Newspaper Page Text
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By E. L. RAINEY. |
DAWSQN, GA., ApriL 10, 1889.
ii e l
" Intex to New Fdvertisements. ,
M. C. Mims—lLocals. |
J. A, Fulton—Loacal. 1
Davis & Dozier— Loeals, |
Y.owrv & Orr—Locass.
T. P. Parks—Certificate.
. W, C. Kendrick—Loecals,
Cheatham & Dean - Locals.
I. C. I, Clark— Adm'rs. Sile.
Mre. U, L. Mize—Millivery.
Bavaxxan was the victim of a
tremendous fire on Saturday night.
A million and « half dollars worth
~--of property was destroyed, includ
ing several historic builuings.
Ma J. F. Huvson, of Georgia,
Jin# been sppointed by President
Harrison a delegate to the confer- |
-ecee between the United States |
aud the republics of South avd |
Central America. '!
"PresipenT Harrizox, thus tar, ‘
“has thown himself to be the Pres
ident of the people, not of party,
in not lemoving Democrats Ly the
wolésale just to make roem for
greedy Republican offiec-seekers. ;
. Yoeer l
Presipext Hagrrizox las |s-11
‘eued a proclamation setting April }
80th. as a day of thauksgiving for ‘
the post ard prayer for the future,
since on that day one hundred years
ago George Washington was |
inaugurated chief executive of the |
mew born republic |
DooLy county has decided to
erect a handsome \lrick court
house, commensurate with the
progress of the county. Terreli is
a more prosperous county than
Dooly, and yet we seem to be sat
ixfied with a disgraceful bull for o
court liouse,
It appears to us in common with
-ather ordinary people that there is
entirely too much latitude allowed
attorveys iu the Superior Courts of
Gieorgin.Parties tosuit and witnesses
s#hould be made to accommodate
:the court “nd the court should
in no cuse conform itsclf to the
‘wvishies ol litigants and attorneys.
Tur. Washington corvespondent
of the Atlanta Constitution reports
that Senator Colquitt has been
quite active in trying toseeure the
appointment of certain republicans
to office. Senat)r Colquitt should
.remember that he was elected us a
«lemucrat, that the powers that be
are republicans and that it is in
coneistent for him to assist a repub
Jdlean in secu:ing office.
Something Inieresting. I
Capt. W.-C. Dillou has, for five
years, kept a weather disry on the 1
walls of Bussey’s store. He would
cavefully note the state of tlxe!
weather, vegetation, ctc), on the|
235th of March of each year. Atl
our request he has furnished us|
with a copy of his obeervations nsi
followes :
1885, —Trees have just begun to!
bud—only a few bave begun. l
<+ 1888.—Very few trees have lm-l
gun to bud,and ou some of them the |
buds have not swollen. Vegetation !
Jbackward. ’
1888.—Trees are all budding|
-micely. Some have snall leaves. |
*The scason is zbout filteen days |
ahead. of 1885 and .twcnt)uf'n'(.-x
-days aliead of 1586, t
1888, —T'rees have il budde;l'i
out finely. The reason is about
‘five days shead of 1837 This has|
been a very singular winter and |
_spring. The winter wus mild upto
Tebruavy, and on the last of Feb.
‘yuary irdicated that spring wouhl'
bLe ten days earlier than that of
1887, 'l'here has been more cold
since the 15ih ot February than
during the entire winter before that
t¢ine. Onthe nights of March 224,
and 23d, there were about the bigs
gest freezce of the winter, and veg~
£tation was set back covsiderably.
1889.—This has been a beautis
ful winter. It bas been cold reg
ularly, but not severely so. There
was a snow on the night of Febru
sary 20th. At this time the indica.
gionw ' ure that epring has set in.
The trecg ave all budding vicely
g wegularly, Peach trces are
@it in {ull bloom. There waz scarces
lt! a peach bluom to be seen in
‘ebiruary, something remarkable
in this® rection. The sengon is
nbout teh deys bebiud 1887, apd
Aive duysubead f 1888,
If you want the best whip for £1
“that wae tyer eracked; exll on
if. L. C. Darham
Terreil to Be Represented.
