Newspaper Page Text
gatusou Itflccklir Journal,
Published Kvery Tkursdty.
rr n.ns—strictly in .Idvance.
Three months. | .00 75
Six months $1 26
Ouo year $2 00
Units of • Idrrrlishtij :
One dollar per square of ten lines for the
first insertion, and Seventy-five Cents per
square for each subsequent insertion, not ex
ceeding three.
Oae square three months $ 8 00
tine square six months 12 00
One square one year 20 0(1
Tto squares three months 12 Oo
Tiro square* sit month,; 18 00
Two squaros one year 30 00
fourth of a column three moths 30 00
Fourth of a column six months 50 00
Half column three moths 45 to
Half column six months 70 00
One column three months 70 00
One column six months 100 00
MAlteral Iteduciions Jtladc on
Contrail Jdrertisr minis.
Legal Advertising.
Sheriff’s Sales, per levy, $2 50
Moitgage Fi Fa Sales per square 5 00
Citations for Letters of Administration, 3 00
“ “ “ Guardianship, 8 00
Dismision from Apministration, 6 00
“ “ Guardianship, 4 00
Application for leave to sell laud, 6 00
Sales of Land, per square, 5 00
Sales of Perishable Property per equ’r, 3 00
Notices to Debtors and Creditors,.... 3 60
Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square, 2 00
JLtray Notices, thirty days, 4 00
Jolt Wt'ork of every description exe
cuted with neatness and dispatch, at moderate
Southwestern Uailroad.
Leave Macon 5.15 A. If. ; arrive at Colum
bus 11.15 A. ii.\ Leave Columbus 12.45 P.
M ; arrive at Macon 6.20 p. M.
Leaves Macon 8 AM ; arrives at Eu
Inula 5 30, P M ; Leaves Eufaula 7 20, A M ;
Arrives at llacon 4 50, P M.
I,eaves Smiihville 1 46, P M; Arrives at
Albany 8 11, P M ; Leaves Albany 9 35, A M;
Arrives at Smithville 11, A M.
heave Cuthbert 3 57 I’. M. ; arrive at Fort
Gains 5.40 P. .If ; Lea*e Fort Olios 7.05 A
M.\ arrive at C’uthbert 9.05 A. M.
Western & Atlantic Ilailroad.
Campbell Wallace, Sup’t.
Leave Atlanta . . . 8 15 A. M.
Leave Dalton .... 2.30 P. If,
Arrive at Chattanooga . . 5.25 P. M.
Le iv« Chattanooga • • 3.20 A. M.
Arpve at Atlanta . . . 12.05 P. M.
Leave Atlanta ' . . . 700 P.M.
Aisdve s: tmattaaooga . - t to A. M.
Leave Chattanooga . - <™£ *•
Amw4 nt Dult«>n . • • T. 50 P. M.
Arrive at Atlanta . • . 1.41
HaAvson, - - - - Ga.
Ay ILL practice in Die several Courts of
' * Law and Equity iu this Siato and tho
Circuit Courts of the United Suites lor the
State of Georgia. Abo, attenti n giveu to
Ficttcion, Ga.
dee 84 1868 1 v
D*wsou, Ga. Albany, Ga.
HAVING aatockted ourselves together in
the practice of Law, wc will be thank
lul for patronage, and will attend promptly
to all business entrusted to our care,
deck,lß68 —Bui
Grocery AJEercliants,
toAV,SOI, - - GiiOHGIA
IIBERAL advances made on Cotton
j shipped to our correspondents in Savan
nah and Baltimore. oct22’6Bly*
'T'HANMFUL to mv patrons and triends for
-I their liberal patronage heretofore, I still
continue to give lessons on Piano in Dawson.
> a li'open anew term on the 2nd Jfonday
in January; 1869, of five months or 20 weeks,
including fifty lessons. Tuition is expected
invariably in advance, half at the beginning
of the term, and the other half at the expira
tion of the first ten weeks.
Kates of Tuition, #35,00
Pupils patronizing 7’rof. Nelson’s High
School, wishing to secure my services, can
take lessons at his School, as he has offered
me the use ot his Piano. F. W. ERDMAN.
