The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1866-1868, July 30, 1868, Image 4

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[FHaa (lit- To Prepare Cotton Xrcil Tor . f(Vi Editors Southmin Cultivator In o>«'X{<a nuiJlrr tfl" tbu Cliltivutttr, 1 a «•( I <t tie Lost i-n-|>u ratii nos cotton seed os manure. In the May number there l«rc sWvrtil an svyers U> the .inquiry, but os none ol them describe whut I consider thef/stf rtfticFe, I will (with due deference to tho opinions nnd practice of others.) phee a method that has Veen practiced hy myseif, and at my suggestion try many of my neighbors and acquuint anws for many years 4 ** has prorcil in every, not only thq best prep aration of cotton seed, but the very best manure of any kind that we have ever used. Many years ago my sit-in tion was directed to devising. some plan by which the escapo ol the am monia, (so unpleasantly nnd constantly impressed upon our sens# of emdliug ) might be arrested, and held for the benefit of tl»o.plant to which it might be applied, instead of impregnating and poisoning the atmosphere about our premises 1 caused a pea 20 feet square to be put up near my gin tr use nnd during tho summer and fall, had a large quantity of muck from a branch that runs through my plantation gcr out, and when dry, hauled up nnd de posited by the pen, and when I began to gin, had the seed put in this pen to the depth of six inches, evenly distrib uted over the bottom, then put on six inches of muck, and thus continued nl-l temate layers of six inches each, until the need designed ior manure wns ail compounded —the last layer of course being monk. During the entire winter and Up to *he time of hauling it out to the field, there was no odor of decay- ing aeed to be detected ; but when we opened it! Je ru-sa-lem ! I think 1 hear the graphic Gomes Munro ejncu ulate. II we had knocked the bottom ou* at a hcrmiticully sealed reservoir of hartshorn, it could not have been, more overpowering. It was inpsvsiblJ to nhiy atout it, and after allowing some time for the worst of it to escape, (not htvir.g at hand any disinfectant that we «ould use,) we returned to the attack, hot had to work to the wind ward of it, aoJ cover it ns pist as pos sildo when applying it to the field.— The experiment showed plainly several error*: I*L Tie immense amount p/ ammo n» tha* we It no by the’gradual evnjo-' ration from the seed pile, wlmjb thrown out by tho gin houeu, m the oW and wasteful .way, I js)o4 to accomplish wbat I luott desired, by not bariag muck enough to at .orb and bold the ammonia lor the u ; e of the plant. 3d. That instead of haul ing the muck to the gin troupe, (there by necessitating its being twice haul ed,) have taken it directly to the 6tdd, and deposited it at such d;s- Huving thus, by experience, learned my (tail, the next y a different system—namely : hauled the mu*k directly to the fid<Jremade pans 10 by 10 at intervals. Having previ ously determined vrk«4—distances 1 wished the plan’s to stand, and how much manure to the hill, it wjs an tagy nutter to »eoj( essary to each pen to manure au acre I the* put the cotton seed from tH* seed touse, 1 iuch thick over the sur iace of the pen, then 6 inches of muck evenly over the seed—thus in alternate layers of 1 of seed to 6 of muck, until 4 feet high—the muck, of course, be ing tbe last or t»p layer. And now for the result When the harts were opened, (out fiMn top to bottom,) there was not a vestige of tbe seed to be seen—not a particle of On pleasant odor, even when handled and put to tbe nose. The whole mass per fectly friable, and