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About The Dawson journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1878-18?? | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1887)
THE JOURNAL. E. L. RAINEY, - Editor. The Mule Drew the Line. Philadelphia Press. Down in Kentucky the other dny & runaway mule .ashed into & house where a red-headed girl was playing “Sweat Vioiets” on a cottage organ and kicked the in strament into snch little frag ments that they had to be remov ed with a patent carpet sweeper. Yet people will probalily continue to go right on making faces at destiny just as though there were no limits to patience even in a maule. One of the most extensive com hinations to rob a railway ever unearthed has just coma to light 1 in Pittsburg. For three years the | Pan Handle and its conuections have been losing valuable goods ‘ continously. Detectives finally ! hunted down the thieves. They ' discovered thattha robberies were being committ! by condactors, hrakemen and other trein hands Out of 80 crews, running as many trains, it was found that seventy five of them were in the big steal. '. At 2 o'elock on Monday morning, [ wholesale arrests were made all | along the lines. Over two hun dred are in jail. Piles of plunder and stolen goods were found. There is & white man living | near Americus who is over 52 ! years of age, and who has never in the whole course of his life re. eeived a letter of any kind through the postoilice and but two or thres newspapers, which were probably sent out to him as samnla copies. He is intelligent and keeps up with the current events of tho day, but it is a matter of the ut most indifference with Lim who | handles the mails, or whether the i admivistration “tarn the raseals out” or not, ’ Conway, Mass., is a prohibition town on account of a peculiar cir cumstance. John Stewart, a resi ! dent of the town, made an agroee ment with the prohibitionists that if his expected heir shouldl be a girl he would vote against graut ing licenses. The heir was a girl, and it tarned out that ais vote | gave the prohibitionists a majority | of one.—Savannah News, ‘ “Do you know why a girl is . called a belle?” asked a Harlem girl of her bashful lover. “No; can't imagine,” was the reply. “Because it is proper to ring ber.” Invitations will be out next week. THE report comes from the county of Mitchell that a man named Johu Cooper dreamed that there was a worm in his n2ck, which so impressed him that he went to work to remove it by eutting, ete., and, from the wounds inflicted, he died. Mitcheoll is dry, we believe. Passenger.—What's the matter? We're running a little fast, ain’t we? Conductor.—Yeq, sir. The fire man’s ran ahead to chass a cow off the track, anl the engineer’s erowded on a littla more steam to try to keep up with him. TH® inter-state commoarca com mission, actompanied by their flaska, are expactad to visit Atlan ta this week. “ROUGH ON CATARTH" Corrects offansiva olara at onea. Complete care of worst chronje eases; also uneqnaled as gargle for dNpbharia, sore throat, Zoul breath. 80c. “ROUGH ON BILE” PILLS Bmall granales, small dose, big regults, pleasant in oparation, don't disturb the stomach. 10e¢. & 25¢. “ROUGH ON COIENS,” Ask for Wells’ “Ryuch on Corns.” Quick relief, complete curs. Qoras, warls, bunions, 150, Coßuax G, July 221, 1833 Pr. W. M. Pitts: Dear Siz—We have been using Pitts' Carminative for severyl years, and take pleasure in recom mending it to others, as it sar pnsses all other medicines that we Lav.fl used for diseases of children aud iufants, B. B. WiLkersoy, BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. Tur Best Ssrnve in the world for Cats, Broises, Sores, Uleors, Bult Rheun, Fever Sopes, Totter, Chappad Hands,Chilbrains, Corns, onc: all skin Eraptions, and posi tigaly cures Piles, or no puy ro. qivired. Tt is guaranteel to gye mhct ufinfm!timt oY maney re. ‘uwlwi. Pricoe 23 conts [h'rll'u.