Newspaper Page Text
Tublirhed Every Thursdiy.
7f, |».IK Slrtrtly In .ttivance.
Six mouths •• • -D 25
0u« ye»r • ••• l .42 00
Kates of .Idnrtlsl ny :
(>,,(. dollar per square of ten linen lor the
firat insertion, and Seventy-five Cents per
square for such subsequent insertion, notex
ceeding three.
One square three months. * S On
Due square six months 12 00
One square one year ‘2O On
Two squares three months 12 00
Two squares six months 18 00
Two squ ires one year 30 00
Frturtii of a column three moths Ml 00!
Fourth of a column six months 50 00
Half column three moths 45 »o
Half column-i 5 mouths 70 QO
One column tl>6ee mouths. 7U 00
One column six months 100 00
Liberal Deductions .Hade on
Contract .tdveri I semen Is.
Legal Advertising.
Sheriff's P ile", per levy >2 50
Mortgage fr'i Fa Seles per square...... 5 no
Citations /or Letlejs of Administration, 3 00
•• “ “ Guardianship, 300
Dismision from Apministntlioty .... 0 00
•* Gu irdhinship,.... - 400
Application for leave to sell land 6 00
Hales of Land, per square, 5 00|
Silas of rorilltaWc Property per squ’r, 3 00
Notiecs to Debtors and Creditors,.... 3 50
Foreclosure of Mortgage,- per square, 2 oo
Kstray Nthyt^fryiyy ■' |
.fob HVt’fcot every description exe
••ted with neatness sod dispatch, at moderate
SoHlliTVoaforts Railroad.
\VM. IIOLT, Pres. | POWFHtk, Hup
Leave Maeon 5.15 A. it. ; arrive at Colum
bus 11.16 A. M.\ Leave t'ulu ,v 'hus 12 45 P.
M ; arrive at Macon j>.2>' P. -V-
Leaves .V) man S A it ; arrives at Ku
Uula 5 30, I* 11 ; Leave* Eof min 7 20, A M ;
Arrives at Macon 4 50, P M.
Leaves Smithville 1 46, P M; Arrives at
Albany St 11, PAt; Leaves Albany 9 85, AMj
Arrives at Sini'hvHle 11, A M.
Lease Cullibert. 3 67 P. M. ; arrive at Fort
Glins 5 40 P. .1/ ; Leave Kurt Gains 7.06 A
U. ; ariivc at C'utttb.-rt 9.05 A. it.
We.Jrrii & Ai!nttli<: Railroad.
CAM PHI'.! £. W A LL ACE," Sup’t,
J,»aviyAllmta . • • $.45 A. V.
Leave Dalton • 2.30 P M.
Arrive at Ghatlanooga . . 6.25 P. M.
I,**v6 Cliattahoogi . • 3.20 A. SI
Ariive At All nit* . • . 12.W5-P. M.
Leave Atlanta ... 7 00 I . M.
Arrive at Cbaltinooga . . 4.10 A. VI.
Leave Chattanooga . . 4;jf) }’. H
Arrive at
Dawson, - - - - Ga.
'\S7ir.L nrac'icP in the several Courts 0f
VV L'w atifUFqaity in this Stake end tie
Circuit Courts of the United Suites for tile
State of Georgia. A)s<\ attc.ntui) &ivcn to
liatc&on, Ga.
dec ,24 ABl*S ' r
pawson, Ga. Albany, Ga.
nAVfXG ourselves together in
the .practice of Law, we will be thank
ful for patronage, and will attend promptly
to all busiueaa entrusted to our care.
docft,lß68 —fim
Qrocery Merolumts,
IIBKRAL advances made on Cotton
Jt shipped to our correspondents in raviiii
nah and Baltimore. ooi‘i‘(£V>Bly*
fTMIANMKUL to my patrons and friends for
JL tueir hberai patronage henMoioro, I still
c optiuue to give lessons on jtunfllfl Pawson.
I w ; lPopen anew term on uu* 2na Monday
in January; 1861), of five months or 20 weeks,
including fifty lessons. Tui'ion is expected
invariably in advance, half at the beginning
of tbo term, and the other half at the expira
tion of the first ten weeks.
Ka(«>* of Tuition, #as,o»
Pupils patronising Prof. Nelson’s High
/fclioof, wishing to secure my services, can
take lessons at his School, as he has ottered
me the use ot his Piano. HW. KitDMA: .
