The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1866-1868, July 30, 1868, Image 3

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DAWSON; JOURNAL. fLocai Column. "iPVEKTIfnti INDEX * Cos., F* cto w mmiaaiou Merchants. Jiledaoc & Cos., Eafcb Mills, Ma coo, G». ' W JT. I/SW48 —Wholesale Dealer in fobiceo, will leavo Dawson for a s hort time and authorizes Messrs Alex snder & Parrott as his agents for the col adfcountt dttc him for sales of Tobaeoo r t* * ftliaill Wc hare the Cotton Fac tory, We lesrn the Committee appointed to subscriptions will eall on our merchauts and others the present week to sec what will bo mitseried by them to build the Cotton Factory Some of our citizdes are taLing an interest ir this matter and should hare the co op eration of our entire community. By a united effort, we oao build the Facto ry. We hardly think it necessary to UTge upon but rftiffens to coffie forward and subsoribo to this enterpriss—one that will be of so much benefit to our town and surrounding country. The j investment will doubtless pay hand somely. The operations of the Dawson Manufacturing Cj. have set a good ex ample. We learn tbeir subscriptions amount to nearly 7,000 dollars. During the last week we were favored wi’h a meeting of God’s an notated servants, who most dbly preached Hie word. Though the weather was somewhat unfavorable, the people eauie from all sections of the country. The occasion was cnc of much interest, and long to be remembered by the people of B«4AWflffefH Georgia. Rain, Raiia-jr. Many of our planting friends have been somewhat gloomy and despondent io consequence of dry weather. The m»Dj and fnquent sbt*#ers *f hate; we hope, ba- dispelled this cloud of gloom and despondency from tbeir brow, and ’ire we meet them again, woe tbeir coun tenances l> unijug vy appreciation and tbiokfwtaea* to tW'Giver of afl good. thanks are due our T- Matsbal, for sdxwtif the fioes’ melons we have seen this sea son. George is a whole-souled fellow, and evrr ready to appreciate the wonts of the “printer.’’ I#* Particular attend n is ca'led to (he adertisemrnt of Mes rs. Bledsoe Atof the‘‘E*gle Mill.*,'’ M /con, Georgia. District .tleeliug. Below we give the resolutions of the Aaaericus District Meeting, lately con vened in Dawson; Re-ohved, Ist, That the tlianls if the Americus District Meeting arc due and are hereby tendered to the ei’ of D.w.son, for the generous hospitality shown us, and for unusual care in ar ranging a eommodions stand and shelter for the religious exercise* of the mcet «og. Ifnd. Thrt we fully appreciate the kindneea of the oßocrs of the South- M estern Rdl Road for Railroad fatali ties extended to us. 3rd. That the presence and labois of out visiting brethren have contributed nolfttle to the priflt and interest of our meeting, and we cordially invite them to our future meetings. •t'h. we feel ourselves favored, that bhr' venerable father in Israel, Dr. Lovick Pierce, has been with UR | years of age, G3 spent in the Ministry, and 59 in the Itineracy. Ho has nevertheless preached to us in the power and demonstration of the spirit and we pray God may spare him yet to the church, many days of lealth,.use fulness and enjoyment. Daring Attempt at Highway Rob r*rt. Frequent complaints, says the Savannah Herald, have been miwfo of the robberies which occur on the Au gusta road, near this city. These rob beries are continually occurring, and sometimes violence is used. Yesterday morning, a little bes -re day, while some' wagons were on »he way to this city, the foremoat one was precipitated into a deep pi* that had been dug immedi ately across the roadt Tl>» wagon wa# badly broken, and the driver narrowly escaped breaking his neck. An inves tigation showed that the pit was e’ght feet long, four