The true citizen. (Waynesboro, Ga.) 1882-current, March 02, 1883, Image 5

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/? »BOUO.GA., FRIDAY, MARCH 2, ' *i the post office at Waynesboro, Ga. '' aa second class matter. THE BAR WICK- r ‘C-r-a-w-fo-r-d!” “Zur!” —To keep Rweet potatoes from itting—send them to us. ■The friends of Gol. A. M. Rodgers ill rejoice to hear of his improved faith. •The people and the Press rely tan The Citizen for the news of the 'mnty. —Air breaks were used on the ins on this rail Toad on Friday. Phe pipes, we hear, were passed over lie freight cars. —Anderson Quinn, colored, cut umself to the houfe on the wrist an ax, a few JaVa ago. Ander son says he didn’t know he was so fat. —Mr. fields, of Emanuel oounty died in Savannah on Tuesday. Mr. F. jus engaged in running a large turpen le farm in Emanmel at the time of death. The report has reached us thnt Mr Josephus Camp died very suddenly of heart disease, in Swainshoro, on Wed nesday evening. The report says that Mr. Camp went to the postoffice a little after 7 o’clock, the time of the arrival of the mail, and was taken with a vio lent pain in the stomach, asking some one to go for a physician he turned to take a seat, and fell dead in the act of sitting down. Mr. Camp was a promi nent lawyer and citizen of Swains boro, and the community is both shocked and grieved at bis sudden death. REMEDY FOR HOG CHOLERA. c. Two weeks ago, we published an ac count of the killing of a negro in Eman uel county, by a young white man named Lot Barwiok. The account was given us by our South Bartow correspondent, and we gave it relying upon tho correct ness of the faets, but in the last issue of the SwaiDsboro Itemizer the editor of that journal says our statement was in correct, and wo cheerfully give the ac count of the affair as it appears in the Itemizer, and whioh that paper endor- soses as correot. s been discontinued ai ter for that point will hereafter be to Lawtonville. Squire Lively will take out the mail for the Sardis neigh borhood ana carry to his store for the convenience of the people. We regret this discon’inuanc© exceedingly, as it must inconvenience a considerable number of the citizens of onr oounty.— Burke county is already poor enough off in the way of mail facilities now, t»nd this discontinuance lessens it one. ty Property ” HE undersigned offers hi* beautiful reside!; in Waynesboro foi sale. it is one of the convenient and comfortable homes in tow* The lioum Is two stories, with 10cleguot kitchen, 2 room servants' house, wood ehecl, a fine well pf water at the door. Attached large. rich garden containing a fine straw bed' * *‘ p * ‘ * In full bearing, a youu* orchard of a varten of fine fruits-uln fact everythin* that enn mala a home Qomtortabie. I offer this beautiful bonis for sale because I design leaving Waynesboro! —t do " 1 and any one wishing to purchase will inline it. call and examine it. Toasession given at eriber. weU t<J time. For terms call on the subsor F*b.9,'8a.c-t. L. II. BOUTZAHNJ [—Our young friend, Jim Sea’es, iving exhausted all t he game in this jart of Georgia, contemplates going TJorida. where there are yiveuer ires, and more of them. -The price of bacon in Waynesboro eta. per pound cash when cut. it these figured the present season of the year, who can tell what the price dll be next summer and fall ? —Mr. M. M. Godbee, of this county i© struggled long with the fell destroy consumption, and who was reported lead several times recently, died on it Sund. y evening Our smypath’es tendered the bereaved family. The report of the prevalence of hog cholera in this and adjoining counties, induces us to give a remedy which we know to be as effectual as it is simple Give hogs effected with cholera a table spoonful each of common commercial mustard three mornings in succession, mixed iu a little dampened meal.— After a tew days, if the disease ha* not entirely disappeared, repeat the dose. When a hog has became so sick that it will not eat, force the medicine down its throat, and in nine case out of ten it can be saved. This remedy is not only a sovereign cure but is a preventive, as well, and hogs which have it adininist ered every throa or four months never have cholera. We have known the above remedy tried many times, and have never known it to fall. Let our farmers test its efficacy. THE LATEST. [if scientists'know the prononess of taets to deposit their eg£8 in decayed fruit. What creates worms in the hu man body ? Think of this, ana eiye ' Sbriner’s Indian Vermituge occasionally your children. Fur sale by W. F. ^lleyman. •The weather has been extremeh ie the jfsfent week. The first days of the week were unseasonably cold, ice being reported on Tuesday morning. Thu r eduy Nuul to-day (F)'i day) have been beautiful, pleasant spring days. •Mrs. Zorn, of South Carolina, mother of our townsman, Mr. \V. E. Zotn had her house and kitchen de stroyed by fire a few days ago. The fire originated from the stove in the kitchen. Onlv a small part of the fur.