The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, May 19, 1882, Image 1

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♦ The True Citizen. A l3v<* Weekly Taper on Live Issues Published Every Friday Moraine, at V\ :iy- liesboix>, Ua , bv the StfLLIVAH EEOTHEES. THE TRUE CITIZEN. ,0:- nA TEH Of SUBSCRIPTION: One Cony One Year, “ " Six month*. “ “ Throe months $2.00 1.00 50 (W" AH RubpeHpMons must be accompanied ' bv the CASH. i I jm*am wwwwBHnMWMwiWBMi Tlie True Citizen. -:(V. a<I- <1U» r- Tol. 1. Waynesboro, Ga., May 19, 1882. Advertising rates liboral. Transient advertiements payable i, ranee. All contract ndvcrtistviicnt* payable terly. • / • All enmmv.nieiitions tor personal honodt ’will i be charg&il ior as ad vofUsemeuta. I AdvertisemcntR to occupy special place*’, will be charged 25 percent, above regular rate* Notices in local and business oolumn 5 cl#, per line; in local 10c s. pec lino,each insertion. For terms apply at this qfflee. Current Comments. 1 Quam dei destractavit, unaru faci Our political “white mice” seem dementia.'’—Smith. ! droopy, despondent and soar, and act as if they expected a spring from old Atkins run the every minute. Cheer up gen ole- Mr. Stephens will be the nominee of j wiU Farrow and the Democratic party, and be elected« Governor of Georgia. 1 “ b#g C0BW ““" ! ^ : It is evident that the small-pox is an 1 a modest P 0,ltlcian m these days of The words “siuall-pox” are the most sprea(ling in Atlanta, t.iough everybody < rieker y and corruption will never be interesting in the English language to , i nteres ted in that city is trying t c< n- *“ U the A tlanta papers just now. i ceal it. ected to office. The battle must, fought—be up and doing. be C ongress has a bill before it to re j Emory Speer seems to have b'coni'' lieve drummers from corporation taxes. ^ l00 unanimous. His chances f r re- "1 he bill is right, and should pass . e ] ec tj on f i0 Congress is evidently grow- promptly. ( ing smaller every day. On the 21st inst., the State Execu-j The Atlanta cottou m ill s are to b e tive Committee will meet in Atlanta, j po ] d at Sheriff sale s-mn. It does seem \ the cause, and the simple announcement C.ol. J. J Jones, oi Waynesboro, is a S ( ran g e th a t Atlanta can’t make a cot- of the death of such a man is enough to member, and will, doubtless, be in at- ton fac . expenses, tendance. 1 i The natbe’ic letter of Mrs. Jesse Mr. Stephens understands the con- Jamegj which has appeare d i n several Augusta News, 15th inst : William K. Jackson died at his residence in Augusta about 2 o’clock this morning, after an illness of only a lew days. Paralysis of the brain, brought on by an attack of typho malarial fever, was “Home, Sweet Home.* structnn of a sentence and the meaning of every word better than any man in of our State exchanges, turns out to be the world.—Post-Appeal. ' j nothing more than an advertismg dodge. The world is a large place, brother 1 _ , ... , , , , i Fancy colored infants shoes at Julian life Co’s.—Macon Telegraph. Could our Macon contemporary send State Asylum, of which 223 are co'ored. ufi a 9 P ecimen C( W of those ‘‘fancy The rate of insanity in Georgia is about ^ ccdored infants 1 le iu fifteen hundred. The principal ises for insanity are drinking and loss property. Thornton. There are now 636 patients in the east a gloom over this who e coinmu nity. Ail c'asses alike lament his los-. When George Washington, who was a delegate to the Continental Congress from Virginia, heard bis name proposed as the commander-in-chief of the Ameri u Just nineteen years ago, or in the spring of 1863, two great armies were encamped on either side of the Rappahannock, one dressed in blue, the other in gray. As tvvi ight fell the bands on the Union side began to olay the patriotic notes of’“The Star Spangled Banner” and “Rally ‘Round the Flag, Boys,” and that challenge of mu«ic was taken up by those on the other side, and they responded with the equally patriotic strains of “The Bonnie Blue Flag” and “Away Down South in Dixie.” It was borne in upon the soul of a single soldier in one of those bands of music to begin a sweeter and more bender air, and slowly as he p'aved it there joined in a sort of chorus the instruments upon the Union side until finally a great and mighty chorus swelled up and down onr army, for the soul inspir ing notes of “Home, Sweet Home” Post-Appeal; Col. William H. Moore, the Milesian end of the Augusta i '-V bu .V « b 'P thousands of bales of 1 the Stiip e the local i*nvnriim«.nT iu Texas has passed a Rail Road Com mission act, and the