The NEws has reasou to believe
that at the next mecting of the
county commissisners delegates will
be appeinted to represent Terrell
in the road congress to meet in At~
lanta in May.
Good roads are good investments.
At aconvention of the tarmers
o! Long Island, I.eld in the Jamaica
town ball last week, Ex-Governor
P. C. McCormick read a paper
upon the value of good roids
which contzained the followina stron.s
and suggestivesentence: If you want
to know where learning, society
aud religion are stagnant yoa have
ouly to lock at the roads We are
vot savages, but we are behind -up~
on this question.”” If those words
could be truthfully applied to pop
ulous Long Island by one ot its cit~
izen, with how much more force
could they be employed in many
other parts of the country,
Itis the boast of the more pop-~
ulous counties of Kentucky that
their ronds are the best in the
country,and this boagtis justifiable;
for thanks to the wizdomand zeal
oi the late Rev. Dr Bieckenridgze
there are no better dirt highways
to be found in avy argicultural
diztrict. W hat ismore, the people
whom he induced to build thvml
found that money spent in putting
| their highwaye in good condition ;
‘ and in keeping them up to the
! steudard, was proitably invested.
| It increased the value of their real
eetute and it mude a decided saving
in the current anuual expeuses of
1 ell who frequently used them. The
! wear and tear of bad roads on an
-5' imals, vehicles and harness is no
| inconcidereble addition to the ex~
pense to farmersard to ali who
| have much cartingto do. But it
i‘ i 8 not these Wlonewho are the los
{ers. Thereisno town or village
"whose werchants depend largely
{ upon the outlying country for
| their trade, that does not suffer
i from long pericds of dullues
because of the condition of the
highways. Were it possible to tabs
ulate the losses of the country
during a single year {rom this one
cause, the aggregate would fecot up
i astounding fizures,
It would pay every Southern com
| munity, both in town and in coun
| try, to Bce to it that all their thor
oughfares are put and kept in
geod condition. There is money in
lit, but there is waoste in its neg
i lect.
Envforce the Senitary Laws.
If the city council does nothing
else during the prccent year but
carry out the sanitary lavs of the
city, the people will have ample
reasou for saying, “well done, good
and faithtul servants.”
The health of a place is of prime
importance, Pluck, energy, enter
prise, capital, opportunity and
every other advantage that a town ‘
may have, are discounted it the
people caanot have good health.
The first cnquiry a new comer
makes concerning a place is: “Is
it bealthy?” As a buse and a bes
ginning for all successful effort, a
people must have pood health.
It it is kept clean, Dawson eans
not be unhenlthy. Thereisno cause
for unhealthfulness unless it is
made g 0 by the carelessness of the
people. With good drainage and
proper atfeation to cleanliness
there s norescon why our tuwn
should not be ne healtliy as the av
erage town of Georgia.
The town is well draived now and
with proper attention to the ditches
after every bard rain, there wi'l be
no stagnant water, and this cause
ot unhealthfulpess will be provided
agsinst. Upon the other cause—
filth—the Loard of Lealth should
wage war,
Let every man see that his
premises are kept clean, and Daw
‘son will show a elean bili of health,
Real Estote Active,
Reul estate is active 1 Dawson,
But there is a marked absence
of anything like excitement.
A city does not stand still, It
goes either forward or backward.
There is certainlyno reason to be
lieve that Duwson will retrograce.
Heunce it must inerease wm impor
tance. The probable rapidity of
growth can best be judged by the
past. In ten years Dawson hgs
alimost doubled its population,
doubled its banking capital, doub
lea its trade and will soon double
its transportation facilities; and in
cach of the ten years the growth
bas been greater than during the
preceding year,
By the close of another decade
Daweon will -again have doublcd
it« population snd trade,
He Collects Several Interesting iems and
Makes One or Two Suggestions.