Dawson, Ga. Dec. 24, ’6B—3m
Byrd & coker,
HAVE on hand, at their store on Main st.,
next door to J. L. Tucker & Bro’s
Store, ratJEPII OASTERS, and are
prepared to serve them up to suit the taste
all. Come and try them.
Dawson, Ga., Oct. 29th, 1868—tl'
$75 to $290 per Month!!!
a CommiHsion from which twice that
amount, can he made bv .•elling the lat-
MACHINE ; price *lB. For Circulars and
, ms address C. Itowm A Cos.
320 .South Third Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
At tbo old Staud of
e. j. .toitwrov & co.,
Jlio. !)7 M wllx ii j St.,
near Lanier house,
MACON, - - GA.
I AM novr receiving, for the Full end Win
ter trade, a fine selection of WATCHES
-AHA Cl (JOODSj PIANOS anti other nil
s ! cal instruments, WALKING CANF.S
LERY. etc., which, with mv former atoek,
will he sold at VERY LOW PRICES FOR
CASH. A call is respectfully solicited.
Si wing machines, IVeedles,
And all new improvements. Public attention
is called to these Machine", for sal? at manu
facturer’s prices by E J. JOHNSTON,
Agent for Middle Georgia.
(luu Barrels, Locks and Mountings.
I have for sale over 500 Gun Barrels, which
I am offering at low figures.
I am prepared to do at short notice, in a
superior manner and fully warranted. Also,
Jewelry and all Standard Sewieg Machines
repaired at short nolice.
iiovs;Bm E. J. JOHNSTON.
Gr. I3EIiND,
Wholsale & Retail dealer in
Saddlery Hardware.
\\ T E would again call the attention of
v v Planters and Afarchants to our supe
rior Stock and increased facilities for the
manufacture of everything in our line, com
Ladies’, McW nn i Boy*’ Saddles,
Caniage, Buggy and Team Harness,
Collars, Unifies, Saddle Blankets,
Horse Covers, Whips, xo., &c ,
Sup.rfine Buggy Robes.
A variety of constantly kept on
hand, as Patent A’uamekd, Dcitinp. Luce,
Upper ana Cull-Kino.
s®* Merchants, Planters and cusionters, !
knowing we cun ami will oiler you in
ducements in qutlity and price, we w ould re
quest, you to call and examine our' S'ock at
44 Third Ntreet, be lure purchasing elsewhere.
"VV" anted,
Esi<fes, Skins and fl?isi - m of all kinds ;
also, Wool, .Voss and Tallow.
V.con.Ga., December 17;6tn
French & American (oufectioacries
mOYS, Fire Works, Fancy Groceries aud
_L West India Fruits. Also, Liquors, Cigars,
T baccc, Sni.ff, and a splendid assortment of
Pipes, of all qualities aud prices. Give him
a call and be satisliid. Cherry ?t., between
2d and 3d, Mocou, Ga. declO;Utn
IKsiv«‘ just received a now stock of
Watches, Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry Sil
ver Ware, Work-Boxes, Dressing Cases, and
a lull line of Fancy Goods, suitable for
Christmas & Bridal Presents
Call and examine my s'ock. Special atten*
tion paid to the Repairing of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry. Badges, Rings, Ac., made to
order. Work done promptly aud warranted.
L. El. WfSG.
«. F. & El. E. OLIVER,
Pocket and Table Cutlery, Iron Pipe,
Steam Fittings, Ac., wholesale Manufacturers
of Tin Ware. 42 and 44 Third Street,
Macon, : : : : Georgia.
(next door to ranter house,)
Jklacon, - * Ga
Chairs, Mattresses, Feathers, Carpets, Win
dow Shades, Wall Paper, Ae. Parlor .Setts
in Reps and Hair Cloth, Bedroom Setts !u
Mahogany and Walnut, A'uameled Cottage
Setts, cheap, Ac., Ac.
