The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1866-1868, February 20, 1868, Image 3

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Local Column. COTTOM LOW l And Dry Goods Lower M GOODS, GOODS, GOODS, York Cost -31 York Cost. _A_t New York Cost. HAVING on hind an enormous Stock for the season, and bring compelled to meet heavy claims at an early day, we will sell u»r gpleudid Stock at ./(t It ill .1 tic o3»rrcu*t6mars and all others in want olftftAw* ftti offered tti Dawson, should call and examine Goods and prices, before purchasing elsewhere. This is a good opportunity for Country Merchants to 'replenish thpir Stocks; as we can fill all bills either WBI© I, L K •r RETAIL, at Cost Prices. g. m.siENEL a into., Opposite Court Iloupe, Public Square. Dawson, Ga., Dec. 19, 1867—-If Appointments of Rev. Thus. E. Langley. Ist Sabbath and Saturday before, at Smithville, Loo county, Ga. 3rd Sabbath and Saturday before, at Fort Gaines, Clay county, Ga. 4th Sabbath and Saturday before, at Dawson, Ga. _______ The Apppoiulments On {the Dawson Circuit will be filial as fallows ffer the year 1868. DAWSON, lstSunday, ltevs. T. T. Christian and 11. V. Mufkey. 2ud Sunday, Rev. L G Evans. 3rd “ “ T. T. Christian. « “ A. L. Hamilton. DO V Eli, Ist Sunday, Rev. John Skipper. 2 u( j “ “ T. T. Christian and H. V. Mulkey. 3rd Sunday, liev. J J Sessions. 4th “ “ 11. V. Mulkey. NEW HOPE, lgt Sunday, Rev James Spenoo. 12nd “ “(V acant at present.) 3rl “■ “ 11. V. Mulkey. 4th “ “ T. T Christian and L. G. Evans. CHICKAB A.WHATCIIEE, lstSunday, Rev. \Ym. Hays. 2nd “ “ John J. Sessions. 3rd “ “ Thos. L. Speight. 4th “ “ Thos. T. Christian »Dd L G. Evans. PLEASANT GROVE, Ist Sunday,' Revs. Thos. T. Christian and 11. V. Mulkey. 2nd Sunday, Rev. James Spence. 3rd “ (Vacant ) 4.h “ Rev. Win Ilays, SALEM, l«t Sunday, liev. L. G Evans. 2nd “ “ T. T. Christian and II V. Mulkey. 3rd Sunday, (Vacant.) 4th “ . “ ■ * RET 11 EL, Ist Sunday, Ilev Thos. L. Speight. 2nd “ (Vacant) 3rd “ Rev. L. G Evans. 4th “ (Vacant.) Friday before each 3rd Sabbath, Rev. Thos. T Christian. IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS. Those wishit g to purchase a good Fertilizer will find MALES’ Nitroge nized Super-Phosphate cf Lime, at Loyless & Griffin's Store. This is a capital manure for both horticultural and field purposes Dawson, Ga., Fe I *. 20;lm. Wo have beautiful weather now, and all that have them, aru preparing their gardens for a bounteous siippfy of vffge - tables. Enquiries are being made for guano, and those haviug it on hand or expect to have it, would do well to make it known to the public. The renowned horse trainer made his appearance in our s:reots on Monday last. Wo expected to see a fine an ; mal at least, but were disap pointed, when we discovered it to be nothing more than an old “gone up-tbe Bpout” circus horse. Next Monday the County Court will meet. Monday after neM is the adjourned term of the Superior Court. The reeent upward tendency of tbe price of cotton, has brightened the la ces of merchants and farmers, as well ns the prospect of affairs generally, but this should not cause tbe farmers to eurioil their grain crops Let your experience be a profit to you. Godey’b Lady's Book is on our ta ble, aDd filled as usual with much in teretting reading matter. Attention is called to the new advertisements of “Byington’s Hotel,” “Isaac* House, on the European Plan,” and also, to that of Thos. Wood, deal er in bine Furniture, Macon Ga. JCStT Preparations are being made in Augus’a for the connection of the tracks of the throe railroads and the establishment of a union depot. For the present the depot of the Georgia railroad will he used. This will be a vast saving of time, trouble and ex pense to passengers. Tho Constitu tionalist hopes that when good tunes come again a commodious depot for the joint use of the rouifeiWili bo built op tbe sqaro Hounded bv Mclntosh, Twiggy Walker and FemVieb streets. For the Dawson “Journal." Bubuel-Or, u Story without a * AS oral. BY X. The day was on its last legs. The gorgeous summer sun approached the terminus ol hit* dismal jaunt, and shi d ows lovely and tranquil slept on lawn and landscape. A lady stood in the window of a rural cabin—sho-wan young and girlish in appearance—had bright, dancing, devilish eyes, and likewise wore a soiled homespun dress Why is her band clasped upon her heaving bosom, as if robes-like it could smother the ele- 1 mental war within ? Does she gaze on thoso Lilts and mountains swelling in