Newspaper Page Text
Collffbtlmoile__flefiyd{l‘:}i}nd Family Groceries Call on Longhurst in old Sharp Buildfilg .
Mg, JACKSON.—“Why you look so hand
me in your Rew suit. Whero did you
g-et it?"
Mr. JosEs.— Trom M, Kempner's Cloth.
ing Store. He keeps the nicest fittings
and Cheapest Clothing in Dawson.”
I have just opened & nice line of Gine-
N 2 y € 3 1 3
pams, Figu? ed and White Lawns, Floun
dng and Checked Muslins. Cheaper than
v merchant in Dawson will sell the same
Jine of Goods. e Daa e R
fferesting Fiei Concerning Town
and (65aiy Gathered by Journad
Reporters aud Briefty Teld.
Passon gets & fine trade from Raundolph
Now unifsrms have been ordered for the
fire com puny.
3ir, C. M. Orr, of Macon, was here last
Sanduy and s{onday.
Measlos are still among us. Sone are
paving the 8:Con 1 case. g
The council bas been warking on the ar
feslan well puinp again.
Dr. Eendrick is ageat for Hirschberg's
Pismond Spectacles.
Fetch up your §3.00 for street tax. The
aict b 8 gone forth,
Loyd Parks, of Atlanta, was in town
Jut week visiting relatives,
Lets have the cotion compress. Don’t
nlard the progress of the town,
gome of the girls wear outrageousiy large
ponquets—perfect flower gardens.
The recent drouth injured the oat erop -
s sy some of the farmers.
The Methodist parsonage 18 heing re
puinted. Nothinz ever needed it mure.
M ¢ Mims' is the only honse in town
that will sell you 20 pounds of rice for ¥l.
1 bad boys make good men, Dawson
wilbea very pious cominunity after a
few yeurs.
Quite a nice purty of young people as
seabled at Mrs. Mevalty's last Thursday
Mclion Brow'. new Einbroiders just re
eived and ready for inspection by the
Julging from the lightness of the article
itiew't every giri who can lanugh in her
| ADawson man spent only 15 cents on a
moeat trip to Macon, e was gone two
Miss Mira Kimbrongh is in the city
viiting relatives, the tamily «f Dr. W. C.
The Woman's Missionary Society at |
Bouwood will celebrate its anniversary |
next Sunclay nizht. I
The Bionwnol Sunday school picnics |
lodsy at Wright's mi'l. Thanks for an |
Ivitation to be present. |
Wi - hie !
Tie protracted meeting which was n..‘
fun et the Methodist chureh last Sunday |
iinereaging in interest. l
From the way juys go from Dawson to |
the dry counties, it would seem that a jug |
fictory would do well here. .
v, 3
Goto Rempner's and pet & gaood Ut - |
Buidnied Shirt for 80 cents. Other stores |
#libe ame shint for 1 00. ‘
Tae waterialon crop in Terrell will be
Vithe beliing this year, vat it will insure
Just 1 many cases of colie,
There is trouble in Dawson abont some
Pirties giving right of way to the Colum-
WsSouthern "This should net be.
Capt. 8. AL Loovless is perasing ‘*She”
Wtarived e b house Tuesday. He
Mitks it the prattiest baby in towa
Don't thiak of makiug your purchase of
el Lace wnti) you see the large and
Wt naortment at Melton Bros'.
We wan't 1o know why Bill Me bluskes
Wl niles so when a cortain girl’a name 18
Mitioned. Probabiy she can tell us.
Aparty went 1y © wdry’a mill fishing
he otlicr day oad by night had three
bh)h’.‘:! of as fiae ones H 3 YUU CVOT BAW.
) fiel 13 . .
A"‘«'lll?:f':» ine of nice white goods,
Sneing, Checked Musling, ete cheap,
WKo g,
The eroak of the frog i 3 heard, and in
Mhew o : ‘
‘!,"w“f the coming boom they should be
V%l 10 monopolize the croaking of the
* v
Yenvthing which belongs to pure,
1y blood is imparted by Hoo 's Sarsa
i) ? 1] . : .
'”f“‘~ A trial will convince you of its
'{ ’ .