“How much lead do you suppose
has been used by the painters in
Dawson since the first of January?”
asked a prominent drug man of tre
News reporter. The reporter not
knowing what reply to make,asked
for information, with the tollowing
result: “The amount used has
been ¥imply enormous for a town
of this size. My own sales to date
have been over three tons, and
with three other dealers to buy
from, I feel safe in saying that
there heve been at least something
over six tons used in all. This
does not inclnde what is used by
the Dawson Variety Works, they
buyingz direct from tae manufac.
turers.” “How does this compare
"with 'B7 and '88%" was asked.
“The quantity ot lead sold the
past three monthe vill amount to
more than the entire sales of cither
year, and the greater portion of
this lead has gone on new struc
tures.” The above statement, be
youd a doubt, shows our city to be
on a boom in the building live.
There is a movement on foot to
revive the delighttul custom of all
tue Sunday scheols ot the city unit
iagic & grand May-Day celebra
tion. The idea is a good one and
should be carried into execution.
For the last few years each school
has been going off by itself and
trying to have a celebration. Sev
eral years ago it waethe avnual
custom for all the schools to unite,
form a procession and march to the
pirk where pleasant exercises of
sivging and speaking were held
until 1 o’clock, when dinner was
announced and all would revel in
a eplendid repast, and atter dinner
the chiidren would engage in a vas
riely of games.
Let the custom be renewed this
year gimilar to the old plin. Let
all the schools unite. Let some
programme be mapped out. And
again have afine old-time M y-Day
There is a great moving of the
Holy Spirit. in Macon, and many
arve striving to redeem the fallen
and bring them into the fold. A
party of ladies, of age and lofty
motives, have concluded to make
an earnest effort to save the women
who have abandoned the paths of
virtue to follow-a life of shame and
evil. For several days vi<its have
been made by these relizious ladics
to the houses of ill repute, and
‘have met with considerable encour
egement. Several of the women
were deeply penitent and said they
had been driven to their wicked
life by poverty. One well known
character said she had long been
‘anxious to lead a better life, but
‘nothing but starvation stared her
lin the face it she left her prescnt
life. She said if a situation somes
where was guaranteed her, she
would accept it. An effort will be
made in her Lehalf.
The 26th of April will soon be
here, and the ladies of the Menio
rial Society will doubtless begin in
time to tee that all the ceremonies
of the day are carried out. There
ought to be a green spot in every
one’s memory for those who bat.
tled and fell in the “lost cause,”
and that one day should be eares
fully observed in keeping aliie
those terder recollections,
A speciul from Cuthbert to the
Constitution goes for a few of the
citizens of that town who had their
biographies published in a book,
and it wag quite an amugement to
the other citizens, Weil, there
are & number of the innocents in
Daweon who taok biographics in
*theirn.” and 1t was a bitter pill
for some of them. Wheu the
books were delivered and 15 de
manded, pride took a big tumble.
Erglyu’s C;r;d.
Dawson, Ga.. Jan. 22, 1889.
A short while ago I bad a very
gevere stroke of paralysis, for awhile
I could not waIL at all and always
with difficulty. I had beard of
Dr. L. P, Pur{(s and decided to try
him, and in about one v eek he had
me on my feet, going where I
pleased, and I can bardly feel it
now at all. He is also cnrini me
ot dyspepsia, with which I have
been suffering for same time.
: G. E. Roberts.
. A Notional Bank. :
~ $22,000 was raised yesterday in
three hours for a National Bank.
It isa certainty and will be between
the post office and [albot’s store,
s e
We do not make a great cry
over 'shoddy stcck, but simply
clain that our stock will give more
lsntinactiou tor less money than the
goods of sny other dealer in this.
| gestion, Davis & L.ockE,
A Curiosity. i
Wil Brown, Davis & Dozier's
clever and handsome salesman, i 8
the proud owner of an enorinous
owl. Tt is a present from Mr. Ike
Hay, and ix highly prized. ‘
e . PP e \
Getiing Ready to Build.