bad an oily appear ance—all going to show that I had ac compiished what is most desirable in all manure, so fixed the ammonia that it was fully secured as food for the growing plant Tbe land to which it was applied, was very old and so ex hausted, by long and shallow culture, that when I began to plant it, three hundred pounds of cotton, or 4 bush, els of corn was all that it would make to tbe acre. That year, subsuiiiug the laDd and allying about one quart of the above coinpoet to the hill, gave me •2b bushels of good corn to the acre I have used it frequently on corn and cottM* siocw, a#d always with die most satisfactory results I am satisfied that with deep and thorough dieinteg ration of the sub-soil in preparing land ■—frequent and light stirring of the surface in ctrhtv.Hion, and with the much and cotton seed compost, we need neither Peruvian or any other Gujuio, ,ip bring our old lands up to -dO I'Hshels of com, or fi<W Its. of tint' *<>il»>n,ji*r tp!> I fefir I li*vr: too much upon your eo'umns, hut I have for years ui»U*d tofft'o tniMit to my iiwtier ap 1 lupc been dote! recjdfl heifioj by Hig four $1 intruding u{ on .fpacqtfcit be J,- enpied by a more valuable article -Having Kdtrft a' hrrbMwiber to the Cu’ti vatcr from is veiv bjr-h up to the !presertf'tiufe,G ofior but if el that I am holding sweet intereourso with a h-ng tma*, jjaiUiful up«l vrilipni w'elfcro -it gives flip |>)efcijiifT»» I rndtfi ' KtVpi'attTrtity yolirti, Gusty 17a H, Bur.-e Cos., June, 1808. -■i. 1 tlei ll It., inu—Ll —‘“T s. a. ronTßti. jno. D. no. ginL PORTER & HUDGINS, WHOLESALE & RETAIL PUOIHTE AM) COMMISSION MERCHANTS, third str r.r.T, (Opposite Southern Express Office.) IVlaeon, Ga. j»ne2s;dm W J LAWTON, J M LAWTON. R F LAWTON. LAWTON & LAWTON, Fourth Street, Macon, Ga. WHOLESALE PRODUCE, COTTON AND COMMISSION MEf,CHANTS. Bagging, Ties, Rope, Bacon, Coro, Ha-y, Flour, Real, Tobacco, <*•., constantly on hand. £!jg> “Have ample lae-iliiiae for the Storage auti Sale of COTTON J Liberal advances made ou Button and Pro duce. Couon held at a reaaouahle rate of interest when parlies wr isli to draw ou it uud await higher figures. Agents for the sate of Houston Factory Sheeting. jue‘ifi;3m KEmteBJJE DRUGS & MEDICINES. fitl certain to take (he saute J'niJyc that has aluHtgu cqrrHcl you over saj'e. undersigned, after devoting 37 years A. to the I>ru£ and Apothecary busirusO* now, as herefofyfc, able tofur-ni&h Vis frieni and the public at iargi\ with Freehand Go-tv* nine flishe*, and hosPofother nrticl«» usually kejjt «i it first class Drug and (’hemifal fttore, ajjd *t ag low price#-*?* *ny where. Special atten tion-paid to Prescriptions. RIiORRIi PAVUR, Druggist, junejum ’ Jtac on, GT" IOOJC TO HOUR INTEREST! i “ ~ s' h _ | » mil tmvc iii.gtero and arc rofishurtly rc Pfoduce and Paro^ionv Coosislq% ionat|of ■25,000 lbs ITnfeirsce and cot) S£jultlcrs, Bides aud .Hams *OO .Barrels Rump Port ® / " s Too, “ pS| »•: p i'kgcs Ivt*d,«ll yiz's. v ‘JllO# pounds Breakfefet Rucfe. nJ,G£SO pounds white Englisk.4iicon. 000 bvsbels. tWfcDcas. f, t =-= BHBaruls TOggl. ” s Sh •TOO sacks 75 barrels Whiskey, all grades. :i5 <*«s'Wo Sir da * (i/ ‘ 1500 bushels Corn. '25 bbls Molasses. 40 Butter, ■ Arid many other articles, all at the very lev. - oft prices for CAMI, Symhgs, your orders or os two Tonrsotvesj which wifi suit us betterJ Heeotteer, Fair Beating, GOOD GOODS, and Loir Price*, is our Mold). Lime, Plaster and Cement always on hand. JONES. BAXTER .V I>A Y. jutH ldm Co’.wn Avenue, MylOptl,' OA. ■ . ■.■■■ a- f.