One dsy last week My, Bizelow, an em
ein Buldw,n & Co, & Qeise’'s ma.
e shor.e : 54
1 shops, had several fingors Ladly slit
'n:" 0% has boen qnite dall this week.
mf"*“-m friends are taking advantage
1S niee Weathor i put in Lome )‘,'»')J\i
Uk on thyir craps,
K;Unw SUniate of the tanber shipped
M Terr, :
M" T' rrell Cotnty aunually is 12,004,000
" Thiere gy thirteen wills in peration
te coungy,
The gare
k;l farvey locating the Columbus
iy P s Dassed from Terrell into
PRUCTIY woiisio o 4 ‘
mkl'”'\ tounty, The work wilt be
Dletodd ; .
WL% din y f W davy.
K pn ;
i l“"““"’i"‘ of the Americns Re
”U"r‘ in in I g 3
F Ampkinin the iuterest of
Mpe . )
il ™ o hig absence Judge Clark
" fpreseng b hbe.
'fiu- t
¢ lny M ies . . . o
T X feceiver, Charlie Harris, will
e lue ‘
b ML appoinnent of his last round
I‘ V 3 % .
e Chavics Wfomns this scrtlio
LYY fow |
M ~ Ve given dn (helr tazes,
® exlians ;
E Hanet.q md deow W feelin s,
M4y BPring ! '
Priig time, hoate an hine
g "l\l(ql k& ;
"h . L 1 eonditi mof tha hln-nl,
ny be e
g Coedied by the use of
T arp '
u & Tt is the most power.
i, the .
Mong e 0 IMO, most ceonom.
‘ PUriGer kuowy,
l Now is the time of year for your be-t
girl to send in an expression of her vegard
; in the form of a beautifully executed mon
| ogram hat mark for your new soring tile,
| The Dawson Guards have received an
l Invitation to be present and participate in
l a picnie by the Ft. Guines Guards the 12th
of May, Ttis not fully deternuned that
{ they will go.
i The cheapest and best shoes for ladies,
imen, boys and gieds, at Kempner's,
, Tlie Colambus Southern will wiss Sas.
| ser about oue and a half miles. Our
| friends in that villaze are badly disap.
| pointed. We would like for them to have
! the road: :
1 Capt. S. A. Loyless has accepted a trav
! eling position with the § 8 8. Company.
i The Captain will be a popular Knight of
{ the grip.
i Meas.cs still play the mischief with the
| facial beauty of our population. Some
i 100 k ag if they would do for potato graters.
| Sweethearis had better hide out until they
! get threugh.
' The whitewash season i here and the
; Black man with white bucket, white brush
i and white clothes can be seen doing duaty
‘ towards improving the appearance of some
i bremises.
i What has become of the new guard
! house that our respected city fathers were
i going to build some time since. 1t is ir
{ visible yet, and, for anght we know, may
! be where tiae woodbine twineth.
| Go to Melton Brog'. for White Goods,
i Checked Nainsooks, Vietoria Lawne, ete.
I Last SBunday President Dozier appointed
| Rev. J. O. uangston, of Bropwood, a:d
Col, J. G. Parks to represent our county
: in the State Sunday-school Convention
{ which met at Americus last Tuesday.
| Asa hair dressing and renovator, Ayer's
‘ Hair Vigor is universally ecommended. It
| eradicates dandrafl. cures eruptions of the
! scalp, invigorates and beautifics the hair,
g and prevents its facding or turning gray.
| That chap uaderstood hwuan nature
' quite well when he remarked: “When
; your pocket book iz empty and everybody
| kmows it, you can put all your friends in it
l and it won't budge out worth a cent.”
i We ask the attention of the readers of
| the Jourynar to the advertisement of 1. 1,
| Pomery, Macon, G, dealer in wali paper
‘ and decorations. When in need of such
i work voua would do well to write to him.
The best Ladies’ land Sewed Shoe in
the city for $5.00 at Mclten Bros'.
Miss Mattie Laing, one of Dawson's
mast interesting young ladies, kag re*urn
ed from an extended visit to Brunzwiek,
Her brizht amiles will undoubtedly heal
the wounds of many who mourned her ab
! The Goldens did not have as larga an
i 511.!i(‘1)c- Saturday night as they deserved.
| Our town Lias been bard on ghows this sea
ii~)§‘l, but with the exception of the Gold.
i eng, the shows have been hard on the
' George Johnson, at friend June's drug
i .slo'.'c, received a nice cake the other day
| ina Led of flowers on a waiter. Ah!
