The Waycross journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1895-1914, December 12, 1913, Image 1

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Journal HELP US BY PHONING Aft NKWS ITEMS Uk TO NUMBER UU The Journal ia the Official Organ of Ware County, and County Board of Education and Tradei and Labor Assembly No. 1 of Way crow VOLUME FIVE. WEEKLY EDITION WAYCROSS, OA., FRIDAY, DEO. 12, 1913. WKKKf.y EDITION PRICE $1 PER YEAR. The Loomis Interest in Power Plant Sold to Stuyvesant Fish CORONATION CORTEGE OF NEW KING C* BAVARIA It became known here today that the interest of Burdett ' Loomis and members of bis fam fly in the-Ware County Light and Power Company of Way cross had befen disposed of to Mr: Stuyve Sant fish, of New York .City, president and’now. sole owner of the Waycross plant. . , .The deal whereby the Loomis interest was purchased by Mr. Pish was closed December 9, and Mr. Loomis, Sr., and his son re tired from the board of directors. Local officials of the company had nothing to say of the change, and are not advised as to why Mr. Loomis disposed of his stock in the company. However, it has been rumored for some time that there had been friction in the company because the gas engines, advocated and installed here by Mr. Loomis, had been discarded and a steam turbine installed in their/place. Whether there is anything in this rumor is un known bnt it furnishes food for soujeetace. « iiJust; what interest Mr. Loomis ha^.'in. the power plant is . not known but some.time ago it waf reported:that he. had half inter- ' eat.. He was responsible for Mr. Pish taking an interest in the lo- Pal proposition. ,{Fhe directors and officers of the company.,now are Stuyvesant Fish, president; P. R. Boemeisler, vice president; Chas. H. Wenman, treasurer and secretary; Stuve- sapt .Fish, Jr., and Jacob nodel. The company proposes to con tinue its policy of improving and furnishing the patrons the very best service possible. maun uv 111 cm is According to Chief of FMlha'an^&ls has discouraged (Ke lopl • *~ w•'n.MJ.’ai. ,..**.*: "ers'to such anextent - thh't ’man; - ‘of the "professionals” have'gijn i to work rather than accept thi citv’s invitation and work on th : John W.:'Colley,- the new vagran cyj law recently passed / unani'- mously by city council, is working unnsnally well in Waycross. Very few cases of vagrancy are being made ns a result of the warning given habitual loafers by the police. Under the new ordi nance the persons arrested for vagrancy have to show that they are not vagrants, and the police are relieved of the burden of proving the defendants vagrants. It is claimed that Waycross has always been freer of loafers than most cities of. this size. The po lice have kept the “joints” where negroes are wont to gather under the closest kind of surveillance city’s invitation city farm. For some reason, probably th i month to mouth advertising give; such cities, tramps are not flocl ing to the city as much as the] havo in seasons past. This cit; has in years past known ns man; as twenty and thirty such visitor in a day, hut the “tourists” sooj found that the welcome sign' wan not for them and heat it. A few cases of begging without permits have been reported, bnt the police put an immediate end to such op erations.' '■ ■ tern du WAYCROSS .. PEOPLE f- WILL CONTINUE COURTING: TO - START- OF THE CHRISTMAS HOLIDAY SEASON. - many as 250, faced arrest ‘day afteVtooon in Superior Court PRESIDENT WILSON 10 MAKE ANY TALKS TODAY By Wire to The Journnl. Washington, Dec. 11.—Threat ened again with grippe, President Wilson today cancelled all en gagements. lie suspended Lis | executive business and remained In his room. , maybo as jail. •est A’ostcr- j case of th. At least 200 negroes, maybe as jail. The jail can be seen with through the large windows the court's auditorium and |tl\e , ... .... Judge invited the occupants of When they applauded the verd.ct g>Mory t0 , ook BnJ sco wlicrc of not guilty returned by t e jury Lj ie y wou i(j land if they cheated trying the case of Dclllc Fulwood, an y more disorder, a negro charged with killing an-| After the warning from the other negro in the Okcfonokcc court the gallery was so quiet that swamp a short time ago. - hod a pin been dropped it would Much interest was manifested have been heard as it struck the in the trial of Fulwood from tho floor. It was vpjy evident that start and owing to the popular- the gallery inmates believed nv- ity of tho negro among members cry word of the Judge. .... V^n *SS@CJ5? I* 1 * “*•*•. °* Lud Vis, the now Was of Bavaria, In Munich, pasilns before t fc.Ak *•* ^ baa bean resent fof yean and recently deponed Kina otto *! had baen Insane sine* before hla accession to the throne. ™™iuj u.possa ama uuo. w of his race the gallery was crowd- cd with his friends. The demonstration was short lived, as Judge Parker made known his displeasure in short order. lie declared:,that if the county jail was large enough ho would have every person in tho gnllcry arrested and taken to Fulwood was represented by Attorney John S. Walker and his acquittal was tho first of the week’s session. The prosecution was conducted by the solicitor general, M. D. Dickerson, whoso worjt at tho present term of Su perior Court is establishing quite a record for the Waycross circuit. ’ NEGRO TURNED LOOSE TODAY IN WARESBORO ASE ISONS ENO A BIO YEAR: , NEW OFFICERS ARE ELECIEB By Wire to The Journal. 