The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1866-1868, April 30, 1868, Image 1

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fteoit ftciUckli) Journal, "-v Published Every Thuf«d»y BY PBRtTtIABI & (HKISTIAN. TF.n.US—Sir Idly in ddvance. Three mouth*.... • \ jj® Six months. 26 Uno year*.• • Hates of ddrrrtisint) : One duller per square of ten lines for the Bret insertion, and Seventy-five Cents per squire for each subsequent insertion, not ex ceeding three. One square three months $ 8 00 Due square six months . 12 00 One square one year .. 20 00 Two squares three m0nth5.......... 12 00 T«o squares six months.. 18 00 Two squares one year 30 00 fourth of • column three moths 80 00 Po&rth of a column six months 50 00 Qalf column three moths 45 00 Half column six months 7o 00 One column three months 70 00 One column six months 100 00 Liberal Heductlons Made on .tdvertisrmeats. Legal Advertising. Sheriff’s Pales, per levy,... $2 60 Mortgage Fi Fa Sales per square 6 00 Citations for Letters of Administration, 8 00 ii “ •* Guardianship, 800 Dismißiou from Apminiatration, C 00 “ “ Guardianship, 4 00 Application for leave to sell land, 6 00 Bales of Land, per square, 5 00 Sales of Perishable Property per sqn'r, 8 00 Notices to Debtors and Creditors,.... 8 60 Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square, 2 00 Estray Notices, thirty days, 4 00 Job IV'orle of every description exe otedwitb neatness and dispatch, at moderate ates. RAIL -ROAD GUIDE. otilliwesforii Railroad. WM. HOLT, Pres. | VIRGIL POWERS, Sup Leave Macon 5.16 A. AI ; arrive at Colum bus 11.15 A. M ; Leave C'>lu"'bus 12.45 P. AI ; at rive at Macon 6 20 P At. Laves Marnu 8 AM\ arrives at Eu faula 6 30, P >1 ; Leuv.s Eufjula 7 20, A M ; Arrives at autoon 4 50, P M. ALBANY BRANCH Leaves SmiihwHe l 46, P M; Arrives at Albauy 8 11, P H ; Leaves Albiuy 9 35, A M; Arrives at Smiibvtlje 11, A M. L ave Cut bf 867 P M.; arrive at Port Gains 5 40 P. AI ; L. live Fort U inn 7.05 A. Al.\ ariive at 6’utfcbcrt 9.05 A. AI. Macon & Western Railroad. A J. WHITE. President D, WALKER, Superintendent. day passenger train. Leaves Macon . . . 7 30 A. M. Arrives at Atlanta . . . 1 57 P. M Le.veg Atlanta . • . 6 65 A. M. Arrives at Macon . . . 1 30 P. 11. NIGHT TRAIN. Leaves Macon . • • 8 45 P. M. Arrives at Atlanta . . .4 50 A. M. Leaves Atlanta . . 8 10 P, M Ar-ivea at Macon . • • 125A. M. ' ♦ Western & Atlantic Railroad. CAMPBELL WALLAt 1-., cap- . •» DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. J>a*v*'Atlanta . • • SIS A. M Leave Dalton .... 220 1* M. Arrive at Chattanooga . . Sr. 2P. M. Leave Chatranroga . . 3.20 A. M Ariive at Atlrnta . 11 . • 12.05 P. M. V NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta . . • 7 00 P. M. Arrive at Chattanooga . . 4.10 A M Leave Ohat anooga . . 430 P. M. Arrive at Dalton . . • 7.50 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta, . . • 1 41 A. M. gusiwfiss ©ar As. DR W. H. HODNETT YI7ILL, »t all times, take great pleasure » Y in wailing on all who desire his serriees, and are willing to pay for the aame. No other practice is solicited. Dawson, Ga., January 3t)th, 1868—ly DR. R. A. WARNOCK, OFFERS his Professional services to the ciiizms of Chickasawhatchoe and its visinity. From ample experience iu both civil and Military practice, he is prepared to treat successfully, cases iu every department of his professiou. jani6’6Blf C. B. WOOTEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Datcaon, Ga. jan 18 1868 1, O. 1. GURLEY. WILD C. C LEVEL AD , GURLEY & CLEVELAND, A TTORXEYS A T LA W, Jit, hi r Con nil/, Ga J. fr. SMITH and » « Ni achinist, : Georgia. R pp’tirg al) kinds Q f Gun?, Pistols, So win M Honeg, «»ro., ere. 2 Iv. HARNESS X REPAIR SHOP • i7 PiUJTCJES' STtiSL.ES, Daw»»n, ... Gcorgin, * url1 ' 8 * 1 *he public with Cirriag J Trimmiuß, H.ruess Mounting, &o. All work promptly duue (or the cu-li. n0»22’673m HARRIS DENNARD. Fresh Garaen Seed f°H SALK A T Cerrymau & Menwethtr’s Drug Store New Firm! New Final r PHE undersigned h.vine formed » eopurt-- inw ijl , * r * tIOW occ “Py i aK the new hullrt .. y .