The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, February 09, 1883, Image 3

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Atlanta ie imubied with a hy ena, which is probably a “tiger” in dis- guise; and North Georgia is frightened Over a wi d man roaming the woods ) who from his caron eating propensities ca-j be no other than “the king of the Cannibal Ie ands.” ££T Etaory Speer does not seem to have been entirely “coboshed” by his late deieat for Congress. A special to the Savannah Times, dated the 3d inst, frun Washington, D. C., says : “The President has told Emory Speer that he will nominate him for District Att^r ney at At ama on the 5th of March next.” Merriwether Vindicator : A* Mr. Rufus Owen, of the upper ninth dis trict. wa* clearing a place la-t week t»en ct a building he dug up a mid- riling of meat that was sound and cured. Is this an indication of « meat mine ? Let the experienced North Georgia miners report on the rna'ter. will be in these days of policy serving politician. 'I he tariff in all period.- of the government has discriminated in favor of the manufacturer and the wealthy able to afford luxurious living, and against the poor consumer ot the coarser grades of commercial cornmod ities, in al sections of the whole coun try, aud no one not a lunatic or an idiot expects anything like an equitable re form of the tariff in these days of prof ligaoy and dishouest legislation, of which no party can claim exemption.— Nor does the evil rest here ; but every time the tariff is tinkered upon in Con gress the money kings are granted some new monopoly privilege, and some new burden placed upon the already over loaded shoulders of the poor consumer. We wait and watch for the eud of the straggle. two carriage shops, two churches, flour ishing school, two doctors, but. not a lawyer. Our farmers have not been able to do anything ’owards preparation on accout of the rain. I have not heard of anyone running a furrow yet. Dog poisoning seems to be the order of the day here and iu adjoining coun ties '1 he promiscuous scattering of poison is very dangerous, 'ihey go so far iu some instincts as to ride up at night and put it in a man’s yard. I have heard of one man who lost niue or ten hogs by this putting out of poison, and it should bo stopped. Baktow, an‘s Excelsior Bottling Wot E . SSSSSAH, 1025 GREENE STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Pure Soda Water, Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale manufactured from Fresh und First-class material. Lager Beer iu kegs aud bottles always on hand. Orders solicited and promptly filled. A ICE of Good Quality and Just Weight shipped to my c*s . JD.i The very marked improvement of the Savannah Times under the man agement of its new editors and proprie tors, Messrs. Richardson <fe McNulty, demand the admiration cf both the Press and the public. Beautifully printed, and carefully and well edited, yt is rapidly becoming an important ri v;d of its great city morning contempo rary, and if kept up to its present stand ard, success full awaits it in the near future. KS&* Our Henry Jones seems to have barely touched the flowery plains of Jacksonville, Fla., if he went there at all The papers now tell us that he is On the editorial staff of the Savannah News. So far as we are individually concerned, we would not grieve if we never heard of him auy more, we, how ever, know a leeral gentleman who does not Jive a thousand miles from Waynes 'boro, who would bo pleased to have a ijwminuHicdtiou from him covering a re , ftrittance. Col. M. E. Thornton, properi and editor in-chief of the Atlanta ineal, has purchased the entire the Evening Herald of that will contiuue its publication ling paper. Should Colonel ’ make at many and as great iges and improvements as lie did on ■ Post-Appeal, Atlanta will soon an evening journal worthy of our capital city, and which will make heard and its influence felt.— Messrs Smaff& Williams, late pub lishers of thl^Kera’d, will commence at an early daffe publication of the Geor ■ gift Major, Z weekly- literaiy and hu morous journal. ^ TUB TARIFF. The tariff reform bill is still worrying life out of Congress, and with the filibustering tactics employed ou both side there is not time before adjourn uieut to pa*H it. aud President Arthur threatens if the bill is uut passed to call i>n extra session, fhe consequences of a misstep upon this measure loom up in the minds of the politicians of both parties as an important factor in the can vass of 1884. Indeed, it is an elephant which neither pat tv are anxious to win. ‘ he cfl rts uf our national legislators are evidently directed to the fluding ot some way by which they will be able to hoodwink the common people, and by granting to the money kings of the JNorth and East, of whom they are inor tally afraid, all the monopolies they sire and have so long enjoyed, placate ’them and retain the influence of their which it is quite certain would be