The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1866-1868, January 23, 1868, Image 1

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i)A\YNO.\ JOURNAL. Local Column. COTTON LOW I And Dry Goods Lower!! GOODS, GOODS, GOODS, «A_t New York Cost. j\.t New York Cost. A t. ISTew York Cost. H 'AVISO on hand an enormous Stock for the season, and being compelled to meet heavy claims at ao eariy day, we will sell our splendid Stock at victual .Del C York Cost. Our old customers and all others in want ol the best bargains ever offered in Dawson, should call and eiamiue Goods and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. This is a good opportunity for Country Merchants to replenish their Stocks; as we can fill all bills cither WSIOLLSALE or RETAIL, at Cost Prices. S. JtI.SIESEL A BKO., Opposite Court ITonse, Public Square. Dawson, Ga., Dec. 19, 1867—ts attention oddfellows We have a call meeting on Thursday night next for business ol importance. Our meet ings are every Afonday night, and all mem bers are requested to attend. A J/kmuxb. Appointments of Itcv. Thos. E. • Langley. Tst Sabbath aad Saturday before, at Smitbvillo, Loe county, Ga. 3id- Sabbath and Saturday before, at Fort Gaines, Clay oounty, Ga. 4th Sabbath and Saturday before, at Dawson, Ga. Tlac Apppointinenls Ou the Dawson Circuit will be filled as follows for the year 1868, DAWSON, Ist Sunday, Revs. T. T. Christian and H. V. Mulkey. 2nd Sunday, Riv. L G Evans. 3rd “ “ T. T. Christian. 4th “ “ A. L. Hamilton. DOVER, Ist Sunday, Rev. John Skipper. 2nd “ “ T. T. Christian and H. V. Mulkey. 3rd Sunday, Rev. J J. Sessions. 4th “ “ H. V. Mulkey. NEW HOPE, Ist Sunday, Rev. James Spenoo. 2nd “ “ (Vacant at present.) 3rd “ “ H. V. Mulkey. 4th “ “ T. T Christian and L. G Evans. CHICKASAWHATCHEE, Ist Sunday, Rev. Wtn. Hays. 2nd “ “ John J. Sessions. 3rd “ “ Thos. E. Speight. 4'h “ “ Thos. T. Christianand L. G. Evans. ' PLEASANT GROVE, Ist Sunday, Revs. Thos. T. Christian and H. V. Mulkey. 2nd Sunday, llcv. James Spence. 3rd “ (Vacant ) 4>h “ llev. Wm nays. SALEM, Ist Sunday, Rev. L. G Evans. 2nd “ “ T. T. Christian and n V. Mulkey. 3rd Sunday, (Vacant.) 4th “ “ BETHEL, Ist Sunday, Rev Thos. L. Speight. 2nd “ (Vacant) 3rd “ Rev. L. G. Evans. 4th “ (Vacant.) Friday before each 3rd Sabbath, Rev. Thos. T. Chris’ian. JC3C” Rev. Dr. A L. Hamilton will preach in the Methodist Church, in Dawson, on Sabbath next. Council in J/otion.— The -1/arshal closed ap his dead fall night before last, and put a man in the Cblaboos", Crime—Got drunk on somebody else’s Whiskey. We sail the attenticn of our citizens to the .Establishment of Reaucheuburg & Jourdan, Cabinet J/.ikers, under the J/usouic Dali. We have never seen neater wotk.— They are turning out all kinds of Furniture in a neat and tastety style. Give them a cal! ESF“ Oar friends, Messrs. Alexander A Parrott, are still at their old stand, proposing to sell better Goods, cheaper, or as cheap as anybody. OTA Freedman in the employ of J/essrs Byrd St <, Coker, while demonstrating to a crowd of lazy brothers ot de African ’scant, his expert use of a Repeater, phot himself.