Fisk's Jlclalic Rui ial Cases,
and Full Glass Casket*—Coffins in Hose
Wood, Mahogany, Walnut, Cedar and Paint
ed. ices to suiybe times. deeSSm
lUBX iV KbnMK l>
'Wholesale A Retail Dealers in
Leather Findings, Lasts, k,
!fo. 3 Colima Avenue,
DAWSOS, <i,V. 9 TItTTIfSDAY/iANyARY. 1 J , isoO 1 ;
b\l l Itl IST C.-Jbi ST( YUIC.
Kreucli &, American Confectioneries
Family Groceri's, & west India Fruits
fITFA, Ci'(Toe, Sugar, ffpiee, Matches, Crack-
I ers, Candles, Soap, Wines, Champagne,
Brandies, Cordials, Bitters, Liquors, Cigars,
Tobacco, Pipes, Snuff. JgjTNo. 2 Dnnour
Block, lISACIOAi, GA. declO;oin
In the shape of
By every train
D tor frt m Byington’s Hotel,
WOULD ask the attention of all fond of
luxuries or substantial to the fact that
he is daily receiving
lie keeps on hand a full stock of choice and
fresh r»iirynu<l Fttinilp CtriN’cr.
lex, which he otters at reasonable figures.—
Give him a call. declC-3m
- L. W BASOa. ‘
Fully prepared to fill all orders at the
Prices of the West,
with the Fieigbt added.
.»' o. 53, I TIHltn STiIEET,
MACON, GA.’6B—3m
Wholesale & Retail Dealer in
M. trs a TKIWKS,
85 Cherry Street, Macos, Ga.
Merchants supplied at New
York Market Pi ices. novfqHin
St eond St. SIACO.f, Ga.
“Country Merchants supplied at New 1 ork
Maiiket Pricks- ”* V M f i'. »
li. E, UUOWJ* & SOfll,
Fourth St., Opposite Fassecger Depot,
Jilacon, Georgia.
I7ROM the Ist of July tlie business of ibis
_ House will be conducted by E. E. Brown
k Son, the Senior having associated his son,
VV r m. F. Brown, in tho management and in
terest ol the Hotel.
The house contains sixty rooms, which are
reserved chiefly lor the use of travellers and
transient guests. Competent assistants have
been so* cured in every department, and eve
ry attention will be paid to ensure comfort
to their customers. Rooms clean and airy, and
the table always supplied with tho best the
country affords. Porters attend arrival and
eyarturo of all trains to convey baggage
andcoiiduct passengers across the s‘reet to
their quarters. jul)27,tf
(Opposite The Passenger Depot.)
IS Now open for the reception ot visitors
Having spared no expense in furnishing
this House new throughout, and determined
that the Table aud Bar ahail be inferior to
none iu the South, I feel confident that I can
offer to my old patrons pud the public all that
they caa wish in a Hotel. Gall and see me.
octg3m Late cf Fort Valley, Ga.
Having Meumed the management of this
House, respectfully solicit a share of public
Free Omnibus to and from the House. A t
ntive Porter*, Dcvfctl
“Isaacs 1 house,
Cherry St., .Huron, Ga.
E. ISAACS, : : s Proprietor*
Free Conch to and from llctfl.„jjSß
A. 55. LECE, fi*r«|»ricl«»r,
Savaitmihi - - Ga.
Brandies, lines, Gins, Segars, s
Ryi, Bourlon ifc Alonongahcla Whiskies,
Manufacturer of the Celebrated
SioncnaSi Sliitcs*.*.
Whitehall Street, Atlanta, ©a.
Tit ST received and for sale at astonishingly
Low pricey, 50 bbls. double Rectified ; 26
bb!s. Silver Creek Bourbon ; 25 bbls. Wood
cock Hour on, at. L. COHEN'S.
rr ",ft • J ——t i~ •x x'
Winter Dnyw.
How shoif, nml dark these winter days
That come with fall ol snow utid rain
Wilt winds that roam the untrodden ways,
Ami sob at dusk outside'fhe pane.
llow bleak and lone the bear fields lie
That in the purple distance merge ;
Haw cheerless looms the laden sky
Along the dull horizon’s verge.
Tho barren woods uo longer ring
With summer carols of the lay ;
The robio plumed his russet wing,
And with tho Autumn passed awuy.