-i— K - To Planters and Cotton Dealers OF MIDDLE & SOUTH■ WEST GA. \\7 ® respectfully announce that we Have V V secured tbe entire charge and control of the Cotton Warehouse, occupied the past season by our Mr. Jonathan C’oli us, aud An derson & WooHolk, where we purpose doing a strict and legitimate Cottou biminias, and we offer our undivided attention to all busi ness entrusted to our care, pledgiug an honest endeavor to please all. Aud es reference, we offer our reputation. We respccUuhy bo licit your patronage. JONATHAN COLLINS A SON, Macoo, (k, Jun*f, 18*»—3m MIX & KIRTLAND, WHOLESALE AND KETITL DEALERS IN BOOTS & SHOES, Art Leather of all Kinds, Together with a good Assortment of Shoe Finding, •**«». 3, Colton mternne,* junedSm MAOf)E, GA. I (T. PL AM T & SOS,- Bankers aV Brokers, (Office in Limt National Bank Building.) Entranced! Cherry st.. MAtTOK, OJI. WILL purchase and sell bonds, Stocks, 11 Gold, Silver and Hank notes, and make investments for parties, as they may direct. I, G,l’taiiT, Morris Kstcmjh, New fork, JtPB-RT R Dr ant. pinefSm Jufphfou jiil luljiwjcH.! GREENBACKS WANTED Yf DEFRAY Jit K EXPENSES OF THE i COMING REVOLUTION 11 • >o ._2 I''VKEtVBUDT *f#'*He*l*ttl 1 Greenbacks to become worthless, had better dispose of the same at once. No bet ter opportunity tor investments can be had are mow being ofTercd by 1. 1 ML ft SI., ilfflie following indispensable articles: Sprilßg Calicoes, Spring IHStfinc*, Fin* W,aiUffC lints,. Fine Silk lored ac-Hluok. GentsM’ashiutfre Piece Goods, Ready-Mado Clothing OF ALL Iit.NDS, SllOlS, BOOTS, MATS, And Furnishing Goods. A fine l*t of Embroideries, &c., Ac. Call for wh»t you w«nt and you w ill be sure to •ec it. THE atE.hle nnd seuntnAoilatirrp geitle m»n, J. W. Johnston, who knows everybody • lid everybody’s wants, fn commotion with Hr. Moss, that cleverest of tradesmen, will take grew* pleasure in welcoming their nu merous customers and gratifying their every waut in the Dry Goods line. Si. TI.SIESEI. A itltO., Ma in Street, E. J/atin’s old stand. Bawson,;Ga., J/at‘ch 5, 18t>8—tf BROWN HOUSE. E. Ts, DROWA A SOT, Fourth Ft., Opposite I’asscrgcr Depbt, Jtlacon, Georgia. 17R0M the Ist of July the business of this House will be conducted by E. E. Drown & Son, the Senior having associated his son, Wm. F. Biown, in tlu> inmnagcmool and in terest of the Hotel. Th” iiouse contains sixty rooms, wlrMi are eserved chiefly foe tho use of ftavt and transient guest*. Conipcfent assistants have . been cured in every' department, and eve ry attention w ill be paid to ensure comfort uj their customers. Rooms clean and airy, and tie-'table Uhv<ys supplied with the best the country affords. Porters attend arrival and depttrtuvc jbf ali trains to convey baggage conduct passengers across the s‘rcet to the 1 r qmtrft*rs. j uly 27,if TO SOOTHERF MERCHANTS —lSW '•«*«** *“• PLANTERS ! j L t BHAMWI ijL E have an immense Stock of Staple and j DRY GOODS. Boots Sheep, ! Hits, Clofcliir -g, Yankee No inns, Iloßiery, Hle»di«d Ad Biown Domest'es! Primp, boll, j Engliiß A American manufacture. Linncna ;uid“Cottonndea, Macon and Houston XX Brown Domeslics, ! Rock Factory and other br ands. 78 Brown B-mc-stium Also tip® SugarTf! ff-es, Canclle*, M'-*** Sai'ilioca, ..-r < - .1 Start-!], VlVklft, IN an. Ik' ‘!orr, - SditctLln SoLuapptS* Frnifs, Spice, "Pepper, |UJ| 89»A>St^'tWfV'lN 1.-t-iAm .Powder, Shot, Caps, ® Wrapping Paper, Hall Thread, Cigars, Caps, Pocket aud Table Cutlery, Tubs .fstickcts. Brooms, . \,UM, tw Ware, Iron, Flour, W’hiskey, iu casks and bbls , etc. etc, I mg Which we < ff.