The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, December 15, 1882, Image 1

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i* m \ aMiWMm*UKm+xrt*' - The True Citizen, A Livu Weekly Paper on Live Issues l > nl)!lshed Every Friday Moraine', at Way nesboro, Ga., by the SULLIVAN B BOTHERS, RATES OP SUBSCRIPTION: One Copy One Year, «s on “ .Six months * 1.00 “ “ Three months 50 JP Q Yf I f L !The True Citizeu. AU subscriptions must be accompanied l by the CASH. j Vol. 1. Waynesboro, Ga., December 15, 1882, X o. carasy sjlist.ur-jr*ittutMKtcftMX**/sacvatwj}>i«vij:ms&*ar»3Lixn 'ssair» A(l\-( rtisitiR rates liberal. Transient adveitisnuints payable in ad . .’Slice. i All contract advertisements pavab r. -ej.-u/' terly All oommunicaUotiH for ptmonal Imt ;it u w. he eiiaiy-eit for an advertisenVmts. Advf itisemenla to occupy spnyiel places v- ; M be charged it' per cent, abovelt.^ului vaU*. Notions iu local anil business column 5 tiv I per line; in local toots per line each imseriiei' l For terms apply at this office. o o l*"). A MARVEL QE SVRLERY. The students in the Hospital of Oral Surgery, in Philadelphia, on Saturday, were shown a patient whose remarkable case has caused the wonder of medical men in Berlin. Paris and London. In 1877 he was one of a party of men whose throats were cut by a band of Gypsy robbers, in Roumalia. He re covered consciousness, but was discov ered while attempting to escape, and was hanged up by the neck till uncon scious, when he was cut down. Two days afterwards, being still alive, hs was put under surgical treatment. Ho breathed through the opening in his neck, in which a silver pipe was plac ed. The windpipe was closed, and for two years he was unable to speak a word. After many efforts a large threaded needle was passed through the trachea and into the mouth. Small threads wore then drawn through, bes ing daily increased in siue, in order to effect a permanent enlargement of the obstruction. The man is still obliged to practice this device, and wears the instrument iu his windpipe during the night, being able to breathe in an upright position without its aid. He has been examined by the leading sur geons at Berlin, Paris and Londft), aud it is expected that some day it will be po-sible to close up the opeuing in the throat. 0 IJ i R E 1 I A JAS MILLER Invites the attention of the buying public to bis well selected stock of Fashionable Dry Goods, jYotions, Furnishing Goods, &c., &e. } IB! L E In our Dress Goods Department may bfi found all the leading style-, in tlm newest shades, embracing Flushes, Velvets, 8ilk Ottomans, Satins, Plain and Brocaded Velveteens Besides a magnificent line of Dress Fabric?', ranging in price from It cents to S3 per yard. While 1 desire mot e especially to call your attention to my Dress Goods Department, I would suy that the other Departments have not suffered for want of attention, as I have spared neither time nor money to have them open up to the full standard. You are cordi ally invited to visit Miller's Oornor, Augusta, Ca. oetlT’ff'l.a-m. Down with High Prices & Poor Shoos! THE SENSATION OF THE SEASON!! ' *5 AT 722 AND 4)13 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, 0A , Are slaughtering Boots. Shoes and Tints. There are two largo stores filled with I'nvar s, and it will be strange if you cannot be pleased among such a variety. We offer Infants’ Lace shoes 10 “ “ “ a be..tergrado 25 “ Kid and Pebble Buttoned shoes.. . 