— Unfortunately it was through the leg. Our friends, .Messrs. Bryd & Coker, hare removed from their old stand, and now occupy the building known as the Roes & Harden stand. Rent too high, which wil' soon cause their old neighbors to take steps in the same direction. tt* After several long, weary days of tho most inclement weather, we are again made to feel tho strengthening rays of another sun. The farmers are now able to get cut of dcors and do something towards making a living, and we w ish them much success ; and if they will only profit by experience, they will not prepare much laud the present year for cot loa, but they should endeavor with all their might and main to produce the substantial Os life. vs ‘ n did we look lor the renowned hone-trainer to make his appearance in our Streets on Tuesday eveuiug last, but we learn, however, that he passed through our town yesterday on the down train. We hopo ho will JO9O give us a call, as we are »erv anx lous to see the show, and especially, since it eosts nothing. &SC -Ik o last number of Scott’s Magazine is on our table. Ii is au en terprising periodical, filled with much original reading matter. Its coininuni cations upon some of the productions o» tt»c gifted Swinburne arc very rich aud thiieh do. ervcJ. lilNti OF PAIN. The King of l’uin has come to town, And a wonderful thing it is, To see this King goiug around Curing of the Rhenmaliz. It cures the head w hene’er it aches, And it cures the cur ache too, For dyspepsia ’tis said to be better than Drake’s, And for toothache, like steel, ’tis true. ’Twill cure the throat whene’er its sore And tbo tramp whenever you have it. Pleurisy', neuralgia, bad colds, and more, You’ll thank the one who gave it. ’Twill euro you of chills in the spaco of rive minutes, And pain in the back in ten, If it fails not in doing all this, it will, win i’s Good reputation with men. For incarnations and bronchial affec tions, And him that’s deaf as a post, Try a bottle yourself, and you’ll have no objections To the very small sum it may cost. THE “DEVIL” For the “Dawson Journal." Mbssks. Editoks : —ln your issue of the 16th inst., you ark the question ; have wc a Town Council or not ? lan swer yes, we did have some four months ago such a body. Some time ago they had a bridge built across a email spot of dry grouud inside the incorpora tion, and I am now informed they are trying to hire some paddies to ditch the creek under the bridge. I am also informed that some of the pub ■ lie highways are in a bad condition, and since the times of drafting it seems that the Inferior Court has ccas-d is vigil ance in that direction, I propose we stop taxation and turn the whole concern cut to grasswheu spring time comes. GENTLE ANNIE. Dawson, Ga., Jan. 21st, 1868. Tlie Uottom Out. Will Grant run upon a Republican platform, with the bottom out! 1 Thai’s the question. All eyes will soon turn upon the Supremo Court. The Mc- Cardle esse, from Mississippi, is there. Not many days now will elapse before the case will excite more intense dis cussion and interest than anything in Congress. The validity of the laws establishing military despotism in Ten States of the Union is now brought directly in ques tion, upon a habeas corpus oaso iMc- Cardle was arrested, imprisoned, and ar raigned for trial before a military com mission, for publishing articles in his newspaper at Vicksburg, denounc ing their acts as unconstitutional, and advising the people to vote against a convention. Itisaease involving per sonal liberty upon a wiit of right, and it takes precedence before the court The case presents the naked ques tion of the validity of these laws. The court must meet and decide it; and they will These laws are such open, jll .grant violations of the Constitution j that it is impossible they will not be ! declared such liy a majority of the I judges ; and that decision knocks the bottom out of the Republican platform. Hut the case is likely to present an other interesting feature. Upon the bench sits Chief Justice Chase, a candidate for the Presid- ney, especially urged by the negro organiza tions of the South. President John son will be represented by the Attor