° ocnp " ,d bT Wm Woo'en, on OfflVJ .7a’ rioor • v O'"h of the 'Jnmu.l in » «r« and will keep cverrtMi'g usually found M •* " uch prices “ induce all to that call on them. n v u CRow ELL A HOOD, cawioa, Ga., February «, 139$ _tf THE DAWSON JOURNAL Vol. 111. THE FARTHER BOY. The farmer’s boy is a happy boy, ■ A merry lad is he— n* leads a life of hearty joy, He never wants for glee. He holds his plow and drives his tean, He whistles blithe and gay ; A monarch might well envy him, Hii life so bright alway. He tills the land and plants the seeds. To give the nation bread ; How great his work—how vast his deeds ! By him the nation’s fed. I love to look on bia sun-burnt cheek, And grasp hie toil-worn hand ; His daily works and ways bespeak The patron of the land. 0 i, blessings on the farmer boy— A noble lad is he ; He leads a life of honest joy, Who like him so free ? From the New Orleans Picaune. Cannot W ork on Farms. It is an unfortunate fact that there are a great number of young men here, not to speak of the middle r.ged ones, who are not only out ol employment but insist upon it that they cannot en gage in that which all admit is the foundation of all prosperity, and the decadence of which is the chief cause of our misfortunes—the cu ture ol the soil. Quite a number of those who thus disclaim capacity to lollovv the best examples of patriots and good men, of all past ages, who ha.e tutu ed In mi tne forum and the mans of trade to the plow, even in their latter days, are themselves the sons of far mers and p.auuts. To such us bomstly distrust tneir ability to successful y w>rk the soil, for want of practical knowledge of ag. rieu ture, wo would suggest he wis dom ul uhying thems IveS with those who do, ,‘itid who are tngaged on (arms, and to learn thereby the art of farming Those who wish to learn thus will make no objection to this.— Even tyros can have a bhure in the crops Urns made. It seems strange that men who live from hand to mouth, and never lay up a dollar, should object to a farmer s life because they are not sure of mak ing more than a nvi g, w ane oi us latl r they may bo sure, unless they pitch their crop lor a money ui-king, rather than fur a living (nuking one.— flow many of these ch rka and poorer pielsi-siorial men have a dollar over ul the end of the year, or even a square foot of land at the end of a lile time ? Yet the farmer can, in bia garden and pioultry yard, and ten acres ol farming lots, to which he can readily acquiie an indefeasible titlb, make a most ample living for himsell and fam ily, amJf it he have only an ordinarily healthy w ife she can double h s income wiiuout as much wearines as she now expetiencee in attempting to keep up appearances in town. The experience as to how to do this is readi y acquir ed of the will to be industrious, perse vering and frugal, only exist and is carefully nurtured. . Men who steadfastly and successful ly encountered (he beat of summer anJ the cold of winter during the four years of war, who camped in swampy morasses, who fought and marched at quickstep on the grea battle-helds of the South in the summer solstice, need never fear that they cannot bear the labors and exposure of Southern agri ture. As to thoße whose cons itutions are really unequal to that task, neither nee’d they lounge about the corners, seeking for employment with the yard sick or counter scales, the making out of account sales, or hunting patients or e ients in “the vus.y deep,” whence they come not. Let all iheae appren tice themselves at oro e to some honest aud useful mechanical trade «nd have th it w hich will never make their in trinsic value less anywhere It was made it repioach to England once by a rival, tha it was “a nation of shopkeepers,” but no one ever thought less of one which wis a nation of farmers and mechanics. It is ever ci editable to be known us a man of in dustry ; but scorn and contempt fol low the willfully idle, though the eye only, aud not the linger, be pointed at them. It is inserted that Alexander Dumas has made 19,800,000 francs with his peu Lidy Helen Fit* Maurice is the great est beauty of Eugland. Tenders for sixty thousand metres of silk gauze for artillery cartridges have been ope Led at the Prefecture of the Rhone, a Lyons. rode round the ring ion the pony, wiih the monkey on bis head.