Trees are being sut away in the
park preparatory to building the
Presbyterian church. 4 |
L e |
Notice ! {
On account of using, ia the tu.
ture, diflerent kinds of flisks and
bottles we cannct buy any -more
second hand ones. F. BETHUNE,
Prop'r. Excelsior Saloon
“ ¥ . ‘
Tax Notice. |
.—()_— ]
I will attend the following times
and places to receive tue Tux Re
turns of 1889 :
Twelith Court Ground—""rnday
April Bth; Monday, April 15ih;
Monday, April 29th, |
Elcventh Court Ground —Tues
dav, April 9th; Tuesday, April 16h;
Tuesday, April 30th.
Dover Wednesday, April 10th;
@ cduesday, April 17th; ¥ ednes
day, May lst.
Sasser-—Thursday, April 11th;
Thareday, April 18th; Thursday,
May 2ud. 3
Bronwood—Friday, Apeil 12th;
Friday, April 19th; Friday, May 3d.
Dawson Saturday. April 13th;
Suturday, Aprii 20th; Saturday,
April 27th and court weeks, Of
fice in MeLiin Bras’ store,
Gravel Hil—Weduesday, May
Can be found at the store o
Hass & Harris at Cross Roads<r
when not at the above places
Books will close June Bth.
C. M. Harris,
Tax Receiver.
3 o 44
Torrell Sheriff Sales,
GEORGTA—TerreII Coanty : |
Will be sold befor: the couri |
house door, in Dawson, : Teriell |
county, Ga., within the legal!
hours of sale, on the first Tuesd v
in Vay next, t)the highest bidder l
tor eash, the folloing property to
wit: Lots of land Nos. 21, 22, |
43 and 44, 21l Iying and being in |
the Eleve: th distriet of =aid connty,
and containing eicht hundred and
ten acres more or loss. Levied on |
as the propertv ot A. £ Knightea |
& Bro., to s«tisfy a tax fi fa issued !
by J. H. Cronch, tax eullector, for |
gtate aud county taxes for the year
1888, T. R, TnorntTON, |
March 26, 1829, Sherifl.
Administy. tors ¥ale
By virtue ~f :n order from the
Court ot Ordinary of Terrel’ conn
ty, Georgia, will ke sol! hefire the
Court House door i, Diwson, Ga.
on the first Tuesday in May nexi,
within the legal Lours of sale, the
tollowing papers to-wit: A § £
upon A. 8. Hawkes and other in
solvent paners belonning to the cs
trte of M. H. Bish, dece sed, for
cagh, 0. P trasg,
Adm’r. M. H. Bush, dec'd.
April 4, 1889,
~ e .
GEJRGIA—Terrel' County:
Ordinary’s Office April 1, ’39. }
Whereas it sppe'ring to the
(Courg that the estate of Mrs 1. V.
Butler, late of caid countv,docencedl,
is without le zal representation, and
that there is necessity for adminis
itmtio'l theraou, all persons in
tercst 4 are hereby notifed, to
<how esuse, if »uy they hive, vhy
lthe administration of sa.d estate
should net be vested in the Clork
of the Superior Court or sonie oths
er cou petent person at the next
May term 1889 of Terrell Court of
Ordinary. J. . RoBERTS.
| ap.3 4t Ordinary.
GLEORGIA- -Terrall County: )
Orldinary’s Office, April 1, ’B9 §
Whereas, it appearing to the
Court, that the 2state of ' oss D.
Bullard, lite ot said courty, d~
ceased, is without legal representa
tion, and that there is necessity for
acdministration thereon, all per
sons interested are herchy notified
to show cause, if any ttey have,
why the admiuvistration of s:id es
tute should not be wvested in the
clerk of the Superior Court, or
some other competent person, at
the next May term, 1889, of Ter
rell Court of Ordinary,
ap 3-4 t. Ordinary.
Afl»limtion for Years Su?dport.
Ordinary's Office, March 23d, ’B9.
—Notice is hereby given that Sarsh
A. Bullard, widow of Moses D.
Bullard,deceased, has applied for a
years support for herselt and (7)
seven minor children. The Com
missioners have assessed as spid
support the sum of three hundred
and seventy~three dollars and all
the household awd kitchen furnis
ture, and I will pass on her applis
cetion on the first \ onday in May
next at 10 o’clock, a. m,
J. W. Ronerrs,
4t. Ordinary,
(b : one to five.days.
