The Waycross journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1895-1914, July 01, 1902, Image 1

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m The Waycross Journal BUSHED T'WICK-A-WKEK. VOL. VII—NO. 73. WAYCROSS, GA., TUESDAY. JULY 1. 1902. $1.00 A YEAH OUR DELEGATES IMPOSE IT. The Local Option Plank. Messrs. Humphreys mi Cochran go to * State Convention Tonight. Chairman E. T. Brown of the State Democratic Committee has received full returns of the recent primary. The total number of votes cast in the State was 1811,778, the vote iu many counties being very light. lion. J. M. Terrell received the largest number of votes in the primnry and has the largest num ber of delegates in the convention. His popular vote am mounted to <12,7311. Col J. If. Estill’s popu lar vote was 82,588, and lion. Du pont. (luerry’s 11,151. It will be seen that Mr. (luerry’s popular vote is nearly 0,000 more than Mr. Estill’s and about 21,000’ less than Mr. Terrell's, whilo Mr. Iistillwill have W) delegates in the conven tion. Mr. Guerry only OH and Mr. YOUNG LADIES MAY HAVE TO GO. BANQUET TO JUDGE BENNET LAST NIGHT. Although None of Them in Waycross Have Received Orders. The young lady clerks and ste nographers employed in the au diting and freight claim depart ments of the Plant System have received notice that their services will not be needed by the Atlantic Coast Line Kailway Company af ter Aug. 1. The consolidation of the Plant System and the Coast bine will take place July 1. so that one month of grace will be allowed the young ladies. The exclusion of young ladies by the Coast Line is expected to Lawyers of the Brunswick Bar Met tn Collation. The members of the Brunswick circuit tendered to Judge Bennet ami his successor, Judge Parker, a banquet last night. • There was a large number of lawyers from all over the circuit present at the banquet Resolutions of regret from many of the bar associations iu the cir cuit were tendered Judge Bennet and all gave expressions of wel come to Judge Parker. During the evening Judge Bennet was ten dered a handsome present as a to DR. DOWMAN WILL RETIRE. Rev. J. E. Dickey Mentioned as his Suc cessor at Emory. extend to the other departments ken of the high regard in which he of the Plant System. Those of the traflio department have not yet received their notices, but they are expecting them. There are, iu all, about a dozen young ladies, clerks ami stenographers, employ ed in the Plant System cilices and they will have to look for po- sitioiiB elsewhere. It is contrary to the policy of the Atlantic Coast Line to employ Terrell MM! or twenty above the i women. That is the reason of the required uumber, 170. The state convention meets to morrow in Atlanta and from the morrow in Atlanta and from the outlook there will be a tight on the question of inserting a local option plank in the state platform. Mr. J. C. Humphreys and Col A. E. Cochran are the delegates appointed from this county and since they both expect to attend the convention, no alornutes have beon appointed. Mr. Humphreys and Col. Cocli ran are opposed to inserting a local option plank in the platform. Mr. Humphreys, while in favor of the local option system of regulat ing the liquor trade, says he is iu favor of allowing the quostiou to •emaiii as it is, entirely out of politics. WILL GO TO SAVANNAH. Waycroj* Gun Club Will Scad Team July 4. The Waycross Guu Club will seud a team to Savannah on July 4 to participate in the shoot given by the Forest City Gun Club. 4 following men compose the team” S. T. HoltzendortT, G. R. Youmaua, C. 1. Allen, Dr. 1. L. Dedge, and Geo. W. Ilarues. They will probably bo accompa nied by J. W. Newton. J M. Cox and W. W. .Sharpe. The team is composed of some of the best shots in south Georgia and it is likely that they will win 1 some of the prizes. Mrs.M. K. Worde left yesterday , for Macon where she will visit rel atives. The reason the Waycross Bar gain House sells so many goods ■ is because they sell them so cheap. <, County School Commissioner Bennett spent Sunday iu Jackson ville. While there he was crowded off a moving car which caused him to