The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, May 05, 1882, Image 1

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The True Citizen, A. L!v« Weekly Paper on Live Issues Published ■very Friday Morning, at Way nesboro, Ga, bv the SULLIVAN BROTHERS. RATK8 OF SUBSCRIPTION: One Copy One Year $2.00 Six months 1.00 Three months, 50 tVT" All subscriptions must be accompanied by the CASH. THE TRUE CITIZEN. Yol. 1. Waynesboro, Ga., May 5, 1882. No. 2. The True Citizen, \ ad Advertising rates liberal. Transient advertlsments payable vanoe. All contract advertisements payable quar terly. All communications for personal benefit wi 11 be charged for as adyertisemeuts. Advertisements to occupy special places wil 1 be charged 25 per cent, above regular rates. Kotloes In local or business columns inner to ) for 10 cents per line, each Insertion. For terms apply at this jfiftpe. The editor of the Swainesboro Herald was not at ail troubled with politics in his last issue. The town council of Swainesboro sccins to have entirely collapsed, In the general presentments of the grand jury for the April term of the Superior Court for Emanuel county, just past, they make the following recommenda tion : “The roads and streets in the incorporation of Swainsboro are in bad order, and we find that the laws and regulations controlling the incorpora- Current Comments. Lynching is becoming very fashion able out West. Senator Brown was 01 years of ago on the lath ult. There ig very little wheat planted ! in Burke, and we do not think there is a thrash in this county. Gov. Crittenden, of Missouri, has pardoned the Ford brothers, who were condemned to death for the murder of Jesse James. Howgate is described as being forty- six years old, five feet ten inches high, with sandy hair and coinplex’on and blue eyes. Five hundred dollars re- ward is ofFered for him.—Savannah man. however, advertises for a meeting 1 News. This will put Driscol on the rampage- Dr. Bliss attended the President about three months, which makes his services equal to $100,000 per annum. Who is simple enough not to see that this appropriation was beyond all reason too much? While all the other ap propriations mentioned in the bill are on a par with those of Dr. Bliss. Mrs. Lincoln’s allowance was raised from $3,000 to $5,000 on the plea that it was impossible for her to live on so small a sum. The people from all parts of the country had contributed a sum to Mrs. Garfield which aggre- tion have been suspended. We recom- j grat ed $125,000, or more, besides her mend that the Commissioners of said i husband died 0W nin a a neat little for- District look after the matter at once | tun0 . W e have no word to utter and have the roads and streets put in against either of the above named ladies, order.” Mr. G. W. Smith, council-1 They are by refinement, education and social posi'ion, two of the most prorni- of the citizens of that town to organize nent ladies * n the ]and< We haye noth . a town council. Mr. Smith’s m has a lonesome look about it. A Dream Nearly Realized. Georgia is now entirely unrepresented ing to sny against the donations and contributions of private citizens—they gave their own, and had a right to do we The citizens of Emanuel county cover nice pieces of lean ham with strychnine, weighing five or six pounds, and drop it about promiscuously, says the Swains boro Herald. They must have more meat in that section than anybody has in this part of the world. We have been told that there is a negro in one of the many penitentiaries of the State, we don’t know which one, from this county, whose time expired last October, but who is stiff held in durance vile. Of what good is the State Penitentiary Commission? We have seen several lots of oats — , in town which we think would bear up promptly resign, and give place to some 181 e • s to ex resic ent irant, a man’s hat tossed out at random upon , one who is physically able to at'end he has already cost th- country count it. But we have not seen any as good to the duties of the office of Sena 1 or. as John Dolvin’s Virginia wheat, which The interests of the State are too great he said would bear up a wagon and to allow of the expected long neglect team driven over it without making a | in the highest and most important legis- A special disyatch from Lacka- waxen, Pa., to the Philadelphia Times says : “A brakeman on one of the regular freight trains on the iNew York, Lake Erie and Western Rail road met with a most singular escape from death the other night. There had been an unusally heavy rush of