Dawson, Ga. Dec. 24, ’6B—3m
AVhslcsalc A Retail Dealer in
jr.mir lTirAKs
85'Cherry Street, MaOow, f>*-
(rsf"Country Merchauu supplied at New
York Market Prices. nofs;J»n
Wholesale i Retail Dealer In
S«e*>n«] St. M ACON, si
rs'Country Merchants supplied at New York
Mibsit Piuers- nov 8 Sui
At tho old Stand of
II.J.JOILViI 0.1 A. C 0.,
f>7 iflnllK'rry Sf.,
I AM now rwi ivinr, fur the Full end Win
ter trade, h line «eb <tjnp of IT'.l 7YV/A.S,
rT.OcKS , .Ih’WF.LR }' ,8/A VkR IP.I /.'A',
FAN(’Y UloA/fS, J’lA X f >S iftid o'h imu
se.l instruments, WA LKIX (1 FAXES !,
Roor.nty r.utj.v & hovkict ct/r r
T. Kfr 4'," ete., which,' with tnv In'nier stock,
will be sold at VERY LOW !'RICES FOR
CAfilt. A call is respectfully soli, ited
fLwiiig Machines, INeciilcs,
And all new improvements. Public attention
is ealled to these Machines, for sal * a* manu
facturer’s prices by E J. JOHNSTON,
Agcpt for otgia.
sun Carrels, Corks and Mountings.
I have for Pule over WO Criiri which
I am etteiittg tki k>w
I>. J. JUiiN^TON,
w.iTcaa won a*.
I am prepared to do srt short notice, in a
supeiior manner and fully warranted. Also,
Jewelry and all Siandard Sewing Machines
repaired at short notice.
r.ovs;3iu E J. JOHNSTON.
G-. liJO-UTSTJ ),
3TJ;us si facturor
>!«.».• 1« fIIA*BUFV» t IRI i. !
Who Isa It k Retail dealer in
Saddlery Hardware.
AAJF. would again call the attention of
ii I’.anters and Afeielututs lu our supe
rior Stock end increased liciuriea lor ihe
manufacture of everything iu our line, coiu
IjidiCs’, M. n,’ nr,} Il .y*’ rtnddtos,
(Jarritioc, iJugjjj and 'l eant Harness,
Collar,-:, Bridles, Sadd.u Jliaufcets,
Horse Covers, Whips, &0., Ac ,
ISupeiti .s Buggy U' bes.
A variety of I.otlS tier euuatantly Kept on
hand, as Patent An ame led, Deiliug, Luce,
Upper and Call kite;.
A1 o, Eaotnekd Deck p.rd Dri'jiuc.
Ah Widths ni Jf-tU I.eis and eus.oinerS,
knowing wo eun und will offer you actual in
ducements in quality and price, we would re
quest, you to call and examine onr Stock at
14 Third .Street, purchasing elsewhere.
Hi (few, Skins and fur# of all kin s ;
also, Wool, J/o-s and Tallow.
.If.con. On-, Beeviuber ll{Cm
Frenfli & lm A rican foutcclCmeries
mOYS, Fire Works, Fancy Groceries and
1 West India Fru ts. Also, Liquors, Cigars,
T bacco,, aT and a pplcndid asportnjent of
Pipo?, of all qualities and prices. Give him
a call aud be gatihfUd. Ciitriy between
2d and 3d, Mocen, Ga. decl»>;3m
[Have just received anew stock of
Waulies. Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry Sit
ver Ware, Work Boxes, Dressing Cases, and
a full line ot Fancy Goods, sm table for
Clu istmas & Bridal Presents
Call and examine my stock. Special atten
tion paid to the Repairing of Watches, Clocks
and Jewelry. Badges, Rings, Ac., made to
order Woik dune promptly and warranted.
L,. 11.
G» of i / l A~v~ ,f i A“I
u. F, At 11. la. OLIVER,
Tocket am} Table CutTerv, Iron Pipe,
Steam Finings, Ay., wholesale Mannftfcturcrs
of Tin Ware, ii and 41 Third Street,
Macon, : : : : Oxoroia.
111 011 AS WOOD,
Ala,con, - *
dealer in
Chairs, Matlresses, Feathers, Carpets, V\ ih
dow Shades, Wall Paper, Ac. Parlor Setts
in Reps Cloth, Bedroom Setts m
Mahogany and Walnut, A’tiameled Cottage
Setts, cheap, Ac., Ac.
Fisk's Mctalic Burial €as« s,
and Full Glass Gaskets-. Coffins in Rose
Wood Mahogany, Walnut, Cedar and Paint
ed. Prices to suit the tunes, dcp*sm
Mix »,
Wholesale A Retail Dealers in
15 oor S& s 11 0 Es,
Leattiei Fsndirigs, Lasts, &c,,
Mo. 3 Collou Aremift
oc3;3rn' *
_ -0
French & American Confectioneries
Family Groceri’s, & west India Fruits
rnKA, Sueur, ;sTpicc, Mwti'bop, Craok-
I era, Ciitnilci, So <o,
Hrandion, (lorttWl'j, IRttors
Tobncco, /‘ipos, Snuff.
