The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, February 16, 1883, Image 7

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Mf.-'i *>.«! r~ *' TV Bravo Irish Lad.” my frrtii to my Irish lad, rift akv it n -.r.r, ■ time, ar.; >•:>«!, and tho wicked glad, tVh e linsed, ; :cy any. ■ is* b r.:, h'i"1 ti n heart is fond m o. tine pli his laiiKh vIiikk ray; • i*. o-vv. ft for tnvc’r Home Bale, if . mlie .s luj o'-day. [ r o d otifl strove. f« my Irish lad, (I ')■ j. . >» h’s ,! Ms t\i 1 sure: "i; d rcrn ti eli " l a nmn like a bruta; If- i Vi-i to t e rich ue te poor. * teoiper'e r» rtr. « hen there's aign of a storm; le w.i Hi' t'.s 'i I rma jail (.an: t- c i; ; .f he (1 B'joner die, iisoai. hi'l.o l Ii Daman. G coat ie poor, and the wolf at his door r H.t.-* how iii^r nith angry din; • m ; prowl about, but we’ll keep It out, a good wife enters in. ' a• given my faith to my Irish lad, ’ I caHncHitVe it away; > heart’s beet school is his kind Home Buie, liis love leray I’eop-o’-day. cw Attractions AT hs JAMiz Ecuss cf the Scuth. jy&r IMLMUS 1 IRADICALCURE, you ESfiRVOUS KEBILITYi l^iSar-— 0 -- % «T J %• ORGANIC WEAKNESS, YOriffGr , MIDDLE- ACED WIEN. _’>s* 14-kv*: ^4W<4t DOWN THEY THE PRAIRIE FARSI. |[oke curling up, such as a wigwam ne’er floated; Fife and fair little ones there by the door; Born fowls a-elutter and pigecnB white-throated Swarming the edge of the new threslilrg floor. Tough teams afield, where tho wheat and tho barlej Trench on the grass-ocean's virgin domain, Towing o’er depth' neither ashen nor- marly— Jet b.ack and rich with the soul of the grain! Pioneer voices at intervals calling, Ax blows that ring from the cottonwood belt Down by the creek, like a brown serpent crawling in among roots where the beavers have dwelt. Home-bound Inspired by the frontiersman’s niettla Gardening the wild and forecasting the crude Far into years that solve, ripen, and settle Problems of labor, disbursement and food. High noon of toll, and the dinner-hom sounding— Health for tho spirit, and brawn for the arm I Lay after day slowly, point by point, rounding, Life, hope and joy on the lone prairie farm I IIIS WAR RECORD. 'Them war reminiscences of yoiim is .nighty interesting,” piped a little mac from behind the stove, as a sort of si lence fell on the rest of the loungers. 1 They remind mo of when I was i com- fmand of the Confederate forces at Vicks- crowd unhinged itself and gazed ingly at the little man. JEVnd were you in tho Bob—Confcd- fte service ?” asked a one-legged man. 1 1 was,” modestly conceded the man peltind the stove. “Don’t you remem- Bjr when the One Hundred and Fourth Dridu cavalry charged your outworks the second slope, and you all took mr rifle-pits to the rear?” They all admitted they had been in Army of the Potomac. is to me,” said the little man -legged man, “it strikes me [.s familiar. Don’t you remem- the Second Georgia broke Cold Harbor ? Wasn’t you Imi p to Geu, Reynolds?” b one-legged man, uuuecesf-.ary vigor, tlemen must remem- IKii tliii little man, warm- ^joct. was there, must have been in ►’lien my division of Led your advance and Tdivd and Twenty-first Tha held you during that had been whittling a jd went out. The rest counter and asked iblishei urn, Th by the the door, Gettysburg, live seen me when I jht and turned you back Semetory ?” le see,” fidgetel the one- Pia nos, Organs, Musical Instruments* G. n U.