The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, February 16, 1883, Image 4

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ie True ( IKS BOKO, OA., FRIDAY, FEB. lti, 1883 'The Survival of the Fi fleet.' jar No for u*. ‘high protective tariff’ s. Where'the forest tn't* tow- red heavenward and the bramble u*u’p“d the n >w waves the yel low t i.rn and laughs the lruitiui field. Fr m this biiil of brave heart*, radiating tr<>m Savannah, the e ur»e of their descendants has been ever onward, until now—fr<’rn sea to the R3T The reo.»rt that Genera! Jo- , nf , u , ltH j, 18 _ he whole State teems seph E. Johnston was confined to his w j t jj h„sy, happy life, aid Gecrgi ruoin hy «ome strange affection of his foot, lately put in circulation by the Northern newspapers, receives a fiat denial from the Charlotte, N. C., Ob server. THE DECISION IN THE CITIZENS' liANK CASE. Special to the Augusta News. Atlanta, Ga , Feb. 14--\Y T . T). E lis, Esq., the Master in Chancery, appointed by Judge Hillyerto bear the Citizens' Bank case, has just decided that the stockholders are liable for their unpaid sub riptions His decision creates great excitement. Th - ' case stands this wav : When Sheehan's Excelsior Bottling VVj £ . 1025 GREENE AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. Pure Soda Water, Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale manufactured! Fr< sh and First-obo-s materia). Lager Beer in kegs and bottles alwatj lisiid. Orders suhc.teii «mJ promptly filled. t-'-dav stands among the proud em pire of Slates as -‘the Empire State the bank was organized $100,000 was S3T Unde Joe Brown’s son Juiuft lifts gone into the club-house build- . ing in Atlanta. The 1< ading feature of \ this “long fvit want” is that the of the South!” Her future is bright with premise, and when on 1 hun dred and fifty years more shall have issed, who can foretell what her greatness m»v be? THE FLOODS. kilchen i* to he on its top. Ibeives c-*nt*ot break thr-u. steal” the dish rag. ‘where h and K3T In an a'ljiHlm nt of the boundary line between M>ssachuse. t- a d Rhode IMat d, the last named Slate is said to have lost 40 acres of lb territory. Another such a slice, cut from little Rhody won’t leave enough area of the whole State large enough to make a South Georgia cow pen. It i» rumored in political fircles iu Washington, that General •rant is to he placed on the retired it with the rank of general. Agaifi this national spunge lain and l<>b Pd about Congress until lie ha ab- rbed another large pension. If he ^d the slightest amount of solf-res- Jt, he certainly would become ^ed of b“ggir>g at some time. The Attorney General said F day« ag f> , that if Congress ^od to pass the tariff' bill, the Evident would call an extra session jtressly for that purpose. With lihit ry tactics practiced by both ^i"f» in Congress, we have no idea the tariff'bill vvil 1 be passed this “ion, which i* diawing r>q idly to ise. The tariff question is a Ig fi>r the average poljti [template with the Presi- Th'“ d<s‘ruction of pr perty, less f life and terrible suffering eau ed by the gr at floods in the Ohio an other Western rivers is simply a>>- jullit g. At Cincinnati the. water i- GO feet. aL ve low-water mark. Tin- most tragic accidents are hourly oc curring, the loss of life is very great and the destruction of property is es timated by millions. Houses are continually tumbling into the flood, and one wide scene of disaster every where prevails. P‘ cple who wer< only a few days ego comfortable and happy, have had their homes and all their property swept away by the insatiable waters—thousands are houseless and homeless, and the amount of human suffering is incalcu table. At St, Louis, Mo., the same terri ble scenes arc