Block, TI ACOft, GA. «k*clO;3m
Iu the shape of
lty every train
Dmr from BetngTbn’u llotql,
WOULD nuk the atthntUMv of all fund of
luxuries or-epbeta!i : u*U, t,o .the lad that
lie is daily reygitjjng . ' . ' _
lie keeps rtfi T,and a fall stock of choice and
fresh ( nucy :siml E'aiciily Grorrr.
i<*q, which he off’era at reasonable fitrures. —
Give him a ball.' d"eD'-3m
l. w. mmi,
Fully prepared to HU aH orders at the
Prices of the West,
with the Freight added.
JTO. r,;i, ren mt stkklt,
and rj’lifi—3m
Jut COI I IdN,
Brandies,- Wineskins, Sugars,!
lii/e, Bourlon i(~ Atmiobyahela. Wh tTuhiir.s,
Manufacturer of lluj Uelebrated
Whitehall Slroct, Alliilltii, Ci;».
J UST received ami for sale at astonishingly
cock Bourbon, at L. CO HEN’S.
J. w. CLAYTON k CO.,
Commission Merchants,
(Opposite McNacght, Ormond k 00.,
Wliileball Street, Atlanta, <ka.
VYe keep a foil stock of all Goods usually
(blind Ili a Grocery Store. Orders and Con
signneats sollcted. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Hi ibe Current
FOR __(j /
FURS, FOR 186§.
Ist 2<i 3d 4'h q"»>
Bear... #4 00 ... .f» 00--*4 ors«»
Otter ..% 00 ... 200 .. l ot »
Mink.... 2 50J... 1 75....1 "0. ft
Beaver. ...1 50 ... T Om
Red Fox 75 50 25 0
Gray . .-25 .... .20 ’ ,
Coon .. 20.... -T5 J 0.... 05
„j D , is 10 OB 03
MII Sk UHt. r rJ si. - - i' 1 #j, , * a A
*-WiSrUat *5 ! *%> n rn
House Cat 121 10 08 On
Opossum 10 08 05 ■
Skunk 30 2° 16 10
Habit 25 cents per dozen.
Fur and Wool Hals.
, . ’ ATLANTA. CA.
LN the Practice of A/edicino, while we are
oppressed ourselves, we are no. unmind
ful of* ujsiwilfr ceudiitou j«o«ur
jteus, and shall endeavor to make honftrS
easv." We shall require FiiMCinsal
< Mall payments in all instances. 1 hose who
cannot pay in G tiIKJ% il,ti ‘ , can
settle their ML, ut tUttt kul ITkJj*.
Cos n, Fodder, Meal, Fresh or salt Meats
Chickens, (fround or Cow Pi*as, Sweet
Potatoes, VVoO.ror raw Hides, In return, we
pledge strret attention and relief. As to corn;
iieU-au-v, we leavy #ur paii ons to a- c‘de.
caf"lVc keep a preserip'.ion.oßicq, am! a ,
'splci'did nsaortrtiput of I'RKSfT WE/fl-
OIXWs find invite onr fridtnls to gi*e us a
call, at Dr. Giloin’s old stand,
r- 4 yj AV.ES 11. /'4 gfi, M.jt V
DdJnon, Januaiy lT;2t a . .
fTTinTli ui:.
21 »V 2'l Cotton Avf.nuk, 2 1 &• 38
JVTaoori, Ga-
KEEP alwavs oil Land all kinds of fine
and plain Furniture, M ihogativ,
Walnut and fancy painted sets, Ib dstcjyJ-',
(Ihairs, Tables, .Waitresses, spring Beds,
Hair cloth, looking Glass platen, all sixes,
(lilt and fancy mouldmgs, aud all articles
usually kept in u tins* class furniture W are
house. All articles Hold hy ns guaranteed to
be as represented. Ordefa promptly filled,
aglow as »f
1 jan! I dull
4 h corrofr a vxkue %
'Afacbn, Georgia,
f.. <; j| f ** r y
Provision Mercluints.
■-fit kj l / ■ l* I r~{) t : a j
%/lqenls For Charles .47Ivon's
C.elebreiJfil Cn>>i»tr Distilled
•Lffcnls Cltrtraclu lAme I Corks
.tyenfs i iustiud drove II Viß
HA VR now iu Store and For Kale at
the very
Lowest Market Pi ices,
A large Stock of Hoods, consisting
in part of
1 000 Bushels Corn
2,000 do Choie.' Tennessee Oils
200 ■ l do Weed Rye *?
200 do Seed Barley
400 Sacks Flour > . ~ ,
100 Barrels Flour (,f u "
100 Sacks Liverpool Salt
50 llhds Bacon Hides and Shoulders
Eimo, (Maxtor and Oment air
tvayx ms linurl.