—E. I. 0.21—I. P. Q S. An extended visit among the principal piano and organ factories law enabled ns to make the idlest selection of instruments ever brought to Augusta. Our stock, which will be replenished weekly from trie best manufacturers, \vi 1 he the largest and most complete in the .South. Our prices the lowest- and terms of pay ment the easiest ever offered. sheet music and music books—large discount roni puh.i-her’s prices. lies: lia tan strings, and everything desired ill tile olio ut music. Save muliey by visiting or corresponding with (j. <). Robinson <£* Co. oct-iJ0’8;Lby. Slit Broad St., Augusta, Ga. SPECIAL NOTICE. From this diue the services of Mr. C. H. Taylor, us tuner and epairor tor us terminate. /Ill or ders for same w ill receive the prompt attention of Mr. T. Harry Oates, wlm guarantees entire satisfaction. it. (>. Robinson ^ Co. Augusta, Ua.. October 3, 1583. IVIIOL ESA IE Git 0 CEE. ANU- I in porte r o f Er u i t coil. BAY & WHITAKER STREETS, I Put nrat hoxeB.^S^ £ A. V of three wi*os. Jht V ! No. 1, (t*no«ph tn | lust ft mouth.) $# , (nuflloicDt to effect lft permanent cure, unless In J®#." IvoYerecases.) $-m No. 3, (la.itin|T\>5*i, I over three monthe, will restore thoaeXc*y» 1 jin the worst condition,) ®7. Sent byN^V/ Ir.iftU. in plain wrappers. Full Dirsc-^S^ jtions for using will accompany each bo£S Prepared and Said OXTaX by HARRIS REMEDY CO.Hl£.Chemists, Market and 8th 8ts m ST. LOUi3, MO. junlb,’82.b-y. Dress Goods and all Sorts of Dress Tuev must go between now ttnd tlic now year At YOUR PRICE, A01 MI I ’ Blankets, Shawls, Skirts, Underweur’uiul Cuslirueres tuii t go I intend to have a general clearance sale of my entire st<mk, so al monoe the new year with a brand new outfit i:t every department A Cashmeres, in all the new T shades, including evening odors, besidl| sey cloths and Basket Flannels are included in the above sale Kid Gloves ill all the newest, shades for the street and for evening! Tyrol or Chauioise Gloves, Driving Gi vs for ooet is, Buck m d Li Gloves, new ha Mousquemires, F-su-r’s Patent Licirg Gh ves, Robes, buggy biankets, comforts and crumb cioih-, cd', see and g| J A M E S M I L L E oct!3’82am MILLER’S CORNER, Augusta, Ga yj\->«HPT)^^.vaiAttgtagtniWTi TiTiaagBrjjg Ic oomponad of ilerbut uuu Mucmufiuous piod- nctii, wmciipermtate the subsla;»cc of l tie Leilas, expectoftttc* tiuo acrid matter that eoueoi •» t . lh>: Bronchial Tuba*, nmiloruia a coof.h.tn4( coalJuf-, winch relfcves the ir- rltati«>n that, cau.-o* (tie cough. It clcntisen t.h« ni jul tkii Jiui itte*, Sh-ngtlicns th«w«beu enfeeble-I t.«y iHa<,ii,vigor- ic es .Iio oirculauoo of tha biood, and braces the nsrvoua system, ftiljrlit ctiD-'i olfeiti, end in ron.vMptlon, It la ttan^miU') to neglect them. Apply tito retnsity promptly. A to it of mv ■ i !.y yo i'.* w nr mts tho a»»euia» that rdinil.r line ever t- »<m fnumi ttuiii Jr 03 proiMKt in rsuffeci* n < T-ITT’S EXPEUTfiRANT. A. ui iktlr ifoto rw.lacK ilm pht< gm. fu.O'tuea i ,11 irumatua. and us iih-» i-peo.t dy cui os the ino-t nb.ninatc cough. A pt efs.-jan.fc cnrdfnl, chll. dress KivV* ** rentliiy, For ftHtp it is ilt**lw*tule ’Ui t shellht ti - 11 ovorr family. Jin ‘idc. .-,r$1! Dottles. It Stands at th THE I.IGHT-RUNNI! E S T r :< GA Healqmrters and Fir<t Hands for Fine Fttncy Grocers. Green and Dried Fruit- of all kinds in Season. ini-! 