-r at •TWPtMllv ki«r |HiijyijMrd licit orders from Ca«h or Short- j time good paying customc:?. TVc are detet miaed not to be undersold by any House in Middle Georgia. j. n. noss & son.. W tIOLKSALK DEALERS IN J DRV GOODS AND GROCFRIES 96 Cherry, cor. 3d street, MACON, Ga. junell;3m* CARHART l CURD, DBAI.EiiS IN Hardware, Iron aud Steel, Sails, Agrieulfurhl Implements, Casriage Miterislf', Rubber and I /gather Belting, Circular and Mill Saws, Bolting cloths, Mill Stowe*, Tattoo Gins and Screws, Paints. Oip, Glass, And TV.lscf every descripticu, at their Iron Front Store. 59 ChenxSt, &A. juae s|s;3in -t> * • . Police to IMantcrs. The Tiuderttigned, having leased THE PLANTER’S WAREHOUSE, Novr building, near the Passenger Depot, Opposite Byiugtou’s Hotel, Would respectfully inform their patrons and the pflhtfc generally, lh6l they will remove to the same ou the fitst ol August where they will have laSllthi lor siding an4selling Cpttod Thankful for ftlh ~fitj liherul patronage received the past seasou, and llatu ring tliem "elvea thatliicy have ill sofne nmiitcd the saaie, tbev hope it will be contituKtl in tliiir tit w^iarters. ADAMS, JONES & RBY.WDP. ]bnr 4 .Sm SIDS HilHlY II AVDVG seemed the sriyicci of Mr 1 sKn-rKt; ..nd ,w. joHNSoS, two competent wwtrwnrp~w«“Trrtr*|iiepaiod to ,iu » )ii‘| •.,..> *r aid ttlioos of all Kiuds and fcizfts i«h»V very b.iat .it.vles. Farmers uan 'hove U.eir orders iijlad for J.lantrttoit nhocii to tid vaniftfi-. i’roduoe of any kind Uilcm in at change for hbtwti. . Vfioes for work (>«tfplaM of l*mducss ia the ohi ‘•” rurtd. '■ . • MJHJiIiY -k -iWiNStUX. - J'over, Gn., J/j_v 28; lUCS-tf I aqp'x.Fai.KMLii, a. w. Buna, u. p» weoLFUtiG'] falknar, Son & Wooifolk, MAN UFA CTVkhRS OF Tin and Sheet Iron Ware, WhoLmnle and Retail thalers in I Starrs , fj rates Os Hull me If'are, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Cutlery, PUud Gactds, Lamps, Brushcs, and House Furnishing Goo jo*- ROOFING, PLUMBING, And All Kinds <>t JOR WORK, .Vl>, If. T’lird Street, MJfOiV, GA. e i!s il £ isi ■'». HUVrSTF. F.r S < <>., Piano Forte Mamilacturers, 499 iirondiray, .tYir IVr7». r Pianos received the highest award 1 ofaierit at the World’s Fair, over the ! makers from-Loridofi, Paria, (terijnuiy, 1 the crtleft nf PsVw York, Plnlaoelptiii), Biifti more and Boston ; also, the Hoid dildal at the Ameiican Institute, for Five Suot’estdw < YMrw! ? Our llanos contain the Piencl Grand A effort, Ffsirp Pedal, Overstrung Bass, Full Iron Frame, and all modern improve ments. Every Instrument tive years. Made under tli« snfpervision Os ITIr. J. fll. GKOVLmLH, who has, a , prao4io4l experience of ov<*f •Hr'fy fltc ' and is the maker of over eleven pianofortes. Our facili'ies lOr munnfftcufeiifip ? enable us to sell these instruments from to S2OO cheaper tV&u any flrtt claAs* piano ! forte. Aug. 81*ljr The great wc&k Y<r>irli;i iTi Vol. IV. of Victor's J/is/orv (Civil, Pcd&tfcttii and Military) of the Southern Rebellion' ■ ' ! ( completes this great National work. . J. It is, by fur, tliq ipoyt, irnd j satisfactory of all the narrativis of '.he late | , Civil War. It baq,t)tg .irwwvi't i ous Governors, Mcrnbcls of Co’tigrLs, Emi- ! | nenl Olßcers and Civilians. It i', in fact, the [only history of the War worthy of the name, j Ls.dd by Axffltf.