railroad companies are very mad about it. They will Mr. Stephens has again been inter- contrive to elect a Legislature and Gov jicyed and says that he is not a candi- . ernor friendly to their interest. late for Governor by any party, but . .p., , . ,. . , A young and very “organised” of lua if'the people d* sire him to make 3 ” J r , ii- .» .. , . our town says, “if the Democrats nonn liejtfice aud he is authontavely nomi- 3 % . na e Mr. Stephens I’ll—I’ll—I 11.' KViuriml niake the race. K 'But we suppose when the thing is av- F.esident Arihur has signed the compl I shed he will scramble back, and modified Chinees bill. His veto of tell his friends he has just been “ober the first bill cauied such a howl that de fenc:.” the \7h0le Republican party became frightened, aud the President was glad to get*a chance to do his work over. . T , , j News, reached the city th»s morning. 1 The press of New Orleans has be- ! and was met _at the depot by a com.- come so accustomed to the existence ofjmittee of citizens through whose cour ihe lottery business that some of the tesy he was at once taken to the station papers are complaining, not of the evil ' house and vaccinated. es it is, but that the Legislature re-! fuses to charter more of the swindling! Post-Appeal: The hearing of Gui- cenc a rni i tenu’s is a mere legal farce, as the justices who sit have already passed ^The present liquor law in South upon all the poin’s raised, the questions polina requires every barkeeper who ' as they arose on the trial having been [s liquor to sell it in a “room fronting [ submitted by Judge Cox to his asso- "street, without any screen, (dates before he would give a ruling. iinWj|^leyiee for preventing the j The nex‘, step will be an appeal from Sng piW^J^^^ully viewing wha^ the jurisdiction of the Dis riot of Co- [be transpirin^^WlllllH^Hyspro. lumbia Court, by habeas corpus, before |n went into effect on the 1st of T&e United States Supreme Court. This, it isvCT^i^iikely the letter court will entertain, and so the last act of Mr. W. J. Stanley, a citizen ot \\ il- ^ be tragedy may confidently be looked jqgfoty N. C., patentee of the process | for on June g 0 th. extracting oil from pine wood, is in' igusta for the purpose of erecting the j Railroad car-wheels are now kept in Machinery and other necessary things j their place without being keyed on. In fir its manufacture here. Tne factory former times they were almost sure to •n Augusta will be owned by Mr. L. L. | precipitate an accident, besides, keys Cann, who lias recently made this place would drop oat by the constant jar. and Ida home, and is expending much money be weakened by the axle and wheel, iu improvements and the purchase of Axles are turned to fi''lie wheel snug'y, |.ropertjy.—Augusta News. | and are driven in place by hydraulic 1 ’ ' | pressure. Previous to being driven Alf Doya), who so brutally mur- the axles are covered with a thin coat ^crcd Hancock, the Griffin policeman, 0 f wb ij e lead and oil, which hardens in “^as tried, convicted ot murder and sen- a short tiinp, and holds the wheel so iced to be hung last week. Judge fi rn ,iy in^aco that a pressure of from rewartwntenced him to hang on Fri - 100 to 140 ton8 is roquirod to remove y, uue 0th, but the prisoner arose > h broken axle from the wheel in which 4u open court and asked him to change p i ace d the day, as Guitcau was to be hange' t»u that day, and he didn’t want^j^e j The following statement shows what Gauged on the sarq^day, Th^^^dge those who are elected to important of can nr:uy. so modest was v c that be floated in the air. When they’had snrangfrein Lis seat, and did not appear! finished there was no challenge yon~ aga:n until he ques'ion was decided, j der, for every hand upon the other Now a-days, u politi al gentleman shore had taken up the lovely air. so w.mld smilingly congr itulate any legi-- attuned to all ibat is holmstard dear- ative body upon even the mention of, est, and one great chorus of the two his name for an import n' position. j great hosts went up to God, and when | they bad finished from the boys in We copy the following paragraph gray came a challenge, “Three cheers concerning our town from the Macon for home!” and they went np, re- Telegraph it Messenger of the 13th inst: sounding to the skies, from both \\ aynesboro, Ga , May 12. — j sides of the river ; for the time being Fleasant y located on th' 1 in ; of the the two armies forgot grim war and Augus'a and t-avannah railroad, Way- , ., , * - . , , nwboroi. alt-lenity of fifteen hut , ♦ thouarht of their loved ones »t dred inhabitants, the county site of one k °tne ! ‘ Something upon the sol- of the larges counties in the State, and diers cheeks washed away the stains Calcasieu river,* LouiMunn,* 17,600; Washington. May 12.