'he orlv ininorter of Fruit, in the v 't:tt |, 1 ami c • n-• qm i.t-y Headquttlter . V I ig stock of Ho i lav Good-, Fireworks', etc., etc ch ci; r ) , 82,» - v TUTT ailFftiHitm frtrrflftiWSHBI That it is tlie acknowi der in the Trade is ;t lhi not be disputed. Man’ None < qual it. Tho the lightest R i beautiful wood-worl iMHftftt , ,-y •.XSShf • BLACKS AIT TtT[XG IN All, ITS BEAR C HE S. : 0 : Horseshoing Spec ‘alty* : o: CARRIAGES. BUGGIES AND WAGONS Repaired at Short Notice and in the Best Style. : O : a y Ar,T PiRECTVY OH > v'ffitoi it»n! Fcvc.i', D.vsj>vpula, Colic,longtipa- Bo.a, uj*.v\l.-nn, T’iisia, X uipilii lion of V> "i-a. \, Tocpid I.i ver, ixnd Frinale Irrsguiarltioil. If you go not “leel very well,”n«ioi.'ioi>iil ut bed-time somuliitestha ;'-om'ich,re,rorf'8l lump; gl if.-, mUHivt iriuor *otiiO :f-r. tl." Ilm-riiyM.. V.Y. - r TISTT’S WlAh'JAt i&zir-i.* dec8\S2hv &?&&&&$»»*. a -m To AND IS WARRANT! lie made of th r io ,n i ' ,p in - > e- ^ufc Wfj To th> all V and a! 1 kind? -- £ -'d'.' '. -' T > he c -mjilete. in everr resl For Sale by Fulc’ er & Co., Waynesboro, G i. Agonte wanted in mmei territory. Address Domestic Sewing Machine t o, Richmond, V t. ocl‘2 1 ! LTUMftui mr WWT.VJlOg J \ • /:? hi ha t. M. i uf run JliJti ‘ A*? . Y £■• f ,-y .7*1* p / V• r- r. .. .r- ^After • fcii<A’c.u*h trial of the / Pl 'f'a!! E £■■ "U r.CiON '.VC .:-! IC, i take pieauvir® /"/■■ ■? / ' ' use. fitiristc-ro end Pur;- ./ As9Hki7r#tS ' em- ri,. \ He Speaker? l.i.U iv, ei' f.ho }r.-<’h Vmt value | where r rm t ^ ?• i r ; *?• o;oq, V ypyOiwy ear y 03 ftflre . . doubted l*e jLouisru'u, A’?/., (Ah 2, LSSR. jL.tVvi.^* -^..--rwr»»-«•»*•♦.»•.v»«v Kipismrsss na.zxi*L'Z£’i& co M, AVT75:1 "T- \r.> «'*.*■< 'sr , 'xi TY-i+ V.U junl6,’82.l>-y. HE undersigned begs letive to itdorm die public that he is prepared to do bh*ck- .mithing in a!! its branches, at 1,is simp, inn, “was that tlie firstor see- H;b° hiU; . v ' r - s ; f- Gray's Stables, and i ist s a share at the public j.tttroncge. He makes Horse Slicing a Specially, and does his work promptly mid well. lie has secured the sendee- of a competent carriage make: ami Wheeling],?, and is prepared to make jour broken or worn Carriages’ Buggies and' Wag ons as good as new. D ices to suit the times. JJ*SV» G'\ e liiiu a trial, apr t.;t-o-o I. O. BYRNS. kat was the second day,” re- M tho little man, quivering with Imeiit. wasn’t in the second day’s fight,” the cue-logged man, helplessly. | Then y u must recollect my artillery trge on tlm first day, wheu I broke lur oo'i'vr?" sh >ut d the little man, I’.iHnuy nervously at tho other’s coat. N. >, i — f v is ou a furlough, I wasn’t th«m>,” shrieked tho olio-legged man. “Wli re’d you lose your leg?” howled the little man; “what battle was yoa in ?” “1 wasn’t in any,” moaned the one- logged man ; “ I lost my leg on a buzi saw,” and out ho went precipitately. “ Strange,’Vjjmttered tho little man, do. “When you come [hese hero Avar remin- didn’t happen. I Jo of Brooklyn for Land there wasn’t rought I was le man of PLEAS AWT! BAEE! SSfffGOHORRHeiGlEET® Also Prevents Contaebm No loss ol Tim« or cfiungc of Diet Overwhelming sa : e», unmir- takable cures and unbounded satisfaction An Agent wanted tn every city ami town in South Scut by express cm receipt, of price, Adfirois 