-, or sent by Express to atry [ address on receipt of price, viz: In Muslin - binding, $3,25 per volume. In Leather, j $!,00/per roLme. Address J | A .J IVM.fI. (iIFFTvG, Geti’l Agt., * / 1 13 Sp.uce Street, New York. ji GE.XIV, TA I\E NOTICE! TMb great woik being complete will now com . in. Hid a largf eirci/lanou. Go*il Canvassrss. nixie orYcmnie, can r»'adi«y fualizc |Ht> set id.y in fakiifg naitirs for i). V.ry 1 ioe» h 1 ' commissions allowed and exclusive territory given. For Circular of particular address as above. ma}2Btf JAS. D. TORREY, Publish, r. "Groiolccn PiSUiM farlj-’ Jicc’d the hitfiicstaward ol m ciit at the teß hinted World’s Fair, where weie exhilti cd instriinients trom the lioslr makers of lyond^n, ; I\trir, Germanv,Fiiiiado phia, lies j I ton mid New York Hnd ;»4so .it Hie American ' laatitwfce far five y**rr, fh<r *Oold 1 I and-Si Ivor Med*U i\<m 1 both of which can j seen at our wave-moma. j iiy the intrcduction of irrprovemenfp we ! make a oil'll more peifoct Piano-Mo; t<y atw!* hv i maffiufßrbnnng lyrgely, w n strfctfy casii 1 jstein, ttfr© ruahled to c RVr 'there ir»FtmrrM nt* at *-pnqo which will peoclude all eomp< Our prices are from to fciC© cheaper than lira etufie Piwwo forte. TERMS- —iNkt Cash in current funds. Pe» .rwrCTiwfag I FASHIONABLE FURNITURE, - 'e*iA«Vl» > ,«|»X »%»! ' Vm-o * COFFINS, &C. DAWSON, - - (i A < A tr RAUSHEHBf RG f ROGERS & Cff, - . i HAVE a New Cabinet Shop, on , SoiUlkfidQ wPidtJic Square, where they 1 j ai)t» to 'make and repair anything in j j iliie Furniture line: such os Wardrobes, 1 TUdstendf, Jn A/, aridr feullf dUbeedii igly low priws Uto I place them in the reach ct all w ; ;o are in need. They are assn prepitrell to furnUh Coffins of any. soltilcd, anti dona prinaplly tl-fnoclersß’' rates. A. RArsnisnEßO. /' Jesse UdOERS. IS. il. liltoWN. niaj2B 68—Cm . 0 Joiinas. STM MOISTS’ LIVER REGULATOR, i —tiie— Greatest Known Remedy for t iiu V lull .i .11 W. I IIVEB DISEASE, E&iy&SfA, 2 iVJ M . . CONSTIPATION, IIEADACIm. J. H. ZEILIN & CO., MACON, 6A. IVoprietore. tig'"’ Sold by all Dr uggists. junelß3m J T. W. FREEMAN & CO, Wholesale and lietail Dealers in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, O INFECTION KHY, FINE BRANDIES WINX^S, Tobimcq, Ciyrui’s, &c —AL’ O tO» ill* bl-, Fish and Oysters la The-Season. 83 Ch§njt Street, : ; G^.! jtuie’J.lfSia *’ — J ■ IFro'ra the Providence Jyumal J UUA.I ii 4^«n«l. The f.iTlowii.g eorr.-fpoiHli-ne® will vsK..\v ;.Mi b'AA 1.-V KBLI.KK” i» '-18. Id on the jsho.e-.01 ilie MeditsrMntMu 4a m liae-sww 4, \ innniaL as* tl'L f ijn. f lj/oipi. el.pplj jfJH rufTtiu'ill and lk'.*feAsih'g itffi.feciatiujn at home. tUift Vk)!MWt.'tTM| Skills, Dee: 2*, ’fifi. To If. D»v in “X'lviudC JJ»i , ” I’lmtiOnaot G K}.iJLr.M eijelpsed. |iira rhcdlVcfl li-hrn thy Tfiemi Tujitj, latp. Couault tlsnerAl heyveftvky atAl'Bwcddt., add of Ffus fia. ia this place. No comment is Vrt-tRd! -1 | ,j. a Gut. 4, IVvctniher l®;‘4B*Vs. •<> r< ka Miia. 'bird supply" of D.vis ‘Tain Killpc. 1 ’ .‘UFf W«di <inc has often reli. v.-d me ot serious uiJUoo- ! shWTi, aiivd'l #Mllfl>ioe dh’aify at-cofinTcon-I sms xo n.'koUrlkv rtiLsd a-ml iiV \ < rwi.m.ißenrierl it. ».r, ni v late i coil- agin,-valid lii.-vjs uihl’ußia avd <Vi*ve, j nftfl at my request one rif <jql»reest drimajai. j in tKiPHff*kiiit'ffh hfflerSrfNewt rpllt to meet the dt-wixa-d in’ rtiis jHstin* ' 1 i. ' 4 •ym»« G. A, I'T’T.TS. i Kx-Coilful Norway,] and'ol T’rnss ii. in Tunis. Honorable Amos Unite3' Stales Corn-" eul t7.