the distance, like undulations of au an gry sea, and think of some absent loved lone mado probably the sport of revel ing billows, or are her thoughts cradled into sublimity by tbo silent, but im- i prossive ckqueuce of nature ? llusbl her ruddy lips fire sure to move, and Miss Subriny Tomson, (tor such is her name), dissolves the my-tcry tbusly : “L a mammy, jonder come' bob brown, ridin Mr. Diokinzos sway-backed crit ter.” Wo need hardly observe that the lady addressed was the honored mother of our heroine. Were not this story one of solemn truths and sober realities, we would derenbe this wurthy lady, sit ting at the time iD a velvet cushioned chair, fanned by a trio of Hair-eyed nig gers, and trying with ponderous mental divine the authorship of “The Nut Brown Maid ” or at lesst, poring for the twenty-third timh, over the last edition of Tennyson’s Poems, but she was’nt doing either, and we're not going to make any ginger-cake work at the ex pense of truth She was setting on the butt-cut of a huge chest, industriously churning and singing “Canaan, oh, Ca naan,” with a vim that gave evidence of her being bad off on the “Canauu” ques tion. Mrs. Jemimy prided herself on being a member of the genuine, original Smith family—the regu'arly authenti cat'd patent, and it was hrr boast that she “never knowed nary shabby sheep in the whole Smith flock.” “Many a time and oft” bad she marked with a mother’s pride, the Smithsonian quali ties of Sobriny when a child, and boast ingly exclaimed : “She’s a Smith all over, and I’ll lay she’ll be a rooster some day.” Her husband, (l mean Mrs. Tomseu’s,) bore the musical and eupho tieous, though some what unused name of Jim, As we have but little confi- dence in blood, especially bud blood, we will not go into geneoh gies If either the Smith’s or Tomson’s had any gene oh'gical tree, it was probably cut down and put among the timbers of tbe May flower. Halt—Reader, dear as we have implicit confidence in your being au un posted ignoramus, we pause to explain, that “Mayflower ’ was the name of a vessel which odcc lauded on :ur shores, laden with a cargo of thieving, long faced, saoreligious, hypocritical Phari sees, whom Neptune was cashiered for permitting to pass over his domain un molested. Well, we have expressed the opinion that if either of these families had family trees they were cut down ; but, upon ref! ctioD, we remember to have beard that the Smith tree blew down from the effects of being burdened with more branches than it could say grace over. But we must attend to Bob Brown, the “solitary horseman,” visible in tho distance : Bob wasn’t dressed a la Count de orsay, nor he hadn’t heard of St. Elmo and the Alexandria library, but he loved Sobriny lor all that, and nary sway-backed hotse on earth -ould trot the tender sentiment out of his af fectionate intides. We use the word “insides” instead of “heart,” because recent discoveries locate the seat of affec tion in the upper extremity of tbo bow els. The popular error on that subject is attributed to the hearts paralaxes — Bob rode up to the gate and ht. lie was tall, spindling and handsome. He wore a wool hat, crumped and flopped in antcdcluvion style; pacts of Kentucky jeans, concealed the lower lobe of bis body and stuck, like sealing-wax, to a pair ol broom-straw legs. About six inches above the ankle they terminated abruptly, and beneath them, crisped and puckcd in the manner of a eat, when preparing to spit at some contiguous ca nine, dangled a pair of unnmghborly socks, leaving several inchos of unoccu pied leg-territory. His closely fitting n&uitin coat, reaching no lower than the hinges of bis body, denoted by the char acter of its extremity, the extremity to which ho would be reduoed, iD cai-e the adorable Sobriny should kick him. J - tween the period of Bob’s first appear ance on the “critter” and his arrival, we need bardlv observe that she was as busy as a fly in a tar bueket, preparing for iispectioD. I) übtless much passed be tween tbe mother aud daughter of the first importance in this eventful record, but like the ait of embalming it is lost to the world, excepting a single remark made fey Sobriny as sfc« tied her shoe string—no it was her stoekigg string. “Bob” said she, “is a gwine to ax me to have him this very day,and I'm a gwine to wake him thick I shan’t/' The old lady had lifted tbo “kiver” of her churn and was “casting a wishful eye” upon tho little islands of floating butter with in, and therefore l.eedednot,and replied not