The Waycross journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1895-1914, January 29, 1909, Image 8

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liiWMBWHi Sacrifice Sale of Suits TO CLOSE OUT SEASON’S STOCK. We have only 25 coat suit* ranging in price up to $27.00. To inalce a clean .weep of tills season’s good, we offer any .nit In the lot for only $10.00 .pot cash, and Mid a. it Is. This means we cannot send on approval, charge, exchange alterations at this sacrifice price; ' j | FB1PAY,.JAN. 29, 1909- TheBonTon OR'A'DV. Proprietor. IF^bhaUie 56 Plant Art. Full Line of Fresh Groceries - • ■ ■ j; ■ . , ■ ■ sod OENERALMERCHANDISE al way ton hand. Phone 880 and let our wagon cel! for your order end -deliVer the goods to your door. With every ten cent purchase you get free a profit sharing certificate. These certificates entitle you to valuable premiums. J. M. WLII^E>&, Draler in General Merchandise. 81 Walters Street ^ '-^f^eROSS. OA- BUSINESS ElgJCATION THE ROAD TO SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS. We make a specialty of prepar ing young men and young women for the duties of life. All commer cial branches, including, whole' sole and retail bookkeeping, fob bing and communion, tnar.ufadir- fcifl, banking, practical low, math,- Wnatics, English, Penmanship, shorthand. Typewriute, j Opt* practice, etc., successfully taught Students may enter ai any tjnta, but if you expect to enroll With- in the next few weeks, we will ad vise that yob come id on one of the following dates, rfkni 18, 21, and 28. Feb. 15. Our prises ere right, our retes arc rSaaonabll, SPECIAL NOTICE. IN ADDITION TO OIJE EECHJ- $2 ****»*■ OIDEp TO OPEN A NIGHT SCHOOL FEB. 10,1909, AND ttEU. TEACH ANY OB ALL SUBJECTS MENTIONED A- BOVE. FOB FULL INFOBMA- TION, CALL AT OFFICE, OB TELEFHNE NUMBEB 260. ItAYCROSS NEW LIMITEifcTRAIN; VIA . il-fc; ■*' ArSf.'-W SOUTHERNRY. rrtWp ATLANTA, LOUISVILLE Best Service ancl Fastest Time. 2 LEAVE ATLANTA - ARRIVE CHATTANOOGA arrive Cincinnati ARRIVE LOUISVILLE w»: * , 8 jchP. M* SL1S A..M. Solid train Independent of ell other trains. Equipment the bsstjjnihq.oqnlinent. frirtVCIui'idqy coaches. Elegant Pullman sleeping oars’ SoutHem Railway; pining OAt'^errhii'' This new Train will be Inaugurated SUNDAY, OCTOBER 18 Alew Comers toWay cross are cordially 1 invited to call onus. . VTe cruarantee satisfaction and prompt delivery any where- in the city. - ' f Large and complete stook to seleot from. Phone 162 if you need .any thing. V L 1 " ' ■* Society U. D. 0. PROGRAM. Owing to the fact that the pro gram for each month comes too lato to be used for the meetings, the Francis S. Bartow Chapter U. D. C. will study the subject for January. cOn .Robt. E. Lee for the February meeting. MRS. E. A. POUND, President. BOBEBT E. LEE. I think it ia the duty of every citizen in the present condition of the country, to'do all in his pow. er to aid in the restoration of peace and harmony. It ia par ticularly incumbent on those charged with the instruction of the young to act them an example of submission to authority. Questions ‘ 1. State briefly the most event ful dates in the life of Robert E. Lee. 2. Give an aeconnt of his ser vices in the Mexican War. In what battle wav he wounded f What promotions did he receive successively f Whsf'tvao his first acquaintance with Gen. Grant! 3. What important event oc curred in Georgia in 1861 on the birthday anniversary of Gen. Lee! ’ v 4. What valiant soldier was eallsd Lee’s Old War Horse, and how did he receive this soubri quet! 5. Give an account of the John Brown Raid, and of Gen. Lee’s service in suppressing tliis raid. 6. What were Lee’s words when offered the'-command of the United Statos army! 7. How long did the Northern army thunder at the 1 gates of Riobmond, and were kept at bay by his superior military tactics! 8. As General of the Army of Northern Virginia, what battles did he win! How many Generals of the Union led armies against hiitl to defeat and conquor him and fell back from Richmond de feated! 9. Describe the night march to Petersburg, the fight at Peters burg crater, the evacuation of Petersburg and Biehmo'nd. " 10. Give terms of the surren der. Describe the physical con dition of Gen. Lee’s men. What threo officers from each army ar ranged particulars of the surren der! Relative strength of the arm ies. 11. What waa the srtbstance of Gen. Lee’s farewell address known as General Order No 9!” 12. Give history of Arlington. What was the name of hit cottage after the war! When did he die and what were his last words! Reading. ."The test of a true gentleman’ 1 by Robert E. Lee. The forebear ing use of power does not only form a touchstone, but the man ner in which an individual enjoys (certain advantages over others is .'