fall and dislocate hit arm. |1 You can buy twelve pounds of good eolTee for one dollar at Hardy Brothers. notice that has been received by those ill the employ of the Blunt System. Tho Blunt System offi cials have found their services very satisfactory, audit is to their regret that the policy of the Coast Line must prevail. There are many young ladies employed in the different depart ments of the Plant System in Way- cross hut none of them have re ceived notice that their services are not needed. ALL-DAY SHOOT A SUCCESS Although the Scores Were Poor- Large Crowds Durisg the Day. Tho all-day shoot of the Gun Club Friday was a great success with the exception of poor scores made. The bad shooting was probably caused by the poor working of the trap, and many little things that happened during the day. A largo number of visitors \Vere at the grounds throughout the day and all showed much interest in the gunners. While there were few visitors, a large number of the club mem bers participated in the shooting. Mr. S. T. HoltzendorlT won the first money making led out of a possible 175. Mr. B. W. Sperry, of Jacksonville, came second with was held by the members of the bar. The toasts were numerous and 11 chosen. A committee com posed of Col. W. E. Kny, Chair man. 11. D. Meador, S. C. Atkin son, A. L. Franklin, C. Syntmes and I). W. Krauss had done every thing to make the occasion the success that it was and the affair was most happy throughout. Judge Bennet was one of the most popular judges that has been on this circuit and his retirement is a source of regret to the citi zens throughout this section of the Stale. TEACHERS ARE NEEDED, The following dispatch to the Morning News will be of interest to the people of Waycross. Atlanta, Ga., Juno SSL—Rev. C. E. Dowman of Emory College an nounced to-day his retirement from the presidency of tho college and his formal appointment us presiding elder of tin- Atlanta dis trict. I)r. Dowman stated he would at once begin his new duties in this city. Relative to his re tirement from Emory College, he expressed regret at leaving the in stitution with which his associa tions have been so pleasant. Al umni of til illcgo have expressed surprise at the change in manage ment and are anxiously awaiting the choice of Dr. Bowman's suc cessor. Rev. Jas. E. Dickey of Grace street church, Atlanta, who is being spoken of as the probable successor, stated to-night that he mid not say whether if elected lie would accept the presidency. It is known that he has recently re fused tho presidency of three col leges nut nf the slate. CAN NOW COMPETE ON HEAVY GOODS Refaction on Tariff lo Waycross cn B and C Classes. WEDDING BELLS RING. Three Youg Couples Were Married at Screven. Since the memory of man run noth not to tho contrary, has Waveross before enjoyed a redui lion in freight rates. But Hie now tarilV that was n eently issued has given this cil; a considerable reduction in tu classes of freight—the I! and ( classes. The I! class comprises corn oats, meal and bran and the re duel inn on 1 hose goods from Ohii river points is.'ll cents on tho hun dred. ’ f i he G i lass is Hour with a re- ilucion ft, i the same points of 11.1 cents, X^ahout 7 cents oi bnrrcll of Hour. This’ reduction enables the wholesale houses of Waverosi sell these goods ns cheap and with same profits as t he Brunswick and Savutiiiuli houses. Some of the merchants hopi that this may be the forerunner of reduction in the tarilV on all goods to Waycross. MR. JOHN MARSHALL DEAD. Had Relatives Here And Was Well Known. Fifteen are Wanted by Ware County School Commissioner. The county public schools uro short of teachers this year. Commissioner Bennett says that he needs at least fifteen teach ers, who hold either first or second grade licences. When the state examination was held Inst week only twelve stood it. Mr. Bennett expected at least twenty-live applicants for state licenses. MISS NEELY DEAD Succumbed to Typhoid Fever After Several Weeks. ldUatid C. 1. Allen third with 12b. Miss Maggie Neely died Sunday morning at her home on Barallel street after an illness with typhoid fever of our weeks. The funeral occurred yesterday morning at the Kettle Creek burying ground, Rev. A. M. Williams otricated. Miss Neely is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. F. Neely w moved to the city from North C olinu last November. She L been in had health for some time never lint ing a strong constitution. She want in her twenty fifth year. Resides her pareuts she leaves throe brothers who live in Ala- Si'itKVKN, Ga., Juno 110, 1UH0.