\ e For sule by Crouch Bros. Cur.: for Piles. , Piles are frequently preceded {by a sense of weight in the back, lloins and Jower part of the abdo men, causing the patient to sup pose he has some affection of the kidneys or neighboring organs. |At times, symptoms of indiges ] tion are present, flatulency, unea isinosg of the stomach, ete. A moisture-like perspiration, pro ! dueing a very disagreeable itch ing, after getting warm, is a com mon attendant. Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles yield at once to | to the application of Dr. Bosan | ke's Pile Remedy, which acts di l rectly wpon the parts affected, ab ,mrbing the T'utors, allaying the intense itchig and effecting ! permanent cure. Price 50 cents | Address the Dr. Bosanko Medi cine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by W C. Kendrick, Dawson, (ia. How to Gain ¥lesh and Strength Use after each meal 820T7T'S EMULSION with Hypophosphites. 1t 1s as palatable as milk, and easily digested. The rapidity with which dclicate people im prove with its use is wonderful. Use it and try your weight. Asa remedy for Con.umption, Throat affections and Bronchitis, it is un equalied. Please read: “I usel Scott’s Emulsion in a child eight months old with good results. He gained four pouuds in a very short time.” —Twmo. Prim, M. D, Alabama. “I gave Seott’s Emul sion to a gentleman 65 years old tronbled with Chronie Brouehitis, with the most exeellent results.” --dJ. C. Casox, Broken Arrow, Ala. march 24 —4¢ WHATAILS THE NATIOR? The Averaze Lengzih of Life De creasing-—Not Pestilence— | Not Fumine—All our =% own Fault, ' Monery Ceorixe axp Mop- ErN Liviva have brought it on. It comes upon us una wares. The patients have pains about the chest and sides, aud sometimes in the back They feel dull and sleepy; the mouth has a bad taste, especi ally in the morning. A sort of sticky slime collects about the teeth. The appetite is poor. There is a feeling like a heavy load-on the stomach ; sometimes a faiut, all-gone sensation at the pit of the stomach which food does not satisfy. The eyes are sunken, the hands and feet become cold and feel clammy., After a while a cough sets in, at first dry, but after a few months it is at tended with a greenish colored expectoration. The patient feels tived all the while, and sleep does not seem to afford any rest, After a time he be comes nervous, irritable and gloomy, and has evil forebod ings. There is a giddiness, a sort of whirling sensation in the head when rising up sud denly, The bowels become costive; the skin is dry and hotat times; the bleod becomes thick and stagnant; the whites of the eyes become tinged with vellow; the kidney secretions becomes scanty and high col ored, depositing a sediment after standing, There is fre quently a spitting ap of the food, sometimwes with a sour taste and sometimes with a sweetish tasve; this is fre quently attended with palpi tation of the heart and Asth matic symuptomns; the vision be comes imipaired, with spots be fore the eyes: there is a feel ing of great prostration and weakness, All of these symp toms are in turn present, it is thought that vearly one-half of our population has this dis ease in some of its varied forms, Shaker Extract of Roots (Sei gel's Syrup) changes the fer ments of the Digestive organs so asto convert the food weeat into a form that will give nouvish ment to the feeble body, and good health isthe consequence. The effect of this remedy is simply marvelous, Millions upon millious of