ney General, who must concede in open court that these laws are unconstitution al ; that will compel General Grant, who represents the War Department, and has the mili:ary reconstruction un der his control, to come into court also, by counsel specially employed for that purpose, or he must abandon the mili tary supremacy sought to be establish ed by those military bills. And there will appear also the counsel of McCardlc to represent the liberties of the poople, and to maintain that the Constitution, which expressly foibids the arrest and trial of Atnct icau citizens not engaged in the naval or military service, by military courts, is still the supreme law of the land Hut the curi ms inquiry now is, what immediate effect will it hav. npen candi dates and parties ? Many sagacious men believe that Gen eral Grant, who has always expresseu reluctance to leave his present high po sition to be a candidate lor the Presi dency, will say to the Radical politicians who desire to nominato him, “the bot tom of your platform is gone. I have resolved to remain where I am, upon the solid platform of General iu-Chicf of the army, and shall adhere to that until I find a sounder basis thau a Re publican platform.” Hut for the Chief Justice, what a glorious opportunity to present himself in an elaborate opinion as the champion and defender of the negro and military despotism policy, and pur'cxcellencc,, its head and representative. He may thus increase his chances for the nomination at Chicago. Let us wait patiently.— Wo shall sec JV. Y. World. A Cuiticvs Case. —A child six weeks old was brought to Dr. Up De Graff yesterday, having been born with the eyelids grown together in such a man ner as to entirely cover the eyes, ron doring the child perfectly blind. The Doctor served the adbesiou of the lids, atid exhibited two perfectly formed eyes beneath, so that there is every rca sou to believe that the child now sees. The D ictor informs us that this is the first ease- of the kind that ever ooeurrrd iu his practice —Khnira (A r . Y)Aderr Tn a report made by Genera! Gillein to General Grant, he shows that three fourths of the fieerlmen will ho throw n out of employment l>y th failure of last your e crops. Ilea lilt fully I'xpresmeil. Tho Mempnis Avalanche, of late date, thus closes an editorial upon the char aotcr, cntclligcnce, courage and patriot ism of the soldiers that composed the Southern army ; Surely no army ever had in it such soldiers as were those of our Boutheru army. The pulpit sent its ministers, great and gflod. Tho bar sent its law yers in troops. The press sent its edi tors. publishers, and printers. The college sent on its professors and stu dents by the hundred The morals and intelligence, the courage tho puri ty of the Southern soldiers, has hardly been equaled in the annals of war. No power can ever compel the Southern people to forget their virtues or ignore their patriotism. The heel of tho des pot can never crush out the feeliDg of of devotion to the memory of our glori ously dead. The military satrap pre vent our following the exhumed dead to their last resting place, but wo cannot be prevented from embalming them in our memory, and enshrining them in our hearts. As long as earth bears a flower, or the sea rolls a wave, so long will heart and memory cling to those who fell iu the lost cause 1 The name of the humblest private shall live in amaranthine beauty, when prouder names shall have gone down to infamy. Toe work on tho Memphis and Lit tle Rock railroad is to bo pushed for ward with tho utmost speed. A great many of the tobacco facto ries in Richmond Va., suspended op erations last week