The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, November 24, 1882, Image 1

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*t> "J The True Citizen, A Live Weekly Paper on Live Issues Published Every Friday Morning, at Way nesboro, Gu., bv the S XJ L L I V AN B B 0 T H S R S. It A T£s OP SUBSCRIPTION: One Copy One Year $2 00 i( 11 Mix months, l.oo “ Three months 50 t5'“ AU subscriptions must be accompanied by the CASH. The True Piti/e'si. Waynesboro, Gu , jS'ovomlMT 24, 1882. i Advert using rates libera!. [ 'Iruiinieut tLtivu i llsuiuits payable in v , vane,. | All contract advertisements payable c.:- . '■ terly. All ronimvniieations for personal hnirtit >• II ! be ulmrgeu ti-ras advei lisenteni.. | A(ivert)sen,ei,t? to occupy spea.i! j lei's w d V , , <>/ t ; hi el urged pu ( out. above ^ele s it U» OV/«. ! > otiees in local arid bosiw.i- • -•»•'.»»»• • I ’-u i i.e; in Id,a' ’Oo s. per line <;«, c un-i-it: j i <>r reruis :i| i i,t t, i- , Lice. icr/rwa - i wjtwrr■»<r,iro*we*»wr*A:;"muwcxprBLTmzmrirr,; o H qr< <? § $ " i jf, W m 3 s n 3 ST« “I *** — 2^3 £*5-2 3 P3 l/S^ 3 i;- _• -o " g- 1 =• r S||g hrj • 3 ” £-§« 0 Hj £.?=.£ O V §-1" 3'5 V *4 tJ <-i to w ,-ttSY *U o W s' 1-3 n ! < «<s I 2 I -* *»t & C J ►"- 1 Ft V. £ R. X- :§ £' Sr **. rv cS|^‘ r- 1 ^ ^3 jsi" § a rs n 'o = -."_^ ?,§;2>‘5..|C5 iTy £”2 <1 > ? i -j d r-s pn w- » > gW < • E 3 5 7^- * g "3 jg K w 1 atU c -i z. rr ^ t p ■— x a ^ o ^ «r‘ *^3 5* 2 « to ^ — | 3 3 v~ o c S —• —1 i.S § a 3 t ^ f 3 d ^ 3* » 2. «> ns owrt ?&»?« a - ~ " e § . X £ V 3-r o |l £ o m s | 54 ^.N'StfT 3 n ^ r w I? "* IS"?} 5-W?> q “ srj-J c « « d-3-^ g" 2 S J . ^ = =; y 3 j2 :-sd ^ IP, Sr ~ 2 .: S; r 4 U-v v r * r- r Tj * o O O.' ^ - d :< . . '* 0 I. L JAS MU LER Invites the attention o the buying [.ubltc to his tv,ill selected sioek of Down with High Prices k Poor Shoss! Tli W iVi. SENSATION OF MIT! IIFD THE SEASON fashionable Drj O oods, CO., AT722 AND V)!2 HKOAI) STKEKT, AUGUSTA. CA , Kotion.?, shades. * mhnieing Plushes, Velvets, *iik Ottomans. Satins, Pbiinand Bri* ;nh d Yi lvct« cits Besides :t magtiHicent line of Dress Fabric-, ranging in price from 9 cents to fri per yard. While I desire mot e especially to call your attention to ray Dress Goods Department I would say that t he other Departments have not suffered for want of artention, us I have spared neither time nor money to have them open up to the full standard. You are cordi ally invited to visit Miller’s Corner, .Augusta, (-a. ocU3’’82.a-ni. ¥ Famishing floods, t£c., A< Are slaughtering Boots. Shops and lints. There are two large stores filled with Hi and it wdi be struugc if you <-unuot be pleased among sta h a variety. We oti, r . 10 Infants’ Lace shoes “ “ ’• a bo. ter grade. “ Kid and Pebble Buttoned shoes Children’s Pebble Mimes, heels “ A Calf Polkas, heels “ Pebble Polkas, heels “ “ Buttoned shoes, heels Misses’ I Kid Buttoned shoes Pebble Lace siloes In our Dress Goods Department m:iy be found all the leading styles In the m west ' Ladies’(’loth Buskins. *' Kid slippers. S ta n a t t h o H o a d ! Calf Pegged shoes Ki i Lined Serge Buskins Mofj’ot slippers A Calf shoes, sewed.. Pebble Lace shoes, sewed.. I PubbleButtoned shoes. . 50 . 50 . 50 . 00 . 