bottles have been sold in this country, and the testimoniais. in favor of its curative powers are over whelming, Hundreds of so called diseases under various names are the result of indi gestion, and when this one trouble is wemoved the other diseases vanish, for they are but symptoms of the real malady. ® Leatimonialy from thensands of people spesking highly of U 8 eurative properties prove this "N“\'lmfl adoubt, Nold h}' druggista, Ll ey ret 1 TAX NOTICK! - = 4de IWILL attend the following times and places to receive the tax returns for 1887. All parties making returns are re. ’ quired by law to make a schedule of ali their property. Bianks wiil be furnished by me. | Twerrrn Covnr Grovsp.—Morday, April 4th, Monday, April 18th, Monday, April 25th. Erevexta Cover Gnm'xn.—'l‘np.y!a_\', Apil sth, Tuesday, April 19th, Tuesday, April 26th. Dover. Wednesday, April 6th, Wednes. day, April 20th, Wedn.sday. April 27th, Sasser. -Tuursday, April Tth, Thus day, April 21st, Thursday, April 28th. Broxwoon- Friday, April Sth, Friday, April 224, Friday, Avril 29th, Dawson. -Saturday, April 9th, Satur. day April 16th, Sduturday, April 23d, ang the two wecks of court.” Offlee in Melt Bros. clothing Store. Can be found at the store of Heas Harris at the Cross Ronds when not at thi above pluces. Books will be closed Juie 4th. C. . HARRIS. Tax Receiver. FE* NTB24N MOTHERS : KLY N FRIEND : _4 l. o Not enly shortens the time of labor and lessens the pain, but it greatly diminishes the dangér to life of both mother and child, and leaves the mother in a condition more favorable to speedy recovery and less linble to Floading, Convuisiors, and other alarming rßymptoms, Its eilicacy in this respect entitles it to be called Tug Mornx’s Friexn, and to rank as cne of the life-saving remedies of the nine ternth century. We cannot publish certificates con cerning this remedy witheut wounding the deiicacy of the writers Yet we bave hundreds on file , Send fer cur book, ““To Motikers,” mailed free. Brapsizap Brcriaror Co., Atlanta, Ga, Sl et N L T Fji‘ 1% g2w ¥ ¢\fl 5 jfi i :.g 3 238 . & v ae 5 \ ] 5 Ky ¥ & PIANOSANDORCANS —SOLD ON—— LASY PAYMENTS I{A n‘\ &)& l & 4 ‘JL bo Chickering, Mason & Hamlin, Matl shek, Bent, and Arion Pianos, all well known and thoroughly relishle. We he iu such large quantities that we give 1= cousumer ithe benefit of the wholesale pric.. We save purchasers $5O to &100 ¢ = Fiano and send on fifteen days triab, fi« to Le deducted from price of Instrun Same apprlies to Oreans. We are acor 3 for the M:con & Hamiin, Packard f)r::' tral and Bay State, and can and will s: you 25 to &70, 2" Wiite {0 Catulogues and prices. LUDDEN & BATES Southern Music House YT Y g ¥ p T . BAND INSTRUMENTS. - Our Siiver Toned Instrunenss are stiict ly first-class, cur prices low, and Bauds :w:H find by writing us that we can save them money. Send for Catalouge No. 5. LUDDEN & BATES Soutliern Music House. TTTSTO 1010 T MUSIC FREE! i Send 10 Cents in Postace Stamps, and we will meil you five pieces of Vooui and Instrumental Musie (our selectin,) This musicis full gize, on Leavy pajper and the same ae is sold usually from 30 to 30 cents per copy. We make this offer } solely to advertise and introduce our cheap musie, We want the name and address of every Southern mosie buyer. We are headquarters for cheap music. Write for catalogues, LUDDEN & BATES Southern Music Houee, 5 ; R T i < AP VIOLINS,GUITARS,B.S N JOS, DRUMS, ETC. We sell every'hing in small Musica® In struments, and cur prices will alwavs be found the lowest. AH goods guaratie-d, pnd if not catisfactory can Le returr - i oat ‘nm' expense. Send for our 65-page lius trated Catalogue No. 7. LUDDEN & BATES Southern Music Honze, . 