The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, December 08, 1882, Image 1

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TVfir j +i+-jt*.hhlk *w.t-K vr ■*!***■••1 The True Citizen, a Live Weekly Paper on Live Issues Published Every Friday Morning, at. YV ay- nesboro,- (la., bv the SULLIVAN BROTHERS. RATES Of SUBSCRIPTION: One Copy One Year, $2.00 “ ,! Six months, 1.00 “ Tiiroe months 50 All subscriptions must he accompanied by the CASH. t *•» t •* , ***0S4*~i.nA*nu( l fcaaicB'.jonu-4*>»'»ui«.fiv * av** i- m* r^vsninfi » < srsmxr • - "»• ! ivv * rfix f-! ue Cilizo -:0:- VVavnosboro, (>a„ Decombor 8, aO*2. No. o, Advertlfiin»? rates liberal. Trausie.ui advert laments payable in ,'unce. All contract tvdvertisements payable «p terly. All ootamanicutjonR for persotbal bote-fit , be ei nrpvj lor as auvcrtlscments. i AdvertifteiAcnlu to occupy spe-cUci plain s i d-urged tsi per cent, above rcitul-v ro.tis. I Motions In lot a; anti besino r column .'> | per hue; in lor a' i0u s. per lint. ettb insert, l l’or t-jmiti lipi-lj at this oRler . Connuei'eti Ht IjH.-tl. O, heart of mine! so often warmod In woman’s holy presence; So oft’ submerged—yot not alarmed— In Love’s angelic essence ; From out thy troubled depths I pray An exposition truly ; Of that which has, with manic sway, Thy homage gained so fully. thou grown weaker than of yor* 1 Or is Love’s power stronger ; That them shouldst tremble and adore, And hold the field no longer? Thon not answer, for I know, Bv thy excited beating. That Venus bended Cupid’s bow, And pierced thee while retreating Louisville, Ky., Nov. 29t,h, 1882. —J. II. C. FOREPA UOIl'S $10,000 BE A VTY. 0 f. R E i I A l\ \ I i i JAS MILLER Tnvitos the a tf cut ion o the bu> hi^r publir to his well seJeeted stook of wnpr.wnr? ffwr** ir;xr***ff.-r» a. #*> oj.ta.wwt*.-aajsak**w* — Down with High Prices &> Peer Slices! Fashionable Dry Foods, JFofions. THE SENSATION OP TIIE SEASON ! ! WM. MULHERIN AND AT7-2 AND 913 V.ItOAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA ., CO., Fa mis h in y (roods, & c, etc., Are slaughtering Boots. Shoes ami Mat.-. There are too Inrgc stores filled with Bargi.irs, and it w 1! he strange if you ■■ai.r.ot be phased among such a variety. Vt offer : J The $10,000 beauty is proving any thing but an everlasting joy to Adam Forepaugh, says the Philadelphia Press. It is a dull month when one or two of Miss. Montague’s numerous suits against, her quondam employer are not called in the courts. Latterly they have been coming in pairs. Two were called in common pleas court No. 4, last, week, and each involved $10.000—a fateful figure with Mr. Fotepaugh. The first is for the recovery of the $10,000 prize which was awarded Miss Mont ague on paper, but which the veteran showman had thus failed to deliver.— The other $10,000 is for injuries re ceived by being thrown from a vicious e’ephant which Miss Mou:ague was compelled to ride in the street pag *a its 1 st. year. He must also answer to two other actions which is set down for a hearing in common p eas court. No. 1. 'lire total amount involved is $10,70), the odd hundreds being for seven weeks’ salary, which the beauty alleges is duo on last year's engagement The 4/0 (10C ; s for breach of contract this season. Mr. Forepaugh, the petition avers, engaged to provide Miss Mont- ague a <-tate room in her travels about ♦ he country this .year, but when the! For Sale by Fui i & ( beauty went to inspect her quarters, j UTiiloiy. Address Domk just before the Forepaugh tiain Ieftl Philadelphia on the opening of the sea - QjJ son, she found that she was to bo crowd ed in with “lady” bare back riders, trapeze performers, and other common In our Dross Goods Department may bo found all the leading Mjl«s in tb«* newest shades, embruoitm Plushes, Velvets, Silk Ottomans, Satins, Plain and Brocaded Y c.