Down in the hollow next the glado
The scarlet winter berries gleam,
Where, stem and chill, the host has laid
His icy fetters ou tfie stream.
Outside the window where,the vino
Hang", shivering, stripped of all its leaves,
The iciclos like daggers shinoX
Down pointing from the jagged caves.
The gray dawn loiters on its way
To touch tiie sombre east with light;
Ami, like a timid fawn, the day
Plies startled at the step o! night.
In feathery Hakes the silent snow
r Palls earthward from the chilly cloud,
And wraps the frozen earth below
In wintry whiteness like a cloud.
But what case wc for winter’s cold,
Tor rain or snow outside the door,
bo in our hearts, Lke treasure, hold
Loves deathless snuimor warmth iu store.
Correspondence ol the Courier-Journal.
A Lively anif Picturesque Ylar-
Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 16, 1868.
The stranger to Montgomery who
may happen to reach the city on Snt
urdny, if anxious to pick up an item
or two, cannot da bet'er than to visit
llio market, which is generally opo.i by
three in the afternoon, continuing open
till late at night. The market place is
a miserable structure at b St, and pos
itively disgraces tho city; but, as the
preacher observed when caught kiss
ing a colored sister, 1 it's the best there
is.” The upper part of the main build
ing does double duty as a Council
chamber and as a po’icj elhee, while
the lower part is vilely daubed with
blue and red paint, making it loos fil
thy in the ext.emo. Tlie stalls in the
meat market rent for something
like SIOO each per year, and the butch
ers are perhaps the jolliest fellows one
would like to meet with, each taking
his “tod” at early daybreak with sent
pulous regularity The quality of their
meats is wnerallv qsnu bait- end Hui
who go ttieie to obtain the nceessaneß
of life for tbo support of their families.
Attached to tbo meat-market is a
long wooden shed, confined to the sale
of fish and vegetables, at the end of
which are two very ordinary colloo
stands, where the beverage that cheers
but not inebriates can be obtained as
early as four o’clock in tho morning,
and a vile mixture it is at that The
Moslem, fresh from the land of tho
prophet, would seek in vain for any
trace of the delicate aroma, supposed
to boa distinguishing trait of tho geu
uine bevel age, and if tho party who
swallows it sweats it is nothing but
sweet potatoes, cut into dice, roasted
and ground, be will not be very wide
ol the mark. In tho open air, extend
ing from these coffee stands to Ferry
street, are several tables, where poorer
qualities of meat can bo purchased,
and where market wagons most do
congregate; and, having reached this
point, the vi-itor has seen all there is of
the market.
Evetyfiody go’s to market, ns n mat
ter of epurso—young anil old, rich anfi
Door, v bile and black, high an I low ;
dignitaries of the chinch and ker.o
players, blushing brides and bruised
and battered vympTis da pave, keen
eyed policemen and negro chicken
thieves, old deci ipid oc ogenarians and
laughing children—all jostle each oth
er in every direction. Some aro there
hy appointment to incut engngementß
i>i' business or pleasure; others go to
be seen, while others go to sue how
small a lot ot pro.isions can be cairiod
away for the few dollars they inuy
have to invest, while all around a
steady stream of conversation is going
on that really rivals the scenes enacted
at the tower of Babel previous to its
destruction That may have a
feint idea of it, permit me to forward
you a lew floating paragraphs as they
fel upon my ear in rapid succession :
“Never made a better bargaiu, sir.
The stoi k sold last year at —”
“Four bits a ticket, cheap enough,
and you ought to hear Jolmny lleddin
aing ‘the yaller gal that wiuked at me,’
and Nelly Whitney after
“Knocked down both nigger police
men. 1 was that and Joe said
“The Gonleieuoe v. ill reappoint
Brother Matthews bevonu a doubt.—
His successful labors the past y car have
resulted .u —”
“The sweetest baby you ever saw.
ft knows it’s papa as soon ns it sees
him and mother says that—”
“lie wasn’t worth a d—n; bolted on
the first race, and was spavined at that.