Igainst any party or individual daraM^fli^tbeir enjoyment of »bese monopolieswmtph they have had long that they olairn' them by right popsttbrion. ’fhe Democratic dggtrine trade,” which meaqfl^Bsriff Avenue only, has never BOOTH BARTOW ITEMS. Mu. Editor :—Below you will find a few items from sooth Bartow. News is very scarce here, and will be so until the wool season opens. Cotton still continues to coino in slowly, and guano is being carried away from here at a rapid rate. There will without doubt be more of it used in Jefferson, John son and Emanuel counties than in any season in the past ten years. I am sorry to say that our farmers, or a ma jority of them, seem to work as if biindfo'ded. They are so elated at be ing so successful and making such largo crops of corn and oats last year, that they have sown very few oats and are arranging to plant yery little corn, aud even that on their poorest land, and are going in heels over head for ootton, re serving all their best land for it and ma nuring heavier than ever before.— Should there come a drought or a bad crop year generally (and there is a pretty good indication of it), they will be almost hopelessly ruined, deeply iu debt for guano, supplies, etc., their lands heavily mortgaged—the result can readily and plainly be seen. Lawsuits will be in abundance, homes levied upon and sold, families on the verge of starv ation all will be more or less in a more desperate conditirn than over. There is only about one-fifth the area planted in corn this year that was planted last. A terrible homicide occurred just off the line of Jefferson and Emanuel coun ties a few weeks ago. The victim, Mr. West, was a young man ot quiet de nnanor aud habits, and was well thought of in his community. His murderer’s name was Williams. The two were at a log rolling, and some dispute arose as to whooouldoutlift, and William’s curs cd West terribly ; We*t called Wil liams a liar, and stooped down to pick up something he had dropped, while in that position Williams dealt him a ter rible blow with a hand-spike, fractur ing his skull some 5 or 6 inches; Wil liams then picked him up in his arms, carried him to the house and assisted in reviving him and dressing his wound, expressing at the time his sorrow and regret at his deed. His friendB made him leave, and up to this time has not been heard of. West lingered for seve ral days suffering untold agony, when he died. Strange to say, up to the time he died no one eould make him believe that Williams did the dastardly deed. He dimly believed that auother man with whom he had been disputing some time before aud who was present, struck had T1IK SFW RIOKRL. AM iKtA Post-Appeal. The editor of this paper has received a number of the new nickel tive-oent pieces. The new ooin is certainly the handsomest in circulation, both in de sign and workmanship The ‘ head” aide has a strong side face view of the Goddess of Liberty, tho word ‘ Liber ty” appearing on the band resting ou the brow, and baok of this Yankee tiara rests a wreath of laurel. The conven tional thirteen stars surround the head, and beneath it are tho figures, “1883.” On the reverse is the letter “V” in the center, around which are ivy and oak leaves twined about two circled corn stalks, on which appear tho grain and leaves, evidently meant to be etu >]e- matic of the ever freshness and strength of the country’s prosperity. On the upper half of this side, circling the edge of the coin, are the words, “United States of America,” the lower half the coin having the words, “K Flu ribus Unutn.” running about it. It is larger but thinner, than the ordinary niokel, and it will, no doubt, be some time before the new coin gets into circu lation in these parts. Jchi 2). Ashton. Attorney at Law WAYNESBORO, GA. Jqn83,’83.b-r. —1,0 0 0 BOXES— -, Will be jruwi away in Premiuene to mibecrlbere. Fur particulare, addreei Herald Publishing Co. t Jan.5,'83.ct. Tavarks, Oramor Co., Florida E. F. Lawson, Attorney-at-Law, WATNKSBOllO, ... - GA Will promptly attend to all business intrusted to bin oare, and give apodal attention to the practice In the Court of Ordinary. Office next door to Arlington Hotel. novlO'82by, T.D. OLIVER, ATTORNEY A. r P I. A W WAYNESBORO, GA. Will practice In the Augusta, EaiAera and middle circuits. Special attention given to Justice Court practice. may5,’82.b-y. ARLINGTON HOUSE BARBER SHOP WILLIAMS A BROWN. Prop’s. We beg leave to Inform the citizens of Burke and the public generally, that we have now formed a co-partnership, and combined onr two barber shops. We thank the i ublic for past patronage and ask a continuance of the same. Hair Cutting, Hair Dressing, Shaving, etc., done in the most artistic style. 1un082too. Notice past, » L lot likely All work iu my shop for repairs. If not calltd for in 30 days will be sold to pay charges on the same. Those interested will take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. December 22. 