- niture was saved. Special to the Atlanta Constitution. Washington, February 28.—As the session draws to a close it is noti eable that the scramble over the Georgia offices is less greedy.— The war on Longstreet has been abandoned, though the bad feeling between him and Farrow does not moderate. Bryant has not been seen in Washington recently. Wil son keeps quiet. As to the Pleus- ants case, no satisfactory explanatioi : P ! P leasnnts — One of our young gents who went to great expense to^obtain a large, fine boquet of japoriipas, and wasted a whole bottle of cologne'Hjpon it before trans mitting it to a certain young lady, is anxiously a. wailing a returns from his investmen in futures. —On Monday night the up accommo dation train broke the front trucks of tho tender, and was delated unti about 12 o’clock TuesdayN(fhcn an engiue was sfnt to its asgisartce. No dam age was done to passengers or freight. The accident occurred near Perkins’ Junction. of the long delay ;• given, is not to be retained, but he has con tinued in office more than two months since the occasion for hi? removal was discovered. Jess..- Wimberly bus assurance very direct from headquarters that he is to sue ceed Pleasants bur says he may not be appointed until after congress adjourns. White, the colored poli tician preacher, has gone home after wandering about Washington two months. Pleasants’ deputy collec tor at Augusta is his brother in-law, Beard. He is to be removed and White putin his place. Farrow will not be disturbed at Brunswick, for the present ut least. Pledger has been let alone in his A thnta sinecure. Boring has not vet commenced on our irtesian well, and while operations seem be progressing thus slowlyv/rom the tutious and solid preparations which tre making, the contractor's evidently arding against eyery chance of fai - The boring wil certainly begin Sf MRS. CRICHTON. Onr information is, that George Rill ard, a bard working negro, better known in the county as George Dallas, some time ago employed a young white man, Lot Barwick by name, who, prior to the t'rne of the shooting, bore the repu tation pf being an inoffensive and peace able <'iiizen, to haul a stipulated amount of timber for him, for which ho was to receive so much, preparatory to rafting it; that after carrying out in good faith about half of the coutract, the employee, because of a team insufficient to com plete it, (I’arwick furnished his own team) abandoned the undertaking, and demanded pay of his employer, for ser vices rendered, which the negro openly refused to recognize, as the white man had failed to cairy out his contract; that Barwick became incensed at this and instituted suit in a justice court agAinst Dallas for the amount due him, and obtained a judgment; that on Thursday, the 8th infef.. they had a mis understanding, growing out of said suit, in which, it is said, the negro was great ly to blame, and no inconsiderable bad feeling was engendered, but that the parties did not ‘‘mix that on Satur day evening, the 10th inst., Barwick, having learned tint the negro was get ting ready to be off to Darien with the timber, mounted his horse and r^de down to the river to have the timber attached ; that after arriving there ho began cursing Dallas who was on the raft fixing it, to which the negro made some insolent reply ; that Barwiok commanded Dallas to hush Ins mouth ; but the negro, instead of obeying the mandate, coldly luformed the white man that his speaking appara*us belonged to him, and he would talk as much as be pleased ; that Barwick 'lien told a third party, who chanced to be standing be tween him and the ne rn, to step to one side which command was readily heeded and he drew his pisto and fired at 1 al las: and, on seeing lum fall into the river, wheeled his horse and rode rapid ly away. The ball entered just below the left eye and found lodgement smnwhere in the cranium. When shot, Dal as ell into the river, as stated above, and would have drowned had he not beeu rescued by two nth-r negroes, who were assisting him in his w rk”. The wound ed man though not out of danger, is c^ng well at this writing (Wednesday evening), and it is thought by his phy sicians that he will recover. Last week Sheriff Daniel and Deputy Sheriff Kemp wont t.e arrest Barwick, but the bird had flown to another part of the immoral vineyard. A NEW SOUTHERN I.ITKRARY AND HUMC OUS JOURNAL. PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT ATLANTA, GA.. B vj SMALL A WILLIAMS. —Some of our exchanges located the Inmau murder in Burke county, whioh was an egregious error, but it remained The Georgia Major for the Dooly Vindicator to cap the ® ** climax, and locate it in Waynesboro.