Why only two months ago he—”
“Found faith iu believing, and has
since stated that—”
“Petticoats ilono up that way al
ways look so neat, and then with six
yards ol—”
“Benzino, or pine top, you bet. Sieh
liquor is enough tobu t up a IJible So
ciety, and, besides —”
“The bill makes suitable provision
in tho first and fourth sections for—”
“A n'gg. r baby, about three mouth*
old. Its mother, you see--”
“Boiled it for about t vo hours with
a mess of turnip greens, and I was so
hungry that 1 eat tnen-t alf of', it; and
then I—”
“I’rayod So earnestly to knmv my
duty ; it was a so.emu scene. 1 soon
Fund ” -j y. » t
'.Lie hid three tines no-a qtid6n.« |
Ha had tho dead wood on ’em turd.
Well, then, —”
“Who loved him very dearly ; but,
bless you, ho didn't know it Slip
Jhscil to kiss his phologrupii, until, one
'iiightl—” ''J fvi*
“Tho inferiitd bill busted.. Juwhili
kens ! didn’t it bust? I used a i Insfer
<>l soa]i and sugar, and the tpomqttt ix
began to ( Jraw I had— ”
1 wilts the first year. Yes, you’tyff
right. Bhe was a happy woman, and
last evening I found her—”
‘ Ibajnk in the callaboose. All the
poliustncn in the cify coaldn’tstop her;
site is tho worst card in tho deck, anil
as soon as sho gets out, she’ll go to—!’
“Tito Baptist church. Ellen will l>p
one ol tin; bridofcrnnids, and sho will
wear a—
“Stove-pipe hat full of "ivatch-houtt;
dents. lie wanted me to go on hfe
bond, and 1—”
‘1 ut in five bremllhs, and aunt Ala
ry afterward' wAh kind’ errntigh to—”
“Choke the sop of a tittker tfrll hfc
fflir y hollered. I ran down stuiA anR
shah bo quite alone, uud wo can then
“Take a little hot whisky punch over
to Johnny Lawler’s; but I prefer
straight drinkfl, because I find ’
“The ways of tho Lord are truly
wonderful and past finding out. Last
year I— ’
‘‘Won thirty five dollars at keno, and
tho next morning—”
“(lot my bankrupt crrlificato, and
before the we* k was out —”
“W as baptized just below Felm-v
where —”
“fsarnh Jane n ted scandalously. A
nicer yquog man never—”
“\\ out to We’urnpka heavily ironed;
he was fen tight about midnight id out
a month .ago ju-t as he—”
“iooa tt pew ou tlie left-hand side,
about hall way up tlie aisle. 1 thought
that the sermon was—”
“Tho biggest swindle out. You
can t collect u red cent,and ovt-ry mem
ber of tli* Legislature knows that—”
“Ilis mother spanked him soundly,
and sent him to bed without a morse!
“Good brandy’, snoh as I generally
drink, will make a man feel like—”
“Marrying early—so 1 say the wo
man ought to— ’’
“Quit that you domed muttonhead,
I’ll knock tho stullin out o! yor of you
there is something su veiy attractive
“A n'gger wench that weighed
nior’n two hundred. You see she—”
“Bought a ticket in the Tuscaloosa
Art Association and drew—”
“More than half of the Alabama
Legislature. At tho third reading o;
thu bill—”
Here, .Mr.Editor, neleft the much®
yours fqrn’nytjy days.. pjUAM.
Oku Kiss) Mahja.— There was a
funny littio cpieolo on the car ' that
helped to arouse us. At Montanp a
young man and a young woman cane
on board of the sleeping cir, and the
former said : “S ;e hereAlr 0 iiiue
tor, I want one ofyonr bunks for this
young woman aud one for myself indi
vidually One wll do for us when we
git to the Bluffs, hey, Marier? (a play
ful and affectionate pike at “Marier”
with his c!b or, to which she repli and,
“now John quit ? ’) for y. u see w.’flc
goiu' to git married’ at Marier’a uncle’s
when wc git there- We might a’ b?en
niwrioJ at M intanny, but we took a
habit to wait till wo got* to the Bluffs,
bein’ as Miner's ui cle is a imoi»t:T,
and they chargo a g<>l’ fir and price L-»
hitoliu’ folks at Montanny.” Maria
was a signea to one ol tho “best bunks, ’’
aud John was given one not for away.