to tbe observation. Bob walked iD. Ho had taken bowing lessons under his daddy’s old museovy duck, and now made a “free show” of his proficiency; “Heow de do Missis TomsoD, warm day“Heow do Robert, take a seat— yes it’s right weathcry.” Sobriny now emerged from behind tbe door, where she had just ocncluded the delicate job of enveloping her ooipus in a cloud of calico, and her features seemed to say, “why this finery ain’t nothin more’u I’rnc uste to,” in other words, she didn’t seem to mind it a bit. Reader, we account it one of tbe de pravities of moderu literature, that tat tling writers chronicle all the love chat transpiring between the parties they deal with. \Vc like to do as we’d be done by, and were any scribber to pa rade before the public all our “private and confidential” courtships, we’d em brace the earliest moment after our re covery from the feeling of sheepishness produced by such disclosure, to report him to the bureau. Tbe gentle wordp, the tender glances, tbe deep-drawn sighs and the soft pressure of the hand, are (as Webster said of constitutional liber ty,) “ours to receive, ours to enjoy,” but not “ours to transmit unimpaired to po - ferity.” We shall therefore tell no talcs out of school, only so far as the telling is essential to tho history we are writing. “Thus far and no farther,” as Canute said to the waves—shall our pen break into the sanctum of this enuearing tetc-a-tete The butter had been taken up, aDd Mrs. Tomson was gone to her cow commissariat old brindle, tc draw milk ra.ionS, which left our happy lovers “Alone, Like Adam’s recollection of his fall." “Don’t know about it, don’t know a? I shall—l heordyou was a courtin Dil sy Snout.” “I say Dilsy Snout, why she ain’t no manner account—&hc can’t so on a but ton without soin it on heels upwards. I ain’t a eourtin nobody but Sobriny Tomson ” “I jest know you ain’t a courtin me;” and Sobriny’s devilish eves danced like puppets in a show. “Yes, but I am, aDd I’me nately go ing to marry you—you ’ckuolcge you lcvc me, and what’s tbe u>e of lovin en ny body cf you don’t marry ’em.” “No I never, you axed me didn’t I, and Isa and may be so.” “Miss Sobriny, I’ll be ding’d es I ain’t tired of ibis way you’ve got of tol— lin a feller along aud then chokiu him off Es you ain’t a gwine to have me, be ch it out; aud es you are, I want you to say so right now, and I’ll be the hap [iest youngster that ever squirted a foot into cow-lcather.” “ ’Spozen I don’t do nary one, then what ?” “I shall think you don’t kecr nothin’ about Hie aud wuu’t come to see you no more.” “Es you do, ’spcct I’ll cry enough leers to wash the dishes in from now out.” The loud laugh with which she tapered this remark, was followed by the appearance of her father, who had re ceived a spiaiu in his arm by falling off of a fodder stack, and needed all the “intment” and rubbing she could bestow during the remainder of tbe evening. Bob, though all hands importuned him to stay longer, was “off like a jug han dle.” That last observation had done the work for him. He was hurt and mad, and very serisusly mortified, but the hurting and mortification bore not a feathers weight, in comparison with the crushing thought that Miss Sobriny was unwilling to become Mrs. Brown. Ho resolved to dismiss her from his mind, but bis will was so weak iu the knees, that the very next moment would find him wholly absorbed on the contra band subject. But one thiug was cer tain, he “wouldn’t never pull the peg outen old Tonuon’s gate no moro, not by a darned sight.” [to be continued ] IUAKKETS. JOURNAL OFFICE, 1 Dawson, Fob. 19th 1868. £ \Ye quote cotton to-day at 14Ja17 cents. Macon, Feb. 18—Wo quote cotton at 17u171 New Firm at 23ia‘24. Charleston ; middlings, at 230. • August !; middlings 22. Savannah ; Firm at 22!u23. Datvsou Prices 4 rtrrv-iit. Corrected, Weeklc by Wm. WOOTEN. j G01d,.... 30a 36 I Silver,.... 25a30 | Prints,... .10 *lB { Ginghm* 37 a 50 | Lard 1 Sa2o Osuaburgslßa 22 Bacon, ... 15.18 Corn,. .1 00a1 25 Tea 1 50*200 Coffee, 28a 33 Candy,...35 aSO Cheese,.-.. .20*30 Salt,. 3 75 Glass,.., .$8 alO Butter .. ,85a 40 Eggs, .. 20 a 25 Beeswax,.l4 als Tallow,, lo a 15 Snn.T ~ 1 00a 1 25 Nails,., .9 a 12$ 5h0t,.... 15u20 Powder.. .50 a 75 Cotton, ... 14 1-2 « 17 ! DeLalncs, 25 « 4u | Lancaster,....., *3O 40 I Sheeting, 16* !8 j Factory Yarns, 175a2 00 | Coats’ Thread, 1 25a Ex. Fam. Flour,l6 a 16$ Superfine, la* 14$ Rice, 14 a 15 Sugar, Brown,. .17 a 18 Coffee Sugar,... 18a20 Syrup, cane,.. 75a100 “ sorghum,6o a 7o Bagging, Kenl’y, 80 .. 