—[ Gravis Biography by hi s Dad \dy. There is on opinion prevalent that Giant has seen the •‘monkeys” in more places than the circus ring — Louisville Democrat. DAWSON, GA-, THURSDAY, APRIL3O, ISGB. Fate of Hie Apoxiles. Matthow is supposed to have suffer erarl martyrdom, or was slain in the city of Ethiopia. Mark was dragged through the streets in Alexandria, in Egypt, till he expired. Luke was hung to an olive tree in Greece. John was put in a hoi'ing cauldron at Rome, but esceped dea'h. Ho died u natural dea h at Ephesus, Asia Janies the great, was beheaded at Jerusalem. James, the less, was thrown from u pinnacle, ad beaten to death. Philip wav beheaded. Bartholomew was skinn and alive. Andrew was crucified and pounded while dying. Thomas was run through with a lenee. Judge was shot through with ar rows, tiimnn was crucified Mathias w;s stoned. Barnabas was stoned to death. Paul was beheaded by the tyrant Nero, at Rome Where to Get a Wife. I noticed, says a writer, an inquiry bow tt young gentleman can obtain an acquuntanee with some young ladies, it. order to obtain a good companion for life, as family circles are so : roken up relations so few, family acquaint ances so very reserved whereby gen tlemen cannot readily get into their society I wou and recommend eve y young man to go t once and join the ehureh and Sunday School-, and there by tiecome members of church anti schools, where many flesh acquaint ances have ben found A lauy Sun day School feu her has of en, Very of ten proved the best of wives See her at tier (>ost rent! ar, her seholats aite-iietl stron !v to her, is a proof she is ttie one to make home happy -t ;s no wonder our young men are so much Inhibit'd to find a good wife. They spt-nd their time, a ents money and all in gay, tio ous i ving. \\ hat girl or lady wants o marry a last young man un ess she be of ’he same caste ? I have seen young gent emeu and young latlit s in Sunday Schools lor years fuind their attachments there while in 'lie discharge ol their various duties. Let our learned, educated young men abandon their dissipation 5 el them g<> to work and put their al en s fort' t<> teach the younger boys the Truth tin 1 Word of God j and let themselves become valuable m tubers ol sued st ein jr I —ul v-cr,ture to say they never will lie at a 10.-s lor comp* ny or of good assocat oi, or a com panion for life. 1 can fay my hand on many happy families “ w wt '° com menced their first duties iu the Sunday Shoools. Chandler says the Michigan defeat served them righ’. It. is not that he loves the negro less, but that he loves whisky more. A Western editor thinks Ben Wade intended to be prophetic when he n marked, “I’ll he d—d to h—l if ever I swore iu my hie.” A negro man wa« killed at Fort Val ley, Georgia, a f w days 9incr, by a sol dier of the 16th Regulars. An alter nation preceded the killing. Whatever may be the end of man, there can be no doubt, when we see tho-e long trains gracefully swdepirtg (be floors and staeets, that the end of wo man is—“ Dust.” Many New Haven Radicals voted their ticket with the picture of Graut torn off. The French Government has stolen the “Gatlin gun” from the American inventor. New Haven promises a majority of 3,000 attain t Grant in November. Grant is disgusted with Grecly. Sc is mankind gen ra ly. L is sugge«ted that the photagraph of the itupe i timent Managers was taken for the convenience of detectives. Every soldier now in the United States Army cost the people $2,000 per annum And Grant wants to in crease the army 40,000; which wou and heap $80,000,000 per annum more ol taxes upon the people. Hoora for Grant! A man in or.e <>f the Hartford cot ton m lls opened a bale of cotton the other hay um: found a wu let contain ing $54100 in < onlede ate bill . It is 110 initial) u that his income lux wi I h ■ increased on account ol this impor tant discovery We think that Gen Grant is de id ly more unpula able to ho people since he was roasted by President Johnson ‘ban fie •• us when raw. Prob abiy he wa- overdone Prentice. 