— Mr. Juck Bennet and Miss Lil lian Hall wer married ut the Kick liter homo Sunday, Juno 22. Rev. W. T. McMichael officiating. Without any previous planning and by a singular coincidence, Mr. Elmer Grunins ami Miss Anabel Ililton met Mr. lleury Butl'e and Miss Emily McMichael last Sunday afternoon. Both couploe were married at, the same time with same cermuny, ltev. W. T. McMichael also offi ciated at thi-se weddings. Notice to Colored Teachers. All colored teachers who have been teaching or contemplate teaching any of tho public schools in Ware county this year will ho expected to attend the Peabody Institute, which will Isi held iu Jessup, beginning the 7th of July. Respectfully, T. It. Bennett, c. s.c. '' ama and one who lives in Florida. The Children’s E. IJ. O. K. Soci ety of the Preshyetriaii Church will serve refreshments in the park this afternoon from I to 7 o'clock for tho h-nefit of the Thorual Orphanage. A atten dance is desired. \»Mr. C. L. Patterson, a promi nent youg planter of Brooks coun ty spent Sunday in the city. 'Try a bucket of our Deakin’s Hter. Only 20 cents a pound. Hardy Bros. Bev. J. M. Boland of Homejifylle REVEALS A I1I1EAT SECRET. It is often asked how such startling cures, that puzzle the best physicians, are effected by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Here’s the secret. It cuts out the phlegm and germ infected mucus, and lets the life- giving oxygen enrich and vital ize the blond. It heals the in flamed, cough-worn throat and lungs. Hard colds and stuhhorn coughs soon yield to Dr. King’s New Discovery, the most infalli ble remedy for all Throat and Lang diseases, (guaranteed bot- In the fire that destroyed Mr. R. I! Duplin's home at Jesup, lust week, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Ben ton lost quite a lot of their cloth ing and other effects valued at |75. Mr. Benton was away, hut Mrs. Renton was the first to dis cover the fire, and in trying to arouse other inmates of the house she came near being caught iu the flames. Mr. Ilopkin's loss was about if 1,500. Messrs. E.J. Berry and E. J. Ifursey passed tho Civil Service ixnmiuation last mouth. They re now cligalilo for the next .acancies in the Bust Office. We sell tho best butter in Way- cross for 20 cents a pound by the bucket. IIakiiv Bros. in the city yesterda/fcelind tle* 50o, and $1.06 Trial bottles tuypeia trip^ft Uo it! tree at all druggists. It pays every one to sec the goods and prices beforo they buy anywhere else: as the goods can not he duplicated and better buy your stock at once at the Way- cross Bargain House, Warren Lott store. Blackshear and Waycross cross ed bats in Biacksbear yesterday afternoon, which resalted in a vic tory for the borne team to the tone of 48 to, 7- DDKS IT PAY TO IIL’Y CHEAP? A cheap remedy lor coughs and colds is all right, but you wunt something that will relieve and cure the more severe and danger ous results of throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular cli mete? Yes, if possible; if not possible for you, then in either case, take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civil ized countries with success ill se- Mr. John W. Marshall died nt his home in Amoricus lust Thurs day after an illness of several weeks. Mr. Marshal is well known in Waycross, having visited here sev eral times. He is a half brother to Mrs. A. E. Cochran and Mrs. W. A. Keiinoii. For the last fifteen years he was connected with the Winn John son Cumpatiy, of Macon, in the capacity of traveling salesman Mr. Marshall leaves a wife and four sous unit a daughter. A. & B. HAS A TELEGRAPH SYSTEM, Has Done Away With Telephone in Operation This Week. Thu Atlantic and Birmingham