for the winter. JHAKKIED In Dawpon, Ga., January 16th, at the resi dence of the Bride’s Mother, by Rev. Thos. T. Christian, Mr. T. R. Blxckshear and Mv>b Lizzie .t/ills. DIED In Dawson, Ga., of Pneumonia, on the 20th inst., M. try Lizzie, infant daughter of Judge W. G. and T. J. Parks, age ten months. “There is a heavenly Shepherd, And ere thy infant charms Had caught the tinge of care or woe He call’d the* to his arms, And through the shadowy valley, With Death’s dark frown was dim, Light cheer’d the stormy passage And thou art safe with him. LAWKEICE CHAPTER 19, MEETS Fourth Wednesday night in each -1/onth. J. if. Simmons, H. P. J. C. F. Clark, Secretary. I*. T. Selilcj Lodge-, No. 229, F. A. ITi. MEETS Third Friday in each month, 2 o’clock, p. m. C. C. Truss, W. M. J. B. Avast, S-eretary. ’HAIiIiETS. JOURNAL OFFICE, I Dawson, Jan. 22d, 1868. } We quote cotton to day atlOcts; best article. Macon, Jan 14—We still quote cotton at 14 New York, 17u171. Charleston ; cotton at 17. Augusta; middlings 15. Savannah; Cotton inactive; mid dlings 15|. Daivsou Prices Current. Corrected Weekly by Wm. WOOTEN. C0tt0n,....... 9 a 10 DeLaines, 25 a 40 Lancaster, a3O 40 Sheeting 16 a 18 Factory Tarns, 175a2 00 Coats’ Thread, 1 25a Kx. Fain. Flour,l6 a 16£ Superfine, la a 144 Rice, 14 a 15 Sugar, Brown,.. 17 a 18 Coffee Sugar,... 18a20 Syrup, cane, 75a100 “ sorghum.BO a7O Bagging, Kenl’y, 30 .. 33 “ Gunny, 43 a Rope, 12 a 14 Candles, Star,... 80a3fi Dried Fruit,.... 12Ja 15 Tobacco, 60 a 1 60 Soap, turp’ntine. 16 a 20 Whiskey.... 3 a SSOO j Copcras, ......10 als | Irish Potatoes 3 OOaS 60 Gold 30a 35 Silver,.... 25a30 Prints,... .10 *lB Gingbuns 37 a 50 Lard 18a20 Osnabnrgs 18a 22 Bacon, ... 1 Salß C0rn,..l 00a 1 26 Tea 1 50*200 Coffee, 28a 33 Candy,.. .35 aSO Cheese,... .2Ga3O Salt, 8 75 Glass,,.. .*8 alO Butter .. ,35a 40 Eggs,... 20 * 25 Beeswax,. 14 a 15 Tallow,, .10 a 15 Snuff,.. 1 00a 1 25 Nails,... .9 a124 | 5h0t,.... 16*20 j Powder,. .60 a 75 Special Notices, For Tax Collector. Wk ire Authorized to announce the name of W. 11. Mercer as a candidate for Tax Col lector of Webster County, at the ensuing election. AINTS for FA7?MKRS’ and others.—The . Grafton Mineral Pnint On. are now mßnu faeturiug the best, t'heapeet and most Durable Paint, in use ; two coats well put on, mixed with pure I.iuaeed Oil, will last tn or 15 years ; it is of alight brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can 1»> changed to green, lead stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit the case of the consumer. It is valuable for 7/ousea, Barns, Fences, Carriage and Carmakers, Fails and Wooden-ware, -Agri cultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels and Ships’ Bottoms, Canvas,,Metal and Shingle Hoofs (it being fire and water proof) Floor Oil Cloths, (oue Manufacturer having used 5000 bids, the past year, and as a paint lor any pnrposc is un surpassing for body, durability, elasticity, and adhesit eneaa. Price )0 per bbl. ot :tou lbs.' which wifi supply a farmer for years to come. Guar anteed iu all eases as above, i'end for a circular which gives full particulars. Norn- genuine un less branded in a trade mark Grafton Mineral Faint. Address DAAIKI, BJ D\\ FT.L, 26*1 Pearl Street, X ( y , ERRORS OF 101TU. A Gentleman who suffered lor years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe aud directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser’s experience, can do so by address ing, in perfect confidence, JOHN B. OGDEN. my3:ly 42 Cedar Street, New York. 77) t ’ O.VN l.flTlt'HS. The I(KV. KDlVAltl) A. WII.SOX will send (free of charge) to oil who «lf*Firo it, the prescrip lion