‘ Genrge, those similes of youra are going to
! make mischicf with the hearts of some of
| the [air ones,
| Muss Daisy McNulty returned to Newton
lSundny to resame her duties as teacher
tafter a visit of several daya to the family
‘nf her mother in this place. Of course
| her absence causes a void in the hearts of
gome of the boys.
M. C. Mims has jnst veceived a fresh lot
of flour lower than the lowest.
Roving cattie aud hogs on the streets are
a nuisance. When everything that has a
semblance of a nuisance is expugned,
Dawson wiil beeome one grand compact
of enmmendable commodities and sightly
A young wnan, probably from the rural
teestriots” of Calhoun county, struck
town a recent morning and ia passing
Melton Bros'. clothiang store politely spoke
to a dummy that had been stood at the
iront door. Severa) of the town citizeas
have done the same thing.
Colonel Nelson Tift, and other enter
prising citizens of Albany, siill urze the
people of that town to gecure the Colum
hus Southera railmad. The last report
from there is that £20,000 have been raised,
iimving only $5,000 behind. Plucky Al
' bany will surely raise bh.r quota.
| Messrs. J. W. F. Lowrey, A. J. Carver
land soveral others have received a large
} tish net which they ordered from Chicago.
The finny teibe had best look out or these
gentlemen wili have theu. They can do
full justice to a fish fry even when they
d~ not feel like cating.
Large Stock of solid and figured Sat
teens at Melton Bros,
Being entirely vegetable, no particular
‘ care is required while using Dr. Pieres's
| “Pleasant Pargative Pellets.” They op
| erate without disturbaneo to the consiitn
| tion, diet or oeenpation, or sick heal
i aehoe, constipation, impure Woad, dizel
i nues, sour eructations from the stomach,
. bad taste in mouth, billous attucks, jpan
tn reglon of kidneys, lnternal fever, bioat
! od foeling ahout stomach, Tusl of blvod o
e, fub Dr, Picees “Pillota” By
ULI B {. !J ! !
HAVE just received a nice
line ot
- N Y
Spring Goods
Consisting in part of Clothing
of every style, price and qual
ity. They can fit from a
small boy up to a large man.
They have also in stock a
nice Line ot
White Dress Goods,
Such as Victoria Lawns, In
dia Linens, Plain and Figured
Fmbroideries, Nainsoo k 8
and Nunsveiling, of the lafest
styles and patterns.
In Solid and Stripes, Hand
kerchiefs, Laces, Edgings,
Etc. Rare bargains in all.
"~ Shoes, Hat=,
Boots, Trunks, Satchels, Um
brellas, Etc., in profusion and
are going at prices that wiil
surprise you.
st il
[ The public is cordial
ly invited to inspect our stock
when in the City.
" ! - 4
Ty N e
ihe Clothiers.
Lrs. Naney Davis died at her
home an this place on Monday,
the 25th inst. Her remains weie
interved bLerve at The DBaptist
chureih Tuosday evening. Mrs.
Davis wus nearly eighty years
old. was a gonerous, christian
nearted lady and was respected
and loved by all who knew her,
She had been a member of the
Baptist ¢hareh for abont fifty-five
years. Sus l:aves severa! near rel
atives and many friends to mourn
her loss. The sorrowing oues
have our heartfelt sympathies,
We Susseritesare not quite sat.
isfied absut the Columbus South
ern, anl if what littls we are able
to do will bring it by cur way we
will have it yet,
Mr. Gus Durham was in the
village Monday. Whila hera he in
formed us that he would leave for
Birmingham, Ala, in a day or
two, and that he expects to make
that piace bis future home.
There are a great many fish be
ing eanght out of the crecks anid
ponds in this seetion this spring.
Miss Sallie Kinz, of Houston
eouuty, is at this tiwe visiting her
sister, Mrs. Matthew Marshall of
this county.
3M.s. Rbhoda Richburg, of Ala,
ias been 1a this seetion for some
time past visiting relatives.
A few genileman and ladies
from the village had a fish fry at
lonz pond on last Friday. Tiey
report finasuccass and a niea time,
We were too busy to attend.