-neri.V- Tunis.' ’ *' UEir. H. f.. VAN METER, Os Baasain, India, writoa—“llrtre :le] role it#, j sure y.m that we q.rm- your “/’mi KiHer'' i vtj.y liigjdv. For the Br»t two or three years ' ot our residence in India, we ignoraut j . f its vahi .b'e prophrtics.'nnA did’not use it, but now would hardlv laid We to he without I it for a single day, Only a few night* ainer, Mis. Vajt Meter was stung by a scorpion, ttmi j intense pain was imjtuntayeous .lIM-oughout I (lie aim, and’soon a nninhncss"of the finger I followed, liv the continued application oT the “7 J ain Killer" for an hour oracora, aud at j iourvato during the night, the alarming symptoms tere subduct,'and in the morning only a sKgbt sormcs3 was felt in the finger, j I gave iti» a tusvare oa*e n( fevevahd ague aqcoidiim. to directiQqs, aud 4 acted like-a i rharnf; tvrt-aklng it T6f. at once. The Kareps , confidence In i(. ; This unparall. led piep»r»tiqn is receiving more testimonials of its tlficacy in removing pain lha*.’any oltn-r meil'n-ine ever off. red to the public. And those teatimoimds cohie «ot ! I »lonc from the ignorant, but from fa-rnotts ol j every degree cf intelligence,and every rank I 1 of life. Physicians of the first respectability, i and pe»fectly oonvereatft with the nature Os ■ i diseases and remedjes, have recommended this as one of the htost effectual in tfieir line ; of preparations l«r (tie extinetroß Os tain.— 1 The J’ain Kdier is usi-d internally afi'.l. xter- ! I tially, according to the natyua of ' plaint. beeu f*uny] to lie an excellent | tremedy for Sudden cpfds, coughs, Ac ; fever j I and aguo,: aPtlnna arid phtliysic, pain in ihe .head, kiduev comriUinte, bruises and sorc-s, I [severe biitns, canker, boils aca iitigworips, , weak stomat-h and genera) debility, paint, c’s i colio, bitdtf-n br. as Is, &r., bew-ei complaint 1 and disentet-y, e-holera, |iwer complaint an : I j dyspepsia, tooth-ache, &c , kc. Sold bv ail t Druggists and Groctis. np.ow’^Sly HUM! Al SI. t / t EOFMT, CalUona County : VJ* In tlie .'upefiojjOyurt. P. even', the | Honorable David A. Yason,. Judge ol said i | Court. Henry Hats, Jos. W. Roberts, ) Mortgage, and Jesse 11. Griffin, s ic. ] vr. / fe.t. Adi’ri. 1 | Jo! n G. Mt Cullers. f 'iVrm, 1887. j IT *tme*rh.g to the Court by the p'tltion 1 o! Henry Hays, Joseph W.’ R<beMs, ami Jesse H, Giiifin, accot; pynilrid by Mortgage Teed, that op i|„- first day ol p, L ruirv, Ivghtet u Hundred and Fifty Nine, he /defendant, made in ccrnm-ction with Jordan It. VcOiill. rs, Ids then pa finer, ai.d delivered ‘ 10 J. 11. Pi'man hie pryn i.soryyoiy, tieq !ng date the day an J year afotoaid, wht.n bi tin defendant and ids then partner, prtuuised, on . or before the first lay of January riex-.'jit'Cr [ (he date of .-.aid note, to pay J. 11. Pilifian I jar hearer, lour hundred della.s for tin- hir*. (if a Certain i.-g.o l’eier, with Henry Hus Joseph W. R I .cl Ip, l abtl Jesse 11. Oi’ifiin,.u ■; ice. atifi lliat attcrw»rds, 1 on th.- and .y'anfl year aforesaid, the def. ndant, - 1 for Ihe purpose ofynden.i jrvingand se.u.inr 'said Hays, Roiteris, a fid (JiilHn, securities, in j 1 the event of their having to pay said note, I ■just »si] good iH!ii«i|ivration, to make- tolliem 1 lor the monies, which they and each of them might be compell.d to advance, and all c-x --•p*ngjß fee ifieurrytl tiy*t(wa«,-v»*t i cculed Olid d.divercdta nblpyfl’ in deed oi Mortgage, wherel.y IhVifiiid ile r ha dant mort gaged to i#t, vll*. - Tow, ts Jut. bh land, No. (2») tWenlj-t.ine, in the Town of Nlcrgan, in said c.ouiyy, containing onq acre, more cw ~!asA« and it Rirrhrir"appealing that said delVn jjdrtt.r, neither »>iA Jordan B. McCuUcrs has Tver tiip*. • -» i ft is tlu-iefoie o dered,£fndaDt do pay 1: te C'.'Uri. on nr il.. of the next term ih.-r- of, Hie piincii aLJn *eie.-t- a^4ap««\QS|4uoAßr%.‘nb%*Vw i e, j if any Le can, and tliat ou the-faikne oi lire j dclyi.l.ll.y toaio.W.,y j tionTli aiul to said mortgaged I>a loi-r v.