83 “ Gunny, 45 a Hope, 12 a 14 [ Candies, Star,,.. 30a35 Dried Fruit,... .12 a 16 | Tobacco, ;50 at 60 Soap, turp’utine. 16 a. 20 Whiskey 3 a S6OO J CToperns, 10 a 15 1 Irish Potatoes 3 OoaS 60 AfjG or r.iur Far eaie at r*MUJiiN A Meuiwetuir’s Drug Store. Special Notices, Itauwu Lodge, 1.0, O, |\ Mo. 5(1 MEETS od Mondav night in each week. 0. 0. NELSON, N. G. John A. Bisnop, Sec’y. liAWRBRCB l IIAITB K MEETS Fourth Wednesday night in each J/ninh. J. ,if. Simmoss, H. P. J. C. F. Clark, Secretary. I*. T. Srlil«>y Lodge, No. 320, F. A. Ji. MEETS Third Saturday in each month, 2 o’clock, p. m. C. C. Tatrss, W. M. J. B. Avast, Secretary. For Tax Collector. Wu akk AcTiiomzisn to announce the name of W. H. Mkrckh as a candidate for Tax Gol lector of Webster County, at the ensuing eleotion. AINT.V for FA /tM S Its and others.---The Grafton Miucntl Taint Cos. art* now mauu fact.uriny: the Host, G'hoajxwt aud moat Durable Taint In use ; two coat* wrllput on, mixed with pure Liußt A’d Oil, will la»t 1« or 15 years ; it in of a light brown or beautiful chocolate color, and can be changed to green, load stone, drab, olive or cream, to suit tho cane of tin* consumer. J t is valuable for Ho uses, Darns, Fences, Carringv and Carmakers, Tailsaml Wooden-ware, Agri cultural Implements, Canal Boats, Vessels aud Chips’ Bottom*, Canvas^Metal and Shingle Hoof* (It being /Ire and water proof) Floor Ou Cloths, (one Manufacturer having used fioOO bbls. the past year, aud am a paint for any purpose is un-' surpassing for body, durability, elasticity, aud adhcisivencfs. Trice )G per bhl. of :JOO lbs., which will supply a farmer for years to come. Guar anteed in all cases an above, tfrud fora em-ular which gives full particulars. None genuine uu iess branded in a trademark Uraltou 3&«vrnl Taint. Address DAAI EL BID WELL, 254 Tearl .Street, N. Y. ERRORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Tremature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to a!! who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which be was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad vertiser’s experience, can do so by address mg, in perfect con6dence, JOHN B. OGDEN. my3:ly 42 Cedar Street, New York. TO 4 OJ* 'S i Y?l Tt WES. The KEY. i;n \K i A. WILSON will send (free of char nvlio desire it, tho prencrip tiou with tin iiiyuh lor making and using tin simple-renudv by which he was cured of a lung affection aud that dread disease Consump tion. lli* only object is to benefit 1 lie afllic.ul and lio hopes every t after or will try thiß proscrMtion as it will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Tlease address ' KKV. EDWAKDA.WILSON, No. Isis South Second Ntreet, Williams borough, New 1 ork. p» 4m- INFORMATION Information guaranteed to produce a luxuri eut growth of hair upon a bald head or beardless floe, also a'receipt for the removal of Tlinplos, Blotches, Eruptions Ac., on the skin, leaving the sumo soft, clear and beautiful, cun be obtained withdut charge by addressing THUS. F. CHAPMAN, Chemist. . 8&J York, DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. , '|''llWcopartner-liip, horetoforc existing be JL tween K. B. Lovless and W. M. Peeples, under the farm, mine, ami style of E B. Loy less A Cos., was dissolved ou the Ist iust., by limitation. W. M. Pef.fles will close up the business of the fiuti, who is authorized to co’lect and pay oil’tile liabilities ofstid firm and re ceipt lot the same. K B LOVLESS & Cos. Dawson, Feb. Ist 18G8;liu. CONFEDERATE FLAGS. J3EAUTIFUL COLORED PHOTO* J GRAPHS OF the FIRST, LAST and BATTLE FLAGS iu group. Trice 25 cents each ; live lor $1 ; Urge size 50 cems. Sent post paid, to any addre-8 on receipt of pric*. Address GEO. O. F.VNIS, Phofagrapher, No. SI2 Nain street, Richmond, Va. Febl3>l New Firm ! New Firm! r J HIE undersigned having formed a cop ut a aership, arc now occupying tbe new build ing lortuerly occupied by Win. Wooten, on Mrin street, first door Sou'll of the ’Journal' Office, and will keep everything usually found iu a fi'st class Family Grocery, at such prices as will induce all to trade that call on them. CROWELL A HOOD. Dawson, Ga , February 6. 