Mr. J. N. Porter has aboat oue
acre of the finest corn we bave
seen this year. It is nearly waist
high. e
A Marriage Under Peculiar Ciream-
ALBANY, April 25.—At 8 o’clock
last night at the residence of
Mrs. M. A. Thoroberry, of this
eity, Dr. W. F. Bynum, of Live
QOak, Fla, and Miss T. P. Auder
son, of Wilkes coauty, Ga., were
marri-d, Rev. J. H. Forston offi
ciating. Seme time agc there ap
peared an articlointhe “Love and
Matrimony” eolumn of the Sunny
South a short notice from a young
lady, desiring a correspoodence
witiL some young gentleman, with
a view to matvimony. It was
answered and the above was the
result. Dr. Byuum was a dele
gate to the Baptist convention,
and she a visitor, and they met
here the first time. They left
on the eanvon ball last night for
their fatare home at Live Oak,
He Mhanks his Paner,
nir Bdivor: T was induead by
reading your god papar to vy
Dr. Harter's Iron Tonio for de
bitity, liver disurder and serofula,
and oo bottles buve coved me.
\ et o
PRI L 0 e L R P e
| The Golleus
Played in the Opera House last
Satarday evening, and it is need
less to say that perfect satisfac
tion was given all who attended.
1t is by far the best troupe that
has played in Dawson this season.
The successful comedy drama,
“Jo,” full of good hits and strik
ing situations, was presented and
from first to last won tha strictest
attention and heartiest applause
of every one. Martin Golden, as
Foui, was up to the standard, and
Bolla Golden as “Jo,” as well as all
“helaties 1 the tronp-,sust daed
er parts well. Harry Robin
son, the commedian, was simply
immense, and Lis comical way of
saying and doing things won the
beartiest applause in appreeiation
of bis inimical acting. The or
chestra is as fine a one as we ever
hecrl itis uotoften that these
traveling shows the comnm
mendation of the JourNaAr, bat
the Goldens are worthy of it
They never put up a shoddy or
cueap performance on the stage, ‘
and bave always been favorites in
Dawson. ll
Sunday-School Picnies.
The commitiees appniated by
our Sonday-schools to leok a’ter
the picnie interest of the nupils
of both schools, reported last Son.
day that, owing to the prevalence
of meusles in our community, it
wouli be best to p s'p na the aa
nual May e:lebrad n for the pres
ent. As no place and time hve
baen decided upon, we siggzest
that, if no such wovement has al
ready been made, the Baptist
and Methodist schools unite and
oon av exear ion. These cele-
Lrations are for the pleasure of
the children, and they would en
joy an excursion to some neigii
boring town immensely.
Gus and His Bicvels.
Gus Richardson, one day last
week, while riding a bieyels, fell
and sustained several bruises on
his bhead. ‘Lhe followinz lines,
dedicated to him, were received
through the mail:
‘A bieycle,
A bl))‘.
Great pleasure,
Great joy.
A rock in street,
Wheel and rock meet. ]
A bicyele,
No boy,
No pleasurs, ’
Nojy. |
A funeral, j
F;ld'(.’l]v? ‘
A bicycle :
For sale.”
The Dixies will play at Hart's
Hall next Monday aud Tuesday
avenings, the 2ud and 3rd of May.
T'he character of the eutertain
ment is cowic vpern. The follow
ing s from the Bainbridgs Demo
“['ho Dixies—Harry and May—
aud one of the bast corps of en
tertainers we have had this season,
playad a two night's engager.ent
heve last week end gave perfect
stisfaction to all who attended
their performances. The Disies
promise us another visit next fall,
and a programies that will not
fail to capture the town.”
Invitation Accepted.
At the meeting of the fire com
nauy Monday night it was decided
to accept the invitation to j artici
pate in the Eutaula sonrnament the
lith of May. A track is beiong
made here in Dawson for ou:
boys to practice on and. we
ara preparing ourself to 4o big
yelling when they retarn with the
tirst prize. On their return the
band will meet themn at the depot
aud escort them up town amid
a general jollification. Three
cheers and an elepuant for the
Protection boys.
We Thought It
Col. J. A. Fonche, of tie Hawk
insville Dispatel, was in the city
a recent Sunday. We think the
Colonel srudiously avoided our
senctum whde here. Dat, then,
who can blame him when there is
a greater attraction in ancther
poricon of the eity?-—Dawson
Jourusl.] Colosel Fouche will
visit you again ou the irstof June
nexi, at which time the population
of Dawson will be redoced one
and added to Hawkinsville, so
Madam Iwumor says.—Hawkins
ville News.
Keep Away from the Cistern.
