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‘ sought for, read with pleasure or dia
, :pmlt-gentfis then tossed aside lx!nd fqr(l‘gt
fen. But ladies who rcad of Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription, read it again, for they dis.
ver in it something to prize—a meseenger of
gy tothose suffering from fu_nctiomgl derange
ments or from any of the painful dwurderg or
weaknesses peculiar to their sex, Periodical
ns, internal inflammation aud ulceration,
mcon-hm and kindred ailnients readily yield
“to its wonderful cumtlvefiand healing powers,
It s the only medicine for women, gold by
druggiets, nnder a positive finqunwge
from the manufacturers, that it w fxveaatls
fastion in every case, or money will be re
et wim eik s End o 1
bottle-wrappe: b
3% By o 3.0 by druggists, e o
gmu for $5.00. .
Copyright, 1833, by WORLD'S DIS. MED, Asg'x,
T ——
. \QPCe’S rierce's
Purely Vegeta
-00 e&e\.s e & Harmisss
nequaled as a Liver Will. Smallest,
U;gat. easiest to take. ©Omne Pellet a
g:o Does not grlii»c. Cures Sick Head«
[".O, Bilious eadache, Consti
“#on, Indigestion, Bilious Atlacflla
d all derangements of the stomach an
:wols. Put up in glass vials, hermetically
;fled. Always fresh and.reliable. Gently
atlve, or an active cathartic, according
0 620 of dose, 25 cents, by druggists.
TY M t l
i 8 arl n ’ |
y : N
During the year 1889, I
will keep a full and com
plete line of
Family - Groceries,
Beer, &c.
and invite the patron
age of the public
generally, I ean be
found at my
: i
next o rto A J Bal.
dwin & Co., on
1 Ll "
4L Mactin:
I§B2 a ;B i e
Feb.2o, 1839, .
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, ; and BEST SELECTED T )CK OF | iy
Clothing, Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Trimmings Hats and Shoes.
EMTORIAL squilßs.
A mINT that the silly seaeon ig
coming around is given in the sto
ry from Youngstown, 0., that a
turtle which appeared last July
has been found alive in the craw
of a chizken.
Tue Rendolph Agncaltursl so
ciety has offered a premium of $lO
for the best yield of corn on‘an
acre of upland in the county, the
yield not to be less than forty
bushels and as many s ten to en
ter the contest,
THE approaching spring suggests
to us that one thing this country
needs is a medicine which will
work off the paralysis induced by
an overdose of moctgage liens.
Provision crops are said to be an
excellent antidote for this disease
and we strongly recommend them
to the afflicted.
Jonx HENRY WiLLiam Dran
left Toecoa a few days ago just a
little in advance of a number of
switches in the hands of several
Toccoa boys. It is said that Dean
was trying to win the affections of
a neighbor’s wife and daughter,
when the young men of the town
instructed bim to display his fas
cinating wiles in other parts—and
he did.
Tuere are fully 1,500 laborers
on the farms ot Terrell county who
earn on an average of 35 cents
per day. This represents $450
aday. The present habit of giv
ing Saturday holidays therefore
represents a clear loss, in fifty-two
weeks, or one yesr, in wages, of
$23,500 to the farmers of the
county. Thisis the way the peo
ple grow poorer.
Over in New Jersey they have
found an old colunial law, uore
pealed, which provides ‘‘that all
women of whatever age, rank, pro
fession or degree, whether virgins,
maids or widows, who shall impose
upon, seduce or betray into matri
rimony any of his majesty’s sube
jects, by virtue of scents, cosmet
ios, washes, paints, artificial teeth,
false hair, or high heeled shoes,
shall incur the penalty now in
force against witchorafi and like
At Atlanta Saturday morning |
two women, with babies in their !
arms, sat in the office at police ’
headquarters. They had drunken |
lwshands locked up l\(-hindi
the bars. All night bad they|
waited and watched for the |
sound of approacling tootsteps,
and daylight still found them
watching and waiting. In the po
lice court these fuithtul wives
pleaded before the Judge for theiri
husbands, and the tears upan their
cheeks and the babies in their arms “
softened the judge’s heart and he
let the drunken husbands off with
light fines—fines which the wiyes
paid with money made by lamp~
light with needle and thread. |
The Cutest Little Thiggs. |
“Cute!” hp echoed, “Well, I
den‘t know as the adjective would
have ocgurred to me in just that
conpeccign. But if you mean’thut
they do their work thoroughly,yet
make no fuss about it; cause no
pain or weaknegs; and, in short,
sre everything that a pili ought to
be, and nothing that it ought not,
then I agree that Pierce’s Pleasaut
Purgative Pellets are übout the
cutert little things going'”
. Don't hawk, hawk, and blow,
‘iblow, disgusting gverybody, but
use Dr, Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
|sT T Y
From whom do all our blessings
Who dr;aws the scorpion sting of
And mokes the heart with trans
port glow? 5 ‘
"Tis Woman!
