The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, November 10, 1882, Image 1

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The True Citizen, A Live Weekly Paper on Live Issues Published Every Friday Morning, at Way nesboro, Ga., bv the SULLIVAN BROTHERS. -:0:- RA TES Of SUBSCRIPTION Copy One Year $2 00 yix months 1.00 Three months 50 All subseriptions must I v the CASH. be accompanied Vol. 1. Waynesboro, Git., November 10, 1882. No. 28. rising rates rans’ent advertisments I vance. All contract advert tsetner terly. All eonmvHnieatlons for per be charged for as advertisements. Advertisements to occupy special places be charged 25 pur cent, above regular rates. Notices in local and business column 5 cts per line ; in local too s. per line, each insertion For terms apply at thl.s office. JURY LISTS. GRAND JURY. J Z Brinson, W Wimberly, Robt Chandler, W O Crymes, W R Cox, J E Carswell, Thos Cates, R H Burton, J B Heath, S E Perkins, J F McEl- murray, James Brinson, R 0 Neely, J W Rhodes, B F Bargeron, G A Green, G N Palmer, S A Gray, J T Reeves, 1 Elias Bell, F M Allen, Henry W Jones E A Carter, W F Walton, J R Rodgers James Attaway, John W Reynolds, O G Tarver, Win Chandler, E M Avrett, T J Burton, J J Boyd traverse jury—1st week W A Tomlin, Nathan Smith, F F Jones, W A Mullen, J G Glisson, A J Redd, W W Cox, G W Godbee, G B Preskitt, R W Hillis. J F Bradshaw, J times R Godbee, Abner Belcher, J M Godbee, B F Ellison, A G Hardwick, H H Hickman, J R Volaton. F M Cates R H Heath, D J Dixon, W M Reynolds W T Atkinson, W R Lester, C T> In man, J A Polbill, G. O Buxton. 11 T Atkinson. Ed Fulcher, W R ('handler, Simeon. Wimberly, G W Reeves, J W Carpenter, J W Cox, D J Smith, John Rogers. J E Murphey, R .J Ellison, W T Moody, W S Godbee, T H Jones. Dawson Buxton, A H Sconyers, T 1) Joiner, J B Gregory, 0 H Hillis, Mar shall Perkins, G W Clarke TRAVERSE JURY—2d WEEK. N S Wallace, W T Brinson, G B Roberson, T H Symes, A L Brown, B H Eve, Willis Armstrong, M E Green, B. W Hext, W J Hatcher. T J Tant, Wash Tiler, James Hillis, W J Cates, B Avrett, H V Joiner, Jas Belcher, C W Hurst, J F Buxton, D B Dixon, H P Foster, Harry Jones, W R Allen, 8 L Ellison, B F Rogers, J G Green, M J Palmer, J A Lambert, L J Belt, W B Johnson, S C Wallace, L E Jones, R A Allen, B F Ellison, John Bargeron, T S Clark. —When you oo to Augu-ta, go in Wm. MulLerin & Co’s, to buy your shoes. tf. THE j\ ew A ttr actions ADKINS HOUSE, Down with High Prices & Poor Shoos! 811 Ellis Street, Opposite Odd Fellows’ HaR. Augusta. G-a A. J. ADKINS^ Jr., Prop. AT Ths Music House of the South Newly furnished, centrally located. Conveni ent to depots, post offh e, and business portion of cit y Hot and cold Initlis atl nulled to rooms. First-class tables, clean rooms and bedding. Terms moderate. uet.20’ THE SENSATION OF THE SEASON ! t WM. MULHERIN AND AT722 AND 913 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA , CO., Vianos, Organs, Musical Instruments- G. If U.—E. I. O. M.-I. P. Q S. An extended visit among tho principal piano an<! orgfl.1) tactorie-. has enabled us to make the llnest selection ol instruments ever brought to Augusta. Our stock, which will bo replenished weekly from tho best manufacturers, wi.l he the largest and most complete in the South. Our prices the lowest and terms of ray- merit the easiest ever offered. Sheet music and music books—large discount from publisher’s prices. Rest Italian strings, and everything desired in the line ot music. Save money by visiting or corresponding with G. oct.20’ O. .Robinson A Co. 831 Broad St., Auuusta, Ga. SPECIAL NOTICE. From this date the services of Mr. O. H. Taylor, as tuner and repairer for us terminate. ,411 or ders for,same will receive the prompt attention of Mr. T. Harry Oates, who guarantees entire satisfaction. G. O. Robinson & Co. Augusta, Ga.. October 3, 1882. Are slaughtering Boots. Shoes and Hats. There aro two large stores filled with Bargains. and it will be strange if you cannot be pleased among snch a variety. We offer Infants’ I.ace shoes “ • “ a be.ter grade, .. .. " Kid and Pebble Buttoned shoes. Children’s Pebble Shoes, heels “ A ( ulf Polkas, heels “ Pebble Polkas, heels “ ” Buttoned shoes, heels Misses’ 1 Kid Buttoned shoes “ l’ebblo Lace shoes Ladles’ < ‘loth Buskins *• Kid slippers.., *’ < nit' Pegged shoes KM Lined Serge Buskins.. “ Vnquot slippers *■ A Calf Ljire shoes, sewed 11 Pebble Lace shoes, sewed. “ I I’ubble Buttoned short*. 10 $•0 1 00 1 35 I 50 50 | 50 Ladies’ Kid Bottoned shoes ‘ Kid Opera slippers “ Kid Sandal slippers. Gents’ Carpet slippers ‘ Pebble slippers “ Heavy Brogans “ (’able Sewed Congress Gaiters.,... “ Sewed Box Toe Congress Gaiters “ Heavy Boots, solid “ Oress Calf Boots, solid.. ... Boys’ Heavy Brogans 00 1 00 1 00 Dress Brogans... •• Dress I.ace shoes •Youths’ fipned Boots, 7 to 13. Gouts’ and Boys’ Wool Hats... *• Stiff Hats “ Gents Felt Hats t on l on l (HI 5<i 75 1 0O 1 25/ 1 50 2 DO . 50 1 00 ,1 on 20 50 .1 <« ALSO, ZEIGLER PRO’S., EVITT BROS., and MILES & SON’S, t boxo*, ' three sir u. 1, (enough I it a month,) No. 2, (sufficient"toeffect a permanent cure, unless in #70. i per ere oases,) $5 \ No. S, over three uionthi, will restore ] in the wont condition,) $1. Sent by^ mall, In plain wrappers. Full Direc- Hon* for using will CO company < And the most desirable lines Ladles’, Gents*, Misses* and children’s fine shoes. We have a larjf* stuck of Hoots. Shoes, Hats and Clothing in our Wholesale Department which we offer at less than New York Jobbers’ prices. Close buyers of these goods will make a mistake If they fail no ex amine our stock. WM. MULHERIN & CO., 722 and 913 Broad St., sept8‘82.a-m. Clothing Department No. 14 Jones St. AUGUSTA, GA. Prcyarwl and Sola OltULtC tiy HARRIS REMEDY CO.Mfg.Chemists, Market and 8th 8t$., 8T. L.OUI8, MO. jm*16,’82.b-y. V- TIIE ONLY QUIET PLACE. A Wountana man, who is vouched for by tho Helena papers as of “well known veracity,” has discovered in the Yellow Stone national park, a gorge where the atmosphere is absolutely a non conductor of sound. The gentle man's first intimation of this very sin gular condition of things wns received «q hi* attempting to call out to a com panion .who was some distance behind. Although he experienced all the sensa uons of nttering a lusty yell, not-41 sound was heard. His horse attempts ed to whinoey, but the deep dead stilL uess was unbroken. While he was meditn#ig on the situation, a panther jumped from some bushes near by, and erouched fur a spring. The He eua man brought his gun to his shoulder, and pulled tho trigger. The animal was badly wounded and dragged itself into the bushes, but neither the report •ol' the gun nor any other sound was heard. What a place for a sewing so ciety t—Chicago Inter Ocean. 