transpiring. Much of the city is inundated, and the de struction immense. N->r i* these ter rible scenes confined to the river cit ies and towns, for from all along th*' sht.ri s of these swollen streams comes the ciy of distress. Never, probabb , in the history of ther-e streams was a parallel ev<-r known. ART HU US' AIRS. |cti"n Leif. •nly little more lived the circular I Ians of the Wo- Fmperauce Society,” Sibley, of Augusta. Society, which contains if the noble ladies [themselves togeth- for the advancement temperance. It is wo TLrul woman’s work—for Le suffelings caused by ie of intoxicating hq |Jie. There is a fea- lliese. ladies which h strong m is to be Tiat of reason. fd speed in their noble r SESQ UI- CENTENNIA L. pst Mondav, tbe 12th inst., <>c- ihe one hundred and fiftieth Jury of the settlement of q and nobly and fittingly was ?b rated »t Savannah. On the of February, 1733, Gen. Oglti- ppe Iandded <»n a tduff on the fannah river, 18 miles from the with a bo dim of fniowers, and Kiri eg a w«y tlu- dense forest which [grew in ad the wild luxuriance of.* •rni-tropicul climate on every hand, made the first settlement of Europe- iihr ever 1 cat'd within our borders. Oil the spot where that handful o. .hold-hearted pione' rs first rest'd ipw stands the proud, the great and lutiiul city of Savannah. How irroat the chaiunr ! • Yet, no greater the change^^LS (Vannah than D iole face of the yri held sway in and the m- Wasiiington, February 13.— I bear much talk about President Arthurs' airs and some severe comments on them. He is more decidedly aristocratic since the old white house has been scrubbed up and new window curtains hung Now \V?,idsor castle is quite a simple home compared to the executive man sion of the republic. Bed tape flutters in every corridor and liveried lackeys guard every door from the approach of ordinary mortality. When all the out. side splendor is penetrated and one stands in the presence of “His Excel lency,” the climactic effect is reached, and one wonders lmw lioseoe Conklmg, with all his arrogance, could allude to this man as £ a prize ox.” Some of the presidents old chums, who used to drink and clnt with him in New York club rooms, and even after he came here as Vice President are wofully hurt at his chilly reseive. Once more Prince Hal has turned bis back on Falstaff and George Bliss is the only man in this great nation who dares to speak of the gilded grandee as “I'liet.” I lie social thermometer at the white house is kept at zero all the while no«, and the good old days wheu Grant passed around the cocktails and the cigars among the hoys are gone forever. We are drifting to empire aud to ruin ! subscribed. Only 1200,000 (or 50 per cent.) was paid in, and the stockholders then ordered that paid up stock be issued and no more be paid. When the bank failed, its creditors represented by Judge Bleckley and Hopkins and Glenn sued the stockholders for the 50 per cent, of subscriptions still due. Many of the stockholders, Governor Brown among others, bought up claims of de positors at a low price, and hold them as offsets agiinst these unpaid subscrip tions. Mr Ellis now decides that they aie liable for the 50 per cent, unpaid, and hints that the law will not sustain the settlement made by buying up de positors claims at a discount. If the decision stands, and the $200,000 is collected, it will pay up all claims of the broken bank. It will be appealed, however. The Constitution prin.s the decision in full. ♦ Augusta New-* : A negro entered the warehouse at Johnson's station S. C., on Saturday night and commenced to fire upon the agent, who dodged behind a barrel and thus saved his life. Help caiue in a few minutes, and the negro ran off into the woods, but was soon captured aud jai ed. This negro meant business, an 1 when he goes before the court for trial be will find out that somebody else means business. This scoundrel's intentions were to kill the agent and rob the warehouse The neg”o shot at the agent some half dozen times. Little Bock, Ark.. February 9.