1868 -ts / 1 EORffA, Terrell Count) : VX Whereas, L. C. Hoyl, applies for letter* of Guardianship of Minors of Joseph P. Ter rell, deceased. These are therefo'e to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be. and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if anv, why said letters should not he granted. Given under my baud and official signature this Feb. 11th IS6B. feb 1340d T M JONE 6, Ord’y. £»TABLISIIED 1632. D. C. HODGKINS & SON, Dealer* for the last Forty Year* in SFIRE-ARMS AND — SPORTING GOODS Os every description, A K F-prepartni to furnish anything in their line and satisfaction guaranteed. At (lieir Ot«l Miami, 59 Jlulbur ry St«■«■«’(, Tltiroii, Ga. Gun and Pistol Material always on hand. Repairing done by experienced workmen. novls>-m • KiN« Ol PAIN. mills trnlv w on:h>r!lil Medicine can be JL tound in > . f or Ba | o , t the Drug S ore pt PERL I '» A S A > ERI WETHER. Dawson, Ga., Janusny 23, 1868, NOTICE. SIXTY days alter date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Cal houn Coutity, for leave to sell the entire real es ale ot Isham R. trills, dec’d., except the Widows Dower. WILLIAM RYE, oc< 25ttu Adm'r. de bonis non. NOTICE. SIXTY days after date, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Calhoun County, Ga., for leave to sell the entire real estate of Solomon G. Bockcom, late of said county, dee'd. SUSANNAH E. BECKCOM, VIS SOL LTEOJC. ' _ r , HE coparinership heretofore existing un- JL der the firm name and style oi Pratt A Cochran, is this day dissolved by mutual con sent. The b isines of ihe old firm will be settled up by Mr. T. J. Pratt. T. J. riiA77’, D;e. Ist, 1867. D. A, COCHRAN. /11’.OKGIA. Callionii Con illy, vj Notice is hereby t 'veti to all persons hav ing demands against VVawhiagtou Potter, late ol said county, deeoa»*d, to present them to me properly made out, w ithin the time pre set ibed by iaw, so as to sl ow their character and arrdnm. And all persons indebted to said deceased arc hereby required to make immediate payment. LLVIXDA POTTER, Adm'x of nov-l-iod Pu.Ler. If CABINET SHOP J N DAWSON ! RAUSHEIBEHG, ROGERS & CO. HAVE opened a New Cabinet Shop, on South aids Public Square, w iere they are prepared to make and repair anything in the Furniture lire: such as Wardrobes, Beau reaUH, Bedsteads, &c, &e.. They are also prepared to put up Coffins of any description. A. Kxl'siiknukko. J tssx Koukrs. B. H. 6now*. feb6’oß—6m C JonnaN. BARGAINS FOR THE MILLION! DRY GOODS/ FANCY GOODS!! Jticclry and Stiffrtcare. Worth over (12,000.00 ft 1 All to he.sold lor ONE DOLLAR EACH. ARRANDALE & CO., 162 Broadway, New York, Agents for Ku pean Maunfacturcis, announce, that in conse quence of the overstocking of tbe English market, an immense quantity of Dry and Fancy Goods have been consigned to them with instructions to be'cleared for immediate cxsh, at any saciifioe. A. & C?o., have, tbere tme, resolved to offer them according to their ordinary system of business at $1 each, with out regard to value. The follow ng list shows tho original wholesale prices of nourc of the articles which they now offer at (1. Bear, Won', Buffalo Robes #16,00 to #50,00 Sets Furs, Sable, Lrnia.'te, Mink 20,00 to 100,00 Ladies’Muffs “ “ '* J t.fiO to 60,00 “ Collars “ , “ “ 10,00 t»40,vl Silk & latiii Dress Patterns 18,00 to 45,(K) Berege and Egyptian sloths 6,00 to 12,00 Alpacca & Muslin de Laincs 4,00 to 10,00 Erench Merinos and T»i!U 10,0 y to 20,00 Cambric, Thibet and Mohair 4,00 to 10,00 Balmoral and Elliptic Skirts 2,00 to 6,00 Silk and I.act Veils 2,00 to 6,00 Sets fine Cuffs and Collars 2,00 to 8.00 Pairs of Ladios’ Corsets 2,50 to 6,00 U’dk’i eh fa, Silk, Plain, ll’tnst'h’d and Embr’d linen Itwu, per dor, 6,00 to 18,00 Ladies A Gents’ cotton, woolen, & i-ilk hose & 4 hose, pr doz pis 4to 12,00 Ladies & Gents’ Merino, cotton, linen shirts A underkbirlt,, each 2,50 to 6,00 Coat, Vest A Pantaloon Patterns in clo'h, eassitnere and doerkiu 3,00 to 26,00 _,inen & Woolen Table Covers 2,00 to 12,00 While & col. linen Nap! pr doz 6,00 ro 18,00 Mnslins, white A unb ’ch’d, per yard 15 to 40 Flannel?; Shawls in Woolen; Silk andMi-ri no Nubias or Clouds; Woolen Hoodr; Blank ets; Linen and Muslin Sheet*; Velvet and Mo rocco Portmonie-; Shopping bsg‘; j Wallets; -Meerschaum Pipes; Four and six blade pock et Rnires, with peatl, tortoise and ivory han dles; French clocks; Gift and Bronze .Musical Boxes; Revolvers; Fowl tig Pieces; Fancy combs; llair Nets; Work Boxes; Silver card case-; Albums; Family and Pocket Bibles; Opera Glasses, Ac. We have also received a splendid assortment of IW'atchfH, Gold A Silver Hunting eases for Gents; A’namoled do. for Ladies, together with chains of every pat tern and style. Sets of Jewelry in every va rietv; Sleeve Butions; Thimbles ; Lockets; Crosses; Rings of every kind; Bracelets; Gold Pens, (so , Ac. . The