The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, February 23, 1883, Image 4

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in (* . Ai’NiSSKOKO, GA.. FRIDAY, FLU. 23, 1883 '•The Purptritt of the Filteel." trr- Some of the Northc rn influen- litd Radical papers are now anxious to colonize tho negroes ia some of the Wes oru territories. This i3 Yankee- liik’o ail over. onest officers shall no longer rule j The Columbus Enquirer-bun reports over them, or I o-protected hy provided this freak <'f nature: ‘ * *) r. Sapp, of technicalities of the law from a deserved [ Chattahoochee ‘utility, was in tins city, and told a reporter of this paper of rather a strange freak of nature. He punishment and disgrace. A GIllL COURTS DEATH. We have received the first! number of the Georgia Major, published Messrs. Small & Williams, Atlanta, i?a. The Major is neatly printed, and it is filled in a manner which shows that i: is jn the hands of veteran newspaper men. If the editors will keep the sub sequent numbers up to the standard of this first one success Fes right in its path. fiST" The Macon Graphic talks this way about it : “The successful busi ness man doesn't print his advertise ment on a barrel stave with a stick, but he puts it in some live, readable newspa per, which hunts up customers and pla ces itself before their eyes, instead of waiting for theta to come round and decipher crazy heiroglyphics daubed on a board.” Brother Graphic, your lead is level. E $L3P The preachers ot Washing!on, ,are anxious to stop the running of trains On that branch railroad to that on Sundays. These clerical gentle- may be “ridgid righteous,” but no Fean accuse them of being 'rigid wise.” that branch road is only eighteen [es long, the sin is only a short one, ^hink the brethren might stand it they do some church fairs Pe have attended. Two weeks ago we published extract from an article a series of articles the Ailanta Post-Apeal lien publishing comparing the Fund time sys ems now pursued by farmers, and containing reasons why ,should abandon to much cotton „aaii 1 devo‘e more attention to provisions. These arti- of sound sense, and we aek of space preveu'ed us the whole series print an article nos, presenting ac s about truck which will aston-\ tiling-bet- k Ye have no idea, eason no matter ve the effect to 'of a single planter. inn •; Petersburg, Feb. 17.—Additional particulars of the attempted murder and suicide at McKeesport, Perm., developed the fact that the young girl. Christina Ma'com, who is only fourteen years old, knew that the wort h seeing. Sweed, Hanson, intended to kill her three weeks ago, but refrained from mentioning the matter to anyone until after the shooting. It seems that Hanson, who was in the employ of the father of Christina, had ask ed f>r the latter’s hand in marriage, but that her parents had refused on account of her extreme yu'h. This was three weeks ago, and since then Hanson has been sullen, and refused to work, but hung around the house persecuting the girl. When he came to the house last night, he again asked the mother to allow him to marry her daughter, and when he was refused, he pulled a revolver and said, “do you see that ?” Chris tina, his victim, who was seated at the table with her mother, snrang up, and throwing herself on her knees before him, exclaimed, “ hoot me, Charlie,and save yourself!’’ He then moved backward out of a side door, and the girl followed him just outside of the apartment, where t-ho scene took place, and again threw herself on her knees.