.a test of a true gentleman. The power which the strong have over the weak, the magis trate over the eitisen, the em ployer over the employed, the ed ucated over the unletterd, the ex- perinecd over the confiding, even the clever over the ailly—the fore- bearing or inoffensive use of all this power or authority^ a total abstinence from it when the ease admits, it, will show the. gentle man in a plain light The gentle man does, not needlessly and un necessarily remind an offender of a wrong he mayjiyvo- oomrmttoH hition against.him. He for- -Let Us Show You! vt5> I give, he can forget; and he strives for .that uobleoeasof sdf-lmd mild- And Woman's Interests Telephone 86, ness of character which impart sufficient strength to let the past be but the past. A true man of honor feels humbled himself when be cannot help hnmbling others. Mr. Geo. C. Speir of Atlanta spent a short time in the city yes terday with his Bister,-Mrs. Sherod Collins. Mr. Spier is engaged in the cotton Knd cotto nproducto business in Atlanta and has been through South Georgia on a busi ness trip. SEWING PARTY. Miss Allicc Stokes entertained a number of the younger set yester- day afternoon at a sewing party. A delightful social hour waa en joyed and later the guests were invited into the dining room where a delicious course luncheon was served. The hand painted place eards were decorated with Egyp tian girls. Miss Stokes’ guests were Miss Mary Weatcott, Mias Laura West- eott, Miss Emily Walker, Miss Lillian Nichols, Miss Edith Lott, Miss Susie Sharpe, Miss Jimmie Kettcrer, Miss Rosa Crook, Miss Dells King, Miss Susie May Watt, Miss Janie Robertson of Birming ham and Miss Mary Lou Caldwell. Mr. and Mrs. Sherod Collins will entertain the Barsca and Phi- lathea Classes and their friends at their home, 53 Brunell St. to morrow evening. Thcso classes are constantly growing in num bers and in interest and the social gatherings are always greatly en joyed^ Miss Maude Dilliams, Capt. Warren Lott and Mr. Lester Sweat went to Blackshear last evening to attend the concert at the Pres byterian Institute. < Mias Julia Risenbaker has re turned from a visit of several weeks to friends in Eatonton. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Yamcdoe and children left yesterday for their new home in Hardyville, S, C. Their friends here will regret the move which takes them away from Waycrosa. Miss Caro Var- nedoe will bo with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Vann until after the close of school in June. Some fine building lots on Ware and McDonald streets for salo ohcap by tf. L. V. Williams. Have an Oil Heater for Your Batli Room or Bed Room. (Jpa We have them that take very little oil, and do not smoke or smell Priced ^$3.50 to $6.00 Watt Hardware Company PHONE 1T. TRY OUR JOB PRINTING IF YOU ABE TRAVELING NORTHWARD See That Your Ticket Read* Via GEORGIA SOUTHERN AND FLORIDA RAILWAY Through trains carrying Pullman sleepers and coaches from Waycrosa via Tifton and G. S. & R Ry., to Macon, Atlanta, Knoxville. Chattanooga, Nashville, Louisville, Cincinnati, St. Louis and Chicago. Dining car service. - - - Through connection via Cordela and G, S. & F. Ry. to Macon, Atlanta and all points North arid West Full information as to rates, routes and schedules to any point will bo gladly furnished upon application to C.B. MODES, Ges. tenser AeLln, C-s. A FEW BEA80N8. Why you should visit tho Majea- tlei . Our position as agents for Mov ing Picture Machines, enables us to use the latest inventions. Being distributors for the larg est Film Exchange, givea us the opportunity of selecting the best pictures. Handling the various' makes of Phonographs and records, places ut in a position to give our pa trons the best in vocal, instrumen tal and-operatio music. We give a refined, moral and in structive show, suitable for young or old. Last but not least, we allow free admittance for children, under ten years of age, accompanied by their parents. We have an exceptional selec- tion of films for this weeks exlu- MAJESTIC, A. W. Lang, Prop. y- »rep ■BHHHI f »#vt i , . n>< c- ti’i *u " ‘ IN UNDERWEAR \ AT. THE TEN CENT STORE 70 .PLANT AVE. To close out quick the following underwear at unheard of prices. Remember you can find any size you want from the smallest infant Up to almost the stoniest man or woman.' SALE NOW GOING ON. Small children’s Shirts, 15c kind, nicely fleeced. .1. ......9e Small children’s Drawers, 15c kind, nicely fleeced ,9c Children’s Shirts, heavy 25o kind, nicely fleeced., .'. ’..ISo Children’s Shirts, heavy 25c kind, bleached,....... 13e Children’s Drawers, heavy 25c kind, nicely fleeced 13e Young Ladies’Shirts, heavy, a dandy at 35c .. .... 23c Young Ladles’ Drawers, heavy, a dandy at 35c .......'...23c Boys’ 8hirta, heavy fleeced, splendid st 35c ,23o ^ysDwwea heavy Aeeced r -;»»tsdld at 35c.;','. w/.^SS, Ladles’Shirts, nicely fleeced quite heavy, cheap at 50c. .23c Ladies’ Shirts nicely fleeced, bleached, at 50c.. ..... ... ,23c Radies’ Drawers, nicely fleeced, quite ehavy, cheap at 50e, 23c Men’s Cotton Flannel Drawers, 50c kind.. ....... .. 23c Men’s shirts, and drawers in four colors, nicely fleeced plant* heavy, just the kind every man needs; hi alliizis Cheap at 15c a suit now. ,40c a suit or 23c for each piece 23c Men's extra heavy shirts and drawer*, fleeced, cheap at ♦l.SO a saitt, now 90c. a suit or 45e for each piece.. ... .48c h “ not come yet, but » sure to COME and COME SOON. Now is the time to boy while the price is cut in two/ \ • * . * P .* Many other bargains here also losts of nice and oseful or rides for everybody at leas than it Costa elsewhere. A large assortment of new goods received this week Flowered crepe paper, 15c kind! ' Flowered crepe paper, 10c kind.. .. .. .’ ” qS Ladies hair good* all kinds, collars and hosery at cheap Vrie* l,,Pn T,,lft ft< * * L VISIT THE STORE ABjLseb . - oyetrtWfitf fiff everybody cheap. O IK. ~ ' tM; 'l IfillHlBHnHHi