Silverware Department Comprise — Silver, Dining A Tea sots, Castors, Ice Pitch ers, Table spoons, Foiks, 7'ea spoons, Goblets Drinking cnp9, Coft’ee.Urns, Tea Pots, Cream Pitchers, Sugar Bowls, Fruit Baskets, Cake Baskets, Card Baskets, Fruit Knives, Syrup cup 9. Salvers, Pie Knives, Fish Knives, .Mus tard and Silt Spoons, Napkin Rings, Egg Siands, Wine Holders, Card cases, See. All the above list articles to be sold for #1 each, file exp. uses are paid by tbe sale of Cou pons or certificates naming each article in tho sock, and its value; tlirse eer ifieatea are en closed in envelopes, mixed up, and sold at 26 .EN iS EACH—S for #l—ll for $2. Wliatev r article is named ic the Certifi cate can lie cbtniued at #l. The ailicle will je shown to the holder of the ceri ficate, and it will ba at his option, whether be pays the dollar and lakes the article or not. In case articles sent by mail or express are not saf isfactorv, they can be returned and the mon ey will be refunded. Every certificate enti tles the holder to some article of sterling val ue, worth much more than a dollar. In proof of this . Ill)A D THIS OFFER. You can have lor any'of our certificates and sl, any of the 10l owing articles, so that ;f you a>e not pl< used with the article or articles named ou the certificate, you need not lose the 25 cents you paid lor it: One (Silver pla ted three hot !e Castor, handsome silver pla ted Butter Dish with plate aud eover, Lady’s Shopping Bag, a 50 picture Album, bound in velvet and gilt, set of Tea spoons silver plated on white metal, set double plated Table spoons or Forks, I’ani9 pattern (2$ yards cas slnrere), pair Jouvin’s Pari* Kid Gloves, splcndtn real Meerschaum Pipe, or solid 16 carat Gold plain Ring. REFERENCES —During the four years we have been ageuts for European manufac turers, we have received hundreds of com* meudatory notices ot the press, and letters from private individuals, expressing the high est satisfaction with our method of doing business. We have many of these testimo nials with names and dates, printed iu pamph let form, and as we have no spaco for them lu this ndvei rise went, we will s n J copies free to any address. Whenever desi-ed, we wijl send articles by Express, C. 0. D. Si that the money need only be paid on delivery o* the goods. We accept the entire responsi- ! bilitv of money sent by Express, Post Office Order, or Bank Draft. We want ageuts ev erywhere to whom a liher l compensation I will be paid, which can be learned on app’i catlou. care to write your name and address in a clear, di«t'nct hand, and ad- I dress AUUAftVAI.r. <k CO., r. 0 Box, 5285, 102 Broadway, >, Y fcbl.B—l3t lt±E I'l'S .M'./HOSM FOR THE HAIR, • I M r U O Y r E 1) . rTYllßpc* iCTicu of ovor 100 your* iu tl»e cul- JL tiv.tfion nf»<l of the Imir, in now ombodkid in ilii# wi«U*ly known '. vh- curling aud tlie hair, it hk* n«> equal iu the world. Three or four uppli a^pliefttions will stop hair frohi eoniinß- out, aud it used oreartioualy, it will prevent hair losing itn original color during u lifetime. No ociuais It for restoring the hair riuiekly ; and no prcpiir:ition hns liecm more extensively endorsed by the medical faculty for it* |>erfcet innocence as regardh injury to the hair or head, and for it* tonic effects upon the system. Briec, bottle* sl. Pruggists, Denier's in Fancy Goods, and Htorekeei**)* ;icnendly; Liberally dealt with. 72c taUe4 in at: ports of the U. 8. Address SECT Y REEVES AMBROSIA CO Febl3;ly New York. SEWING MACHINES. nTHLE A MU) SEWING MACHINE CO„ No. 57 Bruadway Now York. A Local Agent wanted in every town ; also Trav. ling Agents to appoint Local Agents throughout the country. liberal Cash com pensation pa and. A splendid paying business. Seud sot circular. febl3;2oin. CA&HOtfN UIEKIFF SAI.ES. ) \ ’ ILL b* sold on the first Tuesday in ) v April uext, before tbe Court House door, iu Morgan,.Calhoun tentity, Ga., with in 'lie usual hours of sslc, the lailowirg prop erty, to wit : Oua hit of Laud, No. 180, in the 3rd district of Said conniy ; levied on as tbe propeitv ot Robert Morrow, Principal, and Samari L. Foater, security oh «pp**i(l, to sa’isfv a ti fa issued from ihe Supciior Court of said county, in favor ol 3smm l B. Wright vs Robert Moi row and Sauiuei 1.. Foster.