0ONKOCIWE CO , i Sole Aa»r,to•cu-.nors < ATLAtJYA. Ga ((• c8'82bv Eow to Cure Consumption^ Tho great num ber of deaths from this destroyer of the human race, and its rapid in crease, cull with trumpet voice for the genius of some one to devise means for the de thronement of its power. The cure i has been discov- | cred and is sav- I ing thousands. Genius has in- I vented a detect- j or; nature has ! lul'nished the r l lie Old Established Furniture JLouse Of* 332 O Kogers, 549 Broad Street, Augusta, Georgia. IDs a largo stock of Furniture, fine and no diuin, u'l latest styles andj prices. UNDERTAKING.—Full stock of wood am! metallic case- cnestantn hand. nov3’82am > LIE -DEALERS IN— Go ussep s &. Ts bier ii' r « liUt , "*®- C”rpets', Oil Cloth?, Chromos & Uph"htery G""<h, Window Cii rcmodjrU'Av^ail j Sc. Shades, Wail Papers it Borders, Clmic'.' Family Gr- eeri'w A Pin be- i Stqip i*'s. V. A\ vourself of it RE-OPhNED. I’he citiz’dis ' f YVaypesboro sr« in- i>. riite-i in it I li.jvc r< »«»pcti*: M Y 21 F. A T 21 .1 H K L' T Wheri’ I dial 1 k-ep oil hmi I the bi. -t M• a s t > I e ft ut-tl hil\ H Lete. 7’Wt, Oysters, S/n'ii( rubs, and everything in tuy line. jF4Y 1 11av■' bt r- t'diit'e t c«*n faithful to m.y cU'ivmers mid ask a ennii. ume v of their patr-.ntigc. Polite ftoe“'i'0’. f tr dealing, low prie •* Hi d Kr rh G." .H i«• a 1 ', Gi' e mo a iriiti. I 1UXS TANT. all I O.'iSAluin cold, if | NASHVILLE. TENN. neglected terminates consumption. To guard against this sure and fatal destroyer use the only antidote, Coussens’Conipound lloney of Tar. E .r - .,e by \\ . F. H llcymaf. juuH),'82.b.y. 13 Broad street, Augusta mavl9.’89.b-v. o xj HCSG£ ;.ND CA 'vW I A' 1 " Wo HonsF! will din of Como, Hots or Li no Fk. Vbk, If Konts's Fowilcm art* lined lit time. Kontn's I’<i\v• Iwill chiv nnd | la ' i ni lioo. iiot.eha. Foillz’s I’omiIi i-s will pr«'vont Haim-* in' I'.iWIm, Kuiiiz's Powilois will inoriM' <> tho or.i\nl!lv . 1 in11 le nnd m-iim twenty per ocul., lual innke tLo laitlcr f.t'iit nnd toToet. I V'onu'n Powdorn w'll onvo in-) vnnt fi1:no"t | l)i3i \si t ) wii'i-u )iunu'sr.i I. ntdonr<* n ibicot. )’• ii 1 ns v,'i,.i. oivh i-A.UAr.ui'im.N, t '”"‘ vrj r. ia t o. PA\ . . * ^ wr:, z vorvtatov, i»a- Ttr.aCD. ! For snle ’ y W. P. ITqLleyma D c.l5. , 82.h-'. P« iidleion Foundiyanil Machine \YV. ciiAs. f. Lombard/^ (Successor to Pcudletoit & Brother.) No. G15. G17 and 019 Kollock S'reet, Augusta, Georgit Manufacturer and dealer in mill machinery, engines and supplies, tu d iron casting of every variety and style. Special attention given ’to repair*. Give me a call. Chas. F. Lombard, Proprietor. Wm. Pendleton, Superintendent. aept,22,'82.b-y. ffOTtvsavv J and a court tho tdlvaulltRO of i n* expvrlonco lu curing illicnaM of the 11L one*.—Ncrvou* Mobllltj, Imuotenay, Orguh feukncM, fionorrham njpkUftlo nua Mercurial fltottona •pcclally trusted on oolentlBo prlncdptMt will; KifB nnd mro ruraodlo*. Call or write Ibr UK of Qua to bo aiiaworod by thoot Aeelrtog treatment by malt. J rci-Min.augertng from Hupture •hoiild .oail their addrcee,! 1 nail Imra eoaiotalna to Uietr ndraatege. II te aul a traee.J AdAraaa, DR. BUTTS, 1* M. Oth Bt, r " fUT lIIIMWi HTIl lBftTr FREE! RELIABLE SELf-K most noted •uid’KUOsSgfuUHpeotaijSta to UicVsiV (nowr«tli«4) for^b^enreof jre*nw2l*iMtes2l ID plain aualvit en veil ^*0 4 CO., IiIiMe, j