75 90 .1 00 . 35 50 . 50 • 50 . 75 .1 00 1 00 Ladles’ Kid Bottoned shoes in* Kid Opera slippers 100 “ Kid Sandal slippers t oo Gents’ Carpet slippers 3» “ Pebble slippers .— 75 “ Heavy Brogans 75 “ Cable Sewed Congress Gaiters 1 oo “ Sewed Box Too Congress Guiiets.. 1 2T> “ Heavy Boots, solid I t" “ Oreus Calf Boots, solid 2 5« Bovs’Heavy Brogans 60 “ Dress Brogans 75 • • Dress Lace shoes 1 00 Youths’ lipped Boots, 7 to 13 ..1 00 00 Gents’ und ipped Boots, 1 Bovs’ Wool Wool Hats. Stiff Unts. Gents Felt Ilats til> . 50 .1 05 ALSO, ZEIGLER BRO’S., EVITT BROS., and MiLES & SON’S, And the most desirable lines Ladies’, Gents', Misses’ and children’s fine shoes. We have a large st ,ek of Hoots, shoes, Hats and Clothing in our Wholesale I)epa tment which we offer at less than New York Jobbers' prices. Close buyers of these goods will make a mistake if they fail to ex amine our stocK. _ , _ WM. MULHERIN & CO., 722 and 913 Broad St., sept£'82.n-m. Clothing Department No. 14 Jones St. v AUGUSTA. CA. l\anu Organs, Musical Instruments. II. r.—E. I. 0. M.— L. P. Q S. An exteided visit among the principal piano , — iiud orgr.r. iaetories has enakled us to make the | j-, g . tinest si.leot.lon of instruments ever brought : ■»’ 11 - 11 Augusta. I terrilorv. A bur stick, which will be replenished weekly from lit •‘best manufacturers, w! 1 be I lie largest tfud Mosf complete in the South. bir trices the lowest and terms of i ay- 1 uient. tig easiest ever offered. S'.evDnus'e and music, hooks— irgc discount from’s prices. Best i.ahan strings, and eva-ything desired in the line oi music. tnoivey by visiting or corresponding with THE IIGHT BLTNMNG DOMESTIC TliPt it is the ackiunvlcdtri-n Tj m- ! dor in the Trade is a ret tint can- j •int he disputed. Many imitate P. N 'liciqiial it. Tin* largest anned.} t 1 >e* 'iohto*t, Run»>ing, tlie in"St | beautiful wood-work, AND IS WAULANTICD ni’tdp of tin l■ e't. rnaierial. any mi <] all kinds of work, c ut n!< t.e in cverv respect, shorn, Ga. Agent 8 wanted in unoceunied g Machine to Rh hmond, Va. oetl7J*v 11 Me n TV r o n 2S G. BAILIE Dealers *ln That the best is cheapest, and especially i. tl.: true in El L;>Ti UJtE. Just scd some of our prices : F r! r Snt< in Hair Ch th. 'V d».ut F' -m-- from v35 to $90. The host Raw Silk St t !' r $'i- r > '-ver off- n Nice Walnut Chamber Set 8 , M--rlile T m. $'io. Th*; best Walnut Mar'do Top Si t in the market f r $G- r >. WE DEFY COMPETITION FROM ANY AND EVERY QUART] 1 ' R WE ACKNOWLEDGE NO SUPERIOR, AND FEW EQUATES. IN THE SOUTH. M’hn ever h«ard * f Otv Scat Chairs for fevontv-five cents. Extension Tables * ne dollar per loo'. C-rpet®, Oi' C'oth®, Chroma® A UplmUtprv G'^d® AVe <rmrantee satisfaction in every case. Window Curtain® ! Spring B-dp i® cv-niph to. Steam Dressed F j A* Shades, Wall Papers tfc Borders, Ch'dce Family (ireceries ifr Plantation Supplif’s. Old Stand JA2OT 5. 2AILIB & ERCTHEB, 205 Frond street, Augusta Gw. may!9 ’83.b-v. ** * Hfrit'!T±Ai?%£riZ W £a ■- i £J a , FA r I Wi Zm Our f’oek of Mattresses »n.i others a I wavs c,n hand All "•toil* peeked and shipp d free of charge. Upln-lstering (mic id all its branchuH. Our new Catalogue will be rmdv about, October 1st. *TT. I. M'ptlo,’82.h y. 150WI.KS ^ OO., 717 and 839 Broad Street, At GTJSTA, GA, l>.i. I . . .ih.ll’® iuos 'io.Nie 111 II•/ pi'aeUCC, KI a la • a t iprOVt.