The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, December 01, 1882, Image 1

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the True Citizen, A IJv« Weekly Paper on Live Issues Published Every Friday Morning, at Way nesboro, Gu., bv the SULLIVAN BROTHERS. It A TK8 Of SUBS ClilFTION: Guo Copy One Year, $2 00 1 11 Six months, 1.00 “ Three months,— 50 i Iff All subscriptions must be accompanied by the CASH. ' 'QjsammpitAimMBu'ABWi'Jiiimii mw *wwpw ,| m^' W !! he >. Vol. Waynesboro, (!.•, December I. 18H2. Sfi£Str*£.^.•y*.'70j*f*»:.<jnv».a»an* mat.'rvrezxxz iww Aclvori itdpg rates liberal. 1 r;i; .-,ier.t mlvi rtnt: ••fits pay aid in , ? ance. All contra'it advertisements perchl.* terly. All eomnmnicaMons for personal r,cu«i't ■ <11 he charged lor hi. advertisements. Aiiveiisciiu .ia l i occupy speoiftl places v • "V ,, O T ’ ■ '•hat-/« il 'X i*.r Cent. above n pillar rates tl. O X, NUi.-es -ii lovrti and iushits.” liui.u 5 • s. | or: Pie; in L>. 10c s. per buc, tcvh insert :. 1 I For terms spv'iy fit this office. > r ii eg>5P2 & HI * s l *nU* * y A, ft 2^ g.- cr" H *o ~ a =• ^ ** rr° n c p r« a: g’lsSe-ato brt • 3 “ *•».« o Of* r *tr ^2 W H-C Ecri u- 1 js.S' _,■• 3 y g O s. n Z: a r to S' ! / E. 0 ** Xs» “5-" 'Q o ts o to l* 5J ri 'U C. ci." C/i « ? > 95 SS-S s* S «~ '252m^8i9i?5 W SV» Si 5 §.W 3 4 k»2°-n w £- 3 H !> w“ 3T- Hg og^aiiS’w fl»0 8^1'wfi-g s I-®K trails H >M»n !« ^turii ?= C«5-gMg.Ro J ^ 93 3j?£ ■w § W St E.§ 3 £ « £ ^ ^ — S U r- 2 W 8 8 h? o I § 5 I ^ ^ o . *r| ^ ; 3 g ^ 4-- ? *" n «*. *<: •vt ® >u _ O f*< ° to H <» g - h*s P> «> fcr * g 3* I® Jj. ro cn <L **> ^ trd . „ rc c cf) 3? oo - CJ M q r B | fv « c. c GO g g 2 ' r„ “• ? ^ j, oi § § S g-rj -J n 2°' S.O 3 £ •« m “> H 31 B. H *tJ o 2. C?. ^ O C. ^ s s 5 d td o Ss r !>• Si iu > w ^1- a 9 *&£f! L 5T S9 *■9 0 li B 1! * i i I JAS MIL IT p , i—j i. V Invites the ottcnll' n of th« hi: 1 Ii;s public to his null selected sioek of .i-a.iht'c;table Dry Goods, Notions, Durnishiny Goods, <£‘c., <£v,\, /\ i shades. oTui'vaeii.'C Plusher. Vi*lv A l' It, sides a magnifn ent iliie ot !>, o ? vi i I i .1 i E N e w A ttr actions AT in our r>rf-s i looeis 1>i-,'):.i Inifuit tnnv l>e found all the leadinR styles in the newest Wet Milk Ottomans. Satins, Plain and Brocaded V -Iveteens i nrsf Fa brie:, ranging in price from f) cents to pt r yard. While l desire moie especially to call your attention to my liter,s Goods Department^ I would say that the other Departments have not suffered for want of attention, as I have spared neither time nor money to have them open up to the full standard You are cordi ally Invited to visit Miller’s Corner, Augusta, Gu- octl3”88.a-m. Down with High Prices & Peer Shoes! THE SENSATION OF TH1C SEASON!!' WM. MULHERIN AND CO, AT 722 AND IMS LUO A D STHEET, AUGUSTA, OA , Are fflar-Bbtorlng Boots. Shoes arid Tin's. There are two large stores filled with iKnr<a|rm, and it be struujce if you eaunot be pleased anions sue.h u variety. We otter : Infants’ Lane shoes 10 “ “ “ a be ter grade 25 “ Kill and Pebble Buttoned shoes.. . 60 Children’s Pebble shoes, heels 50 “ A < alf Polkas, heels 50 “ Pebhlo Polkas, heels 60 “ “ Bui toned shoes, heels 75 Misses’I Kid Buttoned shoes 90 “ Pebble Lace shoes 1 00 Ladies’Cloth Buskins .