8 natcr Sherman admits that the excuses of the army fin- tie current year w ill not ' e less trian one hundred and twenty -til'ee nti-lion* ol dol ars.— A nice sum 11 fie takeu sr, m ti.e peo ple, for Hie army in tiru< sol peace Piu-< IX tius given Ins portrait to Mr. Peu ody With a Latin quotatt u containing an eu ogium 011 benevo lence, win leu with Ins Ho.mess own hand. N Forney says that Judge Wade, and bessrs. Du ler, Bingham, Btevens, and other prominent R.otiuals liuve been udinoDisheo fiy Uie Ku K nx* to fiold Uietmwtivca is readiness to sudden doom. Augusta* B imont, of Mew York, is reported 10 have paid over $400,000 for the works of art in his private gallery. The I’urcc of Imagination. Late one evening a couple of Irish men stopped at a country inn, in their native land and asked for lodgings.— The porter escorted (hem to the door of their room ; but just as the travelers entered it, the candle was extinguished by the wind from the door ns it closed behind them. The porter had already returned to the bar room, and after vainly groping about iu Bearch of matches, the travelers resolved to go to bed in the dark. Ir. the middle of the night one of them awoke and after shaking his com rade to arouse him said : ‘Tenenee, I’m wake as a vaccinated kitten, for the want of air. Get up and open the window The room ia as close as apa ion' fiin and I’ll die if you don't give me a r ’ Terrence arot- , groped around the room for a few mcmeuts and then said : ‘l’ve found the window ; but bad luck to ye if I cun badge it. I can’t move it ai her up or down ” ‘Then knock a coup e of panes out with yer shoe, and we’ll pay for ’em in the mornin’,’ said the sick man Terrence did as directed After two crashes were heard by the man in the bed. he seemed to recover, lor lie remarked : ‘Oh, that fresh air is invigor tin'.— I feel betther already Out wid a couple more panes Glas- is chape, and he landlord won’t be angry whin we're w illin’ to pay for thim ’ 1 erreiic’e clout brogue soon shatter ed the few remaining panes, anil the weak ma t recovered Ins ■ xtiaus ed strength, so soon thereafter that in ten minutes nvre he was enjov ng hi slumbers, uu.’isturbed by the Snores of hi-i companion who had also exprese eu him so f refre-lied by the current of fresh air adimtted through the broken glass Considerable time elapsed, and at long b the travelers awoke. For thirty minutes they lay in bed conver sing wondering why they cou.d not sleep. ‘Mornin’!’ echoed the other. ‘By the morthial but it appears to me that it's perpetual night in this part iv the world.’ In a few minutes more they heard,u knock at the door, and the travelers asked what was wanted •It i twelve o'clock T answered the porter, opening the door ami enter ing the room with a candle in his hand. ‘Areu’t ye gwiue to get up at all?’ "Only 12 o’clock !’ exclaimed Ter rence. ‘Wny 1 > nought ti t... „f least 5. What d'ye me an to • e rous ing 11s up in the m tld e iv the night I D<> the people in them parts get up at midnight V ‘No but they get up at breakfast time ’ ‘Thin why didn’t ye wait until breakfast time belore you distuibed us ! ‘Because it’s hours after breakfast time now—in fact it’s just the dinner hour T ‘Get out or I’ll throw me brogue at ye. What a barefaced liar ye must be to say its dinner time belore its day light 1 The candle in yer him makes a liar of ye T •Ha ! ha ! ha !’ and the porter chuck led with the exuberance of delight.— ‘No wonder ye thinks it isn’t day light, for there’s no window in this room to let in ligh ‘Tnin what did I break last night?' Terrence asked, looking around the room in astonishment. His eyes at last a ighted on a book uase the glass doors of which presented a dilapidat ed appearance. ‘Be !