freight over the road and ho had been at work constantly for two days and three nights. Between Deposit and Hancock two trains collided and made a wreck, which was likely to detain the trains and blockade the track for some time. The breakman in ques tion was sent back to flag the first approaching train. He went back about a fourth of a mile, the regular distance required by the rules of the company, and feeling very tired from overwork he sat down on the track, on the outside rail, to wait. Before five minutes he was sound asleep. While thus asleep he dreamed he was public funds, when their are millions of \ lyi n g on the track and that the At- in the United States Senate, both of w ' th ’*■ a » tbe '' P leased - Bu ‘ we do our Senator, being absent on sick leave, | ob l ect *° sucb » «**'«» waste of the Senator Hill, it is generally believed, - ,, , ... will never live to go back, and the ladies in lh,a broad c0,mtl 7 who are as l»ntic express, one of the miftest period of Senator Brown’s absence "*■*. delieate ’ a " d « «° od b 5’ birth ' from Washington is extremely indofi- as eithl>r of tbem > wl ‘» labor witb nite, if he is ever able to return to the hcafI and hands to earn the money to duties of his office. While we believe « the,r share of ,he laxes whioh lb ™ that Georgia has as able a delegation goes to ™ell this enormous nppropri. in the Senate as any State in the Union, and fear the time will be long before f° r lunate she has another of such representative by the hand of the assassin men and able statesmen, we think, under the circumstances, they tion. The wife and family of any un citizen who happens to fall , is as much entitled to a large donation from Con- should & reFS as e hher Mrs. Linc'ln or Mrs. dent. At a recent meeting of the Texas Press Association the commit,ee on ad vertising repor'ed in favor of refusing advertising 1 hat. came through agents. This is the first sensible thing we ever knew a Press Convention to perpetrate lative body of the Nation. Miss Appropriations. The appropriations of Congress, so far the present session, have not been any more reckless than usual. But so The so called advertising agents bleed goring have been ^some of the appro both parties to the con'ract, but he always bleeds the publisher most.— We want to see what action the Geor gia Press Association will take in this atter. A new Chinese bill has passed the * J j(fe.>pf ,> sentatives by a large .lajority, and wilrTikely passive Senate 'mptly and by a decided Vis,sent. Republican party bccou^^^utfeatly gfrmed at the effect of the late the Pacific States and far Western tates. will doubtless bring such influ - nee to bear that we predict that the •resent, bill will receive the executive signature promptly. The tctal value of the property of all kinds of the State for the ;^tr 1881 aggregates $270,993,888, being an increase of the preceeding year of $18,- 996,611, which does not substantiate the assertion made by some evil design ing politicians that the people of the State are growing poorer every year. r fne aggregate white polls is 137,322, being an increase of 2,999; of colored oils, 94,748, with an increase of 649. less thousands, while many thousands of the Union soldiers, who met the storm of battle in earnest, is more entitled to it tlmn Gen. Grant. This is the way the publics money is squandered by their representatives in Congress, with a gushing show of senti ment and patriotism, when in reality all these appropriations are made only for partisan reasons. But these ap propriations “are not a drop in the I ucket,” and if the common people of trains on the road, ran over him and cut off both arms, mangling him so terribly that he could not possibly survive. The dream was so horri ble that the man aw'oke with a^start, to find himself lying flat on the track and the Atlantic express coming around a curve about thirty yards away, at the rate of forty miles an hour. To seize the red lantern and leap from the track was but an in stant’s work ; the engineer of the Ex press saw the ligh t and stopped the train just in time to prevent a collis" son with the blockaded freight trains.” State Executive Committee Call. It seems almost impossible to be lieve the severe injuries from which the brain sometimes recovers . An instance is rented in which a Fr ench man drove a dagger throug h his skull with a mallet, in an attem pt to commit suicide. He struck the dag ger about a dozen times.' The we&p, on which was ten cente rmeters long and one wide, was nearly embedded. In order to remove the dagger, the