- A mo ment later there, wasva ffash and a report, and the girl fell back with a bullet buried in 1 her left cheek. Han son then ran out <f the.door, followed by some of the. boarders, but before they reached him he shut himself in the mouth, the ball coming out of the back of bis neck, He Was found sometime afterward lying under a tree in a swamp on the river hank. The girl's injuries are not considered fatal. She was seen by a reporter this afternoon and stated to him that she loyed Hanson and would have married him. She did not blame him or shouting her, as she said she deserved it i*■ r going back on him. says that a negro on his p’acc was pick ing a chicken a few days ago, and dis covered a well developed foot on the wing It was concealed beneath the feathers, but the doctor asserts it was there, and pronounces it a curiosity well Iron, S eel, Cuth ry, Guns, Pistols, Saddles and Bridles. Wheels, Hubs, Spokes, Rims Axles Jfhn D. Ashton. Attorney at Law, WAYNESBORO, GA. Jun23,’82.b-y. ^-i,oo~o ’boxes— FLORIDA ORANGES, Will be given away in Premium* to subscribers. For particular*, address J lev ‘hi PuhlhhlfKJ ('<■>., Jnn.iV83.ct. TaVakes, Oranok Co., Fi.ouida At Lowest Pr i c General F . L A V SON 1 Homey-at- Laic, EcMpse Steam Engine, Wiuship Gin, Manure, Spreader, Oliver Chilled Plow, Argent For Dup'ox Harrow. Walter A. Wood Mower, Reap^ ami Binder. WAYNES HCmO, - - .. GA. Will prom;.tty attend to n 11 business intrusted to his cure, and give, special attention to the practice In the Court of Ordinary. Ofliee next door to Arlington Hotel. liovlU 82by. HENRY P. T.'D. OLIVER, 'A T 'J? O JR N PE Y A r U I. A W , WAYNESBORO, GA. Will practice in the. Augusta, Eastern and middle circuits. Special attention given to Justice Court practice. may5,’82.b-y. sept.22,’ 809 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, T ARLINGTON ROUSH BARBER SHOP. WILLIAMS d": BROWN. Pnov’s. We beg leave to inform the citizens o f llurke and the public generally, that we have now formed a co -partnership, and combined our two barber shops. We thank the ublic for past patronage and ask a continuance <>f the same, flair Cutting, liair Dressing, Shaving, etc., done in the most artistic style. 1un!i82too. TJ beg leave to inform my old patrons, and -* 1 - the general public, t hat 1 have opened a Barbershop oyer Mr. S. A Gray’s store, where 1 am prepared to do Hair Cutting, hampoolng, Shaving, etc,, in a workmanlike manner. My work will show for itself. fobl«’«3tf. HENRY JONES, Hew Boarding House C. W 7IIURST, Prop. Having taken the Dixon House, I am prepared to accomodate both Transient and Regular Boarders, on the most reasonable terms. Large rooms, nicely furnished. Clean and comfortable beds. Prompt and attentive servants. Tables furnished with tlie best. Centrally locate . Healthy locality. febl6’83bm Sheetian‘s Excelsior Bottling Woi m. iiiisii, 1025 GREENE STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA Pure Soda Water, Sarsaparilla and Ginger Ale manufn( Fresh and First-class material. Lager Beer in kegs and bottleUal hand. Orders solicited and promptly fill#d. N. B. ICE of Good Quality and Just Weight shipped to turners at Market Price. fei>9'i TEASE OF CRIME. Lse of crime is simp’y iftor week and day Ijnal in the 1st Fe which Fht centres Occurring sel common in the ru be reckless ties’, ruc- fnn life and the frequent A dispatch from Thoniaston, Ga , to the Atlanta Constitution says: “On Friday morning las!, a young man living near this place, left very unexpectedly for the Lone Star State. The young gentleman's name was Benjamin Car - lisle, and on Thursday night last Mr. Carlisle was anxious to see Fannie Wallack, in the “Swiss Cottage,” and not having the money to pay his way in the show, he sent a bushel of corn to town to sell to get the money, and for sending the corn youug Carlisle was se- " erely chastised by his father. Next thing resting heavily on the mind of young Carlisle it seems was revenge. — He went to Mr. J. A. Hardage, a gen tleman of this place, and told him that his father had received a letter from some relatives in Atlanta, and that they were very ill, and that his father had told him to see Mr. Ilard.igo and bor of the most terrible scenes of penis to have petrified the feel— \ row ol him five dollars, and that his ke masses of