1882. JOHN IIAENHL. novl0,’82am THE ATLANTAJPOST-APPEAL. The only daily In the State published every morning, Monday Included. Fearless In combating wrong In cliques rings or parties. Gives full market reports, correctel daily Containing all the latest. Telegraphic News.— .turners at Market Price. feb9’83cm HARDWARE Iron, S <*<•!, Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Saddles and Bridle® Wheels, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, Axles, tol At owe Pr Creneral Agent For Eclipse* Steam Engine, Winship Gin, Manure, Spreader, Oliver Chilled Plow, Duplex Harrow, Walter A. Wood Mower, and Binder. Reapl *ept.22,’ % 5 ? S.& era’s g E.Z.2 S-P ® 3CT£ p ’-- 5§S’ b .SgS*B8^aS tt l» ^ - r* tss P (b CT ~ HENRY P. MOORE. 809 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA Garden Seeds! -AT- - _ J c b § e c* o . . - “!2S3= 3 - » 5-~ c-3. » pjs g -an * a 3© *5 3 5:513 o |f m. £•<* -acB'w® ® • o-w 2 a® Z3. a {Tp 3 B M 5f«S. 3sg:®»® ^4 WO c £ p> h,® p ® b * a W®.c 3 "3 = Eg i-g 3 ® „ 3' — P£;J B-p -tiffed* 2||ao§ 6s ^ a «B^.p|: | g S ciS o skills. D. L. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, GA. containing an tne latest Teiegrapmo News.— ^afmil^n^Burke 1 Jefferebn and Is newsy, sprightly and progressive. AH articles, {{o.V.Vn^nd counties are using our stoves sold to editorial or otherwise, short, spicy and pointed, ‘^.“flfte^ea^ ^° ^ coutniAitig the pith of all subjects treated. Sunday's edition contains all the news, Telc- graphle, General and Local, as well ns Literary articles f general merit. Mondny’s edition alone worth the price of snbstsrlption. The Atlanta Post-Appeal, “Issues every week, Is only 88 per annum. 81 foi six months. 82.15.") for three mouths, Vfl esmts for trial month. Address, Post-Ai*i*bai, Pubmsiiiko Co. Juul2’8t'l Atlanta, La. him. Tho two young men had beeu very intimate friends, almost like broth ers. The sheriff is on the hunt for him aud let us hope ho may be apprehended und made to suffer the penalty of his heinous crime. If he is caught, there is no doubt he will be tho chief actor in a tight rope performance ordered by Judge Lynch. Sid. A. Pughesly, who has been mer chandising pretty extensively here has sold out to the Brown Bro’s., of Bar tow. South Bartow has shipped about 6,500 bales of cotton this season, 4,000 of which were bought by W. C. Smith. Our little town is building up rapidly and is fast beoomiug a place of Stausequcnce. We have seven stores, LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST BUY WHERE THE YOU CAN BEST. GET P. B. HALL desires to say, that although the Chinamen have come, ho Is still in tho ring with a first-class stock of DRY GO ODS, CL 0 THING, BOOTS ct SHOES. Ho calls special attention to his stock of Seed Irish Potatoes. Holley nfa iPs DRUG & SEED STORK. The Largest stock of BUIST*N GARDEN SEED ever brought to, Burke cunty. ONION SETS.—Two Barreb while and red at Holleymao** Drug] and Seed Store. FINE GARDEN PEAS.— Buis^ Extra Early, Bubt’s Premier J&tr; Early, McLean's Little Gem, TJwar Early T<»m Thumb, BuisP* AmerJ c«n Wond#, Champion ofEnglanii Large White Marrowfat, for sale a' liolleyinan’s Drug and Seed Stor£. BEANS.—Buist'e Giant Wax, pcJt Buist'sS 'uthern Prolific,pole, Buivi^ German Wax, dwarf, Buist’s Goklelg^ Cream Wax, dwarf, Buist’s Wbit^. Wax, dwarf, Early Valentine, dwnn’ Buist’s Small Lima, pole, Large Lima^ pole, all fresh aud pure at HolleymanV Drug ant’ Seed Store. ; -i CABBAGE SEEDS.-Buisl’s Early York, Buist’s Early Large York, Early Sugar Loaf, Early Wicnigstadt, Early Drumhead, Late Drumhead, Late Flat Dutch, Red Dutch, ior pickling, Early French Oxbeart, m » Drumhead Savoy, Green Glaaed, Ld. A, Carter, Karl i' i enc> ' w a „ ke ® ,, s *♦ “o'*’)’- man s Drug and Seed Store. Turnip Seeds, Radish Seed», Seed Potatoes, Irish, Beet Seeds, Okrrots, Okra, Celery, and many other kinda of seeds which arc all fresh and putt> at HOLLEYMAN’S. iun23’82tf thorn rlnring the last fifteen yearn. Every housekeeper, will attest to tlieir useful ness, economy, and comfort. Call at FULLERTON’S for tl e hew enshlT aetrss 'I’he newest and largest and best wood burn ing stove in the market. Al FULLERTON’S you will find TINWARE, WOODENWARK. CROCKERY. & HOUSEKEEPERS HARDWARE. D. L. FULLERTON, 628 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga. BUR.Sft ’Si.t-f. -DEALER IN- Ceuulne Early Rose and Early Vermont, direct from the great seed house of 1). M. Ferry At-'o., Detroit, Michigan, wlileh he Is selling at reason able rates. He will keep a fresh supply of Shad dup ing the Season. *1“ Go to janee'dav. P. B. HALL Norfolk and Savannah Oyatew, Fresh Fish, of all kinds. Fresh Fork and Beef. Fresh home-made Sausages, The choicest Fruits, etc. WAYNESBORO, decj,’82t*m. GA. Subscription* an’ I'OeiTivw.T cash bells. 1 Augusta Hotel, Broad Street, - AUGUSTA, GA. Lewis St Wood, Prop's. Near railroad crossing. Bar oat 1 Rooms Iu the rear. Choice Wines and 1 always on hand. Table suppli id In beat i peon plu». Attentive Sen