— Burke county and Waynesboro bave their fantls, but this is one sin of which they are not guilty. How anyone pro fessing to possess a thimb eful of sense can read a clear and we 1 defined state- men', and i hen make such a nonsensical blunder i* inexplicable to us. We have seen ouou.h of this, and advise our brethren of the Vindicator to throw on another pine they may read thier news items clearly, which may save them the mortification of making them" st ives such a pair of donkeys a second time. It js an electrical success. On the aur.onnn ment of its publication, we are in receipt ,< hundreds of orders from all parts of the Union., It wil! be the only representative jonrnal. Southern life, customs, humor and popular his tory. Old d Si. the famous negro philosopher, airs hi| wit and w sdom In every issue. Headquarter of The Georgia Major are at Atlanta, Ga ■ fc Send one dollar for six months or two dollar for one year. These are our only terms and ai] for cash in advance. Address, SMALL A WILLIAMS, Atlanta, Ga. Artesian wells in this and adjoin ing Ohuniies are on a boom. 0»n- traoors are just about ready to be gin the boring of two in this county ; and two or three more are spoken of, in the adjoining counties, we hear that tffo or three are contracted for, and several others iu contemplation. Geor gia is the garden spot of the world, and Burke county is the garden spot of Georgia, with one exception—health. Malarial fevers, which make up the greater paVt of all the sickness to which our people pre subject, is be eg attrib uted to bud\water, and wherever these «e;ls are bored and a supply of pure water obtaines, the fever will disappear. The Citizen {s sure y due some credit for awaking thd public to the impor tance of this great enterprise, which will make old Burke the most desirable place of residence in the State. Then, pr ice the earth deep, and let the pure and.healthful waters flowr S.nTJsis rf Leal Adv riis e ments- ordinary’s W. E. Zorn, iruar.lian of Ruth and Redding Hardwick, implies for leave to sell all the rent estate of said minors. Will be passed upon tho first Monday in April. A. H Seonyers applies for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of A. ,T. Heon- yers. Will be passed upon the first Monday in April, next. Francis A Junes, administratrix on the estate of Mary T. Jones, applies for leave to sell the real estate of said deceased, and one share of stock of the Central Railroad. Will be passed upon the first Monday in Api-it, next. Mrs. Lucy Hill, administratrix of Wm. J. Tlill. applies for leave to sell a house and lot in the town of Wavnesboro. Will bo passed upon the nrst Monday in April. Dr. L. 1). Johnson, administrator on the of John Rollins, applies for letters of dismission from said administration. Will be passed upon the first Monday in May next. HAVE Bulat’s Early Rose Potatoes, Vermont Good Rich Potatoes, Vermont, White a' Onion Sets, Champion of F.ti*ltind Peas! Eye Marrowfat Peus, Extra Early Pea Lean’s l.iitle Gem Pi.urn Dwarf Early| Thumb Peas, Yorkshire CABBA Earlv York, Early Sucar Loa! stadt,’ Early Dartre, it-rk, Late Drumhead, Late Flat D Early Jersey KukeLeiu Karl GEORGIA Musical Instruction. The friends and acquaintances of Mrs. Jennie K. Crichton will b« gratified to learn that sifier is vt*r»l months absence from Atlanta she i- again in the city. We learn that she has been offered a handsome to necept the position of soprano in a choir in a church in Augusta. It is said that she has not declined or accepted the offer as vet. While tli musical ueople of this place appreci ate the comp iment to Atlanta, they i new advertiseUflWTof the Ordina y for the information of our readers, nd shall oontiuue to publish a synopsis f all legal advertisements as soon as ^ey appear. Of oourse, we will uot vo the full legal form, but will make be form full enough to be readily and learly comprehended, —On Wednesday last an At anta rummer, whose name we were unable board the train depot, wheu he etweeu the wheels have certainly n killed had ndt Mr. E. C. Blount, who was standing near.snatched from under the car wheels. isb a synopsis of \ her *’° hi £ hl y to see her 1< av, ‘ ■to learn, attem while kt motion, _ fell, his legs pass ' oar. II high- fully i i another column will be found rartieeinent of Prof. C, J. W al- ITeriog his services to those de siring iostmetittn in music. Prof. Wallaoe not only comes with the b eat of recommendations, but has proved his eompeteney to teach his beau tiful accomplishment. Those who de sign aoquirioff a knowledge of musis can have all tho taoilitiee to do so that oan be found in anj academy (of music iu the land, and will throw a onportunity they have had to oca* if they do not emb th<* city, and as there are some vn cancies h»*e, it is possible that >t po sition may be offered here.