feet deep, and threo teet iu width. When the wagon fell, j voices of men were heard near Che J place, and it issupposed that they dug th- hole so as to stop the wagons, arul then secure the conlvnts. They did not tt>*ketb*ir appearance yesterday morn- ; ln g. doubtless fenring that there were too niany men with the Wagons. The proper authorities should adopt *°roo measures speedily <bf the protse t'on of those who come to our ci’y to ’ r ' n g the necessaries of life. Io other | I> aces, miliary patrol* have been s?o< j ° ut * *ud they edectunily etoppwd the' ! Proceedings of the “k’nighto of the road.” Grant is travelling as a private individ 1 M U t» got used to the feeling- Tkc Cowardly Tmduccr. The midnight assassin who stealthi ly breaks into the sanctities of the pri vate borne of a family, and thrnsti bis •filletto into tbe heart of slumbering in nocewoc, i« no greater villain than he who assault* hi* neighbor’* good name —invades the hallowed courts of the temple of his well-deserved and hard earned fame— breathes blight and mil dew upon hiaspotjeaa. reputation, and Teavoe in his tortuous track the slime *<td venum of the basilisk. Tbe sentiment has been most truth fully and graphically enunciated, tha‘, he who can shake the sweetest flowera of social love, and taint them with dis ease—and in the paradise of earthly bliss, where the plan's of virtue flour ish, spread tbe malaria of moral desola tion—tbe poison of hatred aud and struct —who gladly would, were it possible, crush bis ntighbor’s character to dust —grind to powder every vintage of bis ’public honor and private value, and build upon the rutas—who can write infamy upon the brow of other to piovc his own purity—is neither man nor beast but a heartless demon. Those who have seen their dearest interests tampered with—who have known what it is to have the priceless gem of a good name sullied by the pes tilential breath of cold, unpityiog slan der—tlese best can say, the ca’umnia tor has no heart, no cousoicuse. no soul ! If the lightning’s flash ever darts from Heaven to strike tho guilty down, it will blast tbe hopes of murders such as those, hut bad as is the vile dc/amcr of tbe living, yet far worse is he who exhumes front tbe peaceful shadows of death the departed victim of his envy, tp hold him up to the gaze of the world as a target at which to hurl tbe pistif erous shaft of his malignaui hate. In such a monster, there is to be found no trace of the image of God ; bfit in foota of this is seen every ap~ pauling and disgustiug hnement of the areh-fiend of perdition. Rev. Z. Ful ler, in exchange jnijter. A I.oaf From History. ♦-Upoa the eve of election which may. says the Journal <{■ Messenger, by the wrath of God, and tj»e treachery of those whc in the people have trust 'd to represent them at Atlanta, result in the •Irctyon of Joe Brown to the United States Senate, wo present to the people of Georgia, and tp the consideration ol out cotetnporarics throughout, the North and West, a leaf from the records of the post. If Brown is to be thrust into the presence of honorable tneu by a eotnbtna'ion, the infamy of which will beggar :Lc Erg'i-b vocabulary of epi thets to fitly charactetiz’, wc desire that this chapter in his history shill precede and hcrali his advent at Wash ington. Head irbat he wrote on the 10th ot March, 1864 to the L'-g'sla turc; r lam infirmed that* number o I persons ;n tlat portion of our Htatc ad ! joining East Teoness'e, have lately re i moved, with their families, wi.bin tic lines of the enemy, and carried with them tbeiT movable property. There persons have never been lcyal to the cause of the South, and they now avail themselves of the carliost opportunity of uniiiug with the enemies of their State. . ‘ I recommend jjjjfenasttnent of