with tho directions for making and using the simple remedy by which ho was cured of a lung affect ion and that dread disease Consump tion. His only object is to benefit the aflliccd and he hopes every snUerer will try this presort■ition as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. /’lease address ' KKV. KHtVAKI) A. WILSON, No. W& Sowth Second Si itsHt, Williams borough, New York. 424 - INFORMATION- Information guaranteed to produce a lnxnri mt growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless a receipt for the removal of rimpjes, Blotches, KruptiotM Ac., on the skin, leaving ilie sßiiw sofr, dear and beautiful, «m be obtained withdut charge hy addressing THO&. F. CM VI’MJN, Chemist. IlroadwHjr. Xcw York, TO EVERYBODY. Anil The Balnucc or (he World ! ORR, BROW N A Cos. have closed hooks and sell no more ou TIME until all uc counts are settled. But Hear It IV Interfiled Ones. They w ill sell their present Stock of Dry Goods, Howls A Mine., Huts, sand K«*ti«ly-Ylitile 4'lolliiug. and every, thing else SO LO H that the purchaser will tliiuk it is almost having it giveen to him. fotlou Adiauced! Money R anted! ORB, BKOWN A Cos., say to all who owe them that mbkral arrangements will he made with all iheir customers who will COM FORWARD IMMtDIATtLY with their cotton. Now is ) our time to settle, before this opportunity passes. ORR, BROWN & CO. j»n2;tf 1868. 1868. ALEXANDER i PARROTT ¥E are now offering our stock of OKI GOODS, cmiocjskies, HOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CLOTHING, &c., At Greatly Reduced Prices For Cash ! We have just recrivod another car load of that Superior I *trglnia Salt, 5,000 Pounds Assorted Sugar—A, B, 0, Crushed and Brown. 1,000 Pounds New York Slate and English Dairy Cheese—very fine. 3.000 Pounds Superior Family Flour. 100 Pounds Tennessee Butter. 2 Gross Jeffrey’s bottled Ale —Pints. All of which we offer A Off’ for THE tAISH. ALEX\ Ml HR & PARROTT, Dawson. Ga The Great Popular Paper! The Charleston Daily News! SUBSCRIPTION PRICE SIX HOEL.IBS %l YEviß J The Charleston Try-Weekly New Three Ihdlnrs a I 'car Tuo Hollars for Six Alonlhs. TERMS CASH IN ADVANCE. It®- No paper sent unless the Cash accompuuics the order. Jt®“ No paper sent for a longer tim than paid for RIORDAN, DAWSON, & CO. Mti.ritfKTOßS. agents wanted for the GRAYJ ACKETS, And bow they llvt’d, fotipht. and died for l>ixie, with Incidents and Skttcliob of life in the Confederacy, Comprising Narratives of Personal Adoen tnrty Army Life , Naval Adventure, Home Life, Partisan Paring, Life in the Camp, Field and Hospital, together with the Songs, Ballads, Anecdotes and IJamorosis Inci dents of the War for Southern Indepen dence, There is a certinn portion of the war that will never go into the regular histories, nor be eni bodi<*d iu romance or poetry, which is a very real part of it, and will, if preserved, convey to suc ceeding generations n better idea of the spirit of the conniet than many dry reports or earelul nar ratives of events, and this part may be called tin' gossip, tlie fuii, the pathos of the war. This il lustrates the character of the leaders, the humor of the soldiers, the devotion of women, the bra l very of men, the pluck of our heroes, the mance and of the aorvieu* The Valiant and It rave Hearted* the picturesque and /Jramatie, the Witty and Marvelous, the ten der and pathetic, and the whole panorama of the war are nere thrillingiy portrayed in a masterly manner, at once historical and romantic, render iuj£ it the most ample, unique, brilliant and read able hook that the war lias called forth* Amusemcut as well as instruction may be found in every