The Waycross journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1895-1914, June 14, 1901, Image 5

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Mr. George W. Deen goes to Jacksonville to-day on business. Mr. Oliver Deen, of Douglas, was in the city Tuesday Mr Thomas Deen, of Douglas, spent two days in the city this week Capt.W. S. Bull, of the B.&W., spent part of the week in Waycross attending court. Sheriff Southerland, of Douglas, was in the city yesterday, eu route to Live Oak, for a prisoner. Mr. J. H. Moore, of Macon, State manager for the Chicago Portrait Company, is in the city. Our Shoes and Hat stock can’t be bent. Bibb <k O'Quinn. The Clothiers. Mr. H. H. Cone, of the roadway office, went toThoinasville several days ago on account of the illness of his father. Mr. A. M. Walthour and fami ly lmvu moved here from Savan nah, and are living nt the Medlin place, 50 Elisabeth street. Stock your farm with the cele brated Florida beggar weed. The Excelsior Medicine Company have 75 bushels of seed at $1.25. The Blackshear base ball club •came over Tuesday and slaughter ed our boys by a score of 24 to 0. Only a small crowd witnessed the game, Mr. Stewart, of Palatka, Fla., aud Mr. Frank Moore, of Christie' Groover Drug Company, of Jack sonville, were in Waycross the early part of the week Dr. J. B. Bagley, of Millwood, paid The Journal a pleasant call Tuesday. He says the crops are excellent, and the health very good in his neighborhood. If money is what you want, It I us save it for you on your Summer Suit. Bibb & O'Quinn. Mr. J. M. Jardine and wife, of Nicholls, were in the city Wednes day. Mrs. Jordan was on route to Brunswick to take steamer for New York, where she will be visit ing for some time. Porto Rico molasses. Hakdy Bans. 'Dr. and Mrs. Redding returned from Oxford yesterday, where they hud been attending commence ment. En route home they stop ped over in Macon to visit Dr. Redding’s father. Mrs. Cook, of Waycross, who is spending sometime in Brunswick, the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. J. Colson, expects to spend several days of this week on St. Simon Is- Captains W. S. Bull and R. S Wells, who have been attending the Conductors’ convention at St. Paul, Minn., returned Tuesday. After the convention, captains Bull and Wells made a tour of the West. They visited several West ern States, and went as far as San Francisco. Their trip was delight ful, and they are greatly pleased with the West. Edward IIuss, a well-known busi ness man of Salisboro, Mo., writes: ‘‘I wish to say for the benellt of others that I was u sufferer from lumbago and kidney trouble, aud all the remedies I took gave no re lief. I was induced to try Foley’i Kidney Cure, and, after the use of three bottles, I am cured.” Fo sale by all dealers. When you need a now pair of shoes, buy a pair of Humplirey’i long wearers. They fit well and are the cheapest. Rev. L. D. Ellington, of Glen more, who lias been in North Georgia for several weeks, has re' turned home. He cal lied on The Journal Tuesday, and said that while the wheat crop in North Georgia is line, it is no such an ag ricultural section as this. We desert the price to lessen the stock for the next two weeks. Bibb AjO'Quiim, The Clothiers. Mr. B. F. Johnson, who has been in South Carolina for the pnst two years, was in the city yesterday en route to Douglas to visit Editor J. M. Freeman’s fain, ily. Mr. Johnson’s wife went to Douglas a few days ago. They will move to Jacksonville. Humphreys sells no shoddy shoes. All are guaranteed solid lenther or your money back. Mr. Reed E. LoMance, manager of the Brunswick Marble Works, lias been awarded the contract to furnish stone trimmings for the Hitch-Lott block, soon to be erect ed in Waycross.—Brunswick Times-Call. Always get our prices before you buy your suit. The Red Star Clothing Store. Bibb & O'Quiuu. The lack of energy you feel, the backache and a run-down condition generally, all mean kidney disor der. Foley’s Kidney Cure will re' store your strength and vigor by making the kidneys well. Take no substitute. For sale by all dealers. Forty cents pays for a gallon of Porto Rico molasses at Hardy Bros. Cycling has its ups and downs After the downs use Banner Salye if you’re cut or bruised. It heals the hurt quickly. Take no substi tutes. For sale by all dealers. Porto Rico molasses 40 cents a gallon. Hakdy linos. land.