2 i , } . i Artists’ Materia!. Our steck is complete in all good: zed in oil er water color painting, or for ;. int ing on s tin, glase or wood. Also s 1l line of tools for hamnered brass work, sod waterials for wax and paper fiowers We guarantee priccs as low as any bLouse in the United States, and mail orders will re ceive promt and careful attention. Cata logue No. 10 will goon be ready. LUDDEN & BATES - Southern Music House. STATICHERY AMD ENGRAVING BEPARTRIENT. We have added a line of fine Corres. pondence Stationervy and can furrish the Intest styles in thia line. We sell as a ssin pie a box covtaining 24 chests of paper and envelopes (fine quality) for 23¢, post ags 10c. Box would retail readily for 50c. Calling Cards, At-Home Cards, Wed ding Invitations of the finest grade of work and most correct siyles furnishied on Shortest notice. We furnish 50 calling cards with nanie engraved on eopper plate for 2, and will send specimen book free upon applieation. LUDDEN & BATES Southers M asic House. iCY GOODS ALBUMS FiC FAHU [! .x*- ;"'\‘ l We carry the greatest variety a 2 finest assorted stock of Fanev Gooeds n the South, and can furnish any article iu this line at shortest notice, Orders fcr sny de gired eoods for holiday, birthday cr od. ding presents receive promp. and ccceful attention, and we oifer the pecite of the South an opportunity to proeure fiv« roods from a Southern House st price= that will mect the competition of the world » I By Ludden & Bates’ S, . 1 SAVANNAH, GA. BOQKS FREC & @ el R Low Thrilling Detective Stories, Home Cook nud Doctor fook, How to Make Foultry Py and Hoblnsen Cruscee, these 4 beo ks sent free, on receipt of 4 cents each for ostage, with agency terme, also our paper [ ome, Farm and Factory, 3 moulhs on trinl. For 20 cen's we will place your address in eur rew Agents” Direet: Ty which will bring you over 500 booka, pa pers, letters, cirevlars, samples, &e. RULBERT PUR, CO,, 46 Fwilie Block, Bt. Louis. Mo. Qfl":‘/\ \"l“l"fl ':a’a‘mz\lfl P‘Nt\J e Mgy & Wt?:s usils, 478, e, X < Be,{\ VL RN e gnar. M PN OTT, 841 Bivndnny, N, 8, HOUDANS % T }31\3% SITTERS. 1 ) £ ,c:f i 7 e . 2 '44’ 5 RS 7)1 b ETF, TR 25 i (2 S e a S ) e w.« I ¢ A NLR potlss e ie X 5 P re: 2D R e L S R EeA CEg e DN Dy e SRR l?{"}-,%'..«,_?.;» o P e %z;»«]”‘}f’w e o RBP s o e x‘flfll"zft-* TS g > oF s L i s e £, At o.Ry ke R Vst s p,.“f«‘.‘x’"?..i‘{ s, 455 ORS 5Py E ! |ieSR R A R AR / e e 3}&&*’33 it 1&; TSR owa i o & f, Ay _.:.1,?;.j‘-;‘,b;,r.: el #’45."% %"L&% = BP A R e )/ B (e 207 ‘v'itb':'%@}f? iel A4B SAT R S : ‘7 = W eAL '3'l“ “}‘-:s.f‘-:» " .;um;’f:’;‘g: 0% =3>»"f’l»"-’~ e | 5 @ *F%{gr‘ K’(" ’3"-.:,& f’-‘:‘;fi S&S kAt I‘2'?- FEAVE *Q}-K:?;f'*‘i:.«"ft;; ’“fi'“_, Pe o | S g N A VLT Sit e e Q) eg R S "s“vfi/’* e Vi y bl ’ 3.'71“:"*.”?::}14» s et Gttt 17 e i . sSI A PIERY Re P sTb et -;r'—!&-m?‘v-w—»é L T e 'Efi TR Bl oM¥ Ry s TRLE oAR )Qe Y Egh 25 \,J: - fr«#%‘ | 'E“E ' *i-f:f eS M it ‘@w\ 5o g& b ":* ¥AT ; ‘:. b “q“a"j A - ;'%&f}&‘;&;’, T I%%’?’*‘\\”“‘ A 5 {i"e&ju, rg,?fij“ A -ANG 72 385 AR vEe e S 2 APRDR et v AEANE SRS T SRR E““'-“"‘.%’@‘a&— B ; : Lek 5 —-:~;~;.\;;;~ RA N ) : RE »':—,\-f:.; 2 —\'*,:"-'\"t =G 2 "wf‘zt‘j—"',.v;‘fl* S / 3 _ggf,ee‘:.‘* Re—— e R b v'*“j‘?..‘},“»:f?:' - s —un ee,NS S NGy | W’f .oyaB N -,~%«~ _. 7 St eg—e > 5t 8 ~. St gk == NS EE el ’a’a\"“"sfi%fi« e wagm’f g\ S S Uee Sreed Liy *"«?,%’“é*a"fi"f, s:gf*“?‘fit:“ sy, i - «#w»gfgg L R Ry %&?fl:— AAR Wi TR ReAo S R e = e dEo)) : eAR ‘ ;';*-t%-&'g BRSEY‘. =2 . li_"‘g‘—'fl_r‘ff" S % ":;g;_.r___.w'fi _fffi‘ ) %*?;;_; iSt %‘i—“ AS el e S vS : , = %@ “g;:-«_;_-”y e— = s .~ e e 'a%\g == 135 ke ~t_;b:}?‘n T.: = X o = ui’ffig‘;&%c‘ e A"";-’_-i-""’; B e /,4 o -fi"‘ 5Ae /I = /%, S5B ”‘_\-\\—_—\ == *’:1;5“;‘,:/‘(:7 28N .2‘7" 2z “ - .3_ - “\‘"’T“_::_— = '-‘:f‘.