a law, providing for the confiscation of the property of all such persons, and that all such property Wsold and the pro cceds of tbc sale spplied to the payment of damages done to loyal citixensof the same s*cti< n, whose property has been j destroyed by raids of the enemy, or by armed bands of lories. “I am also informed that some dis oyal persons in that section have de» serted from our armies, or avoiding ser vice, have left their families behind, and gone over to tbs enemy, ar.d are tow under arms against us. lam hap. py ty learn that the number of such per. ! sons is very stea l. I recommend the \ confiscation of the property of this class l of persons also, and io ease they have ! left families behind that are a charge to the country, that ao part of the re lief fund be allowed them, but that they be carried to tho enemies liaes, aod turned over to those ia whose cause tfctir husbands now serve! “I also recommend the enactment of such laws as shall forever disfranchise and decitis nine all persons of both classes, should they attempt to return to their States.” Stephens, the lute Head Centre of -tbe Fenian Brotherhood iu the United States, is teaching Engli-h in Faria A land suit, lately instituted in Har rison county, Texa», by tho heirs of Generni Albert Sydney (Johnson, for thirty leagues of valuable hiDd in that county, has resulted in a verdict in their favor. A Texas man gave it aW his opinion when importuned to take out a policy in a life insurance company, that a fellow’s life was so mighty uncertain about there it wasn’t worth insuring. A gallant writer has recently record ed his opinion to tbe effect that tbe vir tues of tbe ladies exceed the magnitude of thoir skirts, at that their faults arc as small us tbeir bonnets. That chap is looking forward to female suffrage, and intends to run for some important oftner [From tbe Atlanta Constitution. Infurnaliou Wanted. When Georgia was prouounccd de funct, by Tbad. Stevens’ request, who heired her estate ? What went with the gold that was in the Georgia treasusy before (he sur render 7 How did it happen that all the «ot ton owned by the State of Georgia dur ing the war was stewed on the line of Wilsou’s and Sherman’s march and left in aabe6 ? What ex-Governor, in 1865, owned (be largest quantity of cotton in por tions of Georgia and Florida where no eotton was burnt ? Did Georgia own cotton that was shipped to England through the block ade to the value of $400,000, which was placed to tbe credit of tbe State of Georgia ? And did the purchasers get a notice just before the surrender, to erase “Slate of Georgia” »nd insert the name of an individual, and if ao, who is that individual ? What Governor of the State of Geor gia was inaugurated a poor man and emerged from the office one of tho weal thiest men in tbe State 7 Would a Governor’s salary of four thousand dollars per annum, paid in Goufe ieralc money, make hioi lick ? Wbat two men by the same name captured each an arsenal before the war? What ought to bo done with the other 7 Quiz. A New York banker has his life in sured for $15(1,000. The Api»|»oiMlniciitß On the Dawson Circuit will be filled as follows for the year 1868. DAWSON, Ist Sunday, Revs. T. T. Christian aud H. V. Mulkey. 2od Sunday, Rev. I. G Evans. 3rd “ “ T. T. Christiin. 4th “ “A. L. Hamilton. DOVER, Ist Sunday, Rev. Johu Skipper. 2nd “ “ T. T. Christian »Dd H. V. Mulkey. 3rd Sunday, Rev. J J. Sessions. 4th '< “ H. V. Mulkey. NEW HOPE, Ist Sunday, Rev. James Spense. 2nd “ “ (Vacant at present.) 3rd « “ H. V. Mulkey. 4th “ “ T. T Christian and L. G Evans. CHICKASAW HATCHKE, Ist Sunday, Rev. Wm. Hays. 2nd “ “ John J. Sessions. 3rd “ “ Thos. L. Speight. 4i h “ “ Thos. T. Christian and L G. Evans. PLEASANT GROVE, Ist Sunday, Revs. Thos. T. Christian ana H. V. Mulkey. 