patient was placed on the ground, and while two strong men held his shoul ders, the dagger was forcibly pulled with carpenters’ pincerB, but to no avail. Strange to say, thdee proceed • ings did not cause any pain, and al though patient and assistants were raised off the ground, the weapon re mained immovable. At last the man, walking without much difficulty, was taken to a coppersmith, and there the handle of the dagger wa9 fasten ed by strong pincers to a chain, which was passed over a cylinder turned bv steam power. The m an was then se cured to rings fixed in the ground and the cylinder set gently in motion, when, after the second turn, the dag ger came out. No pain bad been sut fered by the patient during all these maneuvers, and after r cm a in ing'in the hospital for ten days, he return ed to his work and the wo und gradu - ally healed. Mr. Malone Wheless, of New O r lean^, has recently invented a vqrv ingenious machine for rep orting, b.y which ho claims he is able to rCpor' over two hundred words pe.r minute, the words so reported containing a I the vowel and consona nt sounds. D>- has so arranged the lan guage that any combination of sounds can be inetan taneously produced by the math ematical permentatio ns repsesentt d by the instaument. The reading of the record so made i s not confined ti the orator alone, as in stenograph}, but any one who is familiar with tl < table by which the instrument ie op crated can readily tr anslatc any repoi i produced. He not only claims m; periority over short-band asto&pee , but as to the perfect accuracy wiG which any one can report. Tl- mathematical com bin aliens are so n geniously arranged th at no two p< mentations can ever represent tl same sound. Mr. Wheless, wl is also an expert in te hgraphy, clain Atlanta, Ga., April 25, 1S82.— A meeting of the State Democratic Executive Committee ishereby called to assemble at the breakfast room of j diat the speed of send ing telegrapl priations of even this modest Congress, the Nation could be brought to realize j the Kimball House, in Atlanta, on message* can be increased fiom fii that we mention them for the purpose t] |f . profligacy in the exptnditure of the the 18th day of May next, at 2 o clock of showing the people where the money public funds indulged in by 1 heir good P A full meeting is desired, as paid into the public treasury goes.— \ servants in Congress, it seems to us, business of importance will be before Let us begin with the appropria'ions they would rise, en mass, and toss the committee. The following named made for the benefit of the attendants upon President Garfield : The bi 1 ap propriates for the relief of Lucretia R. Garfield the sum of $50,000, less any sum paid to the late President Garfield on account of his salary as President ited States. It pay3 to Dr. Bliss $25J>^^®*fc Agncw & Hamil ton, $15,000 each ; to Drs. Reyburn & Boynion, $10,000 each; to Dr. Susan Edson, $10,000 ; to William J. Crump, 3,000; to the searetary of the navy, $10,882; to William R. Speare, under taker, 1,835; to C. F. Jones, of El- beron, $1,092, and to the various mer chants and others, sums varying from fifty cents to $1,000. It provides that when Surgeon-General J. K. Baines shall be retired from active service, lie shall be placed on the retired list with the rank and pay of Major-General. I t further provides that there shall he added to the medical corps of the army, one surgej* with the rank, pay and There were 9,572 poll defaulters, being , 'M e T • . . n , , . „ , ’ ,, ° {emoluinwl of Lieutenant-Colonel, and authoKOs the President to promote Jaj^J. Woodward to that position. au increase of 999 over the preceding year, The Atlanta Constitution says : In the case of Myers vs. Finney, before Judge Hillyer, Friday, a question of the legality of advertising sheriff sales in papers issued on Sunday came up. Judge Hillyer ruled that such adver tising was not in accordance .vith law. lie stated to a Constitution reporter yesterday that advertisements required aw and generally referred to as legal advertisements,” were null and ^.'blished on Sunday. This .portant matter to those intc- Washing*on City into the Potomac. But there is a way to put a stop to this squandering of the public rrrney easier to be obtained than the above. Let the people support no candidate lor Congress who will not pledge him- sett to support no measure tor any ille gitimate appropriations, and to do all in his power in opposition, and when he fails to execute his pledge, simply exe cute him. To this already enormous appropria tion, was