-li ’teens Besides a uutir»Itlc-nt line of Dress Fabric:, ran icing in price from 9 cents to $2 per yard. White 1 d-sir- moie especially to call your attention to my Dress Goods Department, I would say that the other Departments have not suffered for want of artention, as I have spared neither time nor money to have them open up to the full standard. You are cordi ally invited to visit Miller’s Corner, Augusta, Ca. octl3"82.a ui. :a n d s at the Head! THE LIGHT* UUNNING Infants’ I,ace sics 10 “ “ “ a barter (trade . 25 “ Kid and Pebble Buttoned shoes.. . 50 Children’s Pebble Shoes, heels 50 “ A Cult' Polkas, heels 50 “ Pebblo Polkas, heels CO “ “ Buttoned shoes, heels 75 Misses’I Kid Buttoned shoos 00- “ Pebble Lace shoes 1 1/0 Ladies’Cloth Buskins 35 “ Kid slippers 50 “ «'olf Peairod shoes 50 ‘ Kid Lined Serce Buskins " ’ 50 “ Moquct slippers 75 ‘ A Calf Luce shoes, sewed 90 “ Pebble L \ ee shoes, sewed 1 00 “ I rubble Buttoned shoes 1 00 Ladies’ Kid Bottoned shoes 1 M ‘ Kid Opera slippers . . . . . —100 “ Kid Sandal slippers .... J 00 Gents’ Carpet slippers 50 •* Pebble slippers 75 “ Heavy Brosans 75 “ Cable Sewed Concress Gaiters 1 0t> *• Sewed Box Toe Conuresa Gaiters —125 “ Heavy Boots, solid 1 50 " Dress Calf Boots, solid 2 50 Boys’ Heavy Brogans 60 “ Dress Brogans 75 ‘ - Dress Lace shoes 1 00 Youths’ Pipped Boots, 7 to 13 1 00 Gents' and Bovs’ Wool Hats 20 - Stiff Hats 50 “ Gents Felt Ilats 1 05 ALSO, ZE1GLER BRO’S., EVITT BROS., and MILES & SON’S, And the most desirable lines Ladies’, Gents’, Misses’ and children’s fine shoes. We have a large stock of Boots, bilious, Hat.s and Clothing incur Wholesale Depa tment which we offer at less than Few York Jobbers' prices. Close buyers of these goods will make a mistake if they fail to ex amino our steer.. _ WM. MULHERIN & CO., 722 and 913 Broad St., sept8*82.a-m. Clothing Department No. 14 Jones St. AUGUSTA, GA. Th; D 0 M E S T ! G ,jD A Y That it is the acknowledged Lea der in the Trade*is a iVct til <t can ed iie disputed. Mat y imitate it. N n tq:ml if. Thu largest armed, li.'ii M/bteU Running, tlio iiD st beaut du 1 woi.ti-work, Augusta, AM) WABKAN i FI) To li un T - f tlie* I e*t. n atorial' ’o on Miy .. d ail kip (Is «.f work ’■ 1)“ c tn])'ct.* in <-very resqu vt. . i-s •-m, G«. Agunt;* wanted in unoccupied i ie Si- u : ng .Machine Co ll’chnpmd, V«. oct27d'v Carriage Emporium of T ANNAHI Georgia. a. ML ts n. A Dk y. & a ♦y A' 1) ciilors l^i »d that only half jjt bittli was Ai go a was -tly lad ,-r alleged beauty posing as the ( rig nal lze during the last six | .his substitution furnishes; Ls Montague g-onnd for a fifth suit,! in which she asks $10,000 for the use j of her name. The sixth and last suit 1 which will come up shortly, is likewise of the $10,000 gague, and calls for Miss Montague’s share in her photographs. ! Carpets, Oii O'otlis, CM-omo-* A* Upholstery Goods. Window GurOdns it Shades, Wall Papers & Borders, ( h ice F;unil\ Groceries it Plantation Supplies. Old Stand "AMES Ok BAILIE t: BROTHER, 205 Rvoutl mayli) ’S2.1) -V. tree Ifi’lixtil Senator Poeph s, one of thO aub-eom j mi;tee on the penitentiary, recently! visited Dade coal mines, and among 1 other things, writes as follows to his; his jrper. the Gwinnett Herald : “One 1 of the fi'st men we met. was Ox, who is serving out a life sentence foi the murder of Bob Alston. He does not have the hardships of other prisoners, as he is iu charge of the stock, and therefore has more liberties. But while he gre ts us with a smile, the tears glisten on his cheek, as he talks of hi.* ■dreary life, his distressed family and the dark future before him. He keeps h a little boy with him for company, and is a very useful man at th * camps. Mahone untied at the patent office a few days ago to demand the discharge of Miss Jennings of Virginia, requesting that she bo sent for. and it took some time to convince him that she had been dead uVer two years It was a 8t. Louis editor who, on hearing sumo one ask through die tele phone ; Us the editor iu 1” grabbed his pistol and oocked it before answer* “Vos IconiMiiatfov.ef Pro- tnjri<ir of J ron, Per it tut n , ,3 t iturkiiin tpG'j ).