page, as graphic detail, brilliant wit, and authentic history, are skillfully intorwoven in this work of literary art. Send for Circulars and aee our terms, and a full description of the work. Address, J ON h S 15KOTHEKS A CO., dccl3 Atlanta, Oat _A_ vyirn , * le opening of anew yoar, Dr. 11 KEEN’EY again offers his professional services to the citizens of Dawson and sur rounding country ; hoping, hv strict atten tion to his profession alone, and close, watch ful and constant attention to hjs patients, to merit a share rs public patronage. Your patronas’erespectfully solicited. Office in “Journal Building,” front room, up stairs, over store of Orr, Brown & Cos., where he can be found at all times, unless professionally engaged, or at his residence. Calls left at the store of Orr, Brown & Cos., will be promptly attended. / t«OKGIA. Tem ll Count)’ V.T Whereas, W\ P. W. Leonard, applies for letters of dismission from g Jardianehip of James Knight, minor of John Knight, dec’d. These are, therefore to cite and admonish allpersons com erued to be and appear at my uffiee »i time prescribed by law, and show ' .ny exists, why said let— ers should m granted. Given Hi) in my hand and official signa ure, this July 12, 1867. T. M. JONES, Ordinary. NOTICE. SIXTY days after date application will be made to the court of Ordinary of Terrell county for leave to sell the real estate of Willis’ Woolbright, late of said county, de ceased. WASHINGTON WOOLBRIGHT, Jin. 2, 1868, 2m Adrn’f. NOTICE. SIXTY days after date, application will be made to the Tour; of Ordinary of Cal ltoun County, for leave to sell the entiro real estate of Isliam K. Mills, dec’d., e*oept the Widows Dower. W ILLIAM RYE, oc<2stra Adra’r. de bonis non. NOTi OE. Thereby forewarn all persons from trading for a certain promisuorv note, given about the middle of March ior »f>o pounds lint col lon, aud doe the Ist of December, 18(V7, to John Da via i and as the cot stdera'ien of said note having-failed, I am determined not to pay it unless compelled hv taw. W. E. BOZEMAN. Nor29-(57-lm. 1808. 1868. PERRYMAN & MERIWETHER ARE NOW RECEIVING OKU OF TUB— HUGEST MI BEST Selected Stocks of PURE MEDICINES, Ever before offered in this market. They have been srcrtSSFIL PRUTITIOSEtS, Os Medicine in South Western Georgia, for the last seven or eight years, and have pure! ased their Stock of Ill(SI In accordance to the nccesisties es the People, and the peculiar diseases of the country with which they are perfectly conversant, All wishing PURE & FRESH DRUGS, CHEMICALS, DYESTUFFB, PAINTS, OILS, PEItFUNERY, FANCY ARTICLES LTC. ill find it ‘y Tlieii* Advantage To Call on Perryman & Meriwether, At their Drug Store in LOTLESS BLOCK, m Next door to T. J. Pratt’s, 'll^ D.fFI’SO.r, U T.l. 2wEjfACO^T 7 O-IEOIEUa-IJA, ; IMPORTER OP Amu Amm CHINA A.TND CROCKERY WARE. AND DEALER I-NT SILVER-PLATED WARE, HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS, STOVES, TIN AND WOOD-WARE. B. -V. WISE- Cherry Street 6, £ r r ■ CHEAT IMDCMTS! New Goods by Thousands! JiiMFroni Mew York! Id MHE undersigned, take pleas «ln4 ure in informing the Public— and more especially the Citizens of DAWSON AND Suirrouncling Country That I have in store, and daily re ceiving one of tho Largest and most Carefully Selected Stocks ev’r offered in the city of Daw son , consisting of DRY GOODS ! Os Every D.sjripti n, NOTIONS, BOOTS, SHOTS, lIATS, CAPS. T- J. PRATT, Main Street, Loyiess Block, XTavyson. G a. ttisstn. crio.r. r l' , UE copartnership heretofore existing un- JL der the firm name and style ot Pratt A Cochran, is tlus day dissolved by mutual con sent. The bustties of the old’ firm will be