75 Barrels Whiskey—all grades
10 Tierces N -w Crop Ki-e
HI “ <Ntivansed Bains
25 Barrels Runtp Pork
50 l’ackages leal Lard
100 “ Mackerel
100 B >xes Star Candles
75 “ Hoap
75 Barrels Sugttr
60 Bigs It in and Java Coffee
'? 0 B ties of llay
25 Tons Paorphutes and Fluor of Raw
fill everything reliable, promptly and fairly.
nov5 —3m
'jftsc €i a i#ii:il JPoint Stork V.ifr
( (Miipauy of
Ihe (liiitcd Slates.
The Business of this Company is Exclusively
confined to the Insurance of First'
C lass Healthy Lives,
* STATEMENT JULY 13, 1868.
U. S. Stocks (market value)... .$109,280 0"
Bonds A J/ortgages (city N. Y.) 97,000 (jO
Brooklyn City Bouda (market
value) ‘26,187 50
Virginia State’"'Bonds (market
value) 14,70 C 00
Cash deposited n N". Y. Guaranty
& ludeninity Cos. (at intersi) 45,000 0O
Cash eirTiand and in Bank../... 11i,182 00
Balance due bv Agents (secured) 25 178 23
Office Furniture 6,235 22
fleloirtd seuii anuual quarterly
Premiums 72,165 81
Premiums ill course of coiiccOon 66,nt»4 64
Interest accrued, not due 4,540 67
Other Assets V 3,819 21
T0ta1...a...... ♦468,022 87
Amount required to reinsure
outstanding riske-Uomnn’s
Table—s per dent, $M3,203
Uqp’d Losses, not due, 1 u,y (, (5—♦258,200 (i0
Surplus over A above all liabiU's,♦2lo,422 87
Ratio of Assets to Liabilities, 1814 to 100. !
Number of Policies in force.... S,ofe4
Insuring ♦7,926, B|o
Policies issued since J»u. Ist 1868 I I,IRB
lusuring., ... .y , . ,♦2,713, 26y
Qilera Ike folU>»iug aod popular
plan of Insurance :
Ist. Tits: I.KTCitN PgvMihw Pi-an’ : TTpbn
which policies are is rates .less then thqst!
charged by Jfutual Companies, ptwronOeisf
the return ol all premiums paiu, m addiiAin
to the amount insured.
2d. THKltvittrcrrowok Prkmicm : py'
which policies are issued at rates less tliin
those charged bj Mutual Counpaun#, muarin
teeimj a reduction of 50 per cent, ol the ple -
miuui after the tbuU annual payment.
Ia •Wild bat itfiKSihN V<T "XI 1
Wiuja'h Wa.xfe ■ .Prcaidlnt
BkkuV .1. FuTuiicn vice Pfehr.l.if.
Jons H. Bbwlky Seeretyry
I t’liAM.Ks E PXA.-K Assistant Srerqu
! D. I’akks Ka. .Cotmilting A. iuin
! eliwakp W. i-AMiinier, n. rr... Medical Kxdui
i ALsXASOKtt A Gkkks Solicitor
i r*r kgcuts wanted through ant tw Spilth
i W G WKT«#P,
fiennersl Agent, Eulaula, All.
J J R CUKKTIAN, Agent Terrell Count
1 Ga. dec3:3m
Ml kt !i! LL I.XB'R At V.
J iJte nctauni
Maditon Female Ctuey». Ju/u Wth,
. : 1868. m
Much lias hoen ttaid of Hid intul
lkctua! equality of tho Hesej, tind ti isi
rtiqfitod Quest inn still «rray« ils rnni- I
huttunls tti) (he otfieT aide. In topr- :
numoiit. I brake no luce The pai'ty [
*hich v\ins the viixtory gru*|»a aititri en ]
Hcejili'e. If t hero' he iitoqirtrlilT, the
tliffereriee is nos greater theft 'timflng
ilnlivitlunls of the sumo s„s ; "hikl in
nvy jud>petat»t,lthe »li.ilq thetuy <4 uo
oumntluling oiluLtiDon to whut is po
cuhsr ntid flestini trve in either Iwiys
pr girls to the exclusion of evm’thing
for ptbicb UierqJi n- yhnpli
iude, is itnpolilo if it wyiv
and ini]>rueticablu if it were poll to. —
Minds— tfilhr in rc
s|ircts Boriie are turify—souio me I
breuocions in tlddf detftffipment. Some
S.'m h t|,eir puixiiHUtn of atUiiiLuejM '
UUil almost til. u btutlld—i>ths
els tmTAin ftgep fly- kfo aertr-
inuialiug itu 1 1 1,u, J.. u lime. These pe
eul tirilies inauifent themselves only in
the jii ogross <d. ulo tytd oducylipn
They eannut be 1 <iofnrrt)iried by the sa
yaqitf. of Jklje tetujlmiq nor fvi u!q|l.i, i>y
-tho science of the ptironwlogist. Be
sides «. is the business of cfuetijott to
aid in nature—to remedy lieu dofectp
—direoling- what is strong, and
strengthening what is weak '.lhe
truth is, that voluntary earnest perso
veringp, protracted mental notion, is Urn
chief secret of becoming wise and
great By it a feeble mind may be
tiained to energy mid dßtiuction
\\ i h ut it ? a mighty intedeot will de
gtmtbitF i ) imbc. iiily The dilDrtu
ceß of tip:i udu aim exl’iitiiUbn unidno
men, are in.t strictly constitutional, hit
referable inain'y t<> thou- menial habit*.