■ powers Jer ry he added, addr*s gt -comrade “when 1 thought- L w - tots' in’ the windy I was only bruit kin’ the glass in that bt ck case. But it did yea power iv good, Jerry, lor ye sed that ye felt the fre-h air revivin'ly 1” A. T. fcbawart bus and seharged a number of clerks. Dull tiroes. Maggie Mitebe'l owns a four stnry brown front m New York, which the is soon ‘o occupy. Napoleon paid the fee» of his cous in's installation ns Cardinal, i’hey amounted 'C $lB 000. Two prisoners, under the sent'-nct of death at Bing Sing, have brought su ts for lalse imprisonment against Ibe warden because ’hey w ere Dot hanged oil the day ap[K>inted. Cardinal Bonaparte's of St. Puder.tius is a decuute compliment Puderttiu bem s tne first woman who sheltered the apost esjn the days of Claudius The city and town elections in Ohio exhibit large Democratic gains In 1 ineiimuti nearly lour thousand in one year A Key West letter says the lernnant of the riefninoles left in that State are emula ing the “cusse lncss” of the no ole red men of the Plaiue, and have lately burned alive a captured white man Ninety one journalists fntight duels in Paris during the year 1807. Raymond thinks Johnson too m isy aud luquatious’ With all his faults he loves him still. Since the delivery of hi* speech in fuvor ij Geu. L'e’s college, Mr. Beech er has been giinmg g "den - pi' i lOS from all sors o? un D, south of M sun a.d Dixon a line. ”H w k. .u dul s u'id tbe W ’rds "f honest M'. li.-ecti— er,” &c., says (be Cnarlestoo Courier. The wheat crop ia promising in East Tennessee. A I'carlui l>rc»m—Tlie East kaiilln. Some ninety jesrs ago, (hero flnnr isltod in Glasgow a club of young men which front the extreme pr< fligacy of its members, and licentiousness of their or gies, was commonly called the 11-ll Ctub. Besides their nightly or weekly meeting- they held one grand annual saturnalia, iD which each tried to excel the other ia drunkenness and blasphe my ; and on these occasions there was no star amongst them whose lurid light was more conspicuous than tba of young Mr. Archibald £.. who endowed with brilb .nt taleuts and a handsome person, held out great promise in his hoyboi and, and raised hopes whieh had completely frustrated bv his subsequent reckless dissipations. One morning after returning from ibis unnatural (tstlval, Mr. Archibald B. having retired to bcddeaiiutd.he fol lowng dream 1 lie tai cied that bn b'oisetf was mount ed a favoijie black horse that ho always rode, at and that he was proceeding to wards lus own houst—then a country scat end) >wi and by trees, and situ led up on ahi I, u \V intiroly t uilt over, ami firming a part of the city—when a s»rat g- r, whom the darkness of the t ight proven ea his disiiue’ly discerning, sud denly seiz-d the horse’s rhiu, saying, “Y"U mu t go with me !” “Aod whoaroy.u?” exclaimed the young man, with a volley cf oaths whilst he struggl'd to free Liu s If. “That j ()ll Mill see by and bye,’’re turned the o her, in atohe that exci ed unuccuotab! teirnr in the you E who plunged Fa spurs i>oo hs hose, u tempred to fly, htr in vain However fast the annual fi w, the s'ranger was still betid' him ; till at length, tn bis desperate i ff rs to escape, the rid-r was <htown ; but it steal oljhting dash.d to the earth, as he < x peeled, he found him - self falling ! —falling—falling still ! a if sinking i it, > the bow. Is of the earth, A', leug'h a period being put to this mysterious decent, he found Ireathto enquire of his compatii n, who was still be-ide him whi'her they were going ‘‘Where am I?” Where aro you tak ibg me ?’’ he exclaimed. “To hell!” replied -he stranger, and immedia'rly interminable echoes repeat ed the fe tful sound, To hell !to be II! to hell I’’ At lenghth a light appi ared wh'tfh soon i-icr a-ed to a blaz ; but iustead of the cri-» and groan*, and lamenting, the terrified traveler exp ’fed, nothing met hi* eats hut sounds of music, north and j"llity ; and he found himself at the entrance of a stil erb but,ding, far exceeding any he hud seen construefed Lu r..