‘.’--:.":'lf'}" sSI e e - ® = = g W > 9 > 2 2 2. e & 5 W D » O ¢ % i ¥ o .fl:(‘t P & £ 8 = & & < 2 o e 7 B el & E =209 5 o 0 pHE o> 8 llr g 2.5 e - & o e g, S @ LB ST CHAS. DEUBLER, Dawson, Gae, -——BREEDER :: OF——— CHOICE :: HOUDANS 'zt “AND : LARGGHANS. Eggs in season, §2.60 per 13 i ESTABLISHED (542, | ED I B P FEEV j , WooresaLe AND Retain DEALERS IN {PAEP: Tl® £ | CALPLTIC.GS, fen ! | FLCOR CLOTHS |. 5 A REAT R 1 Efiethli?GS’ | [ATS and ! inUci QT Y Ao o UFHCLSTE YSOLDS. , SREAT NOVELTIES AT VERY LOW PRICES. : o SAMPLIS SENT IF DESIRED. CCRRESPONDENCE INVITED. ! 3 _. ' Broadway, 18th & 18th Streets, NEW YORK, CA SR NI ! 641 to €47 Market 5t., SANFRANCIZCO I7y L s . ¥ o o | Professional Cards i ) | e | - Iy 8 27 TEIRIIVNT | lo lIA rl.}{(..‘j.“'.s",ii\)-\l)" X 12X AT Y Yy | DENTIST, ’ Dawson -:- Georgia. | I TENDER MY Professional Serviees t¢ { 4 all who would ‘have their Teeth | properly fiiled and Treated, guaranteeing | Batistaction in every case. I use the latest and best materials for FiLLiNnG AND PrLATE WoORK. ! The best recommended anaesthet |ic for the painless extraction of | teeth. {No harm! No damage to gumsor health. 'PV.. sMlv. salinitod ' atronage respectfuliy solicited. R VAN l)l{o 'Io (,Io ]).“i;‘\;\ s 3 . e PHYSICIAN & SURGIDN, DawsoN, G, OFFICE. vver McGill’s store; residence, iat J. A. Horsley's. I I DR. T. A. WOOD, ! Formerly of Stewart ccunty, has located at ' Dover, t— (A for the purpose of practicing medicine andl tenders his services to the people of the surrounding country, C47A1l calls promptly attended. ST L R S - J. M. GRIGGS, o - % ATTORHEV-AT-LAW ! 3 I Dawsox, - - :0-: - - GeORGIA. COLLECTIONS A SPECIALTY i Refers, by permiseion, to M. Ferst & Co., A. Lefiler, 8, Guckenlieimer & Son, ! Gustave Eckstein & Co., Savannah, Ga., | Henry Lewis, Atlanta, Ga. I &F Cffice over J. P Griftin's store. @ .5 & & THE ONLY TRUB ¥ : Will purify the OLC ! lat 1 the LIVES oy S Y and S BESTORE the axd.r&";:dm (MEEREEA OR of YCUTH. Dyeperaia Want e of Appetite, Indizestion,Lack of Se Strength and Tired ?eelina ab. l NG = 2 looll!:el:nan;:d: Bones, mus- TVoe il force. Eulivem:e m';:z s} and supplies Brain Power. 8808 s Suffering from mmrlpinupacu : uD'Es liar to theirsex will find in DR, i HARTFR'S IRON TONICa | safe, speedy cure, Givesa clear, healthy complexion. | All attemapts at counterfeiting on'y adds to its popu. t hflu.} Do-o:‘ o.x;erisme;nt—nt ORIGINAL AND ERs? ' Onro%:'n.up-tron.kusve} (I:Y;sgl;&'}ntfig Sick Headgohe. Bample Dose and ?uam l.cok mailed oa receipt of two conts in postage, 1 THEDR. HARTER MEDICINE GO, ST. LOUIS, MO, ‘—————-_—_—_“ } i s o - " . | WOAKING CLASSES avrevon. | We are now prepared to furnish gl classes with employent at home, the whole { of the time or for their spare moments, | Businoss new, light and profitable Per. i #ons of either sex easily earn from 50c¢. to | #5.00 per evening, and & proportional sum | by devoting all their time ta the business, Boys and girls can carn nearly 28 mnch os aone Thatall who see this mey send ‘ their addreas, and test the business, we | make this offen To such us are not well | Pantisfled we will sendt one dollar to pay !vrl | the trouble of writing. Full particulars |ol o it Orve, Address Geokcs ‘us..«.'x! & Coo, Povtland, Muine, o) //{W A 2L e m e =3 - A 7 w . ’fi Gl % W erf et - ;’!\;‘ G ‘l'l:.’;."?“?';;. a 4 R e l;;:;';, .‘:":‘ RS Q X; * e/) té‘:&&"\ S\ f. ':3?:‘. e e O RN Aty .. 3 i e B %/f s % o G eSS, o A S /v L A TUNNSAL N MG 4) A sl R \\\’ TN, kB Sas Y i :“\‘\!'\ “‘.\‘\ e, ~. 2T -_ QQ\\\ \E' - E d e e T LT U R W R B ‘ ¢ :;;’l.‘:s'.‘:‘@'.” o‘3 .;‘:"7?:_":;-:;-., ‘:' 3 ":%;é-'»: TN LiEERs % M. ML L IS Nk ;B ‘s.'%. = = ol gAI a-?