Who of & nature more refined
Doth soften many a rude, stubbora
mind? .
And makes it gentle, mild and kind?
"lis Woman!
Eden she lost, ensnared to vice;
But well has she repaid its price-
For earth is made a paradise
By Woman.
Obitu ¢ry. ‘
Died, on the Bth of March, in
Wehster county, Mat, the loving
son of Mr. and Mrs.J. T. Foster,
aged 17 years and three months.
He was an obeaient son, a loving
brother and a pleasant playmate.
He was taken sick on Thursday at
three o'clock and died Friday
night at nine. He called his
mother and his aunt to the
bedside and told them he saw the
smoothest and brightest p'ace he
had ever seen in his life. If we
ceuld all say as he did in his last
moments that we could see on the
other shore it would be joy
and pleasure to ue on earth. May
we all press on till we reach the
bright place he spoke of in his last
moments. The bright flowers may
fade, the birds that twitter at dark
may not be the oues to greet the
dawn, sunshine and shadow may
come and go, yes, all may sink be
neath the tide of time whose waves
must at sofnetime lash against the
shores of eternity.- But there will
be other flowers to bloom, other
children to come, but dear Mat
will come no more on earth. There
are other™thildrén, but none can
fill the place of the noble boy who
has gone to dwell with his Savior.
Too fair a thing to die; oh, could
we redeem him with our lives,
I go where the loved ones who
have left you dwell,
Ancd the flowers are not death—
fare ye well.
Ilis Uncle,
Twenty-Eight Stories High.
When the news was received
that Mnineapolis, Minn., was to
have a twenty-eight story building
many persons disbelieved it, but
the scheme iz gbout to materialize.
The plan shows the out line of
729 rooms, all of which open trom
the interir court, a:d every
one of which bas a window in the
exterior wall. The plans are
drawn for a building 8)
feet square at the level of the
sidewalk and tapering a little at
the jop, which gives it the ARpEArs
ance of a lofty tower with almost
countless loophalea. The. court
within is scheduled tc be 40 by 40,
and in the middle of it sixteen ele
vators are outlined to lity the ten
ants to their offices in the sky. The
building will be 350 feet high and
perfectly fireproof, being of Iron,
with a thin veneering of brick or
terra cotta.
Just What the People Want.
I have used Chamberlin's Colic,
Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy
with satisfactory results. My
neighbors have also used it to their
satisfaction. Itisa first~class rem
edy, and one that is safe to recom
mend for bowel complaints. M.
AUE, Postmaster, Leon, Springs,
Bexar county, Texas. Sold by
i N b o
—The best and purest whiskey
sold in fll‘{i‘ tnnmt3 Old . shion
| B "."'“ ".,"Ye' in's sole agent.
“ ?
A Frightful Siory of Squalor--Preaching
Folygamy--Holding Secret Meeiings.
It is ‘vearly ten years now since
the apostles of Joseph Snith and
Brigham Young began their sys
tematic mi-gionary work in the
southern states,
During these years many hums
ble but happy homes have been
wrecked and ruined avd several
thousand converts have been added
to the Mormon charch. To-day
no mission work in beathen lapds
is so thoroughly organized or so
vigorously prosecuted as the work
of the Mormon elders in the state
of Alabama, Georgia and Tennes
see. Mormonism has become so
strongly entrenched in sections of
these states that individual or 0.-
ganized opposition is powerless to
stop its work. ‘‘We violate no
law,” they cry, and those who
would drive the cunning elders from
a community must become the aga
gressors and law breakers.
Senators and representatives in
congress who have dicussed the
Mormon question and have t ied
to devise mesns to erush out polyg
amy in Utah have never dreamed
of the extent of Mormen proselyt
ing in the southern states,
in sections of the states named
above is appalling. So quietly
have they gene about their work
and they have selected sections of
country so remote from towns and
cities that it has been a matter of
no little difficulty to ascertain the
extent of their work.
The elders eater a commuuity
without any blare of trumpets, and
in many instances they have made
dozens of converts belore the more
intelligent residents are even aware
of their presence o 1 thejr work,
For two or three years past brief
accounts of the work of Mormon
elders in various sections have ap~
peared in the newspapers from time
to time, but in no instance has
one half the truth been told.