~nh.nHj. V\ it bin. fco whsf a scene 1 No amusement, empl ymenr, er pursuit of man on earth, bit w.s the e being owird on with a vehemence tha* excited his unutterable amtz tiont, Ttiere the Dinting horse s ill b re lis bru’al rider 'lr «gh the excitetn-nt of the goaded race! Thpre over ti.e mid night b li, the lDicrminate still drawled out tha wonton s-mg c m .udiiu b a-- t hemy. The gambler plied f r his end lore game, and the slaves of Mamin'-n tdlcd through eternity tbeir bitter task-; whilst all the magnificence of •artb paled before that vvhuh uow met bis view. He soon perceived that he was among all acqusintcnccs wb'itn he Ifticw to be dead, aud each he observed, was pursn ing the object wba ever it was, that had formerly engrossed him j when finding himself r l.eved of tbe presence of hi; unwelcome conductor, he ventured to address his forn er friend, Mrs D— whom he saw t-itting, as bad b»eo her wanton iartb, absorbed at 100 req”c-t --ing her to rest from the game, and in troduce him (0 the pleasures of th" place, which app'ared to him to be V ry unlike wbat. he had expected, ai.d ru de dan extremely aginpnbl ■ one. Bn l with what aery of agony, .he answered that. I.h'te "as no rest in he 1, th t they must ever toil on at, those very p!-a-- nrew ; and irinnm-fahile voices <ct,. (and tbr ugh the in ernm sole vau' s. * Th r is no ie-t in beli!’ whilst ihr vi g o,> u rbeir vests, ea"h di-e os 1 in his ho- in of eVi r bun gri .me I Th"re thev s«id were theplcisur sos hrl; ! the < h-i:; on ea’tb was their lHesituhle dm pi 1 In the midst of the horror 'his scene in mired, bis ci nducior returned, and, at h s earnout iutreatv, r storm! biin again to earth, but ash, qu itel him, In s iid, 1 Kern -nil e- I —iu a year and a day we no et eg tin.” At this <r i< of his dream, the sleep, er a*; ke, feverish, and ill; au w tether from the 'fleet oT he ire&m or hi« pri ce ‘i g orgies, he was so unwell as to he obliged to keep Ins bad far several Jim during w' ich peri "and he bad tim > for many serii us rfl oti"Bs, which 0 min. a'ed in a resoluti n to af audoi t e duS and h'S lie niious comjaoioLs altog th er. Ho was ho sooner wi 11, however, than they flocked aiourul h'm ; b ot on re covering tej valuable a mt mber of tbeir 8' Cieiy; ac I having wrung from him a couf s.ion of the causes of his a- f 1 t on which, as may bo supposed, app are l to them soon coetrived to make hiiu ashamed of bis goad reso lution. Ha joined them agiin—resumed his former c ur»e of life, and when tiro annal saturnalia came r und, he found hiuikc f with his glass in hir hand at the table ; uhou the Pre.ilent r sing to make bis accustomed speech, began wi h saying, “Grntletaoo, this be ng leap, it is*a year and a day since our la-t anniversary,’ to. The word- strucK uprm the young man's ear li.e u kn -ll; bu', ashumed, i to expose bis weakiuss to th. jeers of his coni) anions, be sa’ out ttie least plying himself witti wine even more liberal y than usual, in order to drown his intrusive thoughts—till, in the gloom of a Winter s morning, he coousted his horse to ride No. IXS. ' Oolite h'lUis alt. rwi.nls the hoi Hr w i,h fount!, with his amid tt and bridlu on qui -tly grazing Dy the roadside. al*out halfway I etweeti the c-i y anti Mr. 11 s. hones, while a few yurdo off lay the corf serf his rnaHter. Now, us I huvoHiiid, introducing thin s ory, it is u() friction The eiicutn stauces happened as here related Gen Bullet's voice ami manner are nut very watutly oouiplimeuiid, eitiur by Iri nd or to . The N< w Yoik Tii lu ie corr>|o dent, re e ru g to his speech, Hays; Whet- he b-qtan that p r lion b. arng on the N w Orl res rtoie, he giouud it out Let ae n his It cli like the sc cej.iibg of a bun lied aas, c m rniuglt with the rumbling of an ar ill ry c.rrage across a ragged pavetuen* ’’ Ihe Herald correspond ut says; ‘ Mr. But'ci’s voioe is the strange t ever mor tal speaker saluted the pthlie tar with. I ri .sotublcs, iu Its iut..u., iuus, the c tn b bed and vailed to i ea of a cracked hairoi orga and aeonrtis of bull-terriers iu a silo, t tig .I—uow sh i p ami ma - pish, and again wjictzy and luspiug. —A juror having applied to the judgo to be excused Irotu nerving on wv o uul ol dvatoe-s, ite j iuge said ; G -ul I you Le.»r my charg to tie jury, sir’ ‘\ s, 1 h aid you hoi or’. eoa g , so id t.i juror, Lul I eomdu’i u.aR; any s use uu ot It.’ He Was ( XUUsed Surgeant Ba'es, sf er receiving an ovauoo iu eimy S> mthetu city, wav ip m mttromsly retuned admittauce to he Na it>>F*l C pitol. Is not this otuin u> ol the fate ol the hauaer ho has so tvroud ly borue through many a wt-aiy mile l Strt ws shows how the wind blows. A Mi- isuai y atnoi g tue freed men in Teuuessee, after telatiug to a u.e lit e Colored eiold.i n the si,i/y us Anna tas and tsaf pbira, a ked >h in why Gud does nut stitke t very body and ad wu i tells a lie, when ones G.e least io the room quick.y answered. “B cause lli-re w. uidu’t he any b"dy letr ” ihe phi OHoptter “t. G.” snys he thinks about impejvfenieut us the h tel-kcepur did übout the obstreper ous guest to whom he presented a hill ol £'J h r ' two Gays’ board,” ami 860 for nosing hell jeuerut y. Atm com mon sense minus als ml lliipeuettllielit as the ol>s repelous glie-el did ats ut the uudignih U landluid, to whutu he repmeel : • (sir, your bill in that shape is uu constitution, and you can’t coded it.'* Chi. ajo Junta. ’j lie ti . Louts iiepuolicun says that the immortal tor the abolition unite , Presidency, torwuidcd from Missouri to Benat.ii Brake, is not stguaw by a stuglu American name ! Bradley, the notori us, has been stricken lrom the l.egimy at Savan nah on the ground that he has been convicted of lehmy, and herelbte cieur iy disfranchised by the Hecuustiuction Acta. The Protestant! Episcopal Conven tion, for the Biocese ol Georgia, will ussi rntiie in Christ (. him h, tuvaiiimh,! on tiie first Monday in May. proximo. I Tweiry thuusand dollars an hour,| duy and night, is ihe interest on the public debt. Alex. I. Menken obt;i!a»d a decree of divorce in Uincinnti. < n FrWay, from Adah Isaacs Menken on the ground ot adultery wi h John C. Iletnan. Tliy suit was brought 111 1800. An epidem e prevails in Mississippi among the mules. The disease is like ci lie, but more fatal. Several j lantern! in the m (Idle part of the Btu « have lost tlieir entire stock by the disease. A Heconstructed Aiknnsas Corooer charged a reo"iietruel“il jury that they Weie to find out whether tbe deceased met bis Jeuth -‘by incidence, by inci denc •, or by in< ui.diary'ihe ju'V rendeied a verdict of death ‘by awl denoe in the shupe of a bowic knife.” The Nashville Danner's Lexington eonespoedent Sips: • ‘ Gen. Lee has changed veiy per ce: tit* y since he cum>- to Lexington Life ot eotitii ement does imt iigre with Inin. He lucks the ligti ness of step and brilliancy "I sy» that wire pecu liar to film when tie commanded tns fiery I gions at Chanceln rsyilie, or even on taut mournful duy Mien he surr, n'tered fiis w ar worn but Vtrteriun soldiers of Uie iCst cause ” Maj J. Taubell, of tbe Fedral army who has been culuva iug u pUifoi m iu the B'.uih since tha war, wruis to a Nor beru tneud : Give tbe blacks the best S ate in the Union, with teams, seed, graiu, farming ini 1-, a year’s supply ot everything und die hundred dollars iu money, each, with a gov,r.iuiout of tbeir own, aud they would starve to death the second year, and relap.e into m hail a century. rsr Thomas ILlon, one of the fam ous “Hdoo Brothers,” ci mini l ted sui cide a t w dtiys ago in the eouu'y jailat Harrisburg, lb. lie is the one who had tbe great f.dl at. Liucinati, s nue time ago, wh 1' pro'ormiog oue ot t.i. daring feats. I' is supposi and ihat tbe lusdng efte ts of that tub, in conneo im wnb later troubles ot the brotbeiß, derango i bis iutell. c • What proof have we that Noah navi gated an American river ? Dec use be was on tbe Ark and saw [Arkai saw. Me and hrod' r Iliunse a id two udd»r togs vent a hh ting an: ve. k, vj tnv, nine vo' dchucic into von a'one heap and kill teqiob da {ora Voo i&. n. J ’ IStilkZ lIiLXAVfi . LaXNS tiih RsdivaLs.—To. j-'e-ndi atcu bat. U'day ev«i ini; to< k a walk, and pasted ny the VV ar Bepar meet The fact wts telegraphed ail over the country at once. S'un'ou ilDun diately sent af < r another fie of a lun r.; Jin L guu ioßtnutly telegr.f fed itie G A K's to D' iu read* in**-, Giant t< ok an iii a drink to bo ready for 'he frav, Sumner bought a railr* ad ticket for B> sh and or a place of saiety, li t.ghum bid, I'had. Stevens be* c. mu acker and ve her, the wholo Radical pack at W Haiugton wire iu an intense slate of a.arm and all because the bold “A. J ” in an afternoon stroll waked by the WarD partmint.