— Drop'ertv pointed out by 0. B. Wooten and Jan es Honow. Also, 1 Btigcv, levied on as tho property of Nathaniel Daniel,'lo saliaty a cost fi la in favor of if. U. Lingo and William G. Pierce Propeitv pointed nut by M. 11. Lingo, olioiiff. JcblJ il. 11. LINGO, Sh’tl. 1 AGENTS WANTED EUR THE Git AYJACKETS, And liow they Itrwl, fought, aud died for Dixit, with Incident* and Sketrhc* of lift in the Confederacy, Comprising Narratiren of Personal Advtn lure, A r ' n y Life. Jfaval Advs*tvre t Home I jiffy Partisan Daringy Life in the Camp t PteldTand Hoepitaly together mth the Songs, Jiallad*y Anetdote* and Ji amorous Jnci dents of the War for Southern Indepen deuce. There i« a certain portion of the war that will new go into the regular hUtorien, nor be em bodied in romance or poetry, whjeh in a very real part of it, and will, if orenervcd, convey to aue cceding generations abetter idea of the spirit of the coiUilet than many dry report* or careful nar* ratlven of events, and this part may be Oallad the gossip! tlmfbn, the pathos of the war. This il lustrates tho character of the leaders, the lmrnor of the soldiers, the devotion of women, the brw , very of men, the pluck of our heroes, tbo ro* maue.e uud hard shins of the service. The Valiant and Brave Hearted, the picturesque land Dramatic, the Witty and Marvelous, the ten der and pathetic, ami whole panorama of the war are lien 1 thrillingly portrayed in a masterly manner, at once historical and rbmantic, render ing it the most ample, unique, brilliant and read able book that the war ha* railed forth. Aimisemeiit as well *s instruction may be found iu every graphic detail, brilliant wFT, and a h then fir history, are skillfully iutorwoveu in this work of library art. gend for Circular* and see our terms, and a full description of the work. Address, JONLS BROTHERS & CO., dec I? Atlanta, On. The Savannah Daily Advertiser, S. YATES LE' Y, Editor. E. 0 WITiIiNGTON, Associate. rpIBK ADVERTISE!* is devoted to L the interest* o< Bavanutih, of Georgia, and of the South. In favor oi Reconstruc tion on n sol'Kß nasi*, and opposed to It.idi cahrai in .very rhspe. A paper scceptable to the family and the man of business. For the present it will be published only as a Daily, but at an early dayaTrj Weekly edi tion will also be issued. Postmasters acting as Agents will be al lowed u libera! per centage ou all cash sub set iptions. Published at #8 per year, #4 for six mouths, #2,5b for three months, aod #1 fbr one month. E. 0. WITUINGTON.A CO., Publishers. SIKIOOIa JYOTICH. rWILL resume the exercises of my rchool in (fiiiaka.-awbatchee, ou the second Mon day in Jauuary, 1868. I take pleasure in announcing to my pa trons, and the public generally, that Miss .-mil fliKPxa, late of Wceion, Ga., aod fa vorably known as a teacher, will take a mueiu ilass lb connection with my School. Miss llAßsaa will also assist me in the Lit eraty Department, when not engaged with her music class. By this arrangement, additional advantage* are offered to those who have sous or daugnt ors to educate. Ilales of Viiilioii Payable at (lit; viml of (Ue Tcrui: Primary" Class, per Term, #12,06 Intermediate Class, per Term, 16,00 Higher Branches, “ “ 20,00 Music on Piano Forte, including the use of the instrument, per term, $20,00 Pupils chatged from time of entrance to the end of the Quarter, and no deduction made except for providential causes. Board eati be bad at reasonable price*. dec3o'67ltn A. HOWARD. CARD. Y\ the opening of anew year, Dr. ▼ ? KEENEY again offers hie professional services to the citizens of Dawpon aod sur rounding country ; hoping, by strict atten tion to his profession alone, and dose, watch* fu! and constant attention to his patient*, to merit a share < f public patrouage. Your patronagerespeeffully solicited. Office in “Journal Building,” front room, up stairs, over store of Orr, Brown h Cos., where ho can be found at a!1 times, unloss professionally engaged, or at bis residence. C/idis left at the store of Orr, Brown & Cos., will be promptly attended. (4 lIOiCGI t, Ciilltoiin Comity: I Whereas, Ehjah Padget., applies to me for letter* of Administration on the estate ol David Merritt, late of said county, deo’d. These are, therefore to cite, and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv office within tho time presciibed by law, and show cause if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, this y*h of December, 1567. GEO. W. WQOTIX, decl3-30d Ord’y. • NOTICE. ' ' 'PWO llomiis after date application wit! be L made to the coutt of Ordinary of Cul bouq,county, lor leave lo sell one hundred and twe ty-five acres of lot of land No. 220, in the 4ih District, of originally Early, now Calhoun county, belonging to the estate of D*vid