The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, October 13, 1882, Image 1

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The True Citizen, A Lira Weekly Paper on Lire Issues Published Every Friday Morning, at Way nesboro, Ga., bv the SULLIVAN BROTHERS. SATES OS SUBSCRIPTION: One Copy One Tear, $8.00 ° “ Six months, 1.00 “ “ Three months 50 tW* AU subscriptions must be accompanied bv the CASH. THE TRUE CITIZEN. Yol. 1. Waynesboro, Ga., October 13, 1882. No. 24. The True Citizen. Advertising rates liberal. Transient advertisments payable in ad vance. AU contract advertisements payable quar terly. . All communications for personal benefit will be oharged for as advertisements. Advertisements to occupy special places wHl be charged 85 per cent, above regular rates Notices in local and business column 5 cm. per line; in local 10c s. per line, each insertion [ For terms apply at this office. THE ONLY BIG SHOW COM NO. s pf ® NEW I NITED MONST1T1J H.AILHOA 3> SllOWSJ Oriental circus Egyptian caravan and Universal Exposition of Living Wonders. The Largest Combination of Zoological, Equestrian and Gymnic Attractions ever < rjnnized. Pnsiliv-ly Coming, Undivided and Uta 1 riged* to WAYNESrOllO, TUESDAY OCTOBER 24th 1882. 6 CIRCUSES COMBINED 100 CHAMPIONS OF THE WOULD. 100 7 ENORMOUS METROPOLITAN MENAGERIES UNITED. FIFTY BLAZONED CAGES OF WILD BEASTS. Positively the largest collection <>f extremely Rare Wild Animals with any exhibition on the contiuent. The aigeat living White Nile Hippotamu« ever imported A huge Shambling River Horse, the terror of all Saurian*. A I «ir of Majestic* Giraffes, Up-ken t,o harness and drai ing Roman Chariots. ■ .*>100,000 invested in mope than eighty tons of educated flech. A monster all-representing herd of Performing Eb*ph*> • ineluding twice the largest animal known to/exist, the famous old India War Elephant, ‘ XERXES,” several inches taller and the heaviest animal. ’ ever on this continent; said to ho owr 200 vo»r« of age. Also the Midget “LITTLE DOT,*’ thrice the smallest fu'l grown el - phant ever seen. $15000 ■THE GREATEST OF ALT. FEATURE- $15000 30 The First and Only Genuine “Li:n Slayer." Th« only animal ot its kini* ever on exhibition in this or any other country. Tiie SiMtAM tatosBUB, Cynocephalus, The 5 ton Performing Black Rhinoceros, An >.? Arctic Aquarium of Polar Mamothb. The find and only HOGIPOPOTIMUS ever exhit it«*d on this continent. The only genu- dCCitKEii H^RSE. still another feature the ABY’SSINIAN BABIROUSSA, an animal feverbfiUtife exhibited in America. 12 Great Features that no other show on earth can duplicate. Rika driven tandem in the streets, performing Arabian Dromedaries, performing 5 ton It* ifiocorn't Lapland Hurdle-Racing Reindeer. Giraffes drawing Roman Chf\jiots, a gigantic rid ing Ojrnoofphahin, performing dens of Hyenas, a school of learned Seals, performing dens of Hgera, Liora and L'^opnrda. a herd of Zsbras tr dned to perform incredible ffate, a cavalcade of fjuilioji performing Kentucky Thoroughbreds. The largest number of the most beautiful and beat trained Horses in the world, and more than a whole show alone. Arabian (Camels. 30 A complete ard exhaustive col ection of living Zoological Wonders, and an enormous Polar Sea AQuarinm. Willis Cobbs original and only Minature Circus of Doge, Goats and M n- keys. 20 champion B.iri-Back Riders. 20 champion Doub'e Somersault Leapcrs, led by the great and only *‘ORRIN. M 20 champion lady riders. The champion Mid-A** Bicycle Riders of the world. $10,000 their equal cannot be found. 10 Clowns Headed by t! e Ki g Laugh-*'Maker. The low comedy bear, “Biunc.’’ Ste>-m ;iir- ship in operation outside, free to all. The Sheik’s return from Con quest. a quarter of a million street pnradft. Three superb Mar tial Musical Btigudfs. The new Levia than Steam Buiiri, n twenty-voiced Jubilee Chorus, a’wavs exhilitug what it advertises i ('heap excursion rates cm ail railroads to tlv (bed “Wor'dY Uxp< aiiim.’’ \ tOne,ticket admits to all advertised shows. Children under nine year-' half price. Two grand exhibitions daily, I> controls millions, backed by miUinis cu ire, imj • f.r a* it ia ooncerued •o other dsisw exists. WHl also xhibit it Augusta Sa urday, October 2l-t ; Savannah Mondp , October 23d.