its and privileges as they may rider advisable. iBffiffikMM' dislre (bar .aMm Would have fallen on any one who at tacked .the son of Peter Bondy, of Booth Rockwood, Mich.,' 'but be was powerless before attacks of Kldnei trouble. "Doctors could not help him" he wrote, "so at last we gave him Electric Bitters and he tmprovel rap idly and wonderfully from taking els Oat the habit,, smoke "Y. Clear Havana. B. a. n tt For first-class rubber Ure and wire whoel work at prtcoa rlghL ese J. T. Modes, It Albany avsnu*. 11 lot RINO 174 FOR WOOD. Sterling P a in 4 OERKOIA—WARE COUNTY. To tb" r'r-e-for/'nurt of sold county: The petition of Gao. W. Dan, F. McGee, and D. S. Schoreman all aald county, shows ss follows: 1. Petitioners desire that they, tbtlr associates, successors end signs, be Incorporated for the term twenty years (with tbs usual privil ege pf rtnswsl) under the name of the “WAYCROSS SASH, DflOR ft MANU FACTURING COMPANY." The object of said corporation is pecuniary gain (o Its stockholders. Tha particular business to carried on Is that of buying, manufac turing, lolling and dealing In sash, doors, bllnde, frames, mouldings, cor nice*, columns, balustrades, boxes, crates, furniture of all kinds, detke, wardrobes, mantels, railroad bos and flat cars, showcases, store Datum, bank flstures, coffins and all other kinds of article* nude of rough, plan ed or finished lumber of timber, whether same bo pine, cypress, oak, gum, bay, chestnut, walnut or other variety of wood; engaging in a general woodworking business, manufacturing and selling nil kind* of Interior and exterior finishes -and furnishings of wood, tin, Iron, brass, or other ma- tortale: painting, hard oiling, glaring and finishing any of Its products and erecting and placing same In build ings; manufacturing, buying, selling and dealing In locks, hinges, end other hardwaro of all klr.de, Including grates lies, and other hardwaro products, ns well as In all and every kind of mater ial, Iron, steel, wood, brick, cement, concrete, granite, stone and other ma- tTlals; doing a general foundry busi ness, and working In Iron, steel, and In other mclals and materials; buying, holding, luting, leasing, and teeing pntent rights, letters parent, processes, devices, Inventions, trade marks, for mulas nnd other rights and privileges; doing a general manufacturing bust ness; operating planing mills, taw mllle, turpentine •lllle and plants and conducting a erase ile and ,-cttfersl na val store* busln--- -t dis posing of all or any of Its finished pro ducts; conducting Its manufacturing plant or plants for making any of the aforesaid articles; and alto buying, telling and dealing In real estate and In gooda, ware* and merchandise of all kinds, and doing a general business ae builders and contractors. Also purchasing the necessary raw materials needed In It* business; and also buying, manufacturing, rapairing, assembling, and selling automobiles, and other vehicles, moton, engines, pump* and all other articles and things of every Mad and description whatso ever, and conducting a genual work- ahon. In said office RE, I. John U. Slaton, t of the Senate, exercising ccutlve powers of the govern- provided by Par. 8, Section th. Article of th* Constitution of tbll state sad laws in pnnuanca thereof do Issue this my proclamation n special election for Gov ernor Oil. the vacancy so occasion ed for Is unesplred term, to be held on the 6th day of ajnuary, 1912, tra der thi (laws of this State gov erning i rneeral elections. I slab con voke thf General Assembly of Gorgta session, at the Capitol this stab, bn the 24tb day of January 1912; at o'clock a. m, to receiva th* returns Aid declare the result of said apodal sncllon or to sleet a Governor In cate n| person shall receive majority tithe whole number of votes at each meets! election, aa provided la the CoAitltmion of thle State. IN WITIESS WHEREOF I have hereunto at my band and caused the Great Seanot the State to be affixed hereto, tbty loth day of November, 1911. i JOHN M. SLATON, ( President a' Senate Exercising the ! Executive Pcwers of the Government. 11-22 tf. | N EXT time you walk by the store, we wish you’d stop a minute and take a look at Big Ben. He’s the finest deepme- ter made—the best looking —the best built—the best running. You needn't take our word forit, we keep him in the window; you can see for yourself. $2.50 Thb b tht ebefc they arc M*tf> NM )• *• Mg RtfUtaffi Little & 0d)m SAINTS REST FARM FOR i EXCHANGE OR SALfc. I will offer In exchange for good city property jjr for sale for the next twenty days ;my celebrated Saints Rett Farm, nir the city and directly on tbe Satillaj River. New alx room bouse, alto a frur room cottage, large new barn, twojother borne and other out bouses. li’ty pecan trees, most of them beerlnl, tbe finest never (ailing spring of water In the county In front ot bouse, twelve or fourtun head of cattle, WOT or five cowa now la milk. Tbe but situation for stock, poultry and truck ralatng In this sec tion. My only keasou for offering this property la because I am too busy to loolj after IL Ask anybed. about Salute Rest Farm, and If 70U want to tndk comb to tee me. As P. Parham, Sr. Atlantic Coast Line THROUGH SLEEPERS TO ATLANTA AND POINTS ' . WE8T. I "AVE WAYCR083S 10:30 P. M, ARRIVE ATLANTA 7:07 A. M. L-AVE ATLANTA 8:50 P. M. OR 10:20 P. M., ARRIVE WAYCROSS 8:35 A. M. OR 6:35 A. M. V/AYCR088 IS ASSIGNED AMPLE 8PACE IN OUR ELECTRIC LIGHTED PULLMANS. SAVE TIME BY TRAVELING OVER THE Atlantic Coast Line I Never Saw a Married Woman who Had Any Sense BUT WHAT KNEW SOMETHING ABOUT THE ARRANGEMENT FOR HOUSE INTERIORS. I HAVE SEV ERAL HUNORED SETS OF PLANS IN THE OFFICE -THAT I HAVE HELPED THESE WOMEN WORK ' OUT IN A PRACTICAL SHAPE ANO WOULD LIKE TO HELP YOU.. SC HUREMAN -Architect 425-427 LaGrande Building WAYCROSS, 6fl Office Phone 177 House Phone 467 ■ WILLIAMS’ BLAGKSMIT! Shop ? CORNER SCREVEN AVENUE AND KNIGHT STREET, OPPOSITE WILLIAM* STREET. WHEELRIOHT AND REPAIRING. HORSE SHOEING A SPECIALTY, RUBBER TIRES PUT ON WHILE D. S. ,o due? liver Dr. I, Hound and d «f phi condlt- Kldnej POBldv backac «nd all trouble: Paine.