H Mannfactured on)y by
m Crouch Bros,
% $ 158
Price ~ aOcts,
%- * |
Mrs.C. L. Mize
Has Received a beautiful line of ‘
Spring & Summer
and would be pleased t 6 have the
Ladies call and examine her guods,
Dress Malxing.
I am also prepared to do Dress
Making, and the ladies would d¢
well to bring their work to me, I
sell the Domestic Sewiag Machine.
I am still on
3 afd Ctehins
Livary, Sals and Feed Stabley,
Sl N
g’: ,»‘-f"' 2 l‘ifi a 0 e;"
o2RS S ePO S TG )
%@gkmf S
yrsteseit 0 e )Py
The best Carriages and Bug:ies
for hire in the city. Horses board
edat 10 per moth,
and sert to any part of the city at
all hours,
Clire At L
Selling at Cost,
eYO i
Desiring to change my business
somewhat, and to abtandon tle
Hardware part of it (except stoves)
I am now offering many articles in
that line at greatly reduced prices,
in fact below cost. Fer instance:
Plow stocks, ........50 to 90cts.
Taow lines. | ..o 0015 6
Back Bands .. .00..... 15"
Hegvy Ttaces. ..o uve.... 35
Singletrees .............. 25
50T e S
Scooter plows (heavy)..... 15
Turn plows (sths )........ 25«
Sweepsi(libe.) ... 00l 95 Y
SCIDOR S (i, . s qiitoto 200
Madd. ol ..0 1300 Hh
B PUOR. . . ianiboneiis BB
R 0 Ringn . it 5o B"
Saws, Hammers, latchets,
Drawing knives, Locks, Butts,
Hinges, Table and Pocket Cutlery,
&e, &c AT COST.
. All other Goods at KN
per cent. above cost,
Furniture and Stove, Shoes,
Hats, Crockery, Tin and Glass
John A. Fulton, |
Satisfaction guaranteed
CIETEYY® in 01l kinds of Dental
Work. Olld plates repaired and
made good as new.
Patronage respectfully solicited.
Office upsteirs over Talbot’s store.
J. G. Parks & Co.,
7 !
All kinds of property insured at
reasonable rates, Losses satisfac~
torily adjusted and promptly paid.
Companies represented all strong
liberal and reliable.
Office over drug store of ( heats
bam & Dean, north side of Public
Jas. H. Guerry,
Daweon, - - Georgia.
Caretul and prompt attention
given to all business,
Chas. G. Metcer,
Dawaon, t 3 Georgia,
Office over Cheatham & Dean’s
Drug Store.
seWill attend promptly to all
business entrusted to me.
"“ .. MTN_
Griggs & Laing,
Dawson, : t Georgia.
Prompt attention to all busi
—_— e
R. F. Simmons,
Dawson, - - - - Georgia.
Will practice in all Courts exe
sept hisown. Al persous having
land for sale aud desiring to thor
oroughly advertise it and their sees
tion should eall on me.
Bracc WEeLLBoRN,
Call and try my clegant new
chair. Polite attention to custom
ers, good work and neatuvess the
rules of the shop. Dallas Beeks
worth's old stand,
We have warned our competitors time and azain to keep ont of the way, but th
seem to pay but little heed to eur warning. and now they must take the coneeque“cg
Life is tuo short, you know, and we give notice now that we intend to down ‘e every
time they cross the dead line, That *dead line” is fair and honorable competition, apq
» % 2 e )
woe be unto him who passes the mzu'k’ for as Sampson slew the ass with the jawbone of
Philistine, even so and in like manuer will we fall upon them, and in an hoar when the
reck not we will smite them hip and thigh. A word to the wise is svfficiert. y
But this is neither here nor there. Time flics, and we have some remarks to make op 5
subject of vital importance to the dear people which must now be made. Iy fact we
have some.