Parents shoald keep their child
ren away from the cistarn uecar
AMr. S. V. Brown’s shop. Water
now is six feet deep in it, and if a
iictle fel.ow shonld happen t) fall
into it a droweing would take
place bafore tie child could be
rescacd and wo wonld have a first
elass news item. A boy fell into
tha cistern the - ther day, bat was
rescued by Mr. Drown, who was
near by.
The Rain.
A vood rain fell in this . county
last Saturday and Movday which
pat vegetation of all kind on quite
a boom. 'l'ie ground was getting
very hard, plowing was becowing
diflicult and corn and eotton plant
egd were not comivg ap well. The
rain wiil bring these up enl giv.
a strong impetus to erops already
The Jounxar returus thanks to
Mr. C. L. Glessuer, secretary of
the committes, for an invitatiu
ty the competitive dvill of the
Southern Cudels, to come off in
Macon on the .fith and 12th of
I The New York Life Tusuraunce Compa
ivy is unsarpassed by any life in
{ surance company in the world,
|and the provision of its b-year
tdividend poliey contains advant
]. ages not given Ly any form of
[poliey in any cther ¢ ‘mpany.
Life insurance is approved by
l the best business men and the
wost infelligent minds as being
[ the only means of s curing inde
‘pvmlence to the families of men
i of small means as well as those in
[ zood cirer matances; nlso a first
| class method for young men to
save up something. J. A. Laing
is agent for the above named com
pany and parties desiring insur
ance should consult him, as he is
a citizen of our county and of
course gets some lenelit from
writing your application. It is
not safe to delay this most impor.
tant business matter in proteciing
the loved ones who are dependent
upo. you.
Author's Clab.
The Author’s Club will meet to
morrow evening at the residence
of Dr. W. C. Paschal. The fol-
Jowing is the programme:
} Author for theevening—NMilton.
Response to roll eall by quota
‘tions from the author.
Violin Duet, Profs. Wara and
Essay, Mrs. Willia Carver. |
Yocal Solo, Miss Lillie Rogers.
lecitation, Miss Lollie Iromon
Voeal Solo, Mr. B, T. Farnum.
Tustrumeuntal Solo, Mise Jessie
Society News, Miss Mary
Speight Baldwin.
Selection, Miss Helen Parks.
Voeal Duet, Mis. J. H, Guerry
and Mrs. W. R. Baldwin.
Killed by Lightnine.
Last Satarday Mr. T. J. MecVey,
of this county, had the misfortune
to have a fina young mule kiiled
by lightning. About fifteen
minutes baefore the occurrence the
mule, with saven others, was 1
placed in a stockade out of the
rain. With the exception of
stunning and knockingone of them |
dowu, no damage whatever was
‘done the other mules. The
door to the stockade was closed at
the time and, strange to say, the
{l‘uil.iing was not in the least in
jured. The loss fells quite heavily
!un Mr. McVey.
He Stole a Locket. ‘
Jack Rogers, a negro barber of
this town, is per force a guest of
the county and is receiving callers
at the juil. The cause of this is
that Jack counld not aceount for a
zold locket that he had in his
possession which belonged to Mrs.
W. C. Carver’s little daughter,
Anuie Will. Thereare two dozen
or more wards of the nation in
this bailiwick who are paving the
way into the Dade county coal
Election of I'ive Company Ofii-
The following officers have been
elected by Proteetion No. 1 for
the ensuing year:
W. B. Cheatham, President; A
J. Baldwin, Vice President; A. J.
Carver, Forercan; B. B. Perry,
\ssistuut Foreman; W, W. Davis,
Secretary; I'. W. Clark, Treasur
er; C. Denbler, Engineer, M. C.
Mims, J. D. Laing, W. B. Cheat
ham and W. H. Bishop, Assistant
Eogineers; N. Kinney, Fireman;
J. A, Miller, Assistant Firemao,
T. A. Horsley, J. A. Laing and T.
R. Hannuh, Trustees.
Pnbife Leeiure.
Prof. J. H. Miller, of Miller's
Arithmetic fame, lectarad in the
Opera House Mounday aflernoon
in the in‘erest of his book. DPro
fessor Durker and his pupils were
Memorial Day. !
Lust Tuesday was Momorial |
Day und it paszed by nuobserved |
by the pennle of Dawson, |
Cowboy. Jr. |
We are now owners of the
thorenghbred Jersey Ball, Cow.
boy Jr., formerly owned by Mi.