1 Johanniaburg, Deo. II.— Sir Lionel Phill!pb,fa multimillionaire, mining magnate well' known throughout the country, was shoi three' times and probably fatally wounded in u street hero today. The assailant was arrested. MAYOR TREED THANK .JOURNAL FOR INTEREST IN FOOD CAMPAIGN ONE KILLEO IN BLAZE THAT DESTROYS J HOTEL At the end of ono of the most successful years in Waycross Masonry Waycrosa Lodge No. 305 Monday night clotted officers for the year 1914 All officials for the year 1913 were advanced, Worshipful Mas ter II. Lester Marvil stepping down in the interest of advance ment, which is of great import ance to every secret order, in or der to keep down little politics that usually get into secret so cieties. Waycross Lodge No. 305 is financially and otherwise in the best shape it has been in for William Young, a negro charg ed with criminally assaulting a young white girl hear Warcsboro during the summer just past, was today declared not guilty by the jury trying his case in Superior court. The case was started yea terday and it was apparent from the start of the defense’s conten tions that the case was somewhat complicated. The father of the girl involved in the case is charged with shoot ing Young and has I ’ ot . yet b "° years, and during the past year tried. Upon the conclusion of the possibly done more in the™... ... ^Tonng case the trial of U. L.; 0 , outside charity than dur- j ized at 120,000,000. Deprccia- f Iu8 ic, charged with urg ary, • any otker y Car . Every meet- lions of Mexican investments is Was started. Early this afternoon 0 j (hc jjj ue Lodge has been given as the cause for the bank’s the.Music case has not en con-1 j ntereBt j n(?> an( j tt grcat man y new | failure. members have been added. Officers elected for 1914 are: I GRAND JURY MAY Worshipful Master—Lee M. Stewart. Senior Warden—Dr. J. C. Rip- pard. Junior Warden—.!. N. Stinson. Treasurer—II. C. Bunn. Secretary—Sherod Collins, re elected. Senior Deacon—J. F Morgan. Junior Deacon—n. C. Clemens, Senior Steward—C. T. Strick land. Junior Steward—F. W. Lee. Chaplain—Rev. R. A. Brown. Deputy Grand Marshal—J. if. Bell. eluded. CHICAGO MARKETS. By Wire to The Journal. Chicago, Dec. 11.— May wheat 92 1-2; pork 21210; lard nominal; ribs 11-32; hogs steady. A bacchelor thinks he is cither too young or too old to marry. SPANISH BANK GOES TO WALL By Wire to The Jonrnal Madrid, Dec. 11.—The Banco Iliapano, in which many Ameri cans arc interested, was closed to day. The institution was capital. ADJOURN LATE TODAY This afternoon it is reported that the grand jury has about completed its work for the pres ent term and may adjourn late in the afternoon. Presentments will probably he read in court before adjournment for the night. Mayor II. D. ltced today thank cd the Daily Journal for the in terest the Journal ia taking in tho pure food campaign for Waycross und Ware county. Mayor Reed has alwuys been an advocate of improvements for health and san itation, and feels that there is no subject of more importance to the citizcns of the city nud county than that of health. " His idea is that the relief will lie found in the early organization of u health board, either acting for the city and county or separ- ato boards for city and county, witli a joint all-time health of ficer. In this way, ho believes, much good cun be accomplished, and the foundation made for work that can lie broadened each year until tho city and county have conditions that will compare favorably with the best to bo found anywhere. Under the present eharter city council has the power to appoint a health hoard. It has been sug gested that this liosrd be compos ed of three physicians and two Inymen, or all physicians. Tho health officer for the city apd county, if co-operation can be se cured, would he under the orders of the board of health. The sub ject of pure ton 1 is one in which everyone is deeply concerned and it is expected that proper steps will be taken without delay. By Wire to 'I'he Journal) r Macon, Ga., Dec . 11.—Early this morning the Williams Hotel, at the corner of Fourth and Mul berry streets, was destroyed by fire of unknown origin. Ope un identified man was burned to death. Many guests had close calls. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Loring, hero on their honeymoon, were rescued from an upper window, (Searly* suffocated to death from smoke. They lost $4,000 in jewel ry ami many of their wedding presents. Sixty-seven, guests were in the hotel when the fire broke out. The loss is plneed at $110,000 with partial insurance. The hotel was piwgtirnlly now, having been erected only a few years ago FIEBCE BUTTLE IITMIPICO REPORTED TODAY; WHIES - MlTBEUIOj > i'j Wire to The Journal. Mexiep'City,. j?_ec, ,1L— Ilf SEW BP NEW YORK MARKETS. By Wire to The Journal. New York, Dee. 11.—Stocks showed mixed fractional changes. Cotton steady, three and fonr higher, later easier. Jan. 12.85; March 12.98. By Wire to The Journal. Savannah, Oa., Dec. 11.—Three white slavers, Allen Young, pt Augusta, Charles Crosby of Sa vannah, and John Derbyshire! an Englishman, were sentenced to a year and a day in the federal pris on in Atlanta today by Judge Sheppard in Federal court. Young and Crosby were convicted on charges that started with a trip from Jacksonville to Augus ta. Derbyshire came here from Pennsylvania. GRASS FIRE TODAY. The fire department was cnlled to II street near Albany avenue early this afternoon hy burning grass. Fences were in danger and an alarm was sent in from box 14. for foreigners in Mexieo increas ed today. Government officials began an anti-American campaign with the evident intention of uniting the hostile factions hy forcing intcr- xention which tho Unite dStatcs will order if foreigners aro at tacked. It is reported that the Zapata rebels, who were held at bay near Cuernavaca, have decided to at tack the Intcr-Oceunio Railway, thus cutting off the capital from the coast and preventing the llight of foreigners. Stories arc in circulation here that tho two iontlcra of tho rebels hove admitted to receiving money and arms from the United Stntcq. Other stories telling of American aid to tlic rebels aro being told, all-stirring tip feeling to such an extent that it is feared tho day will not pass without icrious de velopments. FEDERALS RUSH MEN TO TAMPICO. Vera Cruz, Dee. 11.—Federal reinforcements left today for Tampico, making the trip aboard the transport Pariogreaso. Tho government is sending every available man to Tampieo. Spe. clal Envoy Lind is watching Tam pico developments clofely. Or der* may be sent today to the battleships there to land marines. OEP.MAN SHIP GETS REFUOEEB. Hamburg, Dec. 11.—A cable gram received here this afternoon says that a Hamhnrg-Ameriean liner at Tampico is taking refu gees aboard as fast aa possible. It is reported that the rebels and federal* are having a fierce battle in and aronnd Tampico this after noon. MARINES READY FOR TROUBLE. Tampico, Dee. 11.—(Via wire- . < With an 'llnuaually, heavy.' dock et, city court, convenes, in 'Way- cross next Monday; Dee.. 15, with •Itnjgo John C. McDonald presid ing.' Despite the fact that city court follows two weeks of Superior court the session is going to be a busy nnd interesting one. The civil business will be tackled first and will, probably bo concluded during the first day or two of the session. _ Solicitor A. B. Spence has been busy lately getting ready for the session and is ready to prosecute a number of cases.. The docket will be cleared as much, as: pcssi- •tble-andif it hfoundthhtaG.'btts- •! inrss, rcady.ifor thi'conrt .'cannot Id ibaJHiiiSosAd of .'during thetteek fudge Mcnribeld may . decide to call , an adjourned term. . I."ii 'TTWI*5 s’JXO WILL HOLD AN ADJOINED TERM IN JANUARY u : was d,cfinitely,decided today •hat an adjourned term of Waro Superior Court would bo held here fluring January, tho ad journed term to start January 19. .The*heavy docket made it nee- cShary to call the ndjournod term. Besides the Lanier cnee the case of state \h. J. O. Drown, charged with murder, will l, 0 tried at the January term. Quito a number of criminal cases which will not jsforo court adjourns tomorrow after- r tried at tho January wily appointed judge w-%^** ero " c,rouit . non. J. W Quineey, i>f Douglas, will p re . ", flt edjpurned term, as he takos office tho first of January (Continued an Lut Page.) LANIER CASE COMES TO TRIAI IN JANUARY When tho case of state vs. W. C. Lanier, charged with tho mur. dcr of an ihfant boy, was called in superior court today for an nouncement it was continued at the atate’a request until the Jan uary adjourned term of eonrt The defense announced ready for trial. Lanier waa given a new .trial by the Supreme Court and ia an- xioua to again appear before a Jury. When first tried Latter waa convicted and on the jury’a recommendation of mercy waa given a life sentence by tho judge. HU trial is awaited with much interest. * 18 YEARS POR KILLING A MAN. By Wire to The Journal. Ellijay, Ga., Dee. Jl.—Wilbum Konncrmcr, convicted today of killing Arthur Lowing, waa given a sentence of fifteen yean. The fury returned a verdict of volun- tary manslaughter. Shop early. Start today.