to se'l, and they must be sold. It woull tire you if we attempted to deseribs with anythine like minute
ness the large and varied assortment of CLOTHING: which now cumber our counters and d.:cr;rum,,|;,
shelves. Suffice it to say that we have the largest, handsomest and most co nplete stock that we have ever
carried, and wre offering them at prices that will take vour breath when you see the coods and hear the fig.
ures announced. Suits that sell elsewhere for $35 and $4O we ave offering at $2O aud $3O. Suits that eyp.
not be bought either in Dawso or Macon for less than $lB and $25, we are sellin'-?r at Si 2 and 818, W,
have a few nice business suits that we canafford to turn loose at £lO, and two or three dozen pairs of good
cassimere pants (not jeans) at £2, but we don’t count them. OFf conrse we don’t make anytfiing on thesg
goods searcely, and don’t eare to. We want to satisfy the people that we are their friend, and it is in furthy
erance of this determination that we are offering these bargains There are no flies on us.
It you want a Prince Albert suit we can fis you, If you prefera Piince Arthur, we can please you, 0
it perchance, your taste inclines to a 4 button Cutaway, a 3-button Cataway, or a Sack (with round or
square {rent,) we can snit you with either. We have also a few pairs of extra tine French Worsted Pants,
for evening wear, at $5 and $8 per pair. They are beauties.
Come and see us. You will be surprized, we know, but we want you to come and hehold these thingy
with thine own eyes, ° :
“ “ s ! : ~ 1
P OuaE lik i %
bf O full 1y 1 \
We are not fond of spurting and blow
ing, but we do propose to save meoney to
those who favor us with their patronage.
We are carrying a veiy large line of
Dry Goodsi, No
tions, Shoes and
Besides a full and comple assortment of
¥ JMmAm 3 1 p
We would be pleased to show these zoods and we guaran
tee prices aginst any place or any people. We invice special
WHITE GOODS in general. 85 We offer you the Celebrated
Girand Jury Tobacco at 30 cents per pound,
all other goods in the same ratio, Come and see us an iwe will do you
good. Yours truly,
k e & o 9
Faney and Family Grogeries!
! e NV
! My stock is complete in every particular—all goods of the very best
- quality and prices Low Down.
- Orthe Housewife with Choice Delicacies for the Table.
In fact, everything usually kept by a Firt-class Grocer. Give me a
share of your patronage, and you will not regret it.
Ll esie s
Like the Great town of Dawson, it is carried on to SUCCESS by
Thie Southwrest Ga..
Is as tull of good things as are the fertile farms around Dawson.
e e() e s e
€ 77
= O£ DA ‘
Is the word, and we propese to head the procession in our line. We
’ feel that our etiorts to handle
First-Class Groods,
at prices that defy competition, have been appreciated by the people of
this and surrounding counties, and makes us more than ever determins
ed to fill every possible want that might ar'se. We are in the lead and
ropose to stay there, it LOW PRICES, ENERGY and FAIR DEAL~
YNG will do it. Furmers, Mechanics, Professionals, and all others,
call in and look at the handsomest stock of
Ta Bouthwest Georgia. Whea we have fessted your eyes on the
goods, your pocket book will fly open with its own volition.
A.d. BATI.DWIN, & CO. |
The Cheap Mercantile House, = - - Dawson, Ga.
—i 0 O
Sugar, Coffee, Meat
Canned Goods
‘ l
And everything else kept
in a first-class Geners
al Store.
—_— 00—
My stock is futl and complets.
[ guarantee my prices to be a 8 Lo
as the Lowest, and cordially ask
trial this year.
Feb 13,1889.
Lot SLHm
-'-gh U gL E]
I keep alway
on hand thebes
meats the mark
et afiords and vi
sell them at th
lowest living g
Hres. I make aspec
ialty of Western be¢
shipped here in 1
frigerating cars.
It is line
I am in front 0
the Enge Hot
on Lee Streel.
feb 27,3 m 1889, |
Don’t Fail
To ack yovr dealer for
Kidder's best Patent Flou’-l
Kidder's Chief Patent Flo
and Kidder’s Victer Extra Fan
or halt Patent. They are the
brands on the market,