—The follow ing are some of the items in tho river and barber appropriation.bill: Charleston S. C M including Sullivan’* Island, 830,000; Brunswick, Georgia; $15,000; Cumberland sound, Georgia and Florida, 860,000; Savannah Gem - gla, 8200,000: Apalachicola bay, Flori - <la. 825,000; Bensacola, Florida, $25,- 000; Tampa bay, Florida, $20,000; liarbor am] liver ot Mobile, Alabam >, 8125.000; Arkansas 1 pass and bay, as, $60,000; Galveston, Tcxaa, $30,- 000; Pass Cavallo, Tck»», $00,000; Sabine Pass, Texas, $150,000; river, Virginia, $75,000; Obpe Fcnc river, from the ocean to Wilmington, N. C., SldO^OOf); Great Pee Dee rivm, S. C.. $6,000; VVappaCut, 8. G, $10,- 000; Wateree river, 8. O., $10 000; A Item aim fiver, Georgia, $16 000;* Chattahoochee river, Georgia, $25.** 000; Co"sa river, Georgia ami Ala bama, 875,000; Flint, river, Georgia, 825,000;Oemu^gee. river,Georgia,$!*.- ■000; Oconee riv<T, Georgia, $6,000; Savannah riv r, Georgia, $25,000: St. Johns river, Florida, $160,000; Suwarnee river. FloriJa. $5,000; Vo lusia bar, Florida, $.i,0(K); Cbociklaw batebie river, 'Florida and Alabama, $120.CKX); Eseumbia and Oeoecuh ri v ers, Florida mcJ Alabama, $12,000; Alabama river, .Alabama, $20,000; Warrior and Tombigbee rivera, Ala bama and Mississippi, $30,000; Big Sunflower river, Missiasippi, $5,000; Noxube river, Mississippi, $10,000; Pascougala river, MissiijRippi, $8,000; Pearl river Mississippi, $2,600; Pearl river, below Jackson, Mississippi, $15,000; Tallahalchwi river Miaiaa- ippi, $3,000; Yazoo river, MiHaiwiLppi, $8,'>00; Bayou Bartholomew, -Lntrui- ana and Arkansas, $5,000; Bayou Black, Lousiana,-$10,000; Boouf riv er, Louaiana,$5,000; Bayou J|Vrrehon ne, Louisiana, up to Houma, $7,000; rranted the reqi to June [iceman in noon to- lome on Gwinett, be id Marbury s reeta, in the ^ighWWGd of Johansen’s, and shot Ltuaelf in the left breast, evidently |th suieidal intent. The pistol ball ltered near his heart and thus irrowly escaped immediate deatl te effect is likely to be fatal, anywa ^called in think he jgusta News, May 1 sd the flees are doing: Mahone, of Virginia, has been in his seat about forthright hours, alMtold, during the B^Nion Camerot Ms been out of his seat near ly all the lime; Lamar is home with his sick wife; Logan is at the Hot Springs with his lame bnok; Edmunds has been away with a sick daughter; Garland Ins been much in his own State ; Hill is at home, in a dying con dbion, ajg^enator Brown is at home the center of an immense mor. an'ile of powder.’, business Among 'he prominent mer-1 — chants are Maj W. A Wi kins, S. A.| An Exciting; Case. Gray and S. Schwarz Weiss, who annua’- 1 - - Athens, Ga., Watchman. government mi . The( l ui< t bt'le village of Daniels- well organised and regulated, and cur vihe has at last been treated to a sen- town move- along smoothly and progres j sation of some magnitude. It seems sivi ly. A neat country weklv, I he, that most scandalous and libellous TaUE Cii ix N, edited by V\ 1). Rul i re p 0r p, were inciiculation, respecting livan. was inaugur ited bore two weeks , ’ r 8 ago, and bidsTair to claim a large share a '’S’- 1 ) esteemed lady of that pDce, of the patronage and confidence of the which the injured party traced to people. On the nig .? of the 10th. a a worthless neg^o woman. Meeting terrible s‘orm passed over the lower the creftture a few davs 8 j ncc she eJge of the c unty. \\ e have received . , . , . , , .•v r • 'ce L , . , . asked tier about the slander, when no tic. ngs of i seffects ve , bu pidging ' from the violent action of the am* 11 pm- th< ’ p P oke «p and said that tion which pa^.^ed over Wayne boro, sin* had started and circulated the re- the worst may be expected ’I be crops purls, and moreover that they were of Burke, at this Mine, give evidence true and she intended to prove them, of an abund .ut yield God g'am that 1 the “signs.” now so propitious, may At t,n^ acknowledgement prove but tlie harbingers of better things the lady’s indignation got the better to come. 