Allow ingj.aa 1 think is just and prop
er, u divt-rYily ol mental organization,
yeti iiis ot that all the eli-iaonts of
min ti are common ho both. Thu orig
inal combinatiens of these eleuienls
are endlessly diversified ; but flu) cliar
arterbiie results are net more marked
as between men and woman Lit an 1,0-twucu
twucu tpvn and men 'J ho dissiuiihir
ily, which 1 coneced, if not created ed
uentiou—tho education of the fireside,
the school house tin I Ibo world of so
‘‘•ini ‘do—is essoinially naodified by wo
man's social relation •, and tho pas-ions
and affections incident to those rela
tions. The huiiiun unud is expanded
or cotJract'-tl—corrupted rcfircl
waxes into vigor or wanes into UieDje
thought, of deep analysis, oi prolougeJ
it rather from tnentfil dis
quietude than original incapacity.—
t>'tsp«9fd by lac ti cecities . 1 bfi s ! '
lotfrtetit to think niuot) offiittle UiinifS ;
tnteling nit tho #x|HHst«tionß of society!
y 8 9*\V dt'nsiflu'od, wttianit I
periiaps uistjua. by n dc.cNiVO odr
ucation for liiph and Lu'tiiined mental
nctidr 4 ; it is hot «rtrv#Mo»- thSt so-sow
women are distjuaiitiejl lor great acuk
men anti vigor of intellect. Evcji
timooi? Rl/iii those tjTf raoot 'll *tin
gilfsTictl Dl!' |H|WoV'tfTtTrilD gTlt Knff f t--
cility,of wltoiw |»fof*s|ic.iia
and iiuroutUi moot colistimtly tna Too,
tliliikitvg iiTcnlly, Ui "hi bom s df iji, J-: h..vo-.!iy Rrtd t ;
ioru . Tiiestloep thoo^flits— thoainatuiv
judgment —the continuous ronsonidgs
lol* whkdl the great Olih-ng arc.
C,!el>riltod, tiro tacit natural or sjiotfta’
ueou —the Ltui!e imtrtiincd workm,' ot
original |iow«rrt. T lacy aro acquitotions
habits, tire results of tuud study ai(i
long practice: TO+ dilOur
t■' h 1 : .
i(t t’:y ilijpqkt Ultiiti-a claim
to oxqtil, Uroivuud thiiakeis are rare
protl gies of their generatMW —
ibe proseut sage is wpeluily degeuer
aie—the race of great inon is hutuly
extinct, England has tio Pitts or IV-Ls,
or Wolhnglvii3;j E**co, nojjMira
beats, TitllYJ^tHiilJfMrNiflW-’bfls—Or
at nirtut but bn'e, and he is only ;/tho
no,bow Ot fajs dncL- ’’ A’Ueiivi has no
latore CaLapuiax, .Olays »aad W.eUlvrs
Eveia iu tiio world, of fiteruttire, Uie
cldef nctom have arquiml iroturicty
rather fUitnTnfnc; like Uy tiut
quaint, oud(pv!ui?i JftltTi of L>-s books j |
like Tbnckecity, *.iie utaolling retailer us |
old coni t sewndai; or ldr» (darlyle und
Emerapfl, i.y the most atL’eted, artii*
‘trarv tftirf'finfiiiLiraEuso'of {Ecic iiiyth- j
or UogbiiipM flie world into
rite bwlivj* Shut they are deep, wiieu
they are only dark—profound) bemust
iluy wtiuible,
opinion, tneio {Jj/tfft |
sound wisdom—more wise {ruciiuaj
ideas ntiuh ,M(pore.’ri
I in«)l the pf Otf Iwaab
ed Urtt Htiiti truth U
vcYy RrOTt tlimtksVtb ffrt-rf mrhhcr sq>(;
lltrt Uu*. iAilel i bee tliai tdja tho pest <<t
rn Itlkwad tile o(H*f.tiUatioaniLy iucapalllo
cl gawut mi) :in uuent, wou'd la t be
Occur in lataCAiiicluAli'ia. 4 or.ous so
le ioiih, Hatural, > ntav.ous, *a*y, eatl be
lound to eipiain t:-e l.ic'., 'V..1..I 1 .
chasi giog nil »iy’u ’if of us with tueut.d
iiiapoleney. 8o 1 say in relation to wry.