2nd Sunday, Rev. James Spence. 3rd “ (Vacant ) 4,h “ Rev. Wm Ilays. SALEM, Ist Sunday, Rev. L. G Evans. 2nd “ “ T. T. Christian aud II V. Mulkey. 3rd Sunday, (V’acant.) 4th “ <• BETHEL, Ist Suudr.y, R v g. Thos. L. Speight. » M (Vacant ) 3rd “ Ilcv. 1.. G Evans. 4th “ (Vucant.) Friday before each 3rd Sabbath, llcv Tbos. T. Christiau. Aitpotalinenlsof Rev. Tkes. E. Langley. Ist Sxbbath asd Saturday before, at Sinithville, Lee county, Ga. 3rd Sabbath and Saturday before, at Fort Gaines, Clay county, Ga. 2nd and 4th Sabbath and Saturday before, at Dxwsod, Ga. Special JVoticeg, Da tvaon Lodge, I. O. O. F. No. $6 MEETS on Moudav night in each week. J. M. SIMMONS, N. G. John A. Bishop, Sec'y. LAWKEH’ECUAPTEK 49, MEETS Fourth Wednesday night in each Jfonth. J. M. Simmoks, H. P. J. C. F. Clark, Secretary. I*. T. Schley Lodge, No. 229, F. A. Nff. MEETS Third Saturday in each month, 2 o’clock, p. m. C. C. Truss, W. M. J. B. Avxrt, Secretary. . TO CftJTSI JttTMW'ES. The REV. EDITA HI) A. WILSON will send (free of charge) to all who desire it, the preaerip tion with the direction* for making and using the simple remedy by which he waa cured of a lung aiteetion and that dread disease Consump tion. llis only object is to benefit the aflliccd and he hopes every sufferer will try this prowri itimi as it. will cost them nothing, and may prove* blessing. /’lease address KKV. EDWARD A. WILSON, No. uw South Mc-ond street, WHliamaborenpfi, New fork. 4- iu*u INFORMATION Information guaranteed to produce a lux ori ent growth of hair upon a bnkt heed or beardleaa flee, also t receipt lor the removal of Plmplee, blotches. Eruptions Ac., on tbe skin, leaving tin- same soft, ri«ar anti beaiiilfnl, can be obtained withdut charge by adtkeaeiiig THOS. K.CIIAI'IUN. Chemist. 823 Broadway, New York, KAYTON’S OIL OF LlFE—Cure* Pains in the Back, Breast, Side, Shoulders audJoinU KAYTON’S MAGIOCURK—is a summer remedy and cure* bowel complaints. RATION’S OIL OF LlFE—Cures Earathe urns, Cuts, Stings,iie. KAYTON.S MAGIC CURE—Cures PUi rbcc* and Cramp Cholics. KAYTON’S OIL OF LIFE, Ac., fer sale by Loylrss k Wall, Dawsan, Ga. FUST RECBIVED, 60 pieces of Bleaching at low prices at S. M. BIF.SEL k BUG’S. JUST ARRIVED —A large stock of Ciock ery, at S. M. SIESEL k BRO’S. Attkntkw—A fine stock of Swiss Jaconet, Lawn and Trimmings, can be found at 8. M. SIESEL 4 BRO'S. Arrived —A extra fine stock of Ladies’ and Children’s Hats, and Ribbons of all kind at S. M. Suskl 4 Bro's. Just Rkciivkd. —A fine (took of Silk /’xraeols and Umbrellas, at S. M. SIESEL 4 BRO’S. Prof. H. If. KAYTON 4 CO., Savannah, G*., Proprietors of Kayton’t popular reme dies. KAYTON’S OIL OF LIbE-Cures Rheu. mutism aud Neuralgia. MARKETS. JOURNAL OFFICE. ) Dawson, July 30, 1868. 1 We quote cotton to-day at 20a23 cent*. Macon, July 21; middlings 27. New York, at 20}. Augusts ; middlings 29 c. New Orleans ; middlings 29c. Dawson Prlcei turrcnl. Corrected Weekly by Win. WOOTEN. Cotton, ... 20 1 23 DeLaine*, 'lt a 40 Lancaster,...... aßu 40 Sheeting, 22 « Factory Yarns, >2 12 Coats’ Thread, 1 26a Kx. Fam. Flour, 16 al* Superfine, 18 a 14 Rice, 8 a7 Sugar, Brown,. .18 a 20 Coflee Sngar,... 18a 20 Syrup, cane,.... 76*100 “ sorghum,6o a7O Bagging, Keol’y, <8 - 30 G01d,.... Bfla 40 Silver,.... 30*38 Prim* 10 *lB Ginghm* 87 a 50 hard 18*20 Osnaburga 21 Bacon, ...18*20 Corn,. .1 80*1 40 Tea 1 60*200 Coffee,. ...28* 80 Candy,.. .86 a 60 Cheeae,... .20*30 Salt, 8 26 Cl***, $8 a 10 Butter ... 25 Kggs,,.. 15 Beeswax,. 14 * 16 Tallow,. 10 a 16 50jT,.,1 00*1 25 Nail*,,... alO 5h0t,.... 1 fl*2H Powder,. .60 a 76 “ Uunuy, 46 a Rope, 14 a 16 handles. Star,. .. 25*30 Dried Fruit,... .12 al6 Tobacco, 60 a 1 26 Soap, turp’utine. 