L. 8. Baldwin. We have his
pedigree and guarantee thers is
not u finer or parer bred ball to
be found anywhere. 3,00 for
Horsuey & CrovcH.
‘A Perfect Flood of Sunshine”
will fill the heart of every suffer
ing woman if she will only persist
in the ase of Dr. Pierer’s “Favor.
ite Preseription.” It will enre the
most excerueiating and pericdical
paing, and relieve you of all ir
regularities and give healthy ac
tion. It will positively cure in
ternal inflamation end uleeration,
isplacement and all kindred dis
lordcrs. Price reduced to one do'.
lar. DBy draggista.
The Hat Trade.
Wa have received aur stock of
Spring an 1 Sammear Hats and are
offering big bargains, Wae keep
suleable Liats at saleabls prices,
and will make it to your interest
t to call on us.
ti. Winrians & Davis,
Capt. J. A, Falten is Agent for
Ths Sunny Boath,
The Atlauta Couscitation,
The Suvannah News and :
Tho Americus Reecrdor, R
“Oar stock of ¢hoea is unsur:
passed ia point of neatness sad
LR A e e
# v i ‘:,_4_';',‘.- 4 I \ . ' Y ;‘;&
The Coltumbus Southern Railroad.
The Columbus Enquirer-Sun
says that the location of th's ruil
road is nearly complete, and adds:
“The line from Dawson to Al
bany will be a perfect tangent, an
‘exact straight line. The wkole
road has a splendid alignment, be
‘ing the shortest poseible practical
line between the objective pointe.
Private avices {rom Stewart aud
Webster counties say their gquota
of the subseription to the stock of
the road has been made up. This
leaves only Albany behind, and
it hes giren positive assurances
that their quota is secure. The
rights of way are being prceared
rapidly, and except in Muscogea
counly there are no omissions.
' The deeds for the few unszigned
rights of way in this coanty will
soon be fixed up, we think. The
new railroad project’oas will werk
so disadvantageously to Albany
unless tha Columbas Soathern is
built that we are daily waiting to
hear that Albany has elosed up
her subseription. Columbus 13
anxious to ses dirt moving ou the
Southern road. Let us ail pull
together and it can be done very
soon.” 1
Clears out rats, mice, roncles,
flies, ants, bed-bags, beetles, in-‘
sects, skunks, jack rabbits, spar
rows, gophers. 15¢, Atdruggists.!
“Rough on Iteh” cures skin
huwors, eraptions, ring worm, |
tetter, salt rheum, frosted feet,
chilblains, itch, ivy poison, bar
ber'siteb. 50¢. jars.
{i gray, restores to original eolor.
An clegent dressing, softens and
beantifies. Nooil nor greass. A
tonic Restorative. Stops hair
coming out; strengthens, cleanses,
Leals scalp. &oe.
Quick, complete cure, all annoy
ing Kidney, Lladder and Urinary
Diseases. $l. At draggists.
Why suffar Piles? Imn.ediate
relief and complete cure gnaran
teed. Ask for “Rough on Pijes.”
Sure cure for itching, prolruding,
bleeding, or any form ol Piles.
50c. At Druggists or mailed.
Wells’ “Hoalth Renewer re
stores health and vigor, cures
Dyspepsia, Impotense, Nervous
Deblity. For Weak XMeun, Deli
cate Women. §£l.
Begutiful Spring Worsteds, of all shades,
at Melton Dios'.
For the retief and cure of the influnma
tion and congestion ealled *‘a cold in the
head” there is more potency in B'y's Cream
Balmn than in anything else it is possible to
prescribe, This preparadon has for years
past been makinyg @ brilliant success as a
remedy for cold in the head, catarrh and
bay fever. Used in the initial
stages of these complaints Cream Balm
prevants any seriouns development of the
symptou s, while almost numberlcss cases
are an record of radieal cures of ehronic
catarrli and hay fever after ail other mnodes
of treatinent have proved of no avail.