tot yei, ? tho.f
•< qJ’Ur <t‘ eat Ik - ut: alD
thcAymikWoT literature. The reason*
,»»nuirt **•-!» ni ‘ i
j tiwp “L VWiV lilies ai>J, li'9 8U k jjuCt*t
j wttli w Lqeh tiic-y iief Paoet fatiniiar \
! sub'lkcU* which tend to Tetter and
’IK-1 laniftt,* aH l/ldtieS. MliKd*,
1 leave no time for attention to anythin! j
* b yonci W»*; gjaueltd,.U»e light, the nn
aginatafa No \fonfler,- therefore that
toft i ale * 'figuroV st*in thcee dopart
tmailts most accordant with the delien
r w ios y( their piiysieal und mental cou
Istitfitfon i and to vvliieh they nro ffi 1 -
Ji(ifcfod, )xirtly by Hip tippornfmcnt of
nWtMB, but inuiii y by the. deurerof
of J >i iplilai opia.on. I
vjp iely loisjyot only denied to wo
the motives for strong'mcribil cf- ', Ty ‘vbrch the' ilfhhition iifmen in
ildiood i t«i / »elH<n, tint itqur*., Kofy of -'
fcrH live tdiqitation *o jest in• i«glu*’i«'U*
i|l('ittoci'kyv i; as thu l'tf*|)veL;ib)e .
r itml attractive. The itiyepi Buminj-j
j lion is 11/iMir il PS till'iiiinian hoil-H^RrtF!
Eis rh" passion strongnr with wvtrmm
lliun wbtjli men, says that the former
are di'peiuk'ut for tlioir nertonil ,
J iidlqenee an tluar 1 personal atiracfiorif. '
.Tibs c-rhriio’n in.-ffdaet-of' bur nature j
sehks i!« gmUftciitioncin those rineies
whiob itvfesorvatiiin and , experuHieo .
tuaidi to*lte tho most direct—the
tidiip od to ptqiu'ar taste. While,
therefore, airs are mala to believe,
that tF rc 1? rrforepou'elin a caul than ,
in a thouglft—more vuitoherr in com-i
plexion than in ultt’ac
tion in gracrlirl motion than genaral,
Ltipudcdgu, the ciyav’en- !
tional rodiona of the woild r, press in- |
tAlfrt-tirff] rf;'vr4op!neui and biefor frivx.
oiiti-es <1 elih.rvetor. Tho bravu, the
goods the groat «re nil partiue 4-i Uie
policy.wlpuh assurya. Uie
tfiat dress, .figure, grace ah to their
jpersbns, light coirverJatlbii, ffotfiy enm
ili 'hp’flei's; vapid ihah’it'es about beaux-,
ehtirstsiiip jind muna ige, is about all i
tinit is e.xpeited of tli ill, litldJliat Hie
who txceis in Uifso tlfings is th.o belle {
iof the hour Even wjse men, ih their j
gallantry, talk tionßehse 16 women, n« !
though po’itoness r quired ihemtoeo«-
Argrend to those of low intellectual es
tutu Unifier thu fuilaci(»ns views w ItieU
prevail, thq young. pq%U, in tfiu! so
cial jntorcourso anu at every festal
gatheiing, sc nr to have conspired to
ignoid’knowledgh, taste, ideas worthy
of their rational nature, and tohave re
•otodkl -tho ehnniis of society into idle
prutUe, unmeaning as the ehutter
iijg ol sw allows Tli 8 abotninablo
fashion does Oross to tioth
par ies. Men degrade their ititelleet
hi conqilirrieitt, into unworthy estimate
ol tliepa-salv’es. This style el aitdruss,
Uiougiunteiided to yloyjy. is actually
an insult j as it' i ipnfiea an incapacity {o
ajlprßefhte n'nYtbiirg'nihre sensioh} ifnd
exalted. Instead ol Mistiming, well
pleased wjtfc tho twaddle of their ob
sc'tjuiuus admirers, I wish that wormn
would resent this imputation, upon
their good sense, an 1 compel the lords
of creation into more rational conver
sation. I would as soon look to find
the Gulden of Eden with its limits and
llowers on tlio Circuin polar Sea. ns to
expect tho emancipation of the female
•fffw*flicTiTfTgiuTSs wajpli are perpetu
ally offered 111 life's daily walk, you
milst learn to dl: crlhin.TC., Amid th?