16 a 20 Whiskey. ...1 60a S6OO C0pera5,.........10 a 16 Irish Potatoes 3 ffonß 60 ff. HUFF OFFERS TO THE PUBLIC FOR CASH OR ON TIME I following articles, on as good terms A as they can be bad in flaraii: >OOO Bushels Corn, 250 Casks Bacon—Sides & Shoulders 100 Kegs Lard, 300 Sacks New Flour, 500 Bales Hay, 25 Barrels Syrup, 100 Bushels H ater-Gronnd Meal, 25 sacks Rio Coffee, 25 Bbls Extra C. Sugar. Cor. of Cherry and Third Streets, MA-COIST* GrJ±. junt2stm W- A. HUFF. Leather, SADDLES, Harness, - - - Your attention is again invited to nay stock of S4DDLERY& HARNESS GOODS, Comprising in part: Sirg’e and Double C**r, Buggy, Dray aid Plantation fl»rn«a*, Lidki, Misses, (r< u » Mild Bo* s Saddle*. Bridle**, Collars Wnip*, Covers, eic. Saddleis’ Hardware, aud all kind el good* adapted to the trade, to which the a teoiiou of Mauufac'urcrs is « spec ally invited. 1 muiufacture all my stock of Saddle*, Harness, eic., without exception almoet.— Have had twenty-five years practical experi ence, and therefore can rec ommend my woik aa good, nnd the price* shall meet with your appiobrtion. Keep constantly on hand, a good stack of Harness, skirting, Hemlock and OAK SOLE LEATHER, Wide and Side Skip, Cairtkin' PA TENT A A D ENA METED LEATHER S JNJ) CLOUTS. Your orders moat respectfully solicited. WANTED. HIDES, Skins, Vara, Beeswax and W’ool, for which tbe highest market price will be paid, prompt returns mahe aud bo com mission charged. Rrmeniber, 44 7‘iiitd st., near Cherry, MACON, GA. jnne4:2 G. BERSD. CORN AND BACON —ON TIME OR FOR THE CASH! WE Propose to sell to the consumer* of Terrell county, Bacon and Coru ON TIME, for approved acceptances. We will exchange, when desired, Baton col ton, taking security for delivery of the cottoE. For particulars, apply to LAWTON & LAWTON, 4tb Street, M-acon, Ga. juo(2s;3tn Es t H iIM, STOVES, STOVES. WE have on hand and for sale low, 200 Stoves, of the most itnpiovcd patterns, and have the exclusive sale of the improved Iron Witch Parlor and Office Grates, Nails, Curry combs, Locks, Wire Sieves, Tin, Wood and Willow-ware, House-For-, -nishing Goods, Pocket and Table fuller), Iron Pipe, team Fittings, &c„ WHOLESALE MANVTACTi'ItESS OE JIN WARE, Tin Plates, Sheet Iron, Bloek Tin, Sheet Corper, 4c., 4c- . We have on hand a rtr* lot of rTUtt Jar*, and in f»ot everything that is necessary or could bo used lor furnishing a house. Can be found here, and for prices to suit the time*. G F. & H. E. OLIVER, .Vo. 42 Third Street , MACON, GA. yune4;3m* J W FEARS’ COLUMN vaeeii Lm: fr>i«ht. Hi: lo p Georg* Piero*. A BOUT twelve yearn aga, at Mad- JltMft, thin .State, ! attended the Mnillkoii ( omMciit-cmeut, James L. Fierce (brother of the Bishop,' IVoh ident. When I entered the building the eloquent Hi chop wan appealing to the Madiaonuim to cowc up jumi pay off the f4,UUO debt over the Mad la »n Female College. “Come up [ Might now!’’ h waad««e. Wihla, Kolo, F. 11. Raldwln, unti others, planked down $ UK), 50, ujitil very boon all waa arranged. 7]»i» wan the last time 1 had the nß'asure of seeing the Hisliop until Wednes day eftlds wuek. 1 left my “Little oflkec in the Corner,” for one hour, to visit “Wesleyan College C’hiipel” to hearthe BishopM address. What do you think! Again it was, “Came up here, and put down your names, ♦in annual}’, to this Society. We wish and must have five thousand dollars annual}- to aid the Wetray an to educate the thirty-two young ladle* who are now the beiiiffeia rlrs of the institution.” The result was, the Bishop talked an X out of me almost before I got my Heat. Long nmy lie life, to ni4 by hia in flurinv to buikf College*, »»d koop alive those already bntlt. vou friends of the Wesleyan, send to l>r. Myers, Treasurer, your ten dollars aud conic, lnjy your baoon at the “Little Office” oil Credit, or for Cotton, J. W. FEARS Provision Broker. I A