— Advices from the ( beyenne and Arrap- ahoe agency, in the Indian Territory, say that an unknown and fatal disease is creating great ravages among the horses there, which mil dead without warning. 1 here is great alarm among those in the neighborhood owning large herds of horses. N T) ICE of Good Quality and Just Weight shipped to my . JJ.1 .turners at Market Price. feb9’83c HARDWARE Iron, S eel, Cutlery, Guns, Pistols, Saddles and Bridles. Wheels, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, * Axles, Etcl At Lowest Pric Greneral Aarent For Eclipse Steam Engine, Winahip Gin, Manure, Spreader, Oliver Chilled Plow, Duplex Harrow, Waiter A. Wood MowerJ and Binder. sept.22, , HENRY P. MOORE. 809 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, Detroit, M cir., Feb. 10. —On Thursday John Day fatally shot a young uni i named Freeman, who was e o; ing with his daughter, at Roxana near l hurh.tte. 'i lie girl’s father pur sued the lovers on lurseb'ck, armed with a rifle and fired ti-. soon at, he overtook them. SSg , gS , *3£iSg' gr Jq ! y- *7 [7* 5 ** - 3 E"*S , £» !/5 — rv. T. D. OLIVER, • A. r r r r ( ) Ft TV TC Y A IT I t A AV , WAYNESBORO, G.\. Will practice in the Augusta, Eastern and middle circuits. Special attention triver, to Justice Court practice. may.VS2.1>-y. c.= _ 7- 7 - = - -Ji c- ® £3- ' rvy- y c-» x, p- ct^ ^ ^1 2^ r 'e —• cT n "o 5* si % s ^ c' * 0 = ^ X iy , .5** Garden Seeds! -AT- ARLINGTON BOUSil BARBER SHOP. WILLIAMS ct BROWN, Prop’s. We bc|f leave to inform the citizens of Burke and tec .jublle generally, iliat we have now formed a ooypartnershlp, and combined our two harbei aliopa. "e tliank the ultlic for .jast pntronn .e iitnl ask a continuance of the same. Hair Cutting, Hair Dressing, Shuvimr, etc., done iu the most urtlatic style. iunit&Jt.oo. ^ Notice All work in my shop-for repairs, If not called for i.i 3d days wid be sold to pay charges on the same. Those in crested will take due notice and govern themselves accordingly. December 32, 1882. JullX HaENEL, iiovl(i,’82ara ClU’Ollicle Augusta, Ga A special dispatch lo the Savannah Times, from Charlotte, N. da cd the Utb inst,, says; “Ht-nry Walker, the revenue officer who was shot in the back by a man named Farfev, is dead. The murder wtis one of the most oo’d blooded on record. Walker found Farley near bis still bouse 1 yin j down by the side of a log, and bis double barro’ed gun aimed at him.— Before Walker could dodge, and as he exclaimed, “don’t shoot,” tho gun tired, sending a load of bu kuhot through poor Walker s side and hack. A party of citizens at once sought the capture of the desperado, who was found in a thicket with throe loaded guus. By prompt action ho was capt ured befoie ho could commit another murder. Win. Dunbar Sc Co., produoo brokers of Augusta, have nssigned to A, B Moore, liabilities $25,'..KMI; assets are a half interest in the s.oamer Alice L Clnrk. and notes, and uocouuts nominal valued ut £-40, pr % P' c.5 , 5| E&*§■? 2 sss nS>^<ra.=.-o5gSg5s n T ^ £ s 3 ; 5? B 2 S' C w • -TT n =l“o5F. d SjS g. -T- Die Chronicle & Gonstitutionaii-t. is rapidly appiwtchlun tiie completion i f the firs t century of e-iisfeticc. The paper v.c publish is essential- h a tyi •• of modern [irotrress, whicii dernonst.ra tes tlmi tlii: es.tiblislied Joutnal luis become bet ter and s!r<.nicer as it ii c'reuses in years. Tim men \\ ho have, from one .oration to another, worked ,i,i si it., and helped to make it a power in 1 ne land, submit, and will submit, to 1 lie com- nvm i'll of immunity, and pa, •• away fto-n this eat tli ami its sti tipples, bat the result of the'i- la p it- remains, semi will on it in lie- to romt>.ln. i he workmen die, but the work icMos on. Tee Olironiclu i ntcis the new year with e\e< j>- Monal H'lvtinf.