A newspaper correspondent is a
terror to a Mormon elder. They
fear the power of the press more
than they tear the power of con
For several weeks I have baen
quietly investigating the work
ot the Mormons in Alabama. Tu
they have found a fraittul field,
and there they have established the
first and only
In the guise of a passenger ageut
wanting to sell them tickets to
Utah, as a mine prospeetor and s
a newspaper correspondent. L have
vigited (éw localities where they are
at work and ghere they number
their converts by the hundreds.
I have talked with a number of the
elders, with their converts, with
their vietims and with those who
have sought in vain to drive the
canning teachers of polygamy from
the state. .
The headquarters of the - elders
working in the south have been at
Chattanooga, Teun,, for several
years. Eller John Morgan, of
Salt Lake, was ;o charge of ' this
work for several years, hut about a
year ago he returned to Utah and
was succeeded by Elder William
Spry. who is still in charge of the
work, ; :
Elders who volunieer for miss
ignary work first report to the head
of the church at Salt Lake eity.
"Tbay are then assigned to some
field or Tabor for.a certain puwber
ot 'years, - Those nssigned to* the
south then report at headquarters
in Chattannora, where they are
furnished with pleaty of Mormon
Titerature, maps of “the locality
where they are to work, and then
they aré sent into the country,
At stated intervals they are re
quired to teport to Chattanooga
the progress of their work, giving
the names and postoffice address of
every cenvert they have made, also
the nawes of those to whom it
will be safe to mail Mormon litera~
ture. There reports are forwarded
trom Chastarcoga to - Salt Lake
semi-annually or quarterly in order
that the head of the church may be
kept constantly posted on the pro
¢ress of the work,
When a number of converts are
rexdy to go west, the elders in
charge report to Chattanooga the
number ready to leave on a certain
date and railroad tickets are for
warded from headquarters, An
a.ent of the railroad company usu
ally accompanies the party as far
west as the Mississippi river, and
from ove to five elders remain with
them until they are |
Arizona or Idahe. |
About two hundred elders are
now at work in the south aand
rearly one hundred of them are in
Alabama, They are®operating in
about a dozen counties, but their
stronghold is in Clay county,whe e
their church islocated. From this
point they work the adjoining
counties of Uieburne, Randolph an
In a narrow valley, shut out nl
most from the world by rough hills
and mountains, in the northeastern
part of Clay county, is Bethel
church, or station, as the elders call
it. This church was established
about three years ago by Elders
Amos, Morrick, Morris and others.
The object of the church is to hold
the converts together until they
can be transported to Utah or
The people of this section are
not ouly very ignorant but extreme
ly peor. They live in pertect
squalor and very few of them can
read or write. It is only in aus
tumn and winter after their small
crops of corn and cotton are sold
that they can rafse enough moncy
to pay their way to the west aund
during the spring aud summer
the eldors work from house to
When the scant harvests of these
poor farmers is gathered, then the
Mormon elders
and hodies and send them for st\fci
keeping to the stronghald of Mot- |
monism in the fur wegt, I
It sould requise the pen of a
Dickens to adequately describe the
ignorauce, the poverty and sqlmlurg
ot thé people from among whom |
the Mormon ellers secure thcir%
converts Large faniilies, fathers, |
mothers, sons and daughters live |
huddled togethey in one little log |
cabin oftea not micre than 16 Ly |
20 feet iy size. ‘
In this ane room families of|
eight, ten and sometimes twelve
person;s eat and sleep, no thouzht
of prizacy, no effort of cleaniiness|
being possible, At one eabin. as I
entered, T stepped over a hog,';
which was suoving itsel! on the |
door step, two gaunt, woolfish leok~ :
ing curs growled at me from under:
the onlv bed in the eabin, while on |
one corner of the same article of |
furniture two hens were fighting;
for the possession of a nest. Half a |
dozen children of various ages, al! ‘
sallow faced, baretooted and thinly |
clad, scattered in ail directions, ns{
the only unhroken chair in the'
raum was brotight Torvard for me
to sit down. This was
~ While posrer than some of his
neighbors he was above the avers
age in intellizence, heing able to
read ¢ little. He was an enthusi
astic believer in the doctrives of the
Latter Dy Saints and from a largze
pasteboard box filled with old cir
cug posters snd patent medicine
almanacs, he drew forth a package
of Mormon literature which he in=
sisted would fully explain his
reasons for the faith that was in
The most intelligent, and by far
the most communicative of the dez
en cr more elders I met, was Elder
D. J. Allen, who left Utah only a
few wonths ago for three years of
missionary wark in Al.bama.