Axon*,' Gx., JnTv 76,18«51 G. W. PiuiLirs, Jk. Cion: l.owest for ear load of Bacon Shoulder*, aud car load of Clear Rid .side* I Answer. J. W.Feara CiaciauAVi, July 16, 1868. J. W. Fk.ars. Macon, Ga.: Shouldera 13«; Clear Kib .Vale* 16 l-3c. Market oaaier. G. W. Phillips Jr Bacon in MacttU. /ALE A It RIB SIDES at. lfi t-'-'c in l ’Cincinnati, will rout W etl in Macon, re-weighed. J W FEARS Press lifepatches. Pres r I)««pitrhM arc not ■lwavd reliable, aa lU>*r4* of TVade are often eareleaa in q««o- Utiona. Tk**v will do to gnoott by —hot If you wish tokoep well p«at ed, rail at my “Office, w wr rend my column. / get H dir *xt from Itro kora 7 actnal tranaactiona. J W FEARS 'si;ooo,ooo. /'tUR from the \ eru and Western States wlio at tended the late I>emf»cratle Con vention at New York, iu their nnx h*tv to feel that the South waa rising pecullarfly, some of them, perhaps, wished to get money, or . accommodation* of some sort, g*re a most £krfidH| •orotwt of tiro r oft on crop. ImproMlhg upon N »*w York that :t,000,000 hales might he produeed this yewr. New England as well aa Old England, Srixed thin opportunity to use it against cotton and the result is tho tetnporay dr oiincofiVf to i 1-4 rent# per pound, making a lost X 4 the south, wAo lold* hi I JvetpoW, York <a»d m the hunilred tlnuvrs and bales of cotton, of over a mil ium doliara, conn the tott#r% pressed on the fint hdtd •rs are not afraid. Let every plan ter snd ovary ni:iu liold his eotton. N*B*oret«*p* for this country. 1 have a private letter in my office from one of th«, moKt reliable factors la Haw York,* who has the privilege of “lookiu* behind the curtain,” who adyfi tho present tU’clluci* owing: to wery flattering report* made by tho .Southern I’eopole, as l»eflore stated, in New York. M)•**«, Do not con trolled by tlrfn offort to got the remam*ler of the KOutbern cot ton. Hold on—keep your cotton, sml buy your bacon, corn, and gro ccriea at the “ Lktlc office” on a credit, or for eotton, new crop* pound for pound. J W FEARS * Provibioo Broker. Uome Again. IN my Office, ready to execute all Order*, for Cash, Credit, or Cot ! ton, pound for pound. Two largo plica of orders reodvad in my au { senee. Will all hare prompt at* 1 tion this day. IW FEARS Provision Broker. jr n Cw non inn. ADJOINING THE PASSEiVGER DBFOT, MACON, GEORGIA. SCHOFIELDS PATENT COTTON PRESS. -Pattented September* 3d, 1807. 'ItHIB }’R/fB6 vial eemmend to tbe Cotton Planter* of Georgia for it* fturabilitv I Simplicity of Construction, aud tbe eas* with which It can be operaied f>r either Sand Horse, Water, or -Steam Power—tbe change from one to tbe other being effected in a low miaous. Another gv* at advantage which this Press poaaea* la, k takes sp *0 Hale voowi tkai K msy ba plaaed in and ran in the Gin House, thus saving much extra labor and lom of tiaaa, the Cotnwi being placed in it as fsat as ginned. Occupying but little apace, aud kept out of tbe weather, this press la wary durable, aM not liable to gat oat of ordvr, both the Screw and the Frame being of wrought iroo. These presses are all put up complete and perfeot before leaving my establishment, thus putting the purejiaeer to ua extra trouble and expena* in procurlrg a ins to sat them Hf run SlQta To show with what favor and satisfaction these Presses have been received the past sea son, I append the following ceruScates aud naioea, among many other*, of gentlemen wb«f hare used them : Hopsto* Cot; ntt, Gaoanix, June lst/ISSS. Jf r. J. S’ Scohjield, Macon, Ga : ’ 9*4* ix— In reply to your note of the 15th ult., t have this to say in regard to you Patent Cotton Screw : “IT FILLS TUK BILL,’’ and isr all you claim for i*. I regard it »n --perior to any Tress I have seen. I am, very respectfully, K. H. FZA’LL. „ . . HotisToa Cocifrr, Gx., June