—Atlanta Constitution. The above extract is a deserved C 'Diplimentto a very estimable lady. The friends of Mr*. Crichton here will rej«»ice at this intelligence, al though they will rgret to lose hei I>ermanent)y. She is a lady ofre* finement, intelligence nnd remarka ble musical talent and culture. Her stay among u\ brought to an end by Providential causes, was one of profit, to her acquaintenoes for the direction and impui-e she gavo to mu-ical harmony and appreciation. We hope she may find it to her I«t« rest to return to our little city aome day. S. A. Gray offers a few of ihe Oozier Long Hmp'e Silk Cotton Seed for sa e. They make one and a half I a es of cotton per acre, which sell for one cent per pound more than cotton made from o her seed. The undersigned respectfully informs those who desire a THOROUGH (,'OUKNB IN MUSIi . that he Is prepared to give instructions upoii the VIOLIN, PIANO and ORGAN. Pupils for FLU PE and GUITAR oan also enter the class. Ilis prices are reasonable. Li'*' For rates and tu flier particulars apply to CUAS. J. WALLACE. niur.’Aitf. Waynesboro, Ga. Nsw Bearding House C. VV " iIURST, Prop. Augusta, Ga., Feb. 28, 1883. Editor True Citizen:—The Wo man's Christian Temperanee Union re - turn thanks fbr your good wishes and charming words ot encouragement.— The good cause iir gaining ground and popularity every day, for whioh we are muoh indebted to the Press, and pray ;he Lord to ble«s them for the help they are giviug. Respectfully. Mrs. W. C. SjwmeY. Ilavinu takon the Dixon House, I am prepared to accomodate boih Transient and Regular Boarders, on Ihe most reasonable terms. Larire rooms, nicely furnished. Clean and comfortable beds. ’V l’roropt and attentive servants. Tables furnished with the best Centrally locate'’. Healthy locality. feblO'SSbm NEW BARBER SHOP tiie Keiicral public, that I have opened Mr. “ * ‘ ‘ Barber Shop over Mr. S. A Gray’s store, where i am prepared to do Hair Cuttin*, Shampooing, Shaving, etc.. In a workmanlike manner. My work will show for itself, febltt’tatf. HENRY JONES, ARLINGTON BOOSE BARBER SBOF, WILLIAMS <t BROWN. Rnop’s. Trophy, Selected Tilde*. Halhevovs Tomato, Uoideu Trot looted J’lOpy, et«.. Cucumbers CrcPMSEM.--Early white Spine, Bar Lon dot! Loner Green. Early Chester. Si/iiash — Party Bush or Patty rni| Summer Crook Nock, Buiet’a Imp (uvea Mu i Vdoheac’, ate. Golden IVm —L. B. Clay was in town Thursday He came for tbn purpose of purchasing the tools and material of the defnnot artesian well whioh failed in lais place a (bort time ago. He bus compacted to bore s well iu Midviile, this oounty, and will commence boring in s few du\s. m < l«y »s s hsrd-workin lain)? w'-'h him the fullest im), 1 1 1 mid wo UOCCSS In acknowledging tho receipt of the above graceful note we can but repeat our sincere wish for the success of the great cause to which these noble ladies are devoting ihemselves with such generous earnestness. It is woman’s field of labor—she is the great sufferer by the terrible sin of strong drink—and armed with a consciousness of the right of her great cause, and a true appreci ation of the work in whioh she is engaged, she can prove her influence stronger than all the laws which Legislatures are capable of enacting. Let her gentle influence exert its saving power, and a reform must be the result. May God 0less the righteouu work in whioh the noble women of the Woman’s Christian Temperanoo Union are engaged. Wo ho* t^avo to Inform tb« cltlrum of Burko ! t’«uad;i. and tho public wm-rally, that wo have now i formed a oo-partnership, and combined our two barber shop*. v\ e thank the i ubllc for past f iutrn*u*H and ask ■>. continuance of the Hume lair Cuttin*. Hair Dreasiu*, Shaving, etc., done In the moat urtlatic si vie. lunUHJtoo. •+ corn. Bui lt’* Large White E. F. Lawson, A ttorn cy-a t-Law } WAYNESBORO, ... - GA. Will promptly attend to all business Intrustod to hia care, and give special attention to the practioe In the Coun of Ordinary. Office next doof to Arlington Hotel. novlO'Saby. I cruarartca ail of the above <***wmsm Prices. asm Coumiit your In" buying elsewhere. —1,000 BOXES FLORIDA ORANGES, MVff Se (Artsi ttivtiy in Premium* to eubtcribtrt- For particular*, addrt■*» Herald Publishing Co. t Jan.ts.1W.ot. Tavarks, Oranok Co,, Elohioa Jchn 35. Ashton, tturnhi at La WAYNESBORO, GA. lunSS.HS b-y. re POJITIVICLY CAdll