50 Children’s Pebble Shoes, heels 50 “ A Calf Polkas, heels 50 " Pebble Polkas, heels . 60 “ “ Buttoned shoes, heels 75 Misses’ I Kid Buttoned shoes 90 “ Pebble Lace shoes 100 Ladies’ Cloth Buskins 35 “ Kid slippers 50 “ Galt Pegged shoes 50 ” Kid Lined Serge Buskins 50 “ Moquet slippers 75 ’ A Calf Lace shoes, sewed 90 “ Pebble Lace shoes, sewed 1 00 ‘‘ I Pubblo Buttoned shoes 100 Ladies'Kid Buttoned shoes I Kid Opera slippers 1 “ Kid Sandal slippers 1 Gents’Carpet slippers “ Pebble slippers “ Heavy Brogans “ Cable Sewed Congress Gaiters 1 " Sewed Box Toe Gongress Gaitei's 1 “ Heavy Boots, soiid 1 “ Dress Calf Boots, solid 8 Boys’ Ileavy Brogans “ Dress Brogans ’• Dress Lace shoes 1 Youths’ Tipped Boots, 7 to 13 1 Gents’ and Boys’ Wool Hats *• Stiff Hats “ Gents Felt Hats ^ ALSO, ZEIGLER BRO’S., EVITT BROS., and MILES & SON’S, Mr. A. A. Winn, of Savannah, has placed among the collections in Mrs. JAwis H. Clark’s Art Loan ex hibition a photograph of the battle fl, g of the 3d Georgia regiment, a sacred and honored relic which was borne in triumph by that brave Georgia com p and, from Maly era Hill to Appomattox remit house, and was never touched by the band of the enemy. At Appo mattox it was concealed by being wrapped around Col. Snead’s (now Judge Claiborne Snead) body, of Augus ta, who still retains possession of it.— Its tatlered and ball riven folds attest most faithfully the devotion of the no- ird to the “Lost Cause-” It 3 ta n d s at the Head! TIIE LIGHT - HUN NING 0 M E S T 1 C . And the moat desirable lines Ladles', Gents’, Misses’ and children’s fine shoes. We have a Inrs«<» stock of Boots, Shoes, Hats and Clothing in our Wholesale Depa tment which we offer at less than New York Jobbers’ prices. Close buyers of these goods will make a mistake if they fail to ex amine our stooK. WM. MULHERIN & CO., 722 and 913 Broad St., Hept8’82.a-ra. Clothing Department No. 14 Jones St. AUGUSTA., GA. Ths Carriags Emporium of DA Y & T A N N A H I LL, That it is the acknowledged Lea der ill the Trade is a met that can not be disputed. Many imitate it. N ne equal it. The largest armed, the Ho.livest Running, the rmst bea u t i f u' wood - wo rk, Augusta, AND IB W AIM,’ANTED satire on divorce is the suit of a uthern negro for divorce because his [wife prom? to be white, when he thought her a mulatto. Women are put away for reasons which cannot be enumerated jin a small compass, but this is the first ojuan who is to be divorced because e is white. New Englanders and others who are puzzled to know what plea to enter to rid themselves of a bur den in the form of a “companion,” can bdw sue on the allegation that their hus band or wife is—white. New York, December*11.—In the suit of James F. Molloy, a citizen of Edgefield, S. C., against James Gordon Bennett, for libel on him, published in the New York Herald, the jury, to-day, in the United States Circuit Court brought in a verdict of 120,0(10 daip- ages for the plaintiff. The counsel lor defendant moved for a stay of judgmont p.nd gave no. ice of a motion for a new trial. To be made of the best material To do any ami all kinds of work To be complete in every respect. For S ; i. r iY , esbnro, G«. Agents wanted in unoccupied terriuii y. A Mr --s Domestic- s lwing Machine (Jo. Richmond, Va. oct27,bv Georgia. mmmMPs f Finest Stock and L »west Prie s IIdf m Victories, Extension, Canopy |l [Y>ps, Rockawaye and’Buggies, all styles and grades. r ihe Old Established Furniture House Of K Rogers, 549 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgias H»s a large stock of Furniture, fine and medium, all latest stylos and bottom prices. UNDERTAKING.