0 L I R E I I A B L JAS MILLER Invites the attention of the buying public to his well selected stock of All Men Agree That the best is cheapest, and especially is this true in FURNITURE. Just see some of our nrices: P rh r Sets i!i Hair CLth, Walnut Frame from $35 to $90. The bent Raw Silk Stt f<»r $65 ever offered. Nice Walnut Chamber Sets, Msrble Top, $55. The best Walnut Marble Top Set in the market for $65. Fashionable Pry Goods, Notions, Furnishing (roods, Ac., Ac, In our Dress Goods Department may be found all the leading styles in the newest WE DEFY COMPETITION FROM ANY AND EVERY QUARTER. WE ACKjnOWLEDGE^NO SUPERIOR, AND FEW EQUALS, IN THR SOUTH. Who ever heard of Cane Seat Chairs for seventy-five oeets». Extension Tables one dollar per foot. shades, embracing Flushes, Velvets, Cilk Ottomans, Satins, Plain und Brocaded Yelveteens Besides a magnificent line of Dress Fabrlea, ranging in price from 9 cents to ®2 per yard. While I desire moie especially to call your attention to my Dress Goods Department, K I would say that the other Departments have not suffered for want of aiteution, as I have spared neither time nor money to have them open up to the full standard. You are cordi ally invited to visit ^filler’s Corner, .lugusta, Ga. octl3’83.a-u. We guarantee satisfaction in every case. Our Mock of Mattresses and Spring Beds is complete. Steam Dressed Feathers always on hand All goods packed and shipp'd free of charge. Upholstering done in all it* branches. Our new Catalogue will be ready about October 1st. J. L. BOWLES Ac CG., .pptl5,’82.b y. 717 and 839 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. SELLING a WIFE. York, Noverifber Nhw York, NoveriTber 4.—At Mount Vernon, on June 5, 1881, Ed ward Lantern, in jest, sold his wife, Mary K. Lautern, to Ferdinand Jansen for $t. Mrs. Lautern chose to consider that her husband had disposed of all in- 1 crest in her, und against her protest, went to live with Jansen. Lautern lhoo sued for an absolute divorce, as sorting that hw wife had been unfaith- id to him long before the sale, and that the sale, which he had thought a joke, a piece of nonsense, wap in reality the outcome of a conspiracy between her aud Jansen, who had made him their unwilling tool. A referee reported in favor of granting Lautern an absolute divorce, and in Supreme Court cham bers, Judge Barrett confirmed the re port* Stand* at the Head! W. I. THE LIGHT-RUNNING DOMESTIC That it is the acknowledged Lea der in the Trade is a feet that can not. be disputed. Many imitate it. None equal it. Thebrgest armed, the lightest Running, the most beautiful wood-work, AND IS WARRANTED Boston, November 1.—Last spring, a Frenchman, named Goodenough, left Greenville for the wooes at the hi ad of Moose Lane in Maine. Last week a skeleton, supposed to bo his, was dis covered with both hands caught iu a boar trap. He had evidently got caught in the trap, and no assistance being near died from starvation. To be made of the bc^t material. To (b> any and all kinds of work. To be complete in everv respect, y & Co., Waynesboro, Ga. Agents wanted in unoc- For 8 ih* by Pule cupied territory. Address: Domestic Sewing Machine Co. Richmond, Va JAMES G. BAILIE & SONS t Dealers ip Carpets, Oil Cloths, Chromes & Upholstery Goods. Window Curtains <fe Shades, Wall Paper* ife Borders, Choice Family Groceries <fc Plantation Supplies. Old Stand JAMES 0. BAILIE & BROTHER, 205 Broad street, Augusta may 19 ’33.b-v. Geo. 831 D E L P BROAD STREET, H, AUGUSTA GEO A very FULL end COMPLETE line of look Stove?, Heating Stoves, Tinware, Grates etc. Send for Circulars showing Price and Style. aug25,’82 a-m. W. I. DELPH. CHILLS ARE bad, but they are nothing to euro use HERBARIUM TONIC For sale by S. A. GRAY, Waynesboro, Oa. septB’8iM-ni- * Sub’cribe for The Citizen. •Lohn D. Ashton,. Attorney ot L WAYNESBORO, GA. |unflB,'tC.b-r I