'I'be star of Hope glitters of her judgment and she slapped the bq^uti'ully in the firnmnent of the far- j ia g’ s face. The negress w r as a stout, mer’s dreams: that hem y not be dis- , , , , ‘ , • * • ,• , • able-bodied woman, and as the white appoi ed in Ins real.zations. ih the um- 1 , , ’ voi sal prayer J S. R. ^ lady had no one to belriend her she , j was cruelly beaten by the creature. Tlie Railroad Velocipede. ^ 1(i n(>ws outrage soon spread, and j the marshal, knowing that the lady’s Charlotte (N. c.)News and Observer | husband would certainly kill tho as- This v ry peculiar c*'nc« ro. ab<>ut sailant of his wife should he get his which not a litt'e has been said in tlie hands on her, locked the woman in paper* lately, has made its appearance jail, whore she was kept fora short on the tricks in Charl'd-tn. and the, time. But. as soon as she was releas- bi.s-men can be seen spinning along ( ed he went f »r her with a stout hick* fr >in one depot to another ev* rv few ory and I.r Might the juice at every minutes. The construction of the , lick amid the cheers of the by«stund- machino is very simple. There is era. The w<\jpan was completely nothing but a piece of hoard about backed, and when released was found three feat b»ng and wide enough f>.r to bo fearfully beaten, although not a lean man to sit on, two wheels seriously hurt. The action of the which run on the same rail under the, husband in the premises was exactly obard, and one little wheel which runs J rightand was endorsed by both whites on the opposite rail and does service 1 gnd l »bicks, as the slanderer was one only as a balance wheel. The man 5 <*l'the vilest creatures in tho country , ..... , 1 he righteous chastisement restored who rides tho thing, takes his seat on qlliet> Hud Danielsville soon relapsed tho board, catches hold of a handle j into its accustomed peace and tran- in front of him and pumps it back and quifity. forward. This handle works on two * * * -inah cog wheels, which give the: P n Wednesday last at J. J. Cum- ..... .. iningg sawmill, McNeila Station, motive power. It is the swiftenti p or t Hn«l Augusta ra-ilroml, th e machine yet invented, one of the' sawyer, Mr. Neal Hewitt, reached railroad men says that anybody Whose j across the saw whilo running to ad- back is suple and whose muscles are'j 08 ^ H band, his foot slipped and he 7-ww a. tram and k*ep up with it as long us ^ c j or ^ H frightful ga-h out across Ids his strength will hold out. These i breast and his right arm msagled and velocipedes are coming in geneml' pulied nnder the saw. The saw had use ou this runs' and will soon make 1 £ l,e T take « down io „ re,ea8 « the ann - Mr. Hewitt was alive and conscious the “crank machine^' a thing of the , ^ SSnlTbut no hope of re- oovory.—Auguuta News. Red river, L«uiaikiwi, $75,000; Brazo. river, Texas, 50,000; Buffalo bayou, Texas, $50,000; improving tho ship cam.l in Galveston bay, $50J)00; N<*u- ces river, T«xns. $(>0,000, Trinity river, Texa B , $8,000; Bombay marsh, near Doboy, S. (i. fi $10,060; Kdisp. river, S. C. $8000; Geergct»wn Baj . bor S. C., $7 000; Gahaba river, AG bama, $20,000; Sa'kahalcbee river, S. C., $5,000; S»h>ipobHa' river, AD-- bams, $15,000; Key West harbor Flor ida. $25,000; Mous'ee river, Won dr, $12 000; Ga lo osa bate ho** river, Flo ida, $50 000; i - * u- — Sai.em N. C. May 10.—A remark able and fatal terminalinn of the burglari"us exploits of tjnce despe radoes took place in Wilke# county, John Boston, Will Wildfire aud Jus. A'stead losing thflir live*, thereby. The three men -had effected an ' et: trance into the smoke house of Mr. Albert Dyson by prying up the hga, and, being discovered, Will Wil Jli r*> was shot dead by Mr. Dyaon. The other two, in attempting to effect an escape, knocked out the prop, which caused the opeoing Ihoy had made to close just as they were Inlf way out, crushing both ao lint th -y <6 >.1 in half an hour. The report of the farmer’s gu» brought out a number of Uie nl-ui'a- tion bands with pine knot torch is,' and they witnessed tho teirib'c death of the two doomed dcHpoiadoy , wl > wriggled like worma in agony l> •»,«• * ‘n the logs which held them like n vi ••». They begged the by-«.tand<*r^ (o i<‘- lieve them, to knock them in the head and release them from th'di Mif fering?. The city of 8l. f^uiis was /i,sited by a violent hail sturn oi»k\i<Gy af ternoon laRt. About 4:30 o’ci .ok, says the Globe^DemocriK,^ when t»«c *torm had somewhat abated »r. fuiv the gloom waa lighted hy tin; decent of a globe of fire from Ibe iwnitlHh u winged its flight, toward the eaiGi with frightful apeed. Two forked project ions were attached (<• either side of Uie Aatiling bull, which bo a moment aectued to tJuea^ tho centre of the oily with The electric raleue fmot dbwH j the river, and at a point that nv ^ directly in th« centre af $he\^ an explosiou occurred which the air with a oollettfflih of iUurr] ed shafts direc'iongj aiiulei