tlm people until *onk on these things with a [ This state of pub- Fuig !s alarming to one who will re subject a thought. The ques raturally intrudes itself upon the •what is the cause ol this morbid fition of the mind* of the poop e f’’ causes 1 may b many, bu when examined with close scrutiny we must determine that it. has ins orig n in the profiigaei and corrupti. n ernm nt itself. Fanciful as this idea father told him to say to Mr, Hardage that ho would pay the money back on the following day. Mr. H r luge gave him the money in good faith, after which young Carlisle went to the livery stable, hired a horse and buggy, and proceeded to the house of a near rel.i- TE2 ATLANTA POST-A; ggSTH^gtsssr u. S T’C^Cp • 2 2*} o g "> *3 ® 5 £ » 2 9 a -g % g““®i"»cf r?® cr* © P. in P* ^ A • jJ x ^ ^ z'K rJ X Garden Seeds! -AT- The only daily in the Slate published every morning, Monday included. Fearless in combating wrong in cliques rings or parties. Gives tail market reports, corrected daily Containing all the latest. Telegraphic, News.- D newsy, sprightly and progressive. All articles, editorial or otherwise, slant, spicy and pointed, containing the pith of all subjects treated. Sunday’s edition contains ail the news. Tele graphic, General and Local, as well as Literary, articles t' genera! merit. Monday’s edition alone worth the price of subscription. • Tho Atlanta Post-Appeal, Tissues every week’, is only per annum. S* I’m six months, i~.25 for three months, 75 cents for trial month. Address, 1'ost-Ai*1’Kal Publishing Co. 1anl2’32 Atlanta, Ga. ® E Sc -• p Z'l •- ^ ® « c £ s*tv ^ S c - c;P s* p £-=- FOR SALS. City Property, 7 IIE undersigned offers his beautiful residence in Waynesboro for sale. It is one of tile most convenient and coim'urtabic homes in town.— 1 he hous is two stories, with It) elegant rooms, kitchen, 2 room servants’ house, woodshed, ncl a line well of water at tho door. Attached is a large, rich garden containing a fine strawberry bed in full bearing, a young orchard of a variety of fine fruits—in fact over> thing that, ean make a. homo eomlortablo. I offer this beautiful home for sale because I deign leaving W aynesboro, and any one wishing to purchase will do well to call and examine it. Possession given at any lime. For terms call on the subscriber. Feb.t).’8J.c-t. !,. H. Rtif T/CAIIN. - 3-3 i rng.3 O S' gP8 5 ! g.:?S!*Sa? gf s- 2 HU. V? i ■£ ’ ~S U « =' A n ~ S « t?s' —7J iT5 ‘S C.?»&3 9 3 : 3is-e2 2 i & S-” S g h-os^-^Cj I p? V 3 3-na r 2 tv ^ O S.3 ® r K r~r CU t— “ /' V- — ~ Ip 3* - oass2* • a ?£ ■■■»< p- -a - E 'En o O ix C Jr* >— 7C. 53 ^ < M- P- 3 2 K ^ C “ 2 ^ a -i -^3’^ p: ^ *~i M 'w Mm O' ^ ^ ■*'* 3 mi S' o 2 S-2.£ t-2 - a JT Q 2 a s*r !C 2 5? ? U = ^ 0 0 p: ^ c r : : 5 2. 3 ft Ct 3 ri ^ /' “C! Z CouslHutionallst Augusta, Ga. rt'.e Phviinlcle & Uniistitiili imid-f is rapidlv approacniiig tiie eoniplet.iou of Inc first century of e.'.isfoncv. T.he pa.' r we piihlisu i. essential- ly a ;y.Ki of modern progress, whieii di ui. >ust,ra les tfi.-ti this journal has bet ter and si.ii.ngi.r ns it increases in years. The in u who nave, front one generation n, another, worked upon It, arid helped to make it a power in tiie laid, submit, tftnl will submit, to the com- m n lot, of immunity, and pass away from this earth and its still..gins, but the result ot their la- . , j our remain.'', and will continue to remain. Tho uvo, nnu tolu him hat he hau klflod a i w-n-'-aneii die, nut tim wmk goes on. h 1 1 lii'i'iiiele enters tiie new year with excel)- man, and asked for his assistance in or dor that he might be able to make his •escape. The assistance .vas very read ily obtained in a largo amount of mon oy, and the last account heard of Ben ina v a- p ar, an exifuination of histories I jumin he was on his way to tho Lone if aoo ent Gre 3e and Rome will show uut the corruption of the governmeuts 7lbctje great ancient republics finailv Relied and <h ^masses of tl rted the morals of nle, and produced ^ightv empirts.