«‘ 2SSy si 3‘: (’i” ‘\‘“" X 4 S 7% \%‘ Gy £ ) 0 B ’ {/ ’ o AN ) Ll fp <\ ~,,/_/N_x;;n ¥ 1}:"2”,2,’ The Seven Cuticura Boys These seven Leautiful boys owe tiw’ beauty of skin, luxuriance of hair, purit of blocd, and freedom from herelditas taint or humors to the celebrated Cericun ReMEDdlzs, Thousands of children are born into th, world every day with soime ecz matou: affection, such as milk crust, sca!l Lead. scurf or dandruff, sure to develop into & agonizing eczema, the itching, burning and disigaration of which make life a pro longed torture unless properly treated. A warm bath with Cutiovra Soap, an exquisite Skin Beautifier, and a single ap plication of Curicuea.the great Skin Cure, with a little Curictra REesonvesT, the New Blood Purifier, is often sufficient to arrest the pregress of the disease and point to a speedy and perinanent cure. Your most valusble Crrievra Rewe plEs have done my child so much good that I fecl like saying this for the hencfit of those who are troubled with skin dis case. My little girl was troubied with Eeczeme, and 7 tried several doetors and medicines, but did not do her anw gond antil 1 used the Cuvticvra RemEebizs, which specdily eured her, for which Lowe you many thanks and many mghts of lest, ANTON BOSSIMER, Edinburg, Ind. Sold everywhere. Price, CuTicußa, 50c.; Soar, 25c., Resorvest, ®l. Pre pared by the PorteEr Deue awp Ciexicar Co., Boston, Mass. Send for “How to Care Skin Diseascs,” 64 pages, 50 illusirations, and 100 testimo nials. ARYIOSLin and tealp preserved and B HB{ Sh«'am‘ificd by Coricvra MEDICA TED SOAP. A.. A . " . 8 oY O TR TR AR e O LOACH & e rusher Mil o b Mackin 2 B'p’% TRy T . oin Bieam Prgtass Sab lery, DoLoaeh W 0. ATL AR ‘-~‘1;f;"_"~«.»im"-'.\‘f;‘f;“:zg;s'u’xw;‘?fil;,‘.:f«n»mx;m«m ANTA, CA S | THE Delna 115, Cotton e o stone Dregee 2 Milla, K 5 y . oo iwe _:‘_4__().:‘-H Tu ,;:;»;;;;;_*. RN sy 01 £ lietones, Ki ' g |amouid" kws e PCRTABLE PiL Rl it el ;T - P -.x.,r“'?}l give n.? t our "v»,"n,f;.f = "'“"LE M’Ll s el s he money than re power evißotiom an -~ | }.3‘_;{ oo the Usaited Jr, any Whe ,‘u | Fali and Top Run ¥ TR 2E R Tanted 1o equal the S uliy Warrant unncrs gl i s ’3*3? oot sSy . !r."e'x';.:!E“’e‘“nziynfm ad Prices | ‘!‘Z: Py ‘ ER S Lhae nay, ded. "And Mo Pen-| ¢ o el »ol R N hat nevar |nd tigh 8 ¥ LrERIe D [t abd wiit s '_-,r.~_""' gate] 3.00 ARD UPW 3g T s S Sioes aud will just o lustim s] Tover NS UFRI. eo | ot s v":e':?&‘".,;_\.;-z'?"" h-:}.'l;h—.',';e ‘dimz:‘:‘m(‘,m»’: whoat APut. ekl S [ i’ci“’fl of r.;f_'n‘,‘r;¢ I‘:ig'.'.'.‘,';"a:ln;-gx'-:,m‘,i L’“”.an(l':?d' ?‘ NN R - Pestin the m‘\._: ~'ltl'cup3cl_; scß,,f"gwmer mill e | ‘ EREN . et oST ’j"‘-—..._‘;__kwr e:n’;xpnveé,rm |8 T :‘; wing differ _| e L . TRRE |, PNt Ty ioy S 3 @I Wel Eovatgr | FILLST s B Well Elevator, o, . S| uH ¥y B ; s ] S vurposes,| X “}J L 5 $ 3 ons Phtes eation of red ces greatl MRS AVEA - e i) ur Patoat Elevator| educed to sul _‘}’t X ‘(4” - P Beol o | e =5 e on well. Itad -.- Bend fo "l‘: -,.:‘,."‘.:5"- e s"««;}:v 3 ! of oae or two ym“’-t‘d ct'cu]r illustrat.| by p— \Q (\?“ 'W\?; A ?t:!, as desired u::;"zce ;bo‘:" and ad-! RSP 7 3 é.}&“" 3 &'; <5 ;?“'II:L: Eest l::veln-in'onm t fiemn‘! Bl sy Y Jye e S(le s e purpos x____h___? TR hg 2P - f‘% :'-(,::.."5-\;‘ 2, i;f:"‘:‘fl'(«lc " , & l £ . - ireng an 4 f '1 NPG g “-::‘:; &[0 8 1-~l‘.?Edur“3l9‘! ’k‘ n‘ Bfesse.r; LRI e R Mattics L BVI = | Ferfect, e Itia ully 75 7z . ok A cu&_; s ‘“».L tion. Bend o 14\!}94' per sent “X- P =TT IR e B- - | SiTculs Isl work o Lves, &) i g TN e S Uy Go:;”“d price. ,‘l;:‘ cm“cheb'.-?,,‘:.':‘ gé‘“}fi 3 SLU N 2SN |azent chance for with plow be done ;,»‘_.Tm"{?", v AT 3TN o s {,l“ikem?:'.