After a lime iho innrn'ea of tho car
wore all strowed away in their berths
to go through the inrvi’abte alterna
tions ~f sweltciing aud fre. zlrtg.
During a stoppage of the train at
one station the voice of John was heard,
raised in pleading accents, all uncon
scious that the train had stopped, and
that tones which the noise of tho rat
tling wheels bad d-owued while the
ears were moving, e >uld be distinctly
heard by all when they hod stopped.
“Now,Ma-ri, you might give a feller
j b’ one kiss”
“John, you quit, or I’ll git. right oqt
here and hwf it back to Montanuy iu
the snow storm ’’
“Only one little kbs, M irier, anil I’ll
go; hope to die ii I don’t.”
Ju-t at that interesting moment a
gray bead protruded from a 1 earth at
the Other cud of the ca ! ', .... J aa old
man cried out so that ail could hear:
‘.Marier, for Uid’s sake give Jehu one
ki3S, so that wo can go to sleep bjejc;
tiuie to-night."
It is needless to remark that a peal
of laughter rang fr,,-m one end of the
ear to the other, under cover of which
John flunk back to the solitary scolu
sioa of his “butk,” leaving Marier to
the uudis uibed possession of her mar
riago license, which she interpreted to
permit no license, to John until uccom
panied by the proper oeniiioate. And
Marier was right.
A Pennsylvania gioier ingeniou ly
tried to clean out bombshell with a rid
hot poker. Ho succeeded iu e’e niog
himself out most eifectualy.
A booiy fellow was ob-.crved the
other dav drivcing a hog, which he hid i
by tlto tail, and on being n-ikcd phot,
he Was doing, ho Replied that he was ;
studying gesbog-ra phy.
; E’latitlnj,’ Inieresi.and lAi
!>cr lis hoHiliWcnri ii CJooi ga.
’lhosgh the cotton erupa of tho hist
year fell far short of tho expoit (ion of
p.inters, the retuunorut vo prices made
up f*r the (Jffiaicney and brought money
en#n,;h to tho planting ialorest to ro
ll 'Vo it from embarrass incut, and secure
content to labor.
E pecifdly is this so in Dougherty
and adjioont counties. Wc know of no
oottoa p!»uter vthd Las failed to realiza
3uln 'lont to pay expanses and discharge
chlbnironß for llbur ; and all have a
surpiuii, with which to begin tbc new
Asa- general rule tbo planters of
isauihwcatern Georgia are mca cf
intelligence, liberal ideas and expansive
enterprise; aud appreciating tho im
portant of well disciplined and conten
ted labor, they not only contract fairly
and liberally with tho freedmen, but
deal jasfly, generously and promply
with them. Faithful to their promis
tn, ndhoting to their oontruets,
and firmly demanding reciprocal* fidcl
‘ 1 * ‘h.-y ha?o :uccc;.ded in cstabliaLing
: liability and good feeling on
their pl<fn!*fions.‘ Jlsfny of the krgest
plau»ers experience po difficulty what
ever iu the management of their labor
ers ; fi)id ; f.op thejn wc recoivo tbc grat
Hyittg intelligence that whore the ne
gro is promply paid and kindly treated,-
ho works faithfully and gives no troub
blo. As evidence of this fact, in nearly
every stick instance within our knowl
edge, they have begged to remain and
have re coutractel for the present year
with grateful oheerfulnesH. There are,
of course, many lazy, radicals, vaga
bonds who do not like to work, and who
expect to get their living by stealing
' i through the teaching of mischievous
leaders''of radicalism. B ach fail to find
hirers, or if they and j they aro soon found
cut aud discharged'; and it is from this
class that proceeds all the evils that we
expoiLuce, They are, however, exoep
'lioiiai esses, and we aro glad to observe
a decided change for the better on their
i ho (r ceJinon have learned the lesson
that they must labor, and that industry
and good boliavi >r brings sustenance,
friends, and money. They have alao dis
cover gcx that their old Masters are their
beat abends, and that peace, safety and
b'iuVtfV>i»ua»Wrf-4<«.Kt W m 4-I'° !J nan*.