—-Full stock of wood and metallic cases constantly oh baud. nov3’82am JAMES G. BAILIE <fc SONS. -DEALERS IN- The patent American Road-Cart. The easiet-t riding and most perfi ct two wheel vehicle yet produced. Leads all others. Supersedes all others. Three quarter Trotting Wagons. Ladies’ Pha?tou«, elegant styles. Cbach Material. Fine Paints and Varnishes, Saddlery and Fine Harness. Leath er findings. Best quality Seamless Gum Belting, pure article. Leather Belting. Lacing. Fine Trunks and Valises. Agents for Wilson, Childs A Go’s Philadelphia Wagons, the lightest and brst. oct..6,’ All Men Agree Carpets*Oil Cloths, Chromos A Upholstery Goods. Window Curtains <fe Shades, Wall Papers & Borders, Choice Family Groceries <fc Plantation Supplies. 713 Broad street, Auguste Geo. That the best is cheapest, and especially is this true in FURNITURE. Just see some of our prices: Pirb r Sets iti Hair Cloth, Walnut Frame from #35 to #90. The best Raw Silk Set for $65 ever offered. Nice Walnut Chamber Sets Marble Top, $55. The best Walnut Marble Top Set in the market for 465. may 19 ’82.b-v. A dispatch to tie Augusta! hicnicle, dated the 11 lb inst, says: Governor Stephens to day pardoned Edward Cox, the man who killed (’<>1. Robert A. Al- s on. Neatly two thirds of tho Legis lature petitioned for ti.e pardon, and people from all parts of the State.— overuoi Stephens, from an examina tion of the evidence, concluded the of fense to bo manslaughter, und not mur der. JL ronihination of 1Va. toucide of Iron, Etrurian Hark and Phosphorus in a /mialablo form. P'or Debility, Imhs of Appe tite, Prostration of Vital Powers it is indispensa ble. REV. J.L. TOWNER, rev! a! 52 Hobbs’ Writes:— y «« C5 After athorpugh trial of the/ 1“ 8Jrii r 110 E Industry, 111., says:— E “I consider it a most excellent remedy for the debilitated vital forces. WE DEFY COMPETITION FROM ANY AND EVERY QUARTER # WE ACKjnOWLEDGE NO SUPERS OR, AND FEW EQUALS, LN THE SOUTH Mrs. William Seago, of Dody coun ty, who has b?eu insane for several months, out her touguo out with a knife lust Wednesday, a week ago. The fam jly jojtfw nothing of the horrible deed IRON TONIC, I taka pleasure in atatiiH? that I have been / Brreatly benefited by its use. Ministers and 3Fub-y lie Speakers will find it «naur«ni of the Greatest value whero a Tonis is neces sary. I recommend it as a reliable -ramadial agent, pcssosvung nn< doubted mucrftive and rostorativatjnroiMirtiei. IvuiniUe, KShrtto*. 3, WJ. 7HE Y ho ever heard of Cane S*T-t- Chairs for seventy-five r< nts. Extension 'i’ahleH ( ne dollar per look imMDVS m DR. HARTER MEDICINEfO., SU ». MAIM CT, OX. LOm juniO, 62.t>-y. We sjuarantee satisfaction in every case. Our «Ui»ek i f M ttrogs.-s Spring !.»<•<’s is ceinph te. Steam Dresh-d Feather-' niwuys on h»ut packed Hud snipp'd free ot charge. Ut.h'-lst ring done in *i| brui'Chea. Ol r new Caialogun will be ready about October 1st. IN ndieton Eoimdiyand^Iiicliine Works (HAS, !•’. I.vtl HA HH, (Successor to Pendlctonj& Brother.) No. 615, 617 and 619 Koiloek Spoot, Augusta, Georgia. Manufacturer ami (b aler iu mill machinery, engines aud supplies. Brass! • i. IICMVLEH At CO., M'ptl5,’82.b y. 717 aod 839 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA NOTICE. Jtohn L. Ashton. Bv uu'tuul consent the firm ot Duncan St John A i t O r It C v ttt 3. a | WAYNliSBOKO, 6 st-.b-r. 9