-r tPcmiftur d>-b«m-fl Afiit fSreclosea < And i* is brdi-rt-d. tfiat iMa stile he publirihed jin the Daw Sou JournaVomt-'e a" rilo i nth for four" • months, PKvbiujt t ? br ?rirrcß criine dejetiffant, hi* agfrn j or attorney, at.'iririst"three fiionths hefoic thl J I next tana of Hits Court, WOOTEN A HECK. PlVff-i Ati’vs. s*****” j apr3o4in W. G Clerk. <1 EDRGI (.('nlliutin Eoiiutyi JJ In the Rfipet-ior Court. Present, the Honorable David A. Vaso.v, Judge Os said | Comti -.--- rrr Henry n.iva, ) . 4 -Jos. VV U'ltiebte,* ifoftgige, Ae. Teese n. G.rtiiu, ’ vs. f p ep t e tube r Ad ,Jolhi .tfcOoWors, | jourued Term, 1807. Jordan If. McCuilers. J IT to the Court, by tie petition of Henry Hays, Josvph W. RobcitS, aud Jetse If, (itilliti, uccoinpaiiied Irv note )*nd Mortgage deed, that on the firm dn.of Feb ruary, K’gfiteen Hundred and Fifty Nine, the defendants made and delivered to A H. PA man, thei e prrtf*fftVA6.,h.eViy»iXie tie day and year aToternid, wher-bv the defen dants proßiised, ou or before tile first day of January next, «Wrr the date of said note, to HBay J. H. /’ttrnah rit hpafier, the sum. of four bundred dollars, with Henry Hays, Joseph nlv. Roberts, and Jeese H. tri-MBn’ as eecuri- Ties, anal that afterwards, to wit: Ob the day and y4ar aforesaid, 'the defendants, for the purpose of indemnifying said Roberts, and Griffin, securities to tlifc said note, iu the event ol their having to pny the said note, just aud good remeaeratlon to make them • ,l»>r the monies which they and each of them might be compelled to adyupce, aud all ex—i penses' w'hteß trrtgbt bo Interred against tlieni, made and executed to said Henry Have, Jos eph.W. Roberts, and Jrsse IK Griffin, their deed of mortgage, whereby said dafendants mortgaged to plaintiffs. Town lot of land, No. (3 J) tKirfy. twb, in ths Town of J/otgan, in said county, containing sne Irundred and 6fty by two hundrei* feet, more or less. And it further appearing that said note ig unpaid,' and'that said plaintiffs are held responsible lor the ptiymetß of the sanM>. It is therefore orilered. that the said rlefen slants do nav rnto Court' on or before the , first, day of the next term thereof, the prin cipal, iuteyest aud oosus due ou mid note, or ! in default, show ennsa to the contrary, if anv * they can, and that on tfie failure of the said defendants so to do, tho eyuily of redemption | in ano to said fnottfagvd firctni#ep, oe forever thereafter debarred and fOreclbst and. And it ! is furtlwr o*d*red, that shits rule be published in the Dawson Journal, once a month for | lour mbnifri, (retfous to the next 'tenu of i this C’out t. or ser.vcd on the defen dan ts or their sgecMl agdi't' OT'iittoihcy, at least three I mot!that previous to ttc' next term of tills ' Couth HAOTFN’ A K££K, I’h’flV Art’.y A true extract from the minutes of the 1 Court, tliip April 17th, 18t8. sprso'dm tr. G. AlElJCfyClct*. 1 . ZD JE -W" FI O IjfcTAOX'ff I li *1« •» ■ ,ai -rK .mliff fix.a ”, JJ *> SXm** .«y r ) woa Tuiil liuad Far, Foiuhli y and Machine Works. WH ■ • ' m n, » .* “Wc at ia,.,.* |. 1t.,,.. 1-A . v. «:»*’.■» fim Aflril t* !** <*. 4 . 2* m i?*. -j '*4 !«> c nii •* JT i: ' 1 ,f> w l Orders for Cars fromptly Fifed and M GoaranM 15 i polio! '*»n nm tis m«4< V< oftfcfip.! silt iu I-n*—s*t n;n.\m;v « macbixe woiik ofi:vi-:iiv descrh’xion IT1!.\15II1;D ox BIIOIIT notice. t-l ~) 1 /* ls-1 B* |-Jdjil .1 J If, 9 Q|oB ▼H.'Sfc’l U'J'tr) rid I l-'iltj ol •-•-i 1 o .-.,-l-t ' jsas i l jljp-. j tlFiii], —• t-ji imi at jjtii '.tins iafcxilio son ' f* ' MILL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: MILLS 12 INCHES. I “ ir> * ' * *Hti /r‘7 •• u. b Ili?r «* « i. “ KILTTIxILS, GO aA.LJbOISrS. “ « gQ ; Oo#i .