—Brunswick Times-Call. We have two prices, but have Rainfall This Month, prices to cut in two for the next The rainfall thus far this month two weeks. Bibb <tr O’Qtiinu, The has been quite largo, ns will Ire Clothiers. .seen by the following figures fur- Mr. J. A. Rumph, who has been j nislied by Voluntary Observer R. down in Mississippi at the govern- -'f-Hoskinson: On June 2, .11! rnent camp, returned to Waycross inches full; on the lid the rninfall last. Saturday. Mr. Rumph con W!1 • il nndonthcOth 1.01 inches, trncted malaria down in Mississip- ®' ,,r I* 10 thirty hours beginning at pi, and he is here to recuperate A party of Waycross young men are making preparations for a month’s camping at Knutcrson’s swamp. They expect to capture at least a barrel of fish every day, in ndditinn to slaying large num bers of alligators. Riug up Hardy Bros, and inquire about that Porto Rico molasses. midnight on the morning of the 12th and ending at 0 a. m. on the 18th the downpour wnsH.SC inches making the total precipitation 5.78 inches. First Methodist Church. Preaching Sunday, June 18, nt 11 a.m. and 8 p.m.; Sunday-school at 4 p.m.; praver-meeting Thurs day night at 8 o’clock. CAPITAL 350,000.00. 'phe pirst Rational B an ^ OF WAYCROSS. Director#—J. K. Wad ley, president; W. W. Beach, vlco-president; C. C. Grace, capitalist; A. Sessoiu#, capitalist; C. E. Murphy, furniture; J. C. McDonald, lawyer; J. L. Sweat, lawyer. This Bank is the Only National Bank in the City. We regard the safety of money intrusted to our keeping ns our first duty. We are always ready and willing to tnakeloaus when the security is satisfactory. For the convenience of those who are not in active business and desire to have thoir money kept safely, wo maintain A Savings Department, In which 4 per cent, interest is paid, compounded quarterly. We solicit your business. J. E. WADLEY, President, Every Merchant IN BUSY WAYCROSS Should here a well displayed adrertisement in The Waycross Journal. The live business man has a message for the people every week. He has inducements to offer for their trade. In no other way can he so successfully communicate with the peo ple who buy, as through the local paper On its semi-weekly visits the JOURNAL will do the work;_"only —ve it a fair trial * Photographs. For the Best Photographs and Enlarged Pictures, Or copies from Photos, for Watches, etc., Go or send to MARTIN’S STUDIO, No. 8 Gilmore Street, Waycross, Ga. Just received. r VWVTVW WTTVr STOCK YOLK LAND WITH Florida Beggar Weed. WE HAVE THE SEED At $1.25 Per Bushel, EXCELSIOR MEDICINE CO., WAYCUOSS, <JA. L ® ©®* —®(UI 500 Phonograph Records Just Received, at Waycross Cycle Comp’y, Opposite Stand-Pipe ® f Much to Praise In our stock of high class modern FURNITURE, Hiiid nil that could Ini said In favor •of this Furni ture, wo might bo accused of over - estimat ing it# value ^ and beau tv. ROSS FURNITURE CO. 74 I SHIPHENT ^oNSTIPATloJ? % the ROCK’that WRECKS manyS jos. Il brings In Itstrain bodilu evils" /that slowly but surely destroy health, /strength and cheerfulness. _. u c TO REMOVE THIS CONDITION TAKE. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS li Is a marvelous system cleanser and regulator j k Permanently CURES a constipated habit, ^corrects trouble In.the digestion. Purifies^ . the blood, strenathens the kkfticus. k PUTS TIC SYSTEM IS PtRrlCT ORDtR^ SOLD AT DRUGGISTS. Prietos, Special Agents, G. R. BRINSON & CO and HARTFORD, Columbia, $40.00. \W ur»* sole Agents for t in* in Wuvcross. Hartford, $25.00. GRACE-BRANTLEV CO. Is the distinctive characteristic of our Men’s, Women’s, Boys’ and Children’s SPRING and SUMMER CLOTHING NO STOCK In the SOUTH equals our* In QUANTITY, QUALITY, VARIETY, or general excellence of STYLE and FINISH, and on EQUAL QUALITY Our Prices Always Lead. Ladles’ Tailor./Hade Suits, Waists, Skirts, Underskirts, Corsets, Neckwear, Under wear, In especially exclusive selections .... MAIL ORDERS solicited. Careful attention, anil shipments C.O.D. with privilege of examining before paying. Correspondence invited. ““ “ B.H.Levy&Bro. SAVANNAH, • GEORGIA.