Bd, 1868". Mr. Sehnjtrfd Macon, (Jtv> gia : ' Dkxk Sta—Your lavor at hand. lam well pleased with your Cottau Prea*. For pow.' er and durability I don’t think it can be excelh and. Very respectfully, 3. Vs. Wimberly. ~ . Auxaicua, Gx., June 14lb, 1868. Mr. ./. S. Sfhf/ieLd Macon : Pxxa Sia—We are ir. receipt of tour letth- and in reply, say that the PereW is i perfeA success, and I have no doubt will have ready (ale. We can pack I.UHM ibasn an*rduuf»/i aixe bale with four baud* Very Respectfidly, you/a, J. It. I’RICU A SON.. ~ ' kt ll«u*K Gitisx, Wilcox Ooesrv, June 26th. 1868, ’■ •* Mr. J. S Schofield, Maenn. Georejh : ' . .. „ Sia—The C’otiou V resa I bougi.t of you last.faH, works well ; and Tam very well pleas ed with it. I packed with it about wne hundred Mies of Oattoo. | f-dL»uß«r the “TVeii an-' 1 deiior to ail otheta for pecking cotton, as It can be worked with teas labor, and will pack a* heavy bales as any farmer wants. Wood Screws and /’ryes for baling cotton must surely give way and place to your Iron Screws. All I regret, is, that 1 did nut get so ftPw frama horn you, Complete. Yours respectfully, tvX>, FULLER. ,‘t Gen Thos F. Drayton, Mncon county, B. 11. Myrick, BnMtvfn Coantv, Johrt Hart, Mon roe county A. J, White, Pike county, Capt. O-rie Tufts, Jones oountv, Cltsaveland k Bai-' ley, Baker county, Long k Whitaker, Taylor cnuoiy, Robert Thompson, Leu county. A, Dawson, Wilkinson county, II L. Kew.a , Houston county, Jerrv Hollis, Monroe county, B. W. Massee, Houston county, L P, Bryan, Lee county," Allen k Oranotsa, iUbb oonarv, W. W. Dees, Baker county, Arthur Foster, Bibb county, W. Hunks, Monroe county, j. R Griffin, II oust on county, Thos. J. Cater, Houston courtly, TV. J .fryiick, B.sTtJwin county 8. k . Myrtek, Baldwin county, II V l lf. Ease, M illedgewiMe, Jas. W. Browrt, Tuvtor coonty';* D. Bolomon, Gordon eflan!v, W W. Turner, fiancock county, R.,(», fl irper, Jf.lkdgayilllaiy, J J Collins, .1/icon county, J. L Ltmpkin, Wilcox county, John T. Hryant. Houston coun ty Pleasant Rty, Dooly county, J, W. Jordon, Lee count-, W. B. Wairee, Hetnfeh eomty, Nat Hester Baker county, R L M muni, Terrell County, John W. Paul, Terrell oouaty. , - In order to nlace these Presses within the reach of 1 offer them for sale ftjf Drafts accepted by responsible parties pavable from the Ist to tbe 16th of October next. v t July 9 ' ,-od l. w. p EAR s' PROVISION BROKER. MACON, GA., JUNE 1868. Sb vO XIB M An INVITES tbe attention of MERCHANTS from South-Western Georgia, to his Big Stock of © It Y iOO P Sr JUST A-RRIVITSTG! ■gv,. The best Msortment in IMjLdcll© Georifia can be found here. 1868. SPRING ! 1868. :o:-- IMPORTANT TO THE IADIES! MISS MriLLIE WILLIAMSON would re (.pev'luMy anuouuua to her forniev pat reus aud Ladiea urnvrally, that ah* can still be found at Ah. W. if fVepla* rore, wt**re I she is erinfltantly and hag : opened a large, handaom* and well selected | stock of Fashionable Uirnieiy Goods! Embracing *«• th* teteat and most popular t sl y leg of BONNE S, HAJfii, j DRESS T4UMNINGS, and everything usuilty kept ill a fijgt cfars * SAllinfry Store, allot wfiieh werig cafefully ’ -eleet-d at ene *f th- most extyntive Gnyxirt- j ring houseg In the "United #bateg,‘ and which ■ she will sell for a vervftnall profit, to snit tbe times. Cnff'and examine f>t yourselves. Also, Dresses cut add made te order. Dawson, Ga., .Way 18 1868; 3 m BETTER^THAN GOLI> l COR .