‘55 “ Kid slippers 50 “ Calf Pegged shoes 50 Kid Lined Serge Buskins 60 “ Moqnet slippei-s 75 *' A Calf Luce shoes, sewed 90 “ Pebble Lace shoes, sowed 100 “ I Pubble Buttoned shoes 1 00 Ladies’Kid Itottoncd shoes 1 0# •* Kid Opera slippers 1 00 “ Kid Sandal slippers 100 Gents’ Carpet slippers 50 “ Pebble suppers 75 “ Heavy Brogans 75 “ Cable Sewed Congress (falters 1 <*0 “ Sewed Box Toe Congress Gaiters 1 35 “ Heavy Boots, solid 1 50 “ Dress Calf P.oots, solid 2 50 Bovs’ Heavy Brogans 50 “ Dress Brogans 75 * ’ Dress Lace shoes 1 < ; ® Youths’ Pipped Boots, 7 to 13 1 'A Gents’ and Boys’ Wool Hats 20 *• Stiff Hats 50 “ Gents Felt Hats 1 CS The Music House cf the South* t..X- f Jj, Pianos t Organs, Alas Inst runic nts. G. If. U—Ii. I O.M.-L. P V • An extended visit among the principal plant and organ tnetories has enabled us to make the iinest selection of Instruments ever brought to Augusta. Our stock, which will be replenished weekly from the. best manufacturers, wi 1 be the largest a tid most complete in the South. Our prices tho lowest and terms of pay ment the easiest ever offered. Sheet music and music books—large discount from publisher’s prices. Best Italian strings, and everything desired in the line ot music. Save money by visiting or corresponding with 0. Robin non road St It S la n d s at the Head! THE LIGHT'ItUNNING E S T 1 ALSO, ZEIGLER BRO’S., EV1TT BROS., and MiLES k SON’S, And the most desirable lines Ladles’. Gents’, Misses’ and children’s fine shoes. We have a largt* stock of Boots, shoes, Hats and Clothing In our Wholesale Depa tmont which wo offer at less thoi is’cw York Jobbers’ prices. Close buyers of thoBo goods will make a mistake if they fail to ex amine our stocK. WM. MULHERIN <fe 00., 722 and 913 Broad St., sept8‘82.a-m. Clothing Department No. 14 Jones St. AUGUSTA. GA. n D The Carriage Emporium cf T A N N A H I II ■ 3 t'ie acknowltilgcd Li a- der in 'die Trido i- a lact tirri can- a lu 1 di.M’Ui ui. Mai v imitaio i . N--1V equc.J it. The largest armed the lightest Ruiieinj:, the m■< beautifii' wood-w ork, AND IS WAKKANTED To be made of the k-t material. To ({<• • ny aid ail kinds <>f work. T>> be complete* in every respect, i esbnrn, Ga. A ye tits wanceil in unoccupied oct27,t>v A HlRIStll. Georgia. A < .. W omesticSewing Machine ( o Richmord, Va. Dealers In lrp<*t% Oi 1 <'" l .th«, Ofromos St. Upholstery Goods. Window Curtains "Shades, Wall Pajx i -Sr Border^, Choice Family Grocerie-s & Plantation Supplies, Old Stand JAMES C-. BAILIE A BROTHER, UKIS) 1 L CURE, os TTrTiavoxjs DEBILITYi Broad street. Auffusta Geo. A\Ftl raayl9.’82.b-v. Finest Stock ami L >.wffst Pne>*«. tt If ^.Victoria, Extension Toiih, Canopy Tops, tiockawajra and Bugger, all «;• y t-»a an I gr des. The patent American Rmd-Cart. The easiest riding and most, perf «t two wheel vehicle yet produced. Lc.-uta *1! others. Supersedes all others. Three quarter Trotting Wagons. Ladica’ Phsetons, elegant Material. Fine Paints and Varnishes, Saddlery and Fine II«rness. Lea Ti er finding®. Best quality Seamless Gum Belting, pure article. Leather B-uing. Lacing. Fine Trunks and Valise#. Agents f« r Wilson, Childs A CoL PhiDdelpl ia Wagons, the lightest and beat. oct.6,’82.wn. 0*3 GANSO WEAKNESS. YOUIffGr AND MIDDLE- AGED A MEN. & GNNJPjfig. <* *1? ,v ' <y ,r» >a y *» y c < y . ■ * (ff’p I p -w- s->rs o- , i No. 'UOOKUU t.1 xf • r ,y ** j.-« 8 lyI,Vi« : o nionlN.) Jli; \VrA- r , p v.,’'ttp^RgSal fil on. S, ,mt to c lloot^-Wa^ l f *- i |.nruuin.:i:t nuro, \.i\vb in s,: . . ... ^ *, *., <•„ *, 1 / Arr.mhittniKnof i’n t I foritieof lrou,JOruvia !§ nv fi . * i a it 8 <>• A t It.-. ;.!iurn/• < / si 't'P\ : t« fnrtlt. 'I ‘ _ JJ 1 l>... It h i»K>N 1.1 iny pt-L'.MKfj, :s •11' i*>i <r.i i it<1 p. no• tg , 1 i t Dll. I - fpcpsl:i, «. ■' au lm- »'iitv-ff . .