\g'l'ilea x -’;,(fi" : o f biade - ' 4 SR ;3 ENGINES L | W 0 kfi T =s> | o —~-:‘ i v v e P ERx 22 ]o e Tiaden TR Lo NWA o, 3| Yariable F i"‘don T aten ™o 33} riction Foed Saw } RA~ ':“"'"’\" £ 3 ‘:g.\" 3 .‘\'.‘:‘ 53 &3 ‘.‘ "gv_"h ratehet '(.d h" ufl] Ay S e T"X"‘- A a 0 ull dogs. Takes (b ind ’ -~ ,:.,ag Bele ] B Aot BN T 3 wi.erover akes th patent b y'ad <y T %I ot %l | known, 2 prefe Wy AL =9 @53 g ‘;‘"‘ 20| B g Made 1n “‘"“ it ;:};;,’ e R SRR s A %‘“-h'ru':" e T eAtc= 8 BNy & 1y o, on oy ":%‘kw tcCNAS ) 2 Eonl e I »7:’-'3*-'?» fgr e ‘%fii .. <o Lot > 5 &3 |ST B e y tal &~ T L b Yot Hons Lo a 0 v imen ev] 5] PR o LvNeoV ST T 87 goo R vos e oo L DAt Fiaht eLy gBt 4: fGg e - R t..&‘s . ’ 1o WHT} 5 wger Y'h N s “r:‘.?l‘w‘.‘v.m- ‘; T e . \ b ,““m Mh—""“~ Vh‘ o -t < hcalal o d g el - Al “h” 5b d Our oidest child, now six years of age, vaen an infart six months old, was at wked with a virulent, malignant skm iisease. Ail ordinary remedics failing, ‘¢ called our family phaysician, who at emptcd to cure it; but it spread with al. anst iueredible rapidity, until the lower portion of the little fellow’s person. from e widdie of his buck down to his knees, was one solid rash, »gly, painful,blotched, vid malicious, We had no rest at night, 10 peace by day. Finally, we were ad vised to try the Crricvra Remepiss. The effet was simply marvelous. Tn three or four wecks a complete cure was wrought, leaving the little fellow's person as white and bealthy as though he had never been attacked. In my opinion, your valuable remedies saved his life, and to-day he is a sirong, healthy ehild, perfectly well, no repetition of the d sease having cver ap peared, GEO. B. SMITH, Att'y at Law and Ex-Prow Atly, Ash. land, O, . Rerrienee: J. G Weist, Druggist, Ashland, O. One year ago the Crrioura and Soar “eured alittle girl in our house of the worst sore head we ever saw, and the ResoLvext } and Cerrovra are now curing a young gen | tewar of a sor leg, while the physicians ,! are try ‘nz to have it amputated. It will save b leg. 8. B. SHITH & BRO., | Covington, Ky. Curr vra REMEDIES are absolutely pure, and the mly infallible skin beautifier and blood p rifier. e e e il i S EZ. black-heads, chapped and P ' ekin prevented by Ceticusa ICATED Noar, <%y R 2 AN Q@ B iy 2 :.‘ng- Mexi L. .g fiime CcCrvßEs , Sciatioa, Bcratches, Conh Lumbago, Sprains, M 3 Eheumatism, Straing, Eruptig Burnsy Stitches, | Hoof Scalds, Stiff Joints, by . - Seray Btings, Backachs, W Bitos, Gallg, Sutiaid Bruies, | Sores Saddeg | Bunions, Bpavin Piles, } Corng, Cracks, ; THIS COOD OLD stAND.; accomplishes for everybody ex actly what ise forit. Oneof the reasons for the great popyl, , she Mustang Liniment is foung i its unjy, - apdlieability, Everybody needs such g pu The Lumberman needs it in case of . The lousewife nceds it for Generalfany The Cenaler needs it for his teamsang his | The Mochanie needs it always on hig | bench. Tho Miner necds {{ in caro of emergency, The Pionocer needsit—can't got along with The Farmer needs it in his house, hig and his stock yard. | The Stéamboat man or the Boatmag Itin Itkeral supply afloatand ashore, I The Horac-fancier needs fi—it i friend and safest reliance. ‘ l The Stock-grower needs {t—lit wiy n | thousands of dollars and a world of trouble, ] The Raiirond man needs it and will peag i long as hislife 18 a round of accidents and dan; ! The Backwoedsman neodsit, Thersls t ing like it as an antidote for the danger} tg limb and eomfort which surround the ploneer, The Bférchant necds it about his store [ his employees. Acoidents will happen, ang i theso come the Mustang Liniment is wanteq at ‘ Keepn Bottlc inthe iouse, 'Tisthe | economy. 1 | Keepaßottleiothe Factory, Itsimm ; use In case of accident saves pain and log of Keep n Bottle Alwaysin the Stab use when wanted, "¥g - 4 LOCAL SCHEDULEK | Pass, Train No. 1 go'ng West ar, 1157 :: b 4 :\."' 