"crowd of nttefUtnnls who y lH 'tt upon
vixiir erodes, th rq nrc *ome, with
pvfium tjuyq Iw-eii a long, long,
fiupu, ot ideas, but n.Uuiui
:u! of meal in tb.- barrel, and a ii’fle
oil hi trio cnb'c. uhd'nb prophet Th the
(and to blofts the aelinty smr •. “They
give you idi. they can no mm e T -.lhnugh
poor the be.” yurc thwii uud
deep your'wratv hipi whp volunta
rily makes Uj Toyl v.f lumsu f, because tie
-fr g to a
HiiituriOjiil 1
An. tW terrible srata secret i)ar been*
,sti : i.r*h ! f in ‘h. ’u t «f thr ft a uUi
mrH. Ju n«; the Mi khc-r of tin* K-ttper r ,
(Jaalps V", was tie logttimute <d dcu oi ;
TLe *»S tl*at tUo went'
“= 1 1(1 c ’'l ’ ! c 1 i c * th '
„f h. ;■ I U ban 1 I'd Up. but, m roabty, |
•dhli Ail, ToMt whs kept |
etlie'fiy ifi#t.rl!W*i6fl, firs’, by hw father, j
Eurdmune, and thou bjt, hoc s"n, the j
GerjiaatA Ea»i ; a»(»r ,for fifty’
lon o year*, Tbo pcf-ceutieus of which i
-h,'\s-s male a victim we [9c inimciited
by hrr nmtuVrj I .rbefla, Juana j
ntU/cd h»r tij.l viewsabmt rho por e- |
etJtiudiefchW' Lea [hu uisg aU’U »t«k ’,
( tag, , AH dj-Ltahwet-V tbaetu, her Utiacr 1
i.’,,di.,sad, 0.. u iuu , if» u.abroai tho
, ( j.,r tta eider to r> igu >0 tc r
i'i.'taaiy her owa ao.a, t'-uaries V ,
contact'd her in a duuguin, auj poajuajt
ted UU«fsi: to ftbuLo auu torture her
, wbcu she refused to take part in the di*
viya a,cidev >^,ll in the yriaa.m. Thess i
fao|« have Lean h*‘>u*ht tu ligbt by a (
j ticfMW .Uivt-jrism,. irgttnrolh, wh<jj
, o/iveU them from the,au:ograjih letters
■if uies V, hithert > kept secret in 1
I ariih.yes of Smaauea*, and publish—
|cd them iu tiyi/eL* li„: Jour.
1 v !’• v- • • fBS —Wluu
Whlflrtik waiftrttotit toembaik ss Orom-
Uvci.’s env .y to Sw. cd n, in fHSS, he
i was reimh disturbed in urind as he rest
• : rti Harwich on the [receding rdghr,
t which was very stormy, while he reflect•
1 ed btf the di.-trtte:ed'W»te of the nuti an.
A riotrfdifiwirfl servant siejit’ in ah artj *-
cent bed,-w WO finding ttifit laia' nuwier
cotirtd not slohp, saieD! I,J 1
1 • J’..iy, sir, will you give me leave to
1 ask you' a([ a'S’totr V*
“CertaYul^*. * i * w '*'* cj ' '
* '‘(Wr, don’t yen rhiuk l GMd g- vortutl
the w rid veiy wdlf before yotf oauab in
to it r . I. j'
8 r‘Ulldfiabfetf^-”' i ' r ' ) I vl:
“And pray, sir, deti’t yoti thmk th tH t
Tie will govern it rini’e «» well whop ‘
y hr Ire g n r ou
*-• ’ .Ui !.V ” j
art, Mr, pray exeiisc, but don’t *
vou rfiinK ton iniy ws-we-d trust liitn loj
govern if as 18«ig as you are in it ?’’•
1 To this question Whitlock bad noths
' i-ii* to reply, uifd turtaiog abou', soon
' fell ; asleep.
, ' :
j The best bank is a bank of ,cait i, —
It never refuses to discount to honest
labor. Aud tbe best shares are plow
! shares, cn which dividends are always
A 01. II r No. -11>.
d>; «fir*.'. •, .
A CMfffllfrarc Wit? Cm nested
by Soi llioi-u (loir*.
I A remaikaMe will case is now pend
ing in the (lhanoery Court at Sehua,
jAlahf.frfi, in tohuifi it, ia anughi (o ir
vdi laie a wilt, maife nnler peHchlar
t cireumrtaneri, durTni? »ho existence of
tho l ife Coalodeantv govern roent.
f During tic, war if fleoais (hat a
wealthy planter .residing in Dallas
oountY, Alabimr.; was desirous of
leaving his principal estate, valued at
! ov'or s:*©o,oo4>,to bin heirv, consisting
’ of» br,o - her.and sisters aud their •bif
dreu residing at the, N -r,h. Fearing
that if he male lhom his lrgitoea under
a will, he b ing a bachelor, tho prop
erty wfiuld b come canfi'Oa'el by tho
■ Curif derate fr> ernment he devistd the
whole of liis property to a nephew and
uieco, thee retiJiug ia A1 'bima*. A
s crct ujicroorancu u was afterwards
drawn up, by whieh he directed how ho
desir'd rhut his osfate should be divi
| <le*f and di-pox. and of', among his North
ern heir ; This memorandum, howev
er, was no part o/ the will, not being .-ig’iid by tho ’testator, bat
which the nephew sacredly promised t>
sec executed and catlied out. The*
testator idled io October, i»i64, and the
nephew and tiiocc,, be,lure, they cculd
i trust reposed in them, died
sOjD utter. The husband of the nieco
i promised the fiCphew. on his death-bed,
that he won’d solemniy carry out his
; uncle's desires, as expressod iu tha se
cret mewjfandy u; but tfio husband
afterwards administered on the estate
and o’aini and it iu right of his child by
his'diep-.s and wi'o the niece.