- vearj In inedlciii':, Kaivo never foiuifl enytblnv to «ive ims r kuDs C iKOff T onic flocl;. In many cats * cr Nervous I’rostroiion, Kemaro DDciibcs Dy-; puvcrisiiot condition of the blood, till® pecrlfsa remedy bits, in my bands, made a,, me * »m<U i i.l urw Ctise.* that have baffled some of our most eminent phyMcl* *is has u yield t to this * eat auit >:•• < • ip:.: able remedy. I pri scribe It In preferenc. to #ny iron preparation m.i ■. I i i': < i. ■ ■; h a e■ ., .juud as Dtt. UAKTSa’d IKON Tonic is a ncrc . :ly In my nraetl e. lilt. I.' 'liklti' K.v Ml'I.l r, ST. T,nr s, > . Nov. SU'i, 1 'd. 3104 \\ ash. AViCTOJ. ' 3-, -..v- n >,>. 4j|Uli.f - -j »It-.-.v*rjrxr/g.'i.» t f jjjr.&'a P f I II c ii g r e e Tt ii i rin color to tJTrulin>ri,\ fiaturat hrahhful tfate to the <lijjr.itiveorgans and nervous sritirm,making it apulicahlr to General Itet'iiiti/, J.iiss of A upe- tite, 1‘rostriit ion of Vital J’owets and Impotence, Nf £ li 4m4 iaiy MANUFACTURED BY THE DR. iiARXJCkl MkJlLOlltJu CO. t 2 FsIn. M MNSY.7stTl0U ! 3. junlG,'82.h-y. i ••W Norerct cast*.) f,'n No-3, (’. •PnfG'sS^ V g'. 1 >’ - thiHd Uiullti) >. Will f •'•'f tllOrf wfljin U»o wont coudltlon.) .Sent MJiunll, iu i'!j4o wrappWM. Js'ui 1 DiikVi- *1 tj I'i.i fo? -itiiug will or company oacq bo.^s v ^ IV^areJ am3 fioUi OtSSiX b)j HARRIS REMEDY CO.Mfg.Chemists, MAriKTT A,40 STH 8TS„ ST. LOUIS, MO. junlG,’82.b'V. RESTAURANT f lumounoi* to the public that I l .iVe opened n fn>t-clii*-N lv Ht lurfiot in riur ol tny htor*-, directly oppowitc S. A. G.ay'ti, where meals will be r?JC«rc.l nt all hours. I have engaged t.ho services of the celebrated cook, Jim Brown-, who will be in AttcndMuce »nd will serve the patr-ii* in tirtst- itis«n Htytc. P. B. Hall. m.W. SURE CURE FOR Bllffl BLEEOINu \7c*&B N l S£,VrSPM^/l% PRICE^SO CTS lK r BOT^ES GRAVING ONRECEIPT of WM f9VMfttnM4Vl AJ l a JLi'M. OW i 73 Cim?7S CTS 15TUBES UKETHIS AU Sufferer* with BLIND, BLBBDINO or HIDDEN PILES can be pet; DR. TABUSR’S PILE TUBE, prloe, 76 ct*. Aek your Druggist FOR SA FiK BY W. F. IIOLLEYMAN. iuouUy cured by ualng junlfi,’82.b-y, P« mlletoti KouridiyandMuJiiiie Works CHAW, P.LOMHAHB, (8uo«o#*or to Pendloton k, Brother,) No. 61/*, 617 and 619 Kol!< ck .S^reof, Augusta, G«ergm. MHnufitpturbr sod dealer in mill machinery, engine# and supplies. Bras# and iron Luting of every variety m cl ntylc, Special sttentiou given to repair®, ^ive mi? u calf. Crus. F, LOMBARD, Proprietor. Pknplltok, Superintend' at. A «ept,22,’82.b*j. That tl:»• best is qlienpest, and especially is this true in FURN.l!URdf. Just See t-orne of our pfices I T* rl r Sets i7t Fair Cl dli, Walnut Frame from $35 to if9U. The In ■ i ll vv Silk St t fur $05 ever offered. Nice Wiib.ut ( ham'-er Sots, Marble Top, f-55. The b»Sv Walnut Marble T*'p Set rn the market f r 165. WE DEFY COMPETITION FROM ANY AND EVERY QUARTER. WE ACKNOWLEDGE no superior, I • ANTTFEW EQUALS, IN Till S0UM. \\ ' o v v ie* od 1 f C’hii S I Chairs for 'PYonty-five cent#. Extension Tables » ne rod r pci loo*. I We euar icteo-..tislM Con ia every case. Our -lock of Mattresses >u.d . Sjii'in;.’ Beds is o'rnji.h ti. So an Dresi d Feather# a'vYuys ou h »nd All j e 'L piiclcd a d 'tiipp d free ol charge. Fpledsteiing d f 'Ue ia uW ,t« braache®. Our new CaUiugue will be ready ; b ut. October 1st, *T. 1,. HOWLEN Ac OO., *pptl5,’82.h y. 717 and 839 Broad Street?, AUGUSTA, GA, NOTICE. Bv mutual cousont thn Arm ot Duncau & loLu non ia t.hl# day (ltasolveri- Those iodebtuil will pltraa^ svtflu at once. Da#- Unweia * Jom?i®i)N. iDV. 1«, tasi 0. Jclia D. A«hton. A t t «ri|)r «t I- a. Wt WAYNWSBORO, GA. |ttnSR,mb«v.