— Hul end of the jvitablo ll ©tar btato, t ndvant.nKi s. It-daily .iditlo.i is h wiK-lill- ed e!gilt-puge pupi r. Its second eilh'.ou. for the evening m.uis, is i igiit pnges, with tho n. .-nioon m irliets i-.nn i.i.di r.raplue reports. U tukeu the phicei.f tue l.ij-wei",ly edition, its mam.noth weekly pui or wil! oomparc wlmany in tlio coun- I ry. into tiiisedi. Imi the olnfici si o• ii.l t ivnmlo..t, Hews of the week is collect ml, nil i upon i,s hip the best and freshest edit r aland mlsoclldne ous matter (nan tliednily is poured. lts uiHikot reports.covoring miivy one page, will fio an especial feature, prepared each week for tho uojntrv reader. Its news -. ■rviee v.l'.l sustained by trained and scholarly eorrespondeiits in the three eanito a- D. L. FULLERTON, AUGUSTA, (LL THE oldest STOVE DEALElf ia the city Hundreds of families in Burke, Jefferson and Richmond counties are using our stoves sold to theln during the last fifteen years. Every housekeeper, will attest to their useful ness, economy, aim comfort. Call at FULLERTON'S for li e k&w light mmsM The newest and largest and best wood burn ing stove in tlic market. At FULLERTON'S you will find TINWARE. WOODENW ARM. CROCKERY, ti HOUSEKEEPERS HARDWARE. D. L. FULLERTON, 028 Broad fcstreoi, Augusta, Ga. aug.25 ’«2.t-f. filolley m $ DRUG & SEED STORE, The. Largest stock of BUIST’J GARDEN SEED ever biouglit Burke iv-uniy. ONION SETS—Two Burr whi e ami red at Hulleyinan’s Di and !S ed Stu)’e. FINE GARDEN PEAS.—BwDC Ex’ni E>rlv, Bui t’s Premier Exj E r y, McL tin’s Liftip Gem, E.ulv Tom 'j'livim c>mi \V r ..n )er, Engl<vmj L-roe White Marrowf;\t, for salt ii 'lieytmii’s Drug and Seed Sh BEANS.— Buisi'sGiant Wax, \><i Buist'-S iithern Pc«>li.'iv,poli*., BuiL G rrnau Wax, dw .rf. Buist’- Gt)l • m Wax, dwarf. Buist’s VVhi W y, dvv-irt, Etr v V:ilenli>e. <lw»| Buim’s Sin.n|i Lima. pule. Lar j" Li V |i >ia•! fr -h nod nuv at Hull' vim Di .iiu' Seed S ne. EEDS. - Buiib’s Ear] 1C • r’v Burge Y( A, Harter, r 1 » a» , 1 1 • . I < * • 1 n ilWitil Ij UIM I I'cpoilvJ 1 lllo ll) 1 pt . I III ( I < t l| l|| () N— Fmbao.y the only man m the United At'aiita.Oolumbiaatunv.ashingiou-whiioli will States who bus ever used greenbacks for gunwadding is J. L Shirly, of Dal las county, Texas, lie wont huntiuy with in currency in his pocket, and used paper for wadding. Ho was loading from the wrong pocket, howev er, and had *bot away ^Gt) of Ins mon ey before he discovered his mistake. Mt « «- he Banner sa strive to have a nows representative in every neighboring town. Tim mail facllitiesot this paper are now superb Four daily trains distribute its editions in South t'urolinu and three in Georgia, it reuehesall the principal points in South ''urollna early on the day of puhlleatiim, reaching Columbia at ll a m. Tiie fast mail schedule of the Georgia Railroad lands tiie L'hronlelu and Constitutionalist in all towns along the line early In tiie.forenoon, while Its issue is unfolded in Atlanta and Athens noon each da” Tkums, Pk i Yakh ; Morning edition 810 00 Evening edition 0 00 Sunday edition y 2 00 Weekly edition 2 00 Address all in ters to the t’niioNiei.K Si Co I'ulrlch -DEALER IN- Norfolk and Savannah Oysters, Fresh Fish, of all kinds. Fresh Fork and Beef. Fresh home-mado Sausages, Tho ohoioo»t Fruits, etc. (WUR \GE Y'uk. Bui-iN Eh ■ \ Surr.iv I; 'Ht, E ir 1 y WirnigHti jfii)■ y Drumli'aii, Lite Drurune.T? Liio F t Du eti. R”<1 Duicili, foj pickl uu:. Lni'ly Fr’iich Ox'iai Di tGulerd S ivoy, Green (fiasiel lb irly .1 eisoy Wiik-fi-ld nt Ho'lejJ man’s Di tig and Semi Store. Turnip Seeds, Radish Seed", Seed Potatoes, Irish, Boot Seeds, Carr ds, Okra, (J«*.Ur>, and numy other kinda •f sends which arc all fresh and pure at HOLLEYMAN’S. iun23 ? 82tf Augusta Hotel, Broad Str* et, - AUGUSTA, GA. Lewis * W«oA, Prop>», Near liillroacL crossing, liar and Billiard nc» und LIquoih id In beat stylo on