blessed if tliUvegard. and we a'tribule it
mainly to the magnauiniity and Larmo
nizlng pdicy adopted by the superior in
tvll gonoe. The uegro hero is making a
good name for himfolf, aud though he
frequently develops charactori tics of the
sivge when under the inf luence of intex l.qu rs,he peldornfinds cause for
quarrel with the white niau, and as far
as we know ignores organized mil-chief
rgain-t tbo p.-ace of the oommuriity and
he harmony of its prospeiity. Since the
holidays set iu, our streets have been
crowded day aud night wi h country
freedmen, and as they all had moucy in pockets, it was natural that they
shou'd indulge in excesses aud make a
noise, but not a single difficulty, or even
potty quarrel recurred to disturb the
nonce and good will between them and
the white people. Several fights took
place amonjj thcmselvos, and two or
three have been killed in the ocuutry,
but no white man is chargeable with the
slightest gTFepetj towards auy of them,
and they have obsi rved bjcomiag re
spect and kindly feedings towards the
Oar bese people understand tbo man
ageniOßt of the negro, and are satisfied
with bins as ft laborer and a freeman
They wr-nid not exchange him for any
Other class'of laborers, and least of all
su 'l> f.s vvo would be likely to get from
New England or the lower strata of
(derm in society. If let alone we cam
work out the problem of free labor, re*
bu U our Wasted fortunes, restore tran
qmlity and prosperity to tbc country,
ar.d secure contentment, happiness,
thf}ft.awl wealth to the negto.
[AlLnmy iVetcs, s th.
Jlarrfed Without ©loves.
Not long sinoe a young gcntlemaa
young lady appeared at the parion
’lse if no etffSseet dergyman of a cer*
taiu city for the purpose ot havirg their
rcsjrouve destinies united iu in the holy
bonds of matrimony. Everything be
ing ready, the clergyman aforesaid was
ab;ut to proceed with the oeremony,
When the young lady discovered (Lat
she wi.3 in nus her kid gluve**, so neces
sary on such occasions ; where upon she
requested her aSauccd to hast* a to a
s' ami j tvctiro tho ludispinsahle
kids, tolling Lim to “be in a burry, or
she might change hir Blind." The
clergyman, witadsses, and intended
bride wuiml sumo time the return of
. the y tti'h ».nh the goves ; he didn't
couuo They waited lougt r, and still
he Uilvil o pul in an appoaranu«3. 'j he
matfi-r at hat becoming really serious,
alarming, the cErgynnu took his hat
and proceeded post basic in scatch of
the trua it lover, whom ho foml after
a di search sutl many inqui; jes,
quWtly*Vested on the verandah of a
well known betel, with his feet elevated
on taw. bsok of a chair, aud wery dekb-.r
ati ly (re flung a cigar. On beirg asked to
explain his singular conduct, ho carc
li'ssij rtrnarkel that he “was waiting’to
see if she going to change h.r
mind. They were murtiod huwev.r at
afui,iwo h.urs’ delay.
N 01. 111,.... J\\t, s.
Mr. Dafid F Cuoimißg an old •cal.
.Jijnt ol Washington county aud a prom
inent Mason, died a few day. since.
A white woman was brn'ally beaten
by a Degress at Westover about four
miles from Augusta the other day.
Col. J. 11. Robb has boon in Wash
ington looking after tho postal interests
of Georgia aud Florida.
It is reported that Celeb Cashing is
abroad an t authorized to buy Cuba at
auy prico between one and two millions.
G n. Meade has boon ordered to
Washington by Schofield.
Customs from tho Ist to the sth iusf
inclusive, $2,035,000.
A car is buiding in Califrrcia for
the first through trip to New York over
the l‘fio fiie railroad. The finish U to
be of Californian luarel
Says Kate to her now husband, 'John
what rock does true love build upon ?”
Q ioth John, and grinned from ear to
car, ‘The rock of yender cradle, dear.”
A dreadful accident occurcd in
Charleston on Friday afterno m, from
the explosion of a can of Kerosene oil,
in tho hands of Mrs. J. E Osborne.