-llina Ol JBPOOM “ * ■ 100 z and aiisr “ “ 10 “ u « 10 « -1 AS Corn Shellers, Water Wheels, Sunil mills, Wheat Thrashers,”** 31 M ** • • "t? V (hM Colton Presses, Shafting Pulleys, Ac,, Ac*, Ac, ... . mo i l li;* I t m.i-T 1I u S *tfli b t JW?< and .1 at ■i ‘ “ V v-i - : | ; b * v 9 J T^ ''P : "' ro ' , ’ , an<3 TITj A.OKS^IXTTI - IV ork of every kind executed ib the best Manner. f v ’ I*K Dressed Lumber Furnished from best Long Leaf Pine. Ol’dera Solicited. l’riceKoiuit the timfA * -V i kin, y. .rttriiji .-1 ins bna Address DAWSON MANUFACTURING Ot). DAWSON, GA , Juno 25,18C8-3:n 'VK SOTETIMM GA. i(A| tlio White Corner,) t * t a** rtttw b )•/'■ WIiOUSALE GROCERS J Lava w . ' br* ,i y . ■ » ‘ and AM)— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, \ UK now receiving *tal of the Urgoet .A Htocks of f t ... GROCERIES i PROVISIONS Ever bronght to this Market, which they will sell to Merchants aud Planters As low as any Ilocse in. the city. They have a regular Broker in New York City, with in structions to take advantage of auy depres sions iu the Grocery Market, and they will endeavor to please all who favor them with their patronage and make it to their interest, also. Gut Slock consists of 500 Liverpool Salt KR> Barrels W-bi-key’s 500 Sacks Virgittia Bait. 4 5 liar Loads Celebrated VVkaley Tie 500 Rolls that heavy Kentucky bagging 50 Bales Heavy Gunny Bagging 50 Bases Walker’s Tonic Bitters j 50(FSacks Choico Tdimessci Plcnr 120 llhds Bacon—sides :tn4 ahoul4«rß 20 Tiercel Sugar cured Hams 100 naeks Rio and Java Cofße 200 Barrfcls Sugars, all gradoa 25 Bbls Fine Syruip 1 50 “ Common tayrup and 3b lasses 50 l>b!s ami 100 Kegs Luaf Lard 200 Boxes Candles ’lJ>O Icxrs Soaji* 200 Cases Liquors, imported iOO boxes Candy P 0 C&ls I’otarh 50 Dickies e . / l>o Bales Dj.imestics. 175 boxes Tobacco, all grades, . With everv other article usually kept m a Wholesale \ Grocery Establishment. Wfe wUi buy all tbe Wool, Tallow, ami Wax, that we cap get at Market pricey 1 lor casTi. juhft.i.'lin lilt) DISK’S ifflieoiMitiiiu | MxACON, <;.V. FREE EXHIBITION I OBBN aLLDA Y, AND , W> O’U-OUv AT NI Li 11T. i 'H 1 I'icliire Gallery oa the First Floor. Lwdies Slid f}e»*let»eu yiuiiing the eitv on business or pleasure shruiljj not. fail t» see this Wini«eefnl dls[J«y of Phdt6gt-aphic portrsit jire. A pl»ssyn.t place to pass an hour after let. WHst is more inrereWitig hr entertaining than to gas* upon bran-lHul picMrrcs T U btings np pleasant rrrnpmtiriyic«s,.and you lot get yourself for the while. a aiiAi a'itßt •’ !!'tf>v- '» l w .sahovt Has the happv gift of making every one look handsome. -liltr who Wiftita an ugly Pic ture ? KIDDLE’S Is the only Gallery in tSc South that em ploys, all the. time, a Miniature Artist to col or lris'ftctOrcs. lIIDULITa Can copy any sort of an old Picture ktrssr or smaller, and make il look better than the origmak He can change the style of Dress iu a Picture—can add to or remove any ap pendages of tlie head. Has ipstruments of long and short focuses for making all kinds and sixes of Gut Door Views. Has instru ments for makiug Pictures (dircet) aa LARGE AS LIFE OR T&fv FEET IN LENGTH, IK NKCK.ASARY. (** >rjT,r at*. l&rtKi silt uoiiiH In 5? nothlnp in the ic line KIDDLF cannot do. 11« hae UkeiK 23,075. trrd Pfrtwits Since the W ar. : • • *•,;#, • Resides many lavger v>m*. All of which tell the tale that RuJrJlo’s Gallery is tin pi* o PICTURE FRAMES. e Gold Gilt, Rosewood,. Rustic Pictdre* Frames and Brackets. Anew lot just re- CciwdV • " ' vr ' " ' r 'l Hours for operating, ftosn 8* m. toi p*• having children tp be graphed, will please nake engagetnenft- „»3 -A.- J. RIDDLE. fjlHpm T KOrfvTE'rOß-