-.^es. Its dally edition is a wel'-tlii- etl eifciit-ymue paper, ltssoeond edition, for the evenime mails, is ei.'cht nau'-s, with the an moon markets and teletcraphk' reporls. It takes tho place of i.’ic tri-vi'eel.l.f edition. Its mammoth weekly paper will compare with any in I .ho coun try, lute tills edition tho ehoioest and creamiest news ol tie-week is collected, and upon its lap the host un<t freshest, editorial and misoelliine ous mat ter from the daily is poured. Its market reports,covering nearly one pace, will ho an especial feature, prepared cadi week for the Country reader. Its news service will sustained by trained and scholarly correspondents, in the three capitals— Atlanta, Golumbluand-Washington -whilodt wl'l strive to iiuvq a news representative in every nolghborlnK town. The mail facilities ot this paper are now superb Four dally trains distribute its editions in South Carolina and throo in Georgia. It reaeliesall tho principal point., In South '’arolina early on the day of pubMcatlou, reaobiuic Columbia at 11 a m. Tiie fast nmll schedule of the Geo iriti Italiroiul lands the Chronicle and Constitutionalist in all towns uloiiff tiie line early In the forenoon, while its issue is uufolded in Atlanta and Athens by noon each day. • Tkuuh, Pk Yaer ; Mornimr edition ; flfi 00 Eviuiiii^ edit Ion • 0 00 Sunday edition ; 2 00 Weekly edition 2 t)0 Address all ’o tot s to the ClIUONUa.K & CoHHBiflU'-rtONAI.IS'r. Patrick Walsh, I'JHtlllttttLlLJL' D. L. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, GA. THE oldest STOVE DEALER in the city Hundreds of families iu Burkt* Jefferson and Richmond counties are uslnp our stoves «ol<l to them during the last tifteen years. Every housekeeper, will nitest to their useful ness, economy, and comfort. Cull at FULLERTON’S for tl e HEW LIGHT HOUSE Tho newest and largest amt best wood burn ing stove iu the market. At FULLERTON’S you will find TINWARE, WOODEN WARE, CROCKERY, & HOUSEKEEPERS HARDWARE. D. L. FULLERTON, 628 Brotul Street, Augusta, Ga. autf.80 'ft--' -f. Ed. A, Carter, -DEALER IN- o e y hi a irs" Norfolk nnd Savannah Oysters, Fresh Fish, of all kinds. F’resh Fork and Beef. Fresh home-made Sausages, The choicest Friiits, etc. DRUG & SEED STORE, Tho Largest, stock of BUIST’J GARDEN SEED ever brought Burke cuntv. ONION SETS—Two Ba, while and red at Holley man’s ami Seed Store. FINE GARDEN PEAS.—Bui^ Exira Karlv, Bw-t’s Premier Ext E r-y, McLean's Little Gem, Dj Earlv T"in Thumb, Buist.’^ can Won ler, Luge WI * i , for sale^ lloiieynian’rt Drug and Seed BEANS.—Buisi’s Giant Wax, Buist'aS -uthern Prolific,pole, Bt German Wax, dwarf, Buist’s GoJ Oreain Wax,- dwarf, Buist’s WJ W ix, dwarf, Earlv Valentine, Buist’s Small Lima, pole, Large Li P"le. iill frefth and pure at Holleyinai] Drug ant’ Seed -Store. CABBAGE SEEDS.-Buisi’s E] York, Buist’s Early Large Yc Early Sugar Loaf, Early Wir.nigsj Early Drumhead, Late Drum! L;ito Flat Dutch, Red Dutch, pickling. Early French Oxheaj Drumhead Savoy, Green Gl* Early Jersey Wakefield at HoT man's Drug and Seed Store. Turnip Seeds, Radish Seeds, Potatoes, Irish, Beet Seeds, Carrots, Okra, Celery, and many other kinds of seeds which are nil fresh and pure at HOLLEYMAN’S, iun23’82tf Augusta Hotel, AUGUSTA, GA. WAYNESBORO, dec 1,'82b m. GA. Broad Street, Lewis & Wood, Prop’s. Near railroad crossing. Bar and Billiard Rooms in the rear. Choice Wines and Liuuors always on Table suppll id In best style on