2 ¢ East *“13.44 2 ;\(»._sl West 3,01 l “ N 0.52 “ Eust “139 L % ‘:— . | Savannah, Florids |. 1 A | Western Ry. - . v [ All tr-ins on this road are ru by ( ’ tral Standard Time. ] VIWUHE CARD IN LEFTECT NoV. | -~ 1886. Passenger Trains on this \ will run daily us follows: NEW ORLEANS EXPRESS, 7:00 & m T 8 8:42 a m &16 9:34 a m 5:224 0:50 a m ar......Waycr055......1v 5:051 1126 a m ar......Ca11ahan......1v 2474 i 12:00 m ar...Jacksenville., Iv 2:05 { 7:00 a mlv...Jacksonvillc... ar 7:35 | T:s3a m1v......Cs 657 [ 10:15 a m1v.....Wayer055..... ar 440 { 11:09 a wi lv ... Homerville.... Iv 3:55 g { 11,15 a wi1v...... Dup0nt......11v 3:40p { 12:04 p m1v......Va1d05ta......1v 2:50 ’ 12:34 p m 1v......Quitman......1v 28 { 122 p mar... Thomasville. Iv 145 p ¢ &35 p mar.. .Bainbridge. .Iv 11,254 | 4,04 p m 11:30a |; 3:42 p m ar...... Albany......Alv 10:30 ‘ Pullman buffet cars te and from Ja ‘s'm\":l'u‘ and New Ycork, to and frd | Jacksonvilie and New Orleans via Pen | cola, to and from Jucksonville and Loy ville vin Thomasville, Atlanta and N ville, and Jacksonville to Cincinati fesup. EAST FLORIDA EXPEES, 1:30 p m 11:558 3:20 p m 1v...... ..Jesup. .......Iv 10-21 a) 4-21 p m 1v.... 9;34s 4:40 p m ar......Waycrose.... .Iv §lss 6:57 p m ar......Ca11ahan.....1v T:338 7,85 p m ar... 008 5:00 p m 834 542 p m 1v..... 8118 758 p 5578 8;45 p m iv....Homerville 5:108 9;00 p m ar.... . Dupont .....Iv 458 8,20 pmly Lake City arlolss 355 pm v Gainesville ar IQ.(‘%'II 720 pm v Live Oak ar 6404 %10 pmly Dupont ar 4504 10,01 pmly Valdosta lv 4058 1034 pmlv Quitman v 33 {1125 pm ar TFhomasville Iv 2508 ' 11:50 am ar Camilla v 11‘?‘ I;ssamar Albany lv 12308 Pullman buftet cars to and_from J'l sonville and St. Louis via Thomatvh Albany, Montgomery, Nashville and 3 ansville, and Cincinnati to Jackson¥l vla Jesup. ; Pullman sleeping cara to and from 59 tow and Montgomery via Gainesville , ALBANY EXPRESS. 845 pmiv Savannah ar 6108 ! 1525 pmlv Jesup v 3‘;3' 130 amar Waycross Iv 150 P 525 amar Callghan Iv 8069 6:15 amar Jacksonville v 9?1“29 - 8:15 pm v Jarksonville &r 91”‘ 905 pmlv Cailahan ar 508 200amlv Waycross ar 11:80P 8:20 a 1 ar Dapont 1v 16009 6;40 am ar Live ‘»“gk Iv ";‘;’29 10,65 am ar Guinesville 1v 3,50 10;15 amar Lake City I¥ 33{"?9 445 amlv Duzent 8¢ gfg;p s;2Tamlv Vuldosta 1v §"{sp 6108 mlv Quitman IV :-;(')op 715 amear Thomasville ¥ :»00‘; 11:10 am ar Albany I¥ ‘l3 1/ Stops @, all regular stations. ]l~k : huffet sleeping ears to and Ym"“”; frof ville and Washington, and 1o 8% T dacksouville and Louisville via T‘b e ville and Montgo:sry. Pullman . ears and Mann Dboudoir buffet “d i Waycrogs, Albany and Macov, f,::‘ Wuvesoss, Jesep and Macon, Alko, i Jacksonville and Cincmnatl. ‘kw.ll . prsscnger coaches between Jac and Chattanooga, YRESS “I'P EXPRESS. : i JEFST l l._\‘ . ’"‘93o‘ 45 pm v Savannil Jy 5308 610 p m ar Jesup o : ' lag stationd Stops at all regular and flag ‘bcl'fl" Tickets sold and sleeping car cure he Passenger Stations ured at the W P ”‘_\RDEY&& General Pass. Ag R. G. FL' MING, Gen'l Sunt enn live at home, and m‘ ork for U 8 money at wor 4 3 his WUFI & U U anything else in th s Aarl re :~§.l|’l(‘(i free. ital not peeded;you n the " Any one ean do q sexes; all ages. ANY OOUF ot 8 Large earnings sure from firs W o . o free Better @ lv outfit and terns Ire nd ue )‘M " & ¢ O It z Custs you nothiv ‘it vou are wite YOS dress wnd find out; ity & Goy do 8o st oncw, He H e Inud, Muin., ' O , e | e | & | _ e : o & ) " © w o -~ joud @ e - L s J: > 52 ¢ % on & & et h- Q = .e+ B r Bt ¢ @ o |- ks b 8 " e =+ = §1 o E o * = ¢ e v @ e o o 5 g Lk e g S g € E""“- e & o= G O = rg W oy R -.f':"<: =¥, R ~ A