1 he uufortuuate lady had her clothes
burned to cinders, and her life despaind
Rscn>.E Fott Bone Felon!—Take
equal portions of ley soap, salt, tar,
black pepper, sugar and a half portion
of blue vitriol. This is a great rem«
A Thoroughbred Gentleman. A
bobtail coat, a pennie paper kollor, a
white kotton weskit, yallcr trowsers
without any kloth into the legs, shiny
lother boots, a pair of yaller gloves,
and inside of’em all a thing go! tip in
imitashun of a man, bnt, as tho kount
0i fitters say, poor’y executed, and not
kulkt-rlated to deseve. Mustash indis
pcnsabul, and brains onneecssary
Fine specimens on exhibition —Joth
It is rumored in Toronto that Com
modore Vanderbilt Las made an offir
so the Great Western Railroad Compa
ny of Canada to lease that road for ten
years, with tho light to purchase at the
enu of lease. Bhould his offer Lo ac
cepted the Great Western railroad will
to a!! intents and puposes, become a
part ot the New Y T ork Central railroad,
and ali the mechanical departments of
the latter wiil be rem >vcd to Hamilton.
fuST liathcr a bad s ate of affairs
csis sin cerlaii portbns of Baldwin
county, Ala , in roforenco to the institn
wtro rs enror-'voii —XO La-.-* 1,..,.
hcDce tbc marriages arc null and void.
A lona file justice has'been produced
and the work of reconstruction is pro
gressing. The credit of Baldwinites bo
it paid not a man availed bimseif of the
Fop bole ofese ipe mado by tho law.
droll fellow iu tsked by an
old Indy to road the newspaper, and
taking it up, began as tollows :
Last night, yesterday moaning, about
two o’c ock in tho afternoon, before
breakfast, a hungry boy, about forty
years old, bought a sip custard for a
levy, find through a briox wall nine
feet thick, and jumping over it, broke
bis tight ankle oil above the left kneo,
fell into a dry mill poud, and was
drowned About forty years after
that, on the same day, an old cat had
nine tin key gobblers; a high wind
blew Yankee Doodle on a frying pan,
and knocked the old Dutch churn
down, and killed a sow aud two dead
plgn at Boston, where a deaf and
dumb man was talking French to his
aunt Peter.
The old lady, taking a long breath, “
exclaimed—“Du tel.,!”
(From Ilia Nc » York Herald.)
judge lutlmvaed aud a Jail
Judge Underwood, one of the Fedetal
district judges, has recently put the
Uuited ifi’ates in t decidedly untenable
position before the people of the State
of Virgiti*. lie lias arrayed the gov
ernment against all the interests of so*
c : ety, against good ordir, the security of
1 fj and of prosperty, aud has made it
the champion of ail tho scoundrels in
their ett ns to got away from justice.
All this he has done on a mere legal
techniality. Naturally there is a pro
tect against this in Congress. There
are some Representatives and Senators
w ho arc not so insanely lost in one idea
that they care to see proper reconstruc
tion made the cover fur mere anarchy
and terrorism and these men would Dab
urallv rebuke the knuic wbo
l as thus en'raged the bench and done
is pcisibie to show the country
• thu’, with all tbo clamor against the
I j-#dgiß of th s city, there aro worso ones
iin tho ni'Unal courts. But the iiadi
j cal papers Indicate their readiness to
s champion and sustain- Underwood’4
j decision. Their argument is that hei
; bed no opinion,acd that the consfitu
! lion it.-elf r qnired this villainy. This
vie* hudly puts the c-nstitation ih i
1 favorbly light b flora the people, and 14
will find sow sippr.rt rs teyou party
I linos —A judge tbotfi J keep in view
1 the obj. it of ill few. He should nevar
! forget t c rer.xim (if he hippcntl to
‘know it] ha’ the wilfaTeof the people
i. the supremo law, statu-
I teg acd enactments from such a stand-
IpoiLtos this would give, int rprtt in
’ accordinoo whatever clause of law i«
! pleaded before him. He could then
never nnhiuge the whole machinery of
ustiee on a partisan technics i y.