\BW * COLffRN Arc rcuomraeuduikby Bankers,* l.fin*ycr*y lYwfcs sors, Tcachcrw, Merchants, and all wlto have trie«l them, a* the beat l*en maiiufacfured. They art uon-*"®r*oslv>e. “Vl jwHd the greatest care, rendering Humlwwt mirtWc tluiii any pen now before the public. bent Jp pair ,*<lrp.a per lawk, couta*” rig ou*; Uuxen. fAider., von tuning niQuey feg< htaffpor sent nt Osir risk. I>o not forget to fry them. M. AfcALTP} A CO. Please state tdHerß'y«4*#aw «am& iatment. J. E. dr E. CHRISTIAN, Commission Merchants, X*l> DLXLIOB IB— . AS« DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, Also, ogentsf jr the purchase of Sorth L*. and Tennessee Produce. HainMion Sipwf, X> silt on, 5 : Ga. EXECUTOR'S SALE. UNDER an order Horn the Court of Ordi nary of Terrell county, will be told be fore the Court House door io lb* tow* ot Dawson, on the first Tuesday in August nex',' between the legal bonrs ol sale, the foflowing lots, tract* and parcels of land, to-wit: No*. 141, except 10 acres in tbe south east corner, 172, 148, 178, 181, and the hslf of being the south hull.) Also, 10 acre* of laett in the notth east corner of No. 142, audio acres on the east line of TJh; sTT situated Tn” the 11th District of Terrell county,-cow»pris ing iu the aggregate 11,23) acres, mord’otf,. less, and eans'brting the settlement or !aIM on which Bepj until G. Christie resided a* tbs • time of his death. .1 Iso, at tha ■**° l«"fe and place, 64 of the m>divided one baK es ret of land, No. 210, to the II th {>i*'ri*t *f dak# county. All sold aa the properly of tbe es- , tale of Benjamin G. Cflffstfc, Brf* Os said county, deceased, for the purkb*? of t—l adK < tlaineut and dtalribution. : \ . _ junelStda ft. IF. CHRIStIR tx'tr. - in-rs-ya New Lirerj i»4 Sale Steftlij bmi Ufiß IJT .1 & * ! •. I . r f— isvniib DaWson, - - - - ! €rtfc>' l *: V . • r * 01 Id ftl rrr *>i» * N.C. i J. I PRINCN HAVE erected on lfoio6tr««f, abov*! I the depot, a Safe and Livery, IjtoMfa’ whbt* they sre prepared t 6 aceommodate’ tbeir old friend* and cuslooiem to 10 tbeir l'tie ol buaioeas, , j*wj* All wtshitig to take pleasure rides ntTH 1 pl 'ase give a* a caH.- ; eisyei Wc have a Is* attached to our 9tf blvig F large convenient lot for drovers. ■Give ua a call. Otir term. .»« modsriis-’ D.i*eor, May 14 68; 3m. TCRKLLL hHITKIFF-MLllfl’ I \\7IU be sold b«f<*i« Cdurt ttcure it door, In Dawson, ssid countv, ou the filet Tilefday In A'lgjst next,’ ■»f«Hd ,J t6#”* legal hours of sale, the I’uJlowing properly ’ irL'tfTT: One half interest ip four Store Ilooms" ’ fn’ the Lot less Block, Nos. 1,8, 4*«in'd 5: Ko- < L by \V. M P.m.les, No. S„by H*r viaon Rogers, No. 4, bv Wiftism VN'ootyu, abd No. 6, by Lovless 6? Walt.- Ofce htaC'HWr.ftff’ in the Ware House, and lot known as.ifvtt rest Lienee of F- B. Loyii'es, containing fii tu ros, more or lee-; one house sod lot, knowfr tts 1 tt>e MtLiu lot, and now oocwpivd by Ms* - 1 fl.mdecs, contaipu u oaie a*-e, (note, or 1 *ue hotrse triuPfre* known as tTfe’" nwiete fbt "here J. K. Loylcs* urVw ing two acres, mure or plte lyaufle X^d lot kt Own as Hr Drttr ft V taiuing lire acne*,, or lee* ; one toaaeorf- * galuiug tyu acres, more « \wt ol I!. - 7T. berta. Alf bf the above being in’ '.'at tdarn of Dawson, Twesell county v Ua-,*r-» led ob.hs the property ot KUitylpß t* , satisfy a fi fa isrned from tbe Superior Court of #»id countT, in favor of 4)*ffe|ipbe!lk*rA*' j vs Elliott B. Let) I*B9, maker, ao’d John-Boyd, eqcorber, ftw the use of John B. Cum. Prop-' erty pofhtvd out b) JtHiU ff. Btjik.' '! >r ro | july 2:tda &¥. . i 4T.4 LHBtrn BHGKIFF BAI.KB. \UILL be sold ou the firat T»a*d*y-io-- yP A'.-gust next, before the Cuutt House i dofiF, Ih VbrirwßpCalbodh cdtftity, ft#;, with in the usual uoffa of sale, ti e following prop erty, to-wit : One lot of land lying in th«4tb I Dtstrict of said county, Noi —, *a th* prop-' erty ot John TANARUS, Brown, to satiety w.ta»ff issued bv Thos. Farrow, Tax CgliecUir of Calhouß county, v s John T. Brown. PrOsi erty pmuted out by Tho*. Farrow, t. G. ■ july*ids M. H. LINGO, Shari#. KAYTO.VS DYSPEPTIC PlLLS—Curev Sinh Headache aud all Rillioua diaorderiv