Kempner will show vou the latest styles
in Hats. Felt Hats, Wool Hats, Straw
Hats, Boy's ilats, Men's flats, Children's
Hats. Lhis p-ices are the Iswest,
Lovely line of Frivges at Melton Dros',
The Eurcka Salosn
Is the place to get the best
straight or mixed drinks, made of
che best ligaors. Ico eold beer a
specialty. Prompt alfention given
to tho filling of jugs for dry
Becan o
You bava pever killed a man is
an excellent reasou fir notat
tempting it, but becange you bave
naver boueht w vy of our fashion
bla searfs and peekwear is no rea
won why you shounld not now be
gin. We buve the prettiest seat{s
in the city. WiLLiaxs & Lavis,
—Ttch, Prawie Mange and
Seratehes of evory kind cared in
30 minutes by Woolford's Sanita
ry Loticn. Use no other. This
never fails. Sold by W, C. Ken
driek, Druggist, Dawsow, Ga.
- b TN Loy
‘L. N R si¥A
S s .:;1 : b &
o Y A B b o ?
B 4 ¥ sgiivaone &
- (novaL ganng :
st ey i
NV |
ih @
l-i.]’ - «djfi".
v ol
.\‘rek e ,;
P, Y
"%,, &
ot £ 47 B Do
el K 14 .
i T
Absolutsly Pure.
This powder never varies, & marve! of
parity strangth and wholesomeness Mon
goulooncal than the ordimry sinds, wid
Cabiol be sold In oepivetiton wi h 'lq,.
maltitmde of low teat, short welght, a'wu
n P. POWASI, Tl LY Sh Cend
:g ;;‘\‘“:«-' s "R i e
1 .
R &
e 4§
by = ;€
@ ‘i T
| Fradicated; the :tem cleansed from
g tj:t n':xs new lir:f:x.\:w spirit, new flrx
| fmparted to the sufleror, ®
BECAUEL it ncts on the Liver, the Bowels
! and Kidneys at the same time.
| Becauseit cicanscs the system of the pol
gonous humors thet develope in Kidney and
| Urinary disenscs, Biliousness, Jaundice, Con~
| stipation, Files, Rheurnatism, Neuralgia, Ne=-
| voua Disorders, and many Femalo Complaints
P"T e O I e 'vf o .
| bas hod wonderful success and an immense
sale neverypartofthe countfiy.lzll;\::fidm
of coases it ured wihere &
S MR AR el
ACTION, but harmless in all cases. -
' Sold Everywhere. $l.OO. Liquidor Dry. .
| Send for eivenlar and tesiimoniatsgo (8
| Wells, Richardson & Cz., Burlington,
1 aldy 1 1
i \
| ~+—) I 8 RECEIVING {~*=
‘ 2 0y
Spring and Summer Ml
Spring and Summer Millinery,
;Emn‘r::;:mg HATS and BONe
NETS in the latest and most ime
proved shapes, and in the new
Spring eolors.
e sure to give her a eall. She
4 . i
| ~.-_‘._.;(\l‘ Ko lngnupt
| h‘\ L 1 4y A \-R ’ EB
: £l fa 20 | L
X’\ STOCK embraces all the novelties
~YA. of the scason in the way of Bonnets,
lats, Caps, Plumes, Ribbrms, Silks, Vel
veis, Plushes and Satins of all shades and
styles. The ladies of Dawson and sur.
rounding country are cordially invited to
call and examine wy goods before pur
chasing elsewhere, T aM SURE TO PLEASH
‘i YOU. Respectfully
| Mrs. (. L. MIZE.
ihU i E‘J ‘) Ro i
\?“o\.’ e D'AM"(VO
N -
D 5 s v oo’ -ot e, -
frceipgses: U
PATE JULY 157 1879,
The well-known Optician of 107 N. Fourth
street, (ander Planters House) St, Louls,
hes appointed
of Dawson, Ga, ns uazent for his ~clebra
ted Diemond bpectacles and Eveglasses,
and aiso for his Pimmond Non-Changeable
Bpectaecles and Eyeslarses. Thew Glasses
are the gieatest inveation ever made
Spectacies. By a proper construction ®of
e Lensapersan purchasing a pair of
these Non-Changeable (lasses never has to
chanze these Gingses from the eyes, and
every pair purchased are guaranteed, so
tha' 1f thiey ever leave the eyes (no matter
how seratehied the Lenses are) they will
furnish the party with a new pair of
Glasses free of charge.
s > s
Lag a Ml assortment, and invites all who.
wich to satisfy themselves of the great su
periority of these Glasc 3 over any and alk
oiliers now in use, o call and examine the.
Hie ot
. g L
Druge - Stores
A Guarantee e r"n!ll;..‘.nil!?i each pa!r of
Non-Llian ceable Specka.