Wil the Earth Fali'to Pieces?
One writer asks whether it is
safe to bore tha earth too much.
He assumes the earth to be a hols
low sphere, filled with a gasecous
substance, called by us natural
gas, and he thinks that tapping
these reservoirs will eanse disas—
troua explozions, resulting from
lighted gas camiug in contact with
that which is escaping. Eartha
quukes, he snys, are probably
caused by vacuums created by the
outflowing pas. ITe compares the
earth to a batloon floated and kept
distended by the gas in the interis
rior. which, if exhausted, will
cause the trust ¢o collapse, aflect
the motion ot the earth in its ort.
it, cause it to lose its place amonyg
the heavenly badiss and fall in
Another writer thinks that boring
should te prohibited by stringent
law, He, too, thirks thuie
is a possibility of an explos
sion, though from another cau ‘e,
Should such a disaster occur *“the
country aleng the gas belt from
Toledo thronzh Ohio, Indiana and
Kentucky will be ripped to the
depth ot 1,200 or 1,500 teet and
flopped over like a paneake, leaye
inz a chasm through which the wa
tors of Lake Erie vill come ho vl
- down, filling the Ohio and Mis
sissippi valleys and blotting them
out forever,”
Still another theorist has invess
tigated the gas wells with tole
phoaes and dulicats thernomstors,
and he announces sturtling discov~
eries. He distingnished sounds
like the boiling of rocks, and esti
mated that a mile and a half or so
bencath Findlay the temperature
of the earth is 3,500 degrees. This
scientist says an immense cavity
ex’sts under Findlay, and that here
the gas s stored; that a mile helow
the bottom of the cavity isa mass
6i roaring, seething flame, which
is gradually eating into the rocky
floor of the cavern and thinning it.
l'-)ventumly the flames will reach
the gas, a terrific explosion will
ensue, and Findlay and its neigh«
borhood will be blown skyward in
an instant. Sach are som= of ‘the
theoriex wiavely propauniet in re
spect to this new !u‘el.——loscph F.
Still in the Ring.
Everyhody has been. busy with
their spring woiK, times have been
dull for the last tew weeks and [
have not said much. But [ am still
with you, und all the time have
been selling the cheupesl. and best
groceries and liquors in Southwest
Georgia. Come on to see me and I
will continue to sell you the bheat,
purest and cheapesi ot goods.
Specialties in groceries and fine
liquora always an hand, The fiest
Byck Beer of the s6lom just ur
rived, opened fléuh every day.
Remembor I handle every kind of
bottled beer fu the market.
M C. Mius.
| Between Sentence and Execution.
’ The rule in England, even in
cases where there 18 no d»ubt that
'the sentence will be carried out,
allows three Supdays only 1o inter
' vene between the trial and the exs
leculion, 8o that if a man is tried
ona Saturday he has very little
more than a fortnigh* allowed to
prepare; but where there is hope
’ of a reprieve, the delay of the ans
bouvcement that the man is to die
till within a few hours of his exe
cution not only adds a torturing
element to his punishment which
he has not legaily incurred, but it
limits the time of his real prepara
tion to the ore last agitating day
wheu his friends come to teke a fi
nal leave ot him. The msatter is
vot one of minor importance, as
wag keenly felt, we belicve, by the
saintly Abbe {roze, the chaplain
of La Roquette in Paris, who min
istered to all the culprits that dur
ing a period of twenty-five years
expiatgd their crimes on the guil
lotine. The French system of hav
ing 4 man in complete ignorance of
the time when his execution is to
take place until the fatel hour acts
vally arrives told very heavily
againat that good priest’s efforts to
bring such criminals as Tropman,
Avignoin, and Billoir to a fit state
of preparation for their entrance
upon the dre.d eternity. The
strange luxity of French S!wipliue !
allowed some of these men to he
engaged in playing cards with the'r |
Jailers till within a few hours of |
their death, but it may" be doubted |
whether the more decent provis- |
ions of our Euaglish custom, which |
dedicates a man’s last day to fares |
well interviews with his frends, |
can aviil to render that brief space |
of time sufficient for the heavy re- |
sponsibilities with ~which it is |
weighted. Blaskwood’s Maga- |
zine, .
A Good Place for the Lazy Ciub.