- i i.., 11.1 '. ■,: i . ii. " twenty-live years In me Iho.-i 'j'onk.' does, lu many owte* of Kervoua Prustr.. . . . . y.. , cl-" i i a comnIll'll of tac b'.iiU’i, tl.ts peerb>si> r. uieii-.- imo, iu ji.y t’Kiu's, umdeson.e v.oiu!v. :ui v;.i-e» twentv-tivi rears in medicine, I ive never found n-iyUiiug to g'vt; tt o n xulta tti. i l ‘J.. It >.>4 J i_-;; .., Ktlon, Fen.ale |)!re»seii, Dyspepsia, na.l ku V.i- I -1 Lu 1 re mat tiai c baUioil some of our most endue 111 ptiysorians have yieldeu to till, great aud ai-« ai.S reii, 1 • tv. I prescittie It la j.-oferoiic'e to imv iron prcjiaration nia<!c. In fart. 11 ii a lonpMusd lu. il«. liAUlXK’B laoM TONIC ii K necessity in my pva. ti c. . l>ii. I.OULltT h > V, .", .. A, ST. ( OL't®, N'OV. S.-tii, lilt. SI-1 H i 1 *M!e, I—#7 . , .) - r-r .1,-^).m~j ..1 j.,nmi.<..u,«B»aaillii<ll»llli t..■ ....x. ’< f f t) j,,,.«» w iMuieiihg«v.:.- v.—. ft until nil hruHUfoi tour to | 5<J th:diiji stit'rorijnnii ami 1 . ereom sil.triii, tnnkiUQ Ir! if onpHeu'Ur to Oenrruli lirblliff/, l os t cf A r-pr- \ ii.’r, s 'rostra! ion of l itol I i'oierr# and Impotence.I MANUFACTURED LY THE JD'fl. ILAit AXit iA.s*li±i;±XJi tlO., 213 It MAtU ii ., SJT. Wb!». juul0,'82.b -v. Orj> JS BROAI) STRRET A 1 G 1 c U fp i A /A u 1J r, 0 u ! a*, cum, mile -1 It) " '%**■« i»’'j! severe oK-e«,) ; A .i, (lu’tinjf over tlirfu iiiomlu will resjure 1 iwJin the worst, condition,) JJfL Rant l »* ^ J ^'■yinKiij, pl.t In n. rujtpers. wall JJlroo- ! f tior.i» tov UftiuR will aocf»mpnuy civoti t -rTs. '* ] Si l H*i'epar<ul anti Aft)«if by HARRIS REMEDY CO. Market ano 8th 8t3i, UT '• Cii3raist3, ] ■ LOUIS, MO. j janlG,’82.b>y. RESTAURANT I announce to th^ public that T' htivo opened a first-dps Restaurant in I rear of my store, directly opposite-1 G. A. Gray'a, where meals will be! served at all hours. I have engaged the servici’H of the celebrated cuolc, Jim Brown, who will ho in attendance and will servo the pa|roim in tirst- cifiHS atylo IF. B. Hall. VURZ CURSFOR CLiNfl BLEBHW A. N O ..... _ ijsgte t1 , vk,-.-.^~v’fru jifG III ssNrsrAf/Zfi on Receipt of ^y-'fd^cduijrasiktpiiSWP^ FrttCE SO' CTS iSf JOtTLSS Or5* 73 CTS IN TUBES UKStihS EMGRAVIWC AU Sufforors with BLIND, BLEEDING or HIDDEN PILES cawba pormanontly cured by using bR. TABLER’S PILE TUBE, price, 75 cts. Aak your Druggla# FOR 8AT.EBY w. F, IIOLI.EYMAN. * juiil(>, , H2.b-v. ' Pt ndleton Fottodi y a ndMachine Works CIIA.S, F.I.OVUlVin), (SuccHt-Hor to Pendloti>n & Brother.) N<\ 01f>. 017 and 019 Kollock Street., Augusta, Georgia. ManuLct ur*T am! dialer in mill machinery, engines and supplies. Brass I ai d iron casting of every variety and style. Special attention given to repair®. Giv*‘m« « call. Ciias. F. Lombahd, Proprietor. A verv FULL and COMFLE'l Kline of C ook S vvHOVCF, Heatissg l inwai e, Grates etc*. fetoves Send for Circulars showing Price and Style, HUg25,’82 a-m. W. DIG PH. NOTICK. Bv mutual consent the firm ol Duncan A John , son U thiH day diaaolved. Thiine indebted will pleusif settle at once. Drh. Duncan & Johnson 10,18&j if. 'rfhii I). Ashton. t t o r u n at I* a WAYNESBORO, MSb-r