('no of the priotsipul hetrs of tbe
estate is Mrs Jjjnpa ftuisman, of
New York, the half sister ot the testa—
t r, who has seeurod tho valuable ser
vtoos of our talented trietid, Ham. U.
livid, Esq , together with Messrs. Pet
tus.& Dxwsmi, of Him a as associate
counsel. The defense is represented
ly Gen. John T. Morgan, td. the {Ach
illa bar.
Tho grounds upon which tho heir*
seek to annul the will are, shut it was
rod .iu fear of and avoid tho laws of
the Coijf. derafo HGtcs", being ia tho
nature of a /We* commigxrr, nr secret
trust, by wuiclt the Irgateo were sub
stituted in.piaoe of the real an-J iuteo
ded heirs, and is theres r; void. Tliai
tlio stcret memorandum feing made
aficr the will, shows the real intentiow
and wish of the testator, hy afterward*
making a totally diff rent di-position
of his woporiy, but whieh being with
; eonai to 'in
whieh case b's p f" rty goes to hts betel
The cite will be argued in Fcluary
I uex', and as it involves a question of
i great moment the decision will no
| doubt prove interesting to the
I pfolbtK&tt.—A>ic Orlmng Orescent.
When Shall We Meet Agaiwf
Men seldom think of the great even#
(if death until lh? shadow falls across
their own path, biding forever from
their byes the tree’s of the loved ones
1 Who-H iivfrtg smiles wrt’e the sunlight of
! their exisf t.c>. 1.) a’h is «he great uo-
tao'uiirt of life, and the oold thought of
'he tomb is the skid-tun t)f ail leasts'-
We do not want to go thrpugh the dark
! valley, iilflaough its may lead
; to i'srAdue, and with Gtiatles Lamb,
I we do not Wmt to lie down in the mud.
ply grav , cv-aii with kings and prinoos
, for our byt\ f llgws.
1 But th : fni of naiurc 13 Inezorable.
1 The/i is no afpea!’ of roßnf from tbo
1 'treat law whieh dooms iw to dust. We
fimu ish tmd we fade *s the leaves of the
iff rest and the llawei tli-t hlootns and
wi hors in a (lay has not a frailer hope
! upon I fu than the mightiest monarch
' (hit cv r shivtik tho earth with hw foo »
( steps Generation* of men appear and
vaeishn the gl ass, and the countless
lauLitudo that the world to-day
wuUtQ in rr iw di appear as the footstep*
ofl tbe snoio.
Iu the brrautifel drttma of law, the in
stinct of our immortality, so cl quently
iitriiared by the dgath devotod Greek,
.finds a deep response iu every thought
ful s ul. When ab ut to' yield hi#
you rig efistened as a TacrffitSli to fate hi#
1 iir l'.ved Uiemanthe asks if they akal!
not meet again, to which he replies“l
have, asked that dreadful question of
tfij LijL Lisß k'Qy vtgtgs’i —v* ‘U? = ’ ea?
streams that (T iw foren r—of tho star#
am 'bg’wh'rs fields of cfare my raised
■spirit ha’h wa'k<"d in glory. All werfl
I dttnb. Jlut w'.nls I gaae upon thy lif'
; j iug, l feel that tfiejrc jt something in
the love that mantles tfii'ugh its beauty
rt.a£ Qatinof whofy pfrish. NVo shall
uk o' Clvtn tnthe.”
p '„TLc fUpubltcan gets off tbe fol—
limi i x.r i»T mv7r> r km tire, rhere is scou**
oiever suiirc. g^uu
ice fitimor in it, and more truth than
poetry: ,
l* i ,iAisTt A sober ‘Local’ went to
.iifriircL this nfr,ruing and heard the ohoir
i wirtle most tßelcdioußly the following
1 1 ??ee ec wbaw tha tbe Law ce eel
1 Gaw. It oe ee eah ha ado tth, and naW
1 ee our eah —we aw to cop ah and Mhed
! ftf hoe ah hec 5’
Upon referring to our prayer
wo found that this was what they rflC'.nt
to” sing:
• 'Bj ye sure that the Lord ho is God.
It is he tl at hath made ns, tod not we fc
ourse’.ve* ; we are his people and tha
hcep of his pasture.’ — I‘kvyune ,
Be deaf to the quarrelsome, blind to
(he s corner, and dumb ko those who ar*
1 mischievously inquisitive,