—Cleve land Pluindtoltr. JT3C”^ om o funny th : ngs will hap pit m meeting A tow evenings since a widow, who was known hy the en* tire congregation to ho greutiy in want of a l.usbuml, vvuh pray ng with great let Vetioy, “Oh, t h t>u kno west wlmt is ■he desire of my heart ’ she said— “A to an !’ responded a brother in • brood accent. It was wicued. hut we are qmt>> sute that sevetal grave Ittein hers ami ed uu the occualuu —loltdo Made. I A deacon who hecauio rich in a gro> ce y not a htimitel mile fruin the felote House in Alltanv, UHetl to boost how ooioli lie had dune tor be cause ot tempera rare, hy mixing ut least a ga lon of pure tv aid with evdy ga lot) oh i jin.r he *uM. It is now ptedic eti hy h’r in-h phil oftq,tu;r« ami suientitis tm n, dnit with in twefiiy Uvt yoais dec ri'city wilt su* perm dc oil oilier agents lor i lutn nut lttg pui pRi-es, and very | tohaldy fur heating purposes aiso If tnure is tiny ltu It .u miouoy Heed he lr< uhled about the supply ol coal givn.g out. 1 The reedy tn my system of tlo’ng bus ness, which lias i em-me h general in his counliy since tlm beginning us the war is finding avor ir o.her ei,un tries also. flic meronauta ana rvlaJ doa ms of I.oticon are in many cases, holding out such iritluccrimiHs to cash custoinerv that few Can aff'ord to take ciudit lieland once hud eleven tnil'ton of pe pie, and now it has only five Why is this? It is because tiny have been oppressed by a tyr..uicul govern ment. Tl e expens sos the Mis-issippi cat«* pet-bfg eonventit'D font up 8200 000. Di"cnvf ries of gold are reported in A drew county, Md. Tin re are upwards of a thousand Gypsies in the United S'titrs. New York has 1,10 John Smiths. This 'noludes the < Id m m. I' staggrrs Senator Yatc* to answer for his abstocs from his seat. The New Y' rlt P st m de * char P'tfi: 1 8100,400 outing the las' year. T*n pag sos the Jackson [M s-.] Clarion ate filled with tax sale advertise ment*. Russia, with stt <yo to the hr»bh of the ruing gencruti n. f rliJs the nisnu lac ure er sale > f colored swea'nieats. I Tlrcifl scnuDtlrds attempted to rob 1 the C-ntenaiy C io'eb, New Albany, Indiut a, of a valuah'o cairn union ser vin', ou Tuesday la-T. Seven lut drs Id. lbr* is the amount id bail r<q-irtd of a m n w! o cc 10- 1 metier* a family in Cuicag 1 without be lir>g married. A 0 Vermont employee, a whi*e mao, e'opcd last week trorn Corin b, M *r., wi.h a negro woman. * Some p r on or persons entered the Ptesl y*rri»n Church, af P otia, and s’u'e every yard of oatpet the eLuich contained. G?n Frct'Vlin wne one of 'he Vioo P .sidents «i tl - recent D micratic meetit g in N w Haven. Oi feral W i hu so, of Virginia, who was 01,e ot L •'s ablest B igadt< rs, has ailitd hito>el with the Rddital party. Two negro b n vs were airostrd in M' nt his c,„ ifc, ]4 h j ngt t s r n g b p. rsen of ali tic vbite girl 8 y» r-i oVI. A m n nsm-d 8m is rep r'ed, wa* tareeA »nd fe-atba ed in D riupoli* -Hst we- k, for baritig married a nevro Mrs {Turr et . Wayne was nvirder ed with an tJe, < t» act< tint o j< a ou y, by fieri uslmiid neat Fniuunt slew miles In.m New Ymk, <m 'ihursday night. An 1 morons youth of Quinoy, I ii— noi» got uii'nieicUDlt o* hiding flout two seivnri oi ri[ - “tie nit ht hist week. It win w bat he dtse rved, but not tx* uctly what htrwi.nVcd General 11a lick wi’i be erdered to succeed Gen. Hancock, ul New Or- Lucs. The si rip used by tls Florida Con vention is not very vu uuble The membets have to pay slo<l < f the stuflf for a hot !e of whisky, auj single uritiks are S2O A dog died of consumption, at Springfield, Mass ,’he either day, aftr being the eempunion for some time of a person who was sick, wi.n that disease The libel cas“ of Mary Baker against Moses lira h, form r proprietor of tbe New Vorx ‘-Sun,’' ior fitly thousand doll ;rs, resulted in a verdict in laver of-Mr. Beach. The indians iu tbe Powder Kiver country r sure to treat with tbe Peace Gown issioni rs until evey white man tias left th" disputed territory. In tbe mean lime those settlers who will not leave are btiug d>iveu away or killed. Two New Yorker* had a amcking match on Mo may. One i uuhu ohm, uey consumed twelve lig a aud » quajs rer from 8 *»• 12 P M. The lei I tu~ only get tbßiUga tec antLft bait