( jjttlaiiil'le form. H'/te ijif, | i<»»<<//}>rvi‘iirationofi'. on. a: vs Qf lthat tvill not bfttckm I'm if at ^RkI j (troth,ny rkart/eirrirt it t\f MSyy.ujSShBwtiWA*,*! \oMfcr iron i>>'< rutrt-a. i ... t i-..\ 'I'L'i-liikx : 1 "have ly.. Ueumir^litJ^ToisvJlu'my pnle/U'is, HiiU in f “ twoutv-flve. veai'8 In medicine, imve never found anyllilns: to (rive the re..ulH th.-l Du. flAt, (l I: d Iron Tonic dock. In many eases of Nervous I’rostruf.on, Keroalfi IHsuatus, Dyspepsia, an.t an im- l-ovciiahert condition of the blood, this jie, less remody baa, ir. my hands, inane some v/omlei'ii.i cures, ('uses that have baffled some of our most eminent physicians have yielded to this pie at and Incompar able remedy. I prescribe tt in preference to any Iron preparation made. In fact, aueh a compound as Du. ilAUTKH’S lnou Tonic is a necessity iu tny practice. Lit. ItDBLHT 5 VMI’l.I.t.', ST. I.outs. Mo.. Nov. sSith. i.tsi. 3104 Wash. AvODnc. 7/Tieccolorio»,7W7,T,n f —it—— ■■ , natural healthful tone in 1 theditfrsliuoorgans antlj tier von* sffsitnn, ntahiug ( it it).?ji ica/ilo to Generali 1 Debit it if, l.o.*.* of A pne- \ tile, Prostration of Vital I Powers and Impotence,! MANUFACTURED UY THE 3DR. IIAit AJLJB. M.EXnoUi& CO. Finest Stock and L >wcst Prices. H »lf L. Victories, Extension Top*, Canopy Tops, itockaway* and Buggies, di s'ties aiii grades. The patent American Road-Cart. The easiest riding and most perf ct two wheel vehicle yet produced. Loads all others. Supersedes all others. Three. qu>*rt< r Trotting Wagons. Ladies’ Phaetons, elegant styles. Coach Material. Fine Paints nnd Varnishes, Saddlery and Fine Harness. Leath er findings. Best, quality Seamless Gum Belting, pure article. Leather B Uing. Litcii-g. Fine Trunks and Valises. Agents fi r Wilson, Cliilds <fe Co’s Philadclpl i i Wagons, the lightest and best oct.6,’82.ctn. i I Me n A g r e e 213 N. MAiN 8f., if. IGUiS. iunl(), , S2.h*y. Wiit- -. .Wv 5Wr/>FM4/L OfJ^FiCEIPT OF AU Sufferers with BLIND, BLEEDING or HIDDEN PILES oau lx, DR. TAB LEU’S PILE TUBE, price, 75 ctu. Ant your Druggist FOR SALE BY lermauontly ourod by using ju nlfi,’82.h-y. chine Works OI J AS. 1’. I .OVlltA 111 >, (Successor to Pendleton Jc Brother.) No. 615. 617 ami 619 Kollock Street, Augusta, Georgia. MsnufacAurer and dealer in mill machinery, engines and supplies. Brass a’ d iron casting of every variety a»'d style. Special attention given to repairs. Give mo a call. Ohas. F. Lombard, Proprietor, Wm. Pkjidlkton, iept,22,’82.b*y. That, the Ivst is cheapest, and especially is this true in FURNL' 0R1G Just see some oi our prices: P, rl r Sets ip Hair Gl»th. Walnut Frame from $35 to $90. '1 he best Raw Siik S< t for $65 ever offered. Nice Vt :i out Chnnd'er Set«, Marble T<>p, $55. 4 he hi st \\ ahiut Marble Top Set in tire market t r $65. WE DEFY COMPETITION FROM ANY AND EVERY QUARTER WE ACKNOWLEDGE NO SUPERIOR, AND FEW EQUALS, IN THE SOUTH. V\ ho ever heard ' f Oan« S’nc ('hairs for vcventvfive c* nt«i. Extensiou I’ltbleh ( ne dollar per tool. Wo iruiirantee satisfaction in every case. Our stock of Mattresses » d Spring Beds incomplete. Steam Dressed Featliers always on h nd .Ml e , ” , d s packed and shipped free of charge. Upholstering done io ill brunches. Our new Catalogue will be ready about October 1st. J. Iu. sept 15,’82.b -y. BOWLES Ac 717 and 839 Broad Street, AUGUSTA. GA NOTICE. Bv mutual consent the firm ot Duncan tt John son is this duy dissolved. Thom) Indebted will please settle ut once. Das. Duncan i Johnson Nov. 10,1882. tf. Jolyp D. Ashton. Attorney at I, m WAYNESBORO, G