added before its passage 15,- 000 for Mrs. Gat field for life, and Mrs. Lincoln, wife of President Un- coln, reoeivod a $15,000 appropriiwm, and her annual appropriation, which had before been $3 000 per annum, raised to $5,000 yearly. iScxt on the list comes cx-Presidont Grant, who used a National naval vessel for four years, nearly, to travel over the world at an enormous cost to the •government —that is to the people—with a yearly appropriation of $15,000 for life. A homicide w*as committed on the place of T. J. Wells, Esq., near Scar- boro, in Scrivn cunt) ou Saturday last. Henry Wright, a negro man about twenty-one years old being the victim. It seems that some words were passed between one Jim Sappo, a negro boy about, seventeeu years old, and Henry Wright, when Wright threetened to get a razor and cut Jim’s throat. Whereupon Jim pro cured a piece of fence rail and struck Wr ight a heavy blow just above the ear to the hack of the head fracturing the skull, from which he died the same night. Sapp was arrested, the coroner notified and an inquest held, which resulted in a verdict of mur kier against Sapp, who was committed to jail to await trial.— Sylvania Tele phone. The Georgia Legislature should reach out i helping hand to the en couragement of sheep husbandry by lev \ ing a tax on the thousands of worth less curs that infest the country and play such havoc with this important mdustiA We would be glad to soo a tax oWive, or even ten dollars im posed on eviry head of dogs in the land. The interest of the people de mands it ' gentlemen are members of the com mittee, for the State at large : J. E. Shumate, R. J. Moses, L. Mynatt and Wm. Phillips. First District—J. J. Jones Burke county; R. W; Grubb, McIntosh county. Second District—Richard Hobbs, Dougherty oounty ; W. A. Harris, Worth county. Third District—John A. Cobb, Sumter county; George P. Wood, Pulaski county. Fourth District—A. D. Abrahems, Troup county ; J. D. Willis, Talbot county. Fifth District—W. T. Newman, Fulton county ; J. H. Mitchell Pike county. Sixth District—Jno. L. Wimberly, Twiggs county ; John L. Hardeman, Bibb count)! Seventh District—Arthur H. Gray, Catoosa county ; N. J. Tumlin, Polk county, Eighth Destrict—Wilberforce Dau- iel, Richmond county ; F. H. Cooly, Wilkes county. Ninth District—C. J. Welborne, Union county ; T. Al. Peeples, Gwin nett county. Leander N. Trammell, Chairman. message* can oe increased irom nit the average number of word* p< > minute, to two hundred, and with gruat accuracy as is attained by th present system of telegraphy. By th use of the machines so constructe- , a speech taken in Congress, for ii stance, can be transmitted to New York, or any other distant point, s- tiiat a party at the register in New Y"rk will be able to read the speech while it is being spoken in Washing ton. Mr. Wheless ha b been employ d in shorthand some ten years, de voting the past three years lo the construction of his invention. During the late tornado a Wilkinson county man tied his wife to a slump with a rope to keep her from being blown away. The wind died out and she came near being drowned by the rain before he oould recollect where he tied her. Dr. G. W. Gardner told a Post- Appeal reporter that he desired to say something on the a ubject. of email pt x. He says there i a not a case of the disease in the city, nor has then* ten, but what is pro noun cud fmall p«>x i» only the black n:essl<s, a dL- ase accompanied by the same sym- t'ms as small pox, with the excep tion of the disagreeable odor peculiar lo the latter. He says there is ala*« *< me difference between the two dis ases in the formation of their pu»- ules. He dt clares that then* is such disease as black measles, and that lie is supported in his theory by medical books. He has seen the dis ase in Peru once in 1857 aud Again in 1859. It is is not moessafily fatal when ii receives the proper attention, and is c»nfined rxc.mively to the colored people. If the cases which were pro- ounced rmall pox were such, the < ontagion would spread to the whites * well as to the negroea. I^ut Dr. Gardner coi tends that the disease i < w prevalent will, not be taken In the white people, no matter how much they may be exposed lo it, tut u it were small pox it yirould he as uadily la ken by the whites as by ':lie biacks. He saya he has teen many a ase of small pox, *ud he knows tins s not small pi x, end he believes l-o will be lully supported in bis theoiy y the fact that ihe disease will aot u ie out wi tliout I’ictimifing a single white pe reon.— (Atlanta Pi*!’Appea l