(Aol ‘:' W ’,.T',.-v*,-,:‘.ft‘-’.. ;3;_}?“‘;} 7 wf’ ¥l
FEai g e SO 4 Y ;9:.;'»,:‘\ S ‘,.‘:\“ B
o ¥ P s T Tns el 1
INEEI AY Uy e e !u@}"
oL s 28 o £ ,’l Aed ‘!,r;":??’ ‘! '_'v‘, , f:fi,‘ ;
WaS ol <7k SRR ~i,, % ®
[ BEyle. 5 2 \il s
£OOAy L ,-"y'?}:;,&ftr.g- § 4
B AV e) LD .
ST - i "':,-I'.. g""? i B AT
Co oAL T i PSR
W e T B )S e
PR et 1 § rels T
e b L A R A
oM R Cont Filaten, or llru})llom
t § el teraeisia, . Salterhoumg
CFoger eyt mealy OF Hougll
Sin, i hoee, 0l Ceas s eased by bad
10y led e red by this powerlul, prvis
iy, vnd tLviooretinge pedicine. Groas
Lautinz Ulecso repidly heal under 1t boa
g itaencs, Bapecially bao it manifosted
itg pot.ioy i ciiving 'fetter, Roso nn.‘:‘
Gits, Cnrbuncles, Sove biyers Serofe
P3ois soares ai i Swellinge, Hipe
iciad Biseavo, %Yhite Swellings
Lok, or 't icik Neek, and :vlnlnrgfl‘
Grkovadw. end Lonoconts in glaps for 8
aArgo teeatise, with coloved plates, on Skin
Diavasca, op tho sume sinount for a treatisg
Gi Sevarlaus ARoctiors, o
Tucrougahy chonase it by velne 2r. Ploreo’
Gaoiden Hedien! Riseoveryy,and goo:
digesilon, a fair sliing buoyant spirs
itw; nud vital strong iy, wiil be establishod.,
| G_.,‘f'-"é?t 'xyl.‘l‘.‘_g.) & lON’
which 15 Scvefr ia of tho LUNES, I 8 ars
restod and cnred by tlas rowedy, it mfion I
fove the lat gtages O the dwcaso are reachod,,
Prour e mavvelous poscer over this terrfoly
futel cieoase, when v cifering this now
coteinnted rowmedy (o the publie, Dr. PIERCE
thounht gsneusty of caliing it bis “Cone
sumption Cuere,” but chandoned t
peoae @43 e linited fou a medicine wh
trowm It wonderful combington of ton'e, oR
stee gt iondng, slcemtive, or bloed-cloansing,
anti-hitloos, pecteml, and nutvitive propess
ticn, 18 nnequaled, Bot only a 8 a rvinedy foe
enpauinption, but for ail Chrcule ih
cusos of tio
- »
aroea BAY,
Liver, Biood, and Lun
It yo Tecl doll, drowsy, dehilitated, ¢
sallow eulsr of akin, or .\‘ullu\\'i?ll-lnrownm
o fuce or body, freguent headache or .
nows, bad taste in moutl, Internat heat e
- chille, aiternating with hot lushes, losw spiviie
Cand gloomy forebodings, firegniar appetite,
gnd eonted tongue, You are mdfl‘r? fr
fndigortion, PDyspepsia, and or.fl
Eivery, or “EBiliousness,” In many
eacs only part of those o 7 {oms are expos
vienodd A o venody for all such Ry
Pr. Ficree’s Golden Medical gh
cOvery & unsarpassed,
Yor \Weak Luuyu, sl:mnm of
Plowd, "hortuness of Broath,
chitivg Asthina, Severe Cou“hqm
Kindyed nitections, it i an oglidmu rcmal
CETTRLES for p 5 00,
- Send ten conts in ol » Dy, Pleree’s
ook on Coasinmijtieg, b
| Bordts Bipponan oy ienl b“r
o eiatiou, 06 Maln Srivan BUYYALo, M. Y
= ) 6500 REW
1 - d X E 3
£ @, $5O) REWA
| IS s i A b offersd iy tho promisisgs
( ) i -H'....u':‘:flcm ’
' T en e o eatiuadl W .
' “ 7 Uy e d s
, # Busve o oile 4 e peid
e, o nelve or bty Tty
ek, Gegte, O DEATIIE, ¥oak 9W . jegg
L y!&.:k* Al’ i |
Thelfameatar i B :