Meritt, dec’d. jat>3inm elijaii Padgett, Adm’r. Noiiom. \LL petsous indebted to tbe estate of A, J. Dodwell, late of Lee countv. <’ jc’d. are he oby requested to come tb ward and settle, aud all persons ha-ing demands againM said estate are required to present them ac cording lu law. RARYa \ E. DODWELL, j*u3o-401* Aduiiiji-nr.ttiix. NOTICE. OIKTY days Hfter date application will Be kj made 10 tbe court ol Ordinary of Terrell county for*k>ave to sell the estate of Willis WooU,riffht t t*te of paid eonufy, ceased. WASHINGTON WOOLBRIGfIT, J in. 2, ISCB, 2m Adm’r. isrojpfa&T 'pwo months after date application will be 1 made to the Court of O.diuaryof Cal fionn county, for leave to Sell tne entire real estate of Jeremiah J. Kuight; late of said countv, dec’d. MARY A. P. KNIGHT, jau2Biu AiUuiuistratix. GREATEST SUCCESS It Prevents Rust. It has been used for uiue years by one of our Georgia f'armere, for ho Coda it iho Lett ever t fFered for Whtat, for Corn, for feflou, for Turuips, ami all Uafrlm Tiuck. It enn be proved it will increase the crop Three Fold. Every sack or barrel VVarrantod Standard. Guaranteed by l’rof. J. H. lb with For rale in barrels or sacks at manu facturer’:) prices s'nd freight, by J. li. ZEJI4N & CO., Noth Lirn I’iuggist, Macon, Ga. kbeat iiraro New Goods by Thousands! Just From New ITorkl (JttflE underpinned, take p)e*»- uro in informing the Public— and mure especially the Citizens of DAWSON AND Surrounding Country That I have in stor-, aud daily re ceiving one of the Largest and moat Carefully Selected Stocks cv- r offered in tho city of Daw son , consisting of PRY GOODS ! Os E ciy D a trip'i n, NOTIONS, i boots;, SHOTS, HATS, CAPS. t. j. i’Rj\ irr , Main Sfrrrt, Loy less Dawwon, Qo. TO EVERYBODY. And Tbe Balance of tbe World ! ORR, BROWN A 00. have closed books and sell uo more ou TIME until all ac counts are settled. Hut Hear Ml \’e Mnfernied Ours. Thnv wHI sell thrir present Stock of Dry (tot'dft. Bo<»li A. klitie*, Hal*, anal K<‘ii<ly-.V)a<lc Clwlliing, and every thing else SO IjO W tbnt will tliiiik it is almost having it giveeu to him. fotton Advanced! Money Wanted! OKlE,ttlt<> W*n* Cos., say to *ll who owe them that i.iukral arrangements will he made with all their customers who "b* COM FORWARD iMMiDMTtLY with tbeir cotton. Now is your lime to settle, before tliisjopportuuity passes. OKR, BROWN & CO. jfn2;if 18G8. 1868. URIHU QUIRT ’IITE are now offering oar stock of H DKI GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS, SHOES. HATS, CLOTHING, Ac., At Greatly RrJnrerl Prices Far Cash ! Wc have just received another car load of that Superior I 'tre/ini.l Salt, 5,000 Poidxf* .Ported Sugar—A, B, 0, Crushed aod Brown. 1,000 Hoiiikln New York S'»te and English Dairy Cheese—very Sue. 3.000 EoiiikS, Superior Family Flour. 100 l*oilll«(* Tennessee Bfttte.. 3 i*ro*B Jofliey’i bottled Air-—Pints, tar All of wbicb wo off r EO lE* t'nr rue t.(s/i. UEXASBEU. A I'ARROTT, Lhuc.te tt, Ga. i lie Great Popular Paper! The Charlsslim Daily Daws! SUBSCRIPTION TRICE six ne/ri..ins .•/ rc^it : The Charleston TrpWcpkly fair Three Dollar# a l'c«r-7'tro Dollars for Six .11 out Its. TERMS CASH IN ADVANCE. B®* No papftr sent unless tbc Cash accompanies tbe'order. o@* Nij paper sent for a lorger Cm than paid fur. RIORDAN, DAWSON, & CO. roi nuEioKS. THE LOUISVILLE JOURNAL, Established in IS3O. Edited by GKorcsl). Pmustick & Part. R. eniPVAN, and published by (he Louisville Journal Company, Journal Office Uuldiug, 111 West Gretn St., Louisville, Ky. Wi H. PkniilM, Sec’y. J. D. Osbov.s, Prea. The “Journal" is one of the largest and ablest papers published South of llie Ohio River, and contains interesting reading mat ter ot every description. Terms of Subscription. Daily, by Mail, per year, ft 12 00 ,l “ Six months, <; oo Three Months, {925. One month, 1 25 Weekly, per y«ar, s26o—Six mouths, 150 Ten copies, one year, {2O OO A copy aent gratis to the goiter up of the Club. A oopy of the Daily will be sent on» year to the person sending os Forty Subscii bers to the Weekly. Sample copies seat when rc quested. GLOKRIA, 'fcrrcll Cauuty Whereas, W. P. W. Leonard, applies for letters of dismission from guardianship »f James Kuigh’, minor ol John Knight, dic’d. These arc, therefore to eile and admonish all persona concerned to beard appear at niv olllec with in the time presoiibcd by law, and show c.tu«e j if any exists, why Slid let ers should not be granted. Given under my liat.d and official signs, urc, tht3 July 12. Ih'tiT. I, Al. JQN£$, Ordinary.