settled up bj Ur. T. J. Pratt. T J PRA7'7 t Dee. Ist, 1867. D. A. COCHRAN. rob’t falknkr, g. w. burr, iu F. WOOLFOLK FALKNER, BURRS WOQLFOLK, COOKING STOVES, Wholna le dk Retail. X\JT. have now on band ani receiving over 1V 800 Cooking Stoves of the latest and most approved patterns, which we arc selling at prices ranging from (jjtlG to s2oo>oo. Every Stove complete with Furniture, anil warranted Perfect ami to Givi Satis faction or Exchanged. Our Stock is complete with PARLOR S OFFICE STOVES. FARMERS* BOILERS, HOLLOW WARE. WOODEN WARE, CUTLERY, BASKETS, PLATED GOODS, LAMPS, Ami EY ER\ THIXG bclooging to a first class Hous€~riirnish iny Stork • TO DEALERS. WE are offering great indheements in Tin 99-\fre, which are manufacturing ex tensively. Orders promptly attended to. 7 hird At., (2nd Door from Cherry,) n.YCON, - . GEORGIA. oct 11:3m NOTICE. TXTY days after date, application will t e O made to the Court of Ur-liiiary of Calhoun County, Ga., for leave to sell the entire rest estate of Solomon G. Beckcom, late of sail conntv, dcc’d. SUSaSSAII E. BECKCOIf, T. w. J.OYLKSB. jonN l. onirri* LGYLESS & GRIFFIN. “WE ARE NOW ON IT," NOT ON A CREDIT, But a Casli System. We sell no Goods to be paid in a few day*t which never come due, nor to our most inti mate friends upon one days credit. Thisnila will be strictly adherred so iu every case, rich or poor, high or low. We are compelled to take this course. To cash buyers, we bog leave to announce that we have purchased the large snd complete Stock of E. B. I.oyless, consisting in part of FANCY, DRESS & STAPLE DRY GOODS, Hoofs, Shoes, Hat*, Caps, Clothing-, Groceries, &c«, which were purchased at unprecedented low Humes, and are continuing business at Hla Old Sfil!ld, where we propose to sell Goods at the Lowest Market Prices for iho Gash, and Cash only . Also, have ae curcd the new and Commodious Warehouse, Os Loyloas A Print, where we pro pose to Receive, Store, Ship and Sell, all Cot. ton entrusted to our care, on as libera! terms as any House iu tho Town, with promptness and dispatch. LOYLF.SB & GRIFFIN. Dawson, Ga., October 25th, 18®7—2m. GREATEST SUCCESS. It Prevents Rust. It has been used for nine years by one of our Be=t Georgia Farmers, for he fiods it the best ever offered for Wheat, for torn, for Cotton, for Turnips, and all Garden Truck. It can be proved it will increase the crop Three Fold. Every sack or barrel AVarrantod Standard. Guaranteed by Prof. J. 11. Booth. For sale in barrels or sacks at manu fccturer’s prices nnd freight, by j. H. ZEJLIN & CO., N'i\B 3m Druggist, Macon, Ga. C A LUiillit MIC It IFF SALES. Will be sold tiefore the Court House door, iu tho town of Morgan, Calhoun county, Go., on the first Tuesday in February next, withi* the legal hours of sale, tho following proper ty, to wit; Ooe brown horse mule, andooo bay mure mule, levied on as the property of O L. Varner, to satisfy a fi fa from Randolph Superior Court, in favor ol John finn,* vs C. t.. Varner, and A’arlv Varner, security. Property pointed out bv /Tarty Yaraer. also, 20 bales cotton and 84(10 buahels corn, levied on as the property of leivsoa B. Carter, to satisfy a mortgage ft fa, issed from the «u, ty court ol Calhoun county, yn favor of By id & Coker vs Lawson II Carter. Property pointed out by defendant. W, A. Haw: or a, D. ShTT. WootfiuffWagons and Buggies. o {HAVE left with me lor sale, a few of I these celebrated Wagons and Buggies, which will be disposed of to Cash buyers at exceedingly low prices. W. M. PEEPLES. Dawson, Ga., Dec. It), IS67—lm “TIGER LILIES*’*-A Novel, by Finsrv Lasira—Price #1,64. For -. le hy I HAVENS A BROWN, 91 Cher y street, Macon, G*.