A letter from Costi Rica says
that the people there take life eas
ily. It takes twenty employes to
run a short train of cars All dress
in georgeous wniforms, and the
conductor is resplendent in sil
ver and gold decorations. Passcn
engers purchase tickets on credit,
aud sixty days are a'lowed for the
payment of freight billa. Out in
the country goods are carried
by ox teams, and it frequentiy
takes a team a week to make sixty
miles. Nobody 18 in ahurry and
cares to do what can le
done tosmorrow, The necess ries.
of life are cheap, <nd long credit is
forced upon the purchuser. No
body steals anything, and a poor.
steamster will carry thousands of
dollars maxy miles for thirty cmts.‘
Such a thing as highway robbery |
is unheard of. The people have
no violent prejudice against auys !
thing but hard work, and they will
do anything to help a stranger uns
til he proves himzelt disagresable,
Then they will notity him to leave,
and if he is slow about it they willl
force him to go. Altogether, ('os
ti Rica is a pleasant place to livei
Law 3uit Over Ten Conts.
Judge W. H. Murray, of Mes
Duffic county, bas brought a curi~
ous suit in that county., Judge
Murray is a director of the Georgia
railrocd, Regently be sent by
treizbt a jug of whiskey from Aus
gusta to Themson. He called for
it, but was required to pay ten
cents storage by the local agent
because it bad not hogn ealled for
before the exniration of ssveniy~
two hours. The Judge expostula
ted, but the agent was resolute.
The Judge has sued, through Cal.
Tom Watsod, tor the racovery, of
the whiskey without paying ten
Bents, . o net
VOL. V.—NQ. 46.
Sights Seen, Necises Heurd and Dishes
l Rattlsd. :
We learn from & geutleman whe
visited the seen that a certain house
in the Fifteenth district is now an
| object of interest to the entire cogg
l muuity, and every night there are
large erowds there to see the ung
l seen and to hear the wysterioug
sounds from the inhabitants of the
other world. ,
The present oceupant stood the
noise as lonyg a 8 possib'e, and thea
went to eonie o 1 the family with
E tie intention of giving it up snd
‘s king a new home, but was
' promised that if he would remain
1t would be remedied. The proms
;ise to investigate the uvoises was
kept, but when the young man
- was there nothinz unusual would
Lappen. The next night, though,
a footiall wes lLeard walking
through the house. Doors were
slammed, chairs moved, dishes rat.
tled, and a white form was soen ,
moving aroind. The farmer and
his family had got use to all this,
and as they were not molested
stood it very well, but eslled in &
cel brated fortune telle: to find out
what was the matter. She wor g
with Ler pack of cards, and whey
the mystery commenced started
shuffling her cards, but this didn’s
suit the unknown, and she placed
a epell on the curds so they would
not run smooth. The fortune tell
er saye it is the owrer'sy wie who
died recently and had eighteen
pieces of money byyied, and she li
worried about that. She 18 going
to try it again some night when
maybe the cards will tell tlie whola
| A few nights ginc: a young
i farmer boasted that he would go
and speak to the spock when it
E appeared; that he had the courage
to tuke hold of it, and he would
find out what it was and what it
wanted. In a few minuts after
they got there the footstyps were
heard, the noise began in the next
room, but the brave young man
had collapsed. His courage had
departed and four men coull not
pullhim to the door of the rrom.
It is said that if ove speaks to
b spook it gets mad and tears up
s enerally, making more noise than
cver, and we learn that Rev. Mr.
Craven says he will take his Bi=
ble, go there and read a verse op
too to the spivit and ask it what it
wante, Our informants says thas
the spirit will not allow a Bible te
Le read while it is going around,
but will become frantic and rushed
around considerably. A number
of ladies were there a few nights
ago when the thing threw them a
picee of palt peter.
The Ladies’ Favorite.
The newest tashion in ladies’ hata
will doubtless cause a flutter of
pleasurable excitemeut emong the
fairrex. Ladies are always sus
ceptible to the ch-nges ot fashion
plates, niad the more stariling the
departure the more éarnest the
goesip over the new mode. Dr.
Picrce’s Favorite Prescription is & |
piomitive cure for all the ills whick
afflict females and make their lives
miscrable. This sovereign panas
cea can be relied on in cases of
displacements and all “funetional
derangements. Ii builds up the
poor, haggzard aud dragged-out
victim and gives her renewed hope”
and a fresh lease of lite, It is the
only medicine for woman's peculiar
weaknesses and ailments, gold be.
druggists, under a positive guarsass
tee from the manufacturers, that it
will give satisfuctio iv every cams
or movey refunded, Read priv
ed guarantee on huttle wrag,