railroad has replaced its telephone system with the telegraph and in future the tulking over the A. A- It lino w ill ull lie done by the ticker and lint the talker. The system will lie pul into op eration sometime during the week and thorn will lie offices ut every point ou the rmid where there nro now telephone stations. The roud is fortunute in having an op erator at every office along its line und no delays will lie occa sioned fur want of men to operate tho new system. The linn be tween Cardein and Fitzgerald has been in operation a week. The Plan is Now On Foot. Ministers and Physicians Have Taken Up the Matter and a Plan Will te Presented. . At a meeting nf the ministers and physicians of the city yester day morning at the first Meth odist church parsunnge, the ques- tion of building and of maintain ing a hi is | ■ it a I in this city was dis cussed ut some length. Those present were Doctors Wal ker, Redding, Rippard, Izlar, Lat imer, English: Rev. Messrs. Scruggs, Brown, Russell and Wil liams. \ committe consisting of all the ministers |ircseiitand Drs.Izlur and Latimer was appointed to draw up a constitution and bylaws for an association to promote the hospital niiivuiiieiit. They will make their report ut the next meet ing. 11 was the biiiibo of the liudy that a public hospital m Waycrois is greatly needed, the Plant System hospital lining a private institution nnd unavoidable for the use of the general public. SHELDON HOLDS MEDAL. The Rifles Drill Last Nlgtit-Rplsco- pal Ladles Served Refreshments. t-EpIsi ,./T The Rilles, as announced held their regular monthly drill and inspection at the Armory last night. Tho gold medal, for excoll- nen in tho mnniml forma, was awarded to Sergeant Sheldon, ami was presented by Rov. It. Alan Russell of the Episcopal church with a few brief words. A select and appreciative attendance wit nessed the drill. The Episcopal ladies served ice cretuu, cake and lemonade. Miss Elsie Love made attractive Robokali at the (lomonado) well, and was ably aatiated by Master Archie Hughea, who won all hourta by his bright smiles and genial ways. In every savo possibly the financial, the affair was a great aucceas. SUICIDE IN PIERCE. Jasper Dixon, a Young Farmer Shoots Himself. NEW PAPER FOR DOUGLAS. vers throat and lung troubles, “Boschee’s German Syrup.” It not only heals and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease but allays inllumation, causes ea sy expectoration, gives a good night's rest, and cures the pa tient. Try oir. bottle. Recom mended marly years by all drug gists in thel world. You can get this reliable remedy at Seals’ Drag Store^lgt Green’s Special Al- Col. Warren P. Ward Will Edit and Manage It- Douglas is to have another news paper. It will lie edited by Col. Warren I*. Ward. £oL Ward was formerly a news- pa|ier editor. He is a good writer and a fine character. Jasper Dixon, a young funner iving about four miles cult of Blackshear, committed suicide yesterday morning. Hu bad some trouble with his wife, who left him on yesterday anil went to the home of her parents. It is sup posed that brooding over this trouble occasioned tho deed. He was in town this morning and supposed to have Isiught the cartridges with which he killed himself. Ho lay upon his bed, opened his shirt bosom atid shot himself through the beurt, where he was found an hour or two af. terwards. Dixon was a nephew of ., Dr. Brown, formerly of Waycross. Ho was 28 years old. The Francis E Bartow chapter of the Daughters of Confederncy will bold a cal) meeting at the residera of Mrs. Henrietta Fitz. SimmJM, 21 Brand street Wed nesday afternoon at 5 o'clock. Rev. A. M. Williams leaves to night for Atlanta lo attend a meet ing of trustees of the Weslsyi voca* ses or the Wesleyan voca*'\ I 1 \ fi Mr. Clinton I’ike who has been spending a week on St. Simons, returned yesterday. Bring us your chickens and eggs. Wc are paying the highest cash